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Canadian Minister: Allowing Women to Defend Themselves is ‘Unrealistic and Offensive’

There’s one universally accepted law of nature: every creature has a right to defend itself. From the elephants and giraffes on the plains of Africa to a woman walking alone down a dark alleyway, the right of each organism to defend itself against attack is a universally accepted fact that has existed since the beginning of time.

Or, at least, it should be. Here in the United States that right is enshrined and protected in the Second Amendment. Other places are more…sophisticated.

Canada is currently one of those places where the use of common, non-lethal self defense items like pepper spray is banned. One Member of Parliament, Kellie Leitch, is trying to change that. But she’s running into some heavy resistance from government officials who believe that allowing women to defend themselves is “unrealistic and offensive.”

Patty Hadju, Canada’s Minister of Status of Women (above), had this to say about Leitch’s proposal:

Violence against women is unacceptable in our society and our government is committed to making sure that women facing violence have a safe place to turn. Ms. Leitch’s proposal is unrealistic and offensive to women across this country. Her misguided approach places the onus on women to defend themselves rather than focusing on addressing and preventing gender-based violence.

This kind of statist gobbledigook has become all too common. Women don’t need the means to protect themselves. We just need to teach men not to rape.

Don’t think for a minute that this same “logic” is confined to locales like the Great White North or cosmopolitan capitals of Euro-weenie savoir vivre. It’s being applied here in the United States, too.

The Bloomberg bucks-funded site ‘The Trace’ — among many others — pushes the narrative that guns actually make women less safe. That women are somehow incapable of defending themselves against those who would beat, rape or murder them.

That doesn’t sound very empowering to me.

Violence against women (or men, for that matter) is indeed unacceptable in our society. Those who commit such acts should be caught and punished accordingly. But short of having a police officer permanently assigned to you at all times, there’s no way to actually guarantee your personal safety.

Humans have been teaching people that rape and murder is bad at least since Moses came down from the mountain. That process seems far from perfect. Which is why millions of Americans have been purchasing firearms: to avail themselves of the right to defend themselves and their families from possible violence. Because the best way to heal someone who has been victimized is to prevent the act from happening in the first place.

79 thoughts on “Canadian Minister: Allowing Women to Defend Themselves is ‘Unrealistic and Offensive’”

  1. Nice, women facing (IE that have faced) violence have a safe place to turn.
    Kind of late having somewhere safe to go after getting the shit beaten out of you.
    Canada – America’s hat.

    • Person responsibility is a foreign concept to liberal fools such as this woman. They prefer to see people dependent on the almighty government for their every need…including self defense. Not to mention the chauvinistic and sexist nature of the statement. Next, she’ll be telling us that the lady’s place is in the kitchen or the bedroom.

  2. I cannot understand this woman’s reasoning at all. I keep reading her statement, but all I’m getting from it is a headache and a nose bleed…

    • You are not able to understand her reasoning because there is no reasoning. See my comment below where I explain how she arrived at her position.

  3. I agree with Minister Hadju — Canadian women should be denied the right to self defense. They’ve proven themselves to be nothing more than chattel by their choice of elected officials.

    OTOH, some US women have shown themselves to be made of sterner stuff.

    • Aren’t you charming. A person’s worth does not depend on who they voted for. Most people who voted liberal in the last election did so because they didn’t want the conservatives back in power, but the NDP and the Green party are still seen as either suspicious or a joke.

      I hardly think that Americans get to judge us based on our elected officials, by the way, given who you lot just voted into power. Trudeau has his problems, but he’s no Donald Trump. You guys are screwed in a way that we will not be.

      • Like hell… First off, Trudeau is an asshat of the most epic order – just like The “Honourable” Minister quoted herein (and most liberal politicians on both sides of the border).
        Second, anyone who votes for such ilk is deserving of rebuke, especially when it is simply to vote against the other major party or because of bullshit progressive media talking points.

      • Just read the statements from Trudeau and Trump on the death of Castro to understand everything you need to know about the persons.

      • “A person’s worth does not depend on who they voted for”

        Perhaps not, but their intellect and morality is clearly displayed in such a manner. Anyone who voted for Trudeau or Hillary is either evil or stupid.

        “I hardly think that Americans get to judge us based on our elected officials, by the way, given who you lot just voted into power. Trudeau has his problems, but he’s no Donald Trump. You guys are screwed in a way that we will not be.”

        We were screwed when the Liberal-voting, low-IQ, no rational-morality idiots like yourself put the Leftist criminal Obama into power. Thankfully, enough people woke up to prevent the biggest criminal in American history from getting in. If Trump keeps his promises he should really improve the situation in the US for everyone except for the Liberal criminals mooching and looting from their intellectual and moral superiors. And, that my ignorant little lady is a good thing!

      • Vala – I’m not quite sure how to respond to your remarks as your various posts seem to make you of two minds on the subject of this article. That said, I’ll address your “air of superiority” where our elected officials are concerned.

        Do you really feel as if Canadians hold the moral high-ground over Amaericans with your disgraceful PM, Monsieur Trudeau?? No one thinks Mr. Trump is a peach but, puhlease, Canada’s PM practically sprained his neck trying to kiss old Fidel’s dead ass when he died. The name Castro is synonymous with dictator, thug and murderer, one who imprisons and execute his own people…ah, but I digress.

        I’ll take a boorish DJ Trump over a privileged little twerp like Justin who, aside form a brief one year teaching stint, has been a career politician and has truly produced nothing in his lifetime except an endearing eulogy for a man of the of of Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler.

      • Vala – I’m not quite sure how to respond to your remarks as your various posts seem to make you of two minds on the subject of this article. That said, I’ll address your “air of superiority” where US elected officials are concerned.

        Do you really feel as if Canadians hold the moral high-ground over Americans with your disgraceful PM, Monsieur Trudeau?? No one thinks Mr. Trump is a peach but, puhlease, Canada’s PM practically sprained his neck trying to kiss old Fidel’s dead ass. The name Castro is synonymous with dictator, thug and murderer, one who imprisons and execute his own people…ah, but I digress.

        I’ll take a boorish DJ Trump over a privileged little twerp like Justin “Bieber” Trudeau who, aside from a brief one year teaching stint, has been a career politician and has truly produced nothing in his lifetime except an endearing eulogy for a man of the ilk of Stalin, Pol Pot and Hitler.

    • No one should be denied the right to legitimate self defense no matter what they believe, what country they live in, what gender they are, what letter they put after their name, and especially no matter who they voted for. There are no exceptions to this concept.

      • I agree 100%.

        Also, they made the bed they are lying in and it stinks bad because the person they voted in to be in charge of the bed making process stuffed the pillow with moose turds. So thats a interesting turn of events.

    • @ Ralph – Your argument is absurd. You think every woman in Canada deserves to be left defenseless because the liberals voted in insane politicians? By that logic, gun owners living in states like California and New York should be stripped of their second amendment rights because liberals in those states’ mega cities vote in anti-gun politicians.

      • Well, yes, actually. Gun owners of those states ARE being stripped of their civil rights precisely for that reason. The majority of those states voters decided thats how it should be and gave power to people(?) who promised to restrict, regulate and licence those rights.
        Was that wrong? All here would say so. But the voters of those states would, and did, disagree.

  4. Canada’s Minister of Status of Women to women who have been attacked: “Hi. I’m Patty and you just got your ass kicked in. Thank you for being ladylike and allowing it to happen without making a fuss.”

    • Good Lord. It’s the Canadian equivalent of “Just stare at the ceiling and think of the Maple Leaf, dear.”

    • It is official. The Canadian civilization is dying. It is not just in decline.
      There are pictures of the Canadian parliament with unarmed members who barricaded the doors with chairs when a terrorist tried to kill them with a lever gun.

      Oh Canada it is indeed very sad for you.

  5. A safe place to turn? Like what — a magical phone booth that appears that a woman can jump into and not be followed?

    What’s insulting to women is requiring them to be defenseless victims. Until the gene pool stops producing individuals who prey on their own species, the real dignity lies in being able to choose your means of improving the gene pool.

    • it has been my observation that those most opposed to improving the gene pool by removing violent criminals from it usually would be most affected by said removal via family bonds or in person.

      A form of Liberal Survival Instinct as it were.

  6. “Here in the United States that right is enshrined and protected in the Second Amendment.”

    There, fixed that for you. We provide the protection part.

  7. This is what happens when your ahole neighbors who needed a job (a/k/a: your government) gang up on you and provide you tyranny instead of service.

    Nowhere on the planet will you find a government consisting of (otherworldly) aliens (and also not like our alien Obama), animals, or robots. We all have Men (mankind) for governors. People don’t need governance (find all those selling that sh_t and kick them in the junk) GOVERNMENTS NEEED GOVERNANCE. We elect our assholes to go to places of power to tell the assholes you elected to go f themselves when they start sounding like this Canadian ahole in the OP.


  8. government is committed to making sure that women facing violence have a safe place to turn.

    I am guessing she means the threat of violence. Because if she is facing imminent violence by someone larger, stronger, and determined I am afraid the only place she will have to turn is around and over.

  9. Once again Ms. Hadju demonstrates that the Progressive mind operates on altruism, fantasy, and emotion.

    “… our government is committed to making sure that women facing violence have a safe place to turn.”

    “… preventing gender-based violence.”

    “Ms. Leitch’s proposal is unrealistic and offensive … places the onus on women to defend themselves …”

    Is everyone finally starting to see the pattern?

    Now that we know the pattern, we should be responding to the pattern to utterly and totally destroy the false narrative.

  10. Don’t expect Canada( eh) to get better. They elected uber left Justin Trudeau to fook the frozen north more than it already is…this isn’t surprising considering they are all stlil SUBJECTS. Break the law gals…

    • Toronto and the East coast elected him. The subject/citizen divide is irrelevant when democracy comes to town.

  11. GUN CONTROL is the misguided leftist notion that it is somehow better for a woman to lie dead – raped and strangled – then suffer the indignity of being left alive, having to explain to the cops why she had to shoot the dumb son-of-a-bitch.

    • Another version: To a Liberal, it is more morally correct to find a woman dead in an alley raped & then strangled with her own panty hose than having her explaining to police how her attacker ended up dead.

  12. The public women need to stand up and tell that dumb hoo-er that she doesn’t speak for them. If she does, then let them hang. You can’t fix pussification by outlawing empowerment.

    Canada is basically France, after all.

  13. Canadians are nice people, but they are SUBJECTS–NOT CITIZENS. Their “Charter of Rights” is RIGHTS granted to them by their government…NOT “endowed by their Creator”…

    • If rights are actually endowed by a “creator” then that principle is in effect whether a man-made document chooses to acknowledge it or not. Unfortunately god rarely intervenes ( i.e., never ) in order to enforce his divine ruling so, as usual, it’s up to freedom loving humans to actually do the dirty work.

  14. If it was YOUR daughter or sister having to put up with this tripe, how long would it take you to quietly explain to your beloved female relative, that this is just another example of sexist paternalism under the guise of (“girls can do anything!”) gender equality politics. The stupid bitch (I think that’s the politest word I could use) is saying what she thinks, and it is obvious her thinking mechanism is faulty. Evidently, she has some post grad degree in feminist theory or some other form of ridiculous brainwashing. Anyway, just give your girl a gun and some lessons. You will both sleep easier for your efforts. She will thank you, and it may just save her life.

  15. Attn my fellow Canadians: make sure you buy a good pair of running shoes to go along with the “bear spray” you keep in your bag in the middle of your large municipal area.

      • People who aren’t there when the police arrive are people who don’t have to answer those questions. In Canada, you may win the inevitable court case, but the punishment is the process.

  16. Soooo… we also teach people not steal. Is it offensive and unrealistic to think it’s still prudent for people to lock the doors to their homes and cars?

  17. Sounds like its time for a trade. All the liberals in America head north. The conservatives in Canada…come on down. The liberals can even take their illegal alien friends with them. In the end, everyone is happier.

  18. “…Her misguided approach places the onus on women to defend themselves”

    To put it bluntly…F U Mrs Hadju.

    What kind of monster are you to limit any woman whatever means she chooses to defend herself? It’s like you *want* the women to be victims because you want them to be defenseless.

    • They still do- it’s just marketed as bear spray or dog spray. It’s in the case with the higher priced stuff they lock up.

      A suitable defense could be “well, it looked like a bear to me!”, for the woman who uses it in defense. A better defense is leaving the scene and never talking about it, of course.

  19. s Miss Leitch advocating legislation to allow women access to deadly self defense weapons? Is she also proposing the removal of current programs to prevent violence? If the answer to both is “no”, then Miss Hadju has zero reason to oppose this other than her secret motives.

  20. So someone read A Clockwork Orange and thought it was a serious plan for society to embrace? Tolerate rape and brutality and depend on the Ludovico Technique for protection. Hey lady. Who cares more about you? The government or you?

  21. Well…yeah. The onus is on you to protect yourself. Unless you’re a child, no one else is going to do it for you.

  22. Actually, it’s more offensive to insinuate that women should have the privilege of not defending ourselves. What are we, withering fainting Victorian damsels in distress? No. I am offended by the idea that I’m not capable of defending myself, that I shouldn’t even be allowed to carry something nonlethal like pepper spray because apparently criminals have more rights than I do. I would feel honoured to come to my own defense…survival is a deep-seated visceral need and I would be glad to oblige it by making damn sure that anyone who tried to hurt me never succeeds. I am offended by the idea that we need to “teach men not to rape” – doesn’t she realize that rapists aren’t raping because nobody told them not to?? It’s insane. Give me a fricking weapon of some kind and I will handle my own shit. Perhaps gender-based violence would be less common if the sort of person inclined to assault women knew that they would have their eyes burned out with pepper spray or that they’d have to contend with a Spyderco knife brandished their way. We deserve the right to self-defense because while it would be nice to have no gender prejudice, that’s not the society we live in and probably never will be in our lifetimes.

    • You don’t “deserve” it, you were born with it. Preservation of ones own life is basic human instinct. To suggest you deserve to have that right bestowed upon you by your benevolent government is to seriously miss the point, or at minimum to undertake a losing argument.

      • That’s precisely what I meant. “Deserve” isn’t quite the right word. We have that right and we need the government to not get in the way of it and impede us from exercising that right when we are threatened.

  23. Same in UK,& Australia–at least the Aussie’s are starting to fight to get their rights to weapons back–part of their gun grab was an ad that said you do not need a gun for self defense because you are not allowed to defend yourself–down there the crime rate is stupendous; young, old, handicapped especially have large targets on themselves

    • Maybe she’s related to our own Hideous Rotten Criminal–not really sure what’s underneath that pantsuit

  24. … tech men not to rape

    So the nerds in IT are raping again? I guess the memo sent out last week didn’t work.

  25. “Her misguided approach places the onus on women to defend themselves rather than focusing on addressing and preventing gender-based violence.”

    Right. Like how when law enforcement tell homeowners to lock their cars and homes, it places the onus on individuals to keep their shit from getting stolen, rather than focusing on teaching burglars that stealing is bad.

    Misguided? How about correct?

  26. Where else in nature do you see living organisms choose to limit their means of defending their own existence? You don’t, officials treat the public like cattle to be easily managed in large numbers.

  27. Once you’ve created what essentially us a government position of Minister of Drawing Chalk Outlines, you’ve pretty much conceded that violence against women is entirely acceptable. What must never be allowed is independence of women.

    Self defense us not offense. This Canadian Quisling, this rapist enabler, and murderer abbettor of a government official is what’s offensive.

  28. By coincidence I was telling my son today that Canada is twenty years behind the times. I also said that in some ways that’s good, and in some ways it’s bad.
    After reading this I’d have to add that in some ways it’s pure ignorance. Canada thinks they’re always taking some moral high ground. They’re delusional and most likely forty years behind the times.
    Remember, they elected Rob Ford mayor of Toronto.

  29. Well, until Trudeau demonstrates that he’s as staggeringly ignorant as Trump, and until he is accused of sexual assault and rape as often as Trump has been, I will continue to believe that Canada does in fact hold the moral high ground where our highest office in the land is concerned. Trudeau has his problems. But he’s not Trump.

    • …hmmm, unfounded and abandoned cases of sexual assault all levied very conveniently during a hotly contested political campaign by the most notorious liar and corrupt politician in our country’s short 242+ year existence. This begs questions such as 1) do you believe everything that somebody shoves under your nose as long as it fits into your hard-coded narrative and bias? 2) are you aware that at least two of Trump’s accusers were proven to have been bribed by the DNC to lie/accuse him of sexual assault? 3) do you understand that it is a fact that the DNC shopped hard (and they were CAUGHT) for any takers who would stand up and accuse Trump in exchange for lots of $$$?….Where are the accusers now??

      I can see how someone of your thinking would think that someone of my thinking likes Trump. Frankly, he has acted like quite a turd and is not my first choice by any means (my first choice was one of Canada’s favorite sons, Ted Cruz). However, what I despise far more than a boorish clod like Trump is hypocrisy, dissembling, disingenuous pandering and blatant lawlessness.

      Seek the truth and let it set you free.

      TRUTH: 1) Trump is an ass (an ass who may yet turn out to be a good president), 2) Clinton is a criminal (both of them) and would likely have been convicted whether or not she lost the election and 3) Trudeau’s family is in love with and supportive of the Castro Regime, one of the most brutal dictatorships of the 20th/21st centuries. This one flaw of Trudeau’s (one of many according to a large percentage of your fellow Canucks) illustrates the character of a man who can look at evil and pretend it does not exist for the sake propping up his own ultra liberal political inclinations.

      The first commandment of any ultra liberal is to NEVER EVER let them [the peasants] pull back the curtain and glimpse what we really think and say and do, i.e. the first rule of fight club is “there is no fight club.”

      For crying out loud, did you listen to the little dissembler’s obfuscation when queried by a member of the Canadian Press Corp?
      Reporter: “Was Castro a dictator?”
      Trudeau: [with as much disdain as he could muster and still remain PM-esque, “Yes [Duh!]”
      Reporter: “[then how do you reconcile this with your remarks following his death…?]
      Trudeau: “…[petulantly] I have always been open about discussing human rights abuses, Blah Blah Dissemble Dissemble…”

      I was and I remain ashamed for my Canadian brothers and sisters who still support him blindly. Don’t even get me started on his empty promises about election reform. He beat that horse to death and promised great changes…until he got elected. Hmmm, just like Uncle Fidel.

      • Listen. I didn’t vote for Trudeau. I’m not a fan of the liberal party to begin with, but after living under Kathleen Wynne’s systematic destruction of Ontario I am even more disgusted. Trudeau was NOT the man I wanted at the helm. You’re very right to describe him as a blatant panderer. That was the main reason I didn’t vote for him. But even then, I still don’t think he is as bad as Trump is, nor do I think that he’s going to do as shit a job as Trump will. Pandering lily-hearted lickspittle or not, he is still a better choice than Trump. I would pick him over The Donald any day. I don’t support him blindly. But he’s still not Trump. However, I don’t think you and I are ever going to agree about this.

  30. Man, when the migrants come they’re going to have a hay day with Canadian women. They laugh at your “focusing on addressing and preventing gender-based violence”. All criminals do, because criminals don’t care about your virtue signaling or moral high ground. All your ideals and virtues mean nothing to them. You don’t actually care about women, only your ideals, and you’re willing to throw the safety of women under the bus just to prove a point. It’s disgusting.

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