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Fandy Lubis from Jakarta, Indonesia sends his very crisp and clean everyday carry ensemble, courtesy of Everyday Carry.

I didn’t know that Indonesia allows concealed carry until today.  Not only that, but like a lot of American states, open carry with a license is also allowed!  And Mr. Lubis, a corporate exec, packs a Pindad G2 Premium 9×19 pistola.  And a spare magazine at that!  Don’t know about Pindad’s firearms but I’ve got fond memories of Pindad 7.62×51 surplus ammo that shot very nicely.

He also has the KaBar TDI blade that I associate with weapon retention and close, hand-to-hand combat.  I know good old Craig Douglas (the former cop, not the singer), aka Southnarc of Shivworks, markets a similar knife for similar purposes.  Very effective in even marginally skilled hands.

The surprise object is the $767 S.T. Dupont Ligne 2 Diamond Head Gold Lighter.  Business trading oil must be good in the Emerald of the Equator.  One left if you want one of your own!

The TAG Heuer Aquaracer watch looks stylish, without the Rolex’s five-digit price.

Nice package, Mr. Lubis.

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  1. I suspect this might have something to do with one of Donald Trump’s California Properties having be sold to an Billionaire Indonesian Businessman today…

  2. Left handed holster (the clip is not customary for OWB, strong side magazine (backwards sheath), and appendix for the knife?
    There’s never a good reason to carry hammer down on a 1911 if a round is in the chamber, so he it must be Israeli carry.

    • First of all, it’s NOT a 1911…
      Secondly, it’s known as Condition Three, the term “Israeli Carry” is a misnomer…
      Thirdly, we don’t know IF the chamber is empty, in which case it very well could be Condition Two…

    • Good catch on the spare mag carrier, the bullets are facing backwards. For this left-handed shooter, he can’t index the spare mag properly, with his rigjt hand, for an effecient mag change. Makes me wonder if this person has actually practiced with his set up.

  3. Tags are not for me ,it’s such an in between watch , oh and btw Rolex are like the Glock of watches ok ? Joe Six Pack thinks they’re the top watch , but they fall around number 10 on Most lists of top watches .

    • Agreed – I’d much rather have a Patek Phillipe watch – if I could avoid breaking out in a cold sweat over the $50K price tag. Damn, that would buy me two M-60 MGs from the local Class 3 dealer with a couple thou left over for ammo! Or maybe a used H&H double shotgun. As things are for me now, I have a Timex Expedition wristwatch ($38.95 at the local PX), which will just have to do.

      • “Damn, that would buy me two M-60 MGs from the local Class 3 dealer with a couple thou left over for ammo!”

        That’s only one or two weekend’s worth of ammo, tops…

      • Timex for the win. I once fell out of a moving car. Have been in more than one hand to hand situation. Damaged and destroyed a number of watches. Timex does the job and if it gets ate I just stagger down to the wal mart and get another.

  4. this from the pindad g2 wiki entry:

    “Since the firearm is single-action only, the hammer must be cocked manually in order to fire another round.”


  5. Looks like a right-handed, draw from small of back set up.
    That would explain the spare mag orientation.
    If he’s in a suit often, I can understand this choice of carry.

  6. I’d have to get my (Indonesian) wife to talk to somebody, but knowing what I know about Indonesia, I’d be willing to bet you have to have connections of some sort or money under the table (gets lots done in that country) to get a permit.

    • Yeah, just talked to her and she was totally lol. Nobody is getting that permit without connections or money to grease the wheels, not to mention the rampant overt rascism the country suffers from. Nice to see a pocket carry, but good luck everybody else.

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