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How Do You Catch A Drone?

(courtesy is cashing-in on the anti-drone meme with their $24 (plus S&H) Drones T-shirt. Included on the product description page: a helpful guide to “catching” – the lawyers and PC police wouldn’t let them use the word “shooting” – drones. Apparently, “There’s nothing like the thrill of bagging a wild surveillance drone. Here are 5 tips to make your next drone hunt a success!” . . .

1. Mastering your “drone call” takes practice. Start by dialing the Kremlin and asking to speak to Edward Snowden.

2. Scout your location. Drones love wooded areas with barbed wire and marijuana plants.

3. Choose your gun wisely. For your average quadcopter, a 12-gauge should suffice. For larger game, such as the ARGUS-IS, it’s time to think shoulder rocket.

4. Practice with your dog. Retrieving 500 lbs of twisted metal from a swamp may not come easily on the first try.

5. Cook what you kill. Check our website lots of surveillance fowl recipes!

42 thoughts on “How Do You Catch A Drone?”

  1. My 870 with some turkey loads… Full choke, should suffice.. 500 lb flying anything is going to have a human sitting in/ on it.. so Ill avoid those.

    • Tons of drones bigger than 500 pounds with no human aboard…

      Predator drone, 1100 pounds empty
      MQ-8 Firescout: 2000 pounds empty
      Global Hawk: 15,000 pounds empty

      Granted – you won’t be taking any of them out with a shotgun — except possibly the firescout.

    • “500 lb flying anything is going to have a human sitting in/ on it…”

      Or cost $12,000,000 and be missed by Powerful People ’tis Wise to Not Piss Off…

    • Yes, there are several platforms with payloads between 40 and 150 grains and intercept speeds between 2,800 and 4,000 feet per second. Personally, I prefer platforms with lighter payloads and intercept speeds closer to 4,000 feet per second.

  2. “Drone season!” “Patriot season!”

    “Drone season!” “Patriot season!”

    “Patriot season!” “Drone season!”

    “Look! I say it’s patriot season, and I say fire!”

        • And anyone within a couple miles down range of you shooting a .308 into the air would be…what…”potential collateral damage”?

  3. When I was a Naval Aviator, in between deployments we used to practice carrier landings at a little airstrip near our base. Sometimes we would get shot at by locals who didn’t like the noise or thought we we were spying on them or who knows what. I don’t think shooting at any aircraft, manned or not, outside of a war zone scenario is funny at all. You never know where that “500 pounds of metal” will land. It is an act of terrorism, IMHO, and I hope anyone who does it goes to prison for a long time.

    If you don’t like drones, work through the system to get them restricted. But shooting at drones, or even making jokes about it, is yet another example of gun owners acting like the “gun nuts” the antis accuse us of being.

    • I’m inclined to agree in general. That being said, if I wake up one morning to a quadcopter hovering 5 feet outside my bedroom window, it is clearly not anything legitimate, is clearly trespassing, and it’s going to get perforated.

      • Five feet would definitely be an intrusion, unless it’s a FedEx drone (which is in the works) bringing me a new holster I ordered. But you wouldn’t want a car to show up five feet outside your window either.

        They can fly drones over my house all day long as long as they aren’t too noisy. I have nothing to hide. Also, if they wanted to spy on me, there are easier ways to do it and those ways have been around a lot longer than drones.

        • “They can fly drones over my house all day long as long as they aren’t too noisy. I have nothing to hide. Also, if they wanted to spy on me, there are easier ways to do it and those ways have been around a lot longer than drones.” -JohnF

          Statist attitude.

    • Shooting down drones that are violating my civil rights IS working through the system. If the feds don’t want their fancy toys shot up, don’t use them to violate the Constitution. Simple, ain’t it?

      Oh, and I hear that a FlaK36 does wonders on all species of drone.

    • The MSM has already deemed us insane for the mere act of owning guns. We’re already gun nuts. Secondly, the system is horribly broken and there’s not a snowballs chance in hell of the Government voluntarily “restricting” drones from use on U.S. soil. Too many people see it as “harmless” in the same way they see the ever growing number of surveillance cameras as “harmless”.

    • Interesting point.

      Where to draw the line between joking (or not) about attacking interloping chunks of plastic and shooting at commercial or U.S. military assets?

      ‘Tis indeed a conundrum. BTW, probably the better word is sabotage, rather than terrorism.

      Further, I must wonder how many prescription/package delivery drones are going to get destroyed or “robbed” per [preferred calendar unit] once they come on the scene…?

      • I would guess not many. First, they are likely to be highly visible and marked (just like the trucks). Second, people would likely be aware that they are coming. After all, the entire point was that they just ordered something and wanted it in 30 minutes. Third, these deliveries would only be made (at least in the near future) in more metropolitan areas, where discharging a firearm for anything other than self-defense would be illegal anyway.

        • Because somebody intent on committing armed robbery is going to be concerned over firearm discharge statutes? Really?

    • “I don’t think shooting at any aircraft, manned or not, outside of a war zone scenario is funny at all.”

      Methinks John needs to lighten up a bit. There’s a mile-wide line between endangering human life and ruining a few hundred bucks worth of hardware.

      There are a multitude of potential issues that will need to be addressed as this technology becomes more pervasive. I know the FAA thinks it owns every cubic foot of air above the deck, but any rancher who has had his livestock spooked through fences by low-flying aircraft would beg to differ.

      These devices have scores of uses, military and otherwise. But if they’re low enough to be in shotgun range, I think quite a few landowners are going to consider their privacy invaded, and respond accordingly.

    • TTAG already covered this ( and Slate gives it a whirl (

      In the case reported, the drone was indeed over the man’s own property.

      I find the notion “I have nothing to hide” to be offensive in the extreme. An invasion of privacy by active and intrusive means is actionable. However, the expense of going to law with purely emotional injury to claim as damages will prove problematic. Either such intrusions will become illegal, or warming up for skeet season will be approved.

      A nice test case would be to fly a photographic safari drone along the windows of a nice Central Park West condo building. “Visit” the powerful until they can’t take it anymore. You’ll get an anti-drone law quickly enough. They could sue for damages….but we can put up judgment-proof pilots as test cases. Simple.

  4. I’m thinking some strategically placed fishing nets made of fine line, would be a bit of a surprise for drones of less than 100lbs size.

    If you bag a drone, do you take it to a taxidermy for mounting? Or just dangle it from a tree limb, pinata style??

    • Best to at least field dress it by removing its still-beating heart – i.e. tracking uplink/locator beacon…

  5. Here’s a counter point; If I just spent $200 – $1000 on my own personal RC helicopter/drone, and I’m flying it over my own property or a public park and you shoot at it- am I out of line if I return fire?

  6. I am actually surprised that no one has mentioned falconry yet. Just wrap the birds feet and talons in some steel or aluminum armor and send it on its way.

    Not to long ago, I saw a video of a hawk/falcon swoop in on a quad copter drone and knock it out of the sky. The video was from the drone itself and was actually really cool.

    Not sure if the bird was actually attacking or just trying to land but you see:
    bird circling
    bird diving
    big talons
    tumbling horizon
    operator coming to pick it up off the ground

  7. Can’t you just use some sort of jammer to scramble it? Should be easier and quieter than shooting the thing down.

    • Yes eventually police will use jammers in the future when their drones are safe on the ground. You can by a universal all remote jammer but even the 1k ones don’t down anything over 100 feet in air. If you catcha low flying one most affordable jammers around 300-600 can take one down at about 10 meters so not worth the money.
      Being most can only afford “toy” drone basic rf jammers will work on those but again distance of jamming capabilities is limited.

      And remember, jammers are legal to use for educational purposes, illegal to use for all other activities. Also many build your own jammer threads online.

      Best defense is a good offense and that is your own drone. Longterm it will just be like the speed detector vs radar detector fight, each side will have an advantage for a few months to a year while tech competes.

      Brave New World.

  8. How to catch a drone? Well with another drone of course. ie-South Park Magic Bush episode.

    I said no to another firearm and bought a Phantom drone a few weeks ago. It’s the top of the line around my area where I’ve only spotted some of the budget ones although there is always a bigger and better somewhere near you of everything. I am in a city of 100k and not much activity drone wise, have yet to spot a police drone but I’m sure they are out there.

    lol @ russianjerk youtube vid. He’s gotta take everything to the limit doesn’t he? Boy I was tempted to mod a firearm to mine but the 15 years plus in federal prison, life for flying a remote firearm within 1,000 feet of school or gov building(I’m assuming a very harsh penalty) persuaded me to not try it.

    It’s my new favorite hobby other than shooting. I have a small man-made hill with fish pond in side yard with some gnomes and stuff, plan to but a fake ground to air launch pad made from real rockets as that is another hobby of mine or use to be, on a spinning plate remote controlled. Need to find a way to move the missiles up and down to make it look more real like it’s aiming for something. Might bring the cops but should be a fun extra for conversation with the neighbors.

    byw-I joined a few local forums on drone hobby and if you watched that South Park episode there is the straight laced Mr. Stoch and then Randy, Stoch is a by the book no spying boy scout where as Randy is spying on everyone, and in the episode final gets caught by the police drone spying in on Nelson having sex with his wife. In these forums it seems to be all Stoch’s but in reality it a bunch of Randy’s. The few drones I have seen and filmed while flying up high were very low and in residential neighborhoods most likely grabbing a peek, new age of peeping tom on the way! While that is also temping I honestly just love the hobby. I am a watching the watchers but who is watching me?

    I’m all for shooting down a drone flying low over private property but be careful, many cities such as mine are installing noise radars that can pinpoint gunshots to a square yard. Another use for a suppressor to bad I’m in MN.
    As for high flyers like me you’ll never hit me. I wonder if a true ground to air missile could be affordable built by a citizen to take down drones, then again I’m sure that’s federal prison again.

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