(courtesy fastercolorado.com)

Arming Teachers: Myths vs. Facts

Laura Carno, Executive Director of FASTERColorado.com, writes : There has been more national and local news coverage about arming school staff in the past two weeks than we have ever seen. Along with that...
andrew pollack parkland father anniversary

Parkland Parent Andrew Pollack Has Targeted Broward Incompetence That Led to His Daughter’s Death

“I’m a changed guy. They killed my daughter. I have to expose these people first before I can get any sort of peace in my life. And I’m doing it. One by one, I’m...
Marshall University Campus Carry

Marshall University Co-ed: Prohibiting Concealed Carry on Campus Doesn’t Restrict My Rights

Hanna Pennington, a Marshall University student (not pictured above), brings a new twist to the age-old, "I'm a gun owner, but I support gun control" shtick. Instead, she prefers to trump that with, "I...
florida school guardian guns teachers

Florida Gov. DeSantis has Signed SB-7030 Allowing Teachers to Carry Guns

By NRA-ILA Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB-7030 within hours after receiving it. SB-7030 contains the language that authorizes local school boards to allow classroom teachers to go through training and carry firearms on school campuses. News...
texas abbott tenants rights guns

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Signs Bills Enabling More Armed Teachers in Schools

In a blow to lovers of gun-free zones everywhere, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed into law a number of bills designed to improve school security. Included in the measures are provisions to fund school...
teacher gun online zoom class

Harvard Law Student Displays a Gun During Online Class

The incoming president of Harvard’s FedSoc chapter decided to spice up the Criminal Procedure: Adjudications Zoom lecture with a firearm, presumably to “own the libs” because that’s the only motivation for anything anymore. And...

Support for Campus Carry Increases in Georgia

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is trumpeting the results of their latest poll indicating that 54% of Georgia voters oppose allowing concealed carry on previously gun-free college campuses with only 43% supporting. While that's an accurate...

A Campus Safety Administrator’s View of the Efficacy and Morality of Concealed Weapons on...

By B320 Introduction As a campus safety administrator I have been tasked with researching and implementing best practices in policy, and training the campus community toward best practices in security and to prepare campus constituents be...
University of Chicago Arrest Protest

U of Chicago Students Outraged As Cops Apprehend Armed Robbery Suspects on Campus

On Monday, Chicago police chased a trio of armed robbery suspects onto the University of Chicago campus.  Instead of thanks from the students for removing three dangerous criminals, cops caught all manner of condemnation...
ACLU guns schools teachers

ACLU: Arming Teachers in Florida ‘Sacrifices Student Safety’

After a shooter was allowed to stroll onto the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School a year ago and murder 17 people as police remained outside, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission...

It Looks Like All the Predictions of Shootouts in University Lecture Halls Were Baseless...

The lack of evidence that liberalized campus carry laws lead to more campus violence stands in contrast to the often-heated rhetoric of gun control activists. The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus, an activist...

New UT Campus Carry Rules Satisfy No One

By Louis K. Bonham As reported earlier, University of Texas-Austin President Gregory Fenves announced last week that despite all the angst and outrage from various campus quarters, UT would follow state law and permit the licensed carry of concealed handguns...