Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Stage Silent Protest

Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (member not shown) launched a protest today, attending classes with empty holsters. Only, the press release doesn't say whether the protesters are concealing those empty holsters. Which would...

FBI’s Concealed Carry Background Checks Delayed by Census

The NRA reports that the huge influx of federal census workers will delay the FBI's background checks for citizens applying for a concealed carry permit. We learn this because "Certain fingerprint based criminal history...

Ohio Gun Rights: Home Rules Rule? Who Rules Home Rules?

0 Same deal for Omaha: the state government wants to quash the city's gun control ordinances. Specifically, Omaha requires gun owners with concealed-carry gun permits to register their firearms with the city. "On Monday,...

Arizona to Join Vermont, Alaska on Concealed Carry

There is, of course, confusion about all the recent changes to state gun laws. For one thing, all states have 'em, and they vary from state to state. There are states where the chances...

Starbucks CEO: “Only Unloaded Guns at Starbucks”

So, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz screwed the pooch at the shareholder's meeting re: the whole gun control thing. Maybe. After a sensible statement about the logistical issues surrounding the idea of asking employees to...

Editorial: Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics

Here at TTAG, we're doing our best to present all points of view. Taking that one step further, I've extended this attitude into my personal life. Yep. It's true. I'm dating someone who...

MSNBC: Six Million Americans Licensed for Concealed Carry

It's a GD shame that MSNBC couldn't give a proper citation for that figure. And gives us some idea of how many actually carry. And where. And when. And how. And why. All we...

Violence Policy Center: “Concealed Carry Killers” March Update

"Because most state systems that allow the carrying of concealed handguns in public by private citizens release little data about crimes committed by permit holders, the VPC reviews and tallies concealed handgun permit...

Should Gun Control Advocates Have A Concealed Handgun License?

Let's say you're a pro-mass transit environmentalist; you considered automobiles the devil in-car-nate. Chances are you'd have both a theoretic and emperical understanding of how cars work; what they can and can not do....

Texas Starbucks Robbed At Gunpoint

Lost among the hyperbole of Starbucks' policy of allowing local custom/laws to determine their position on conceal carry is the question: "has Starbucks ever been robbed at gunpoint?" To which I can reply without...

Is This Why the African American Community Doesn’t Carry Guns?

0 I've been putting a lot of time and thought into the racial implications of U.S. gun laws. As you may know, American gun control legislation has its roots in the south, as a method... No Waffling On Gun Control

Ed Stone, the President of Georgia gun rights organization, recently wrote about the following event in his column on the Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner website. Matt Brannan and J.P. Mitchell were dining in the...