Tea Party = Gun Crazed Proto-Terrorists. Again. Still.

Despite a recent poll revealing Tea Party members as well-educated, not-entirely-without-financial-means folk, the mainstream media keeps hammering away at the idea that they're all mentally-challenged, gun-crazed proto-terrorists. Here's an example courtesy The Baltimore Sun...

A View from the Left.

Not exactly sure what point the cartoonist is trying to make here. Does he think that people who choose to exercise their right to carry a gun do so out of fear? Does he...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Play the Columbine Card

While we wait for Brad to insert the video to Hobo With A Shotgun (Bill Marriott's peeps don't want kids on the Boulder Business Center's steam-driven computer to view Tarantino clips), The New...

NRA Fights Pittsburgh Stolen Gun Ordinance

The Post Gazette reports that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is fighting against a city ordinance that requires gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours of noticing that they're...

Second Amendment Rally A Damp Squib

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mFbMhXxHkQ The Washington Post puts the number of gun owners rallying in the nation's capitol today at 2000. The official Second Amendment March assembled slightly more warm bodies than TTAG entertains on a daily...

Pass Act: Gun Grabbing Plot or Patriot’s Tool?

Got another letter from the National Association for Gun Rights. Dudley Brown wrote to tell me that Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) was at it again, trying to sneak through a bill which would be...

NRA Gambles on Low Profile

Whether motivated by safety concerns or responding to opposition voiced by its friends in Washington, The National Rifle Association (NRA) has opted out of the Second Amendment March gathering in Washington, D.C. today. The...

“Gun Nuts Will Protest 2nd Amendment By Bringing Their Guns Everywhere Today”

D.C. gossip site Wonkette has a morning alert for its readers re: today's Second Amendment March "celebrating" gun rights. The accuracy of which starts with the headline's proclamation that the marchers are protesting the...

Thank You for Shooting (with apologies to Christopher Buckley)

A recent exchange between blogger and commenter on TTAG brought up the question "is the gun industry fanning the flames of anti-gun sentiment in order to sell more guns"? I speculated about the nature of the NRA in the mix in an earlier post. But if you want to take the question to the logical extreme, it becomes far more nuanced (doesn't everything?) than the more simplistic "are the gun guys stirring up trouble to increase sales." Here's what I mean...

Richard Osborne: “Anyone with a gun just might pull the trigger”

In the same sense that anyone without a gun can't pull a trigger? Well, almost. Writing for Northern Ohio's The Morning Journal, Richard Osborne feels obliged to translate his recent stumble upon experience with...

Editorial: Gun Grab Fear Driven by Firearms Industry

Donal Fagan constantly reminds the TTAG team to look for the truth beyond the official version of a story. Specifically, beneath the main text. And so we scan the comments section under posts like...

How Long Has Hollywood Hated Guns?

I'm a huge fan of the late, great Don Knotts. And Andy Griffith, for that matter. I have no idea about their personal political leanings (although I hear that Opie is a Leftie). And I don't have any idea or indication that Desilu Productions, the producers, directors, stars or anybody else associated with The Andy Griffith Show was anti-gun. But the point I am trying to make here, is that if you want to hurt something, one of the most effective ways to do it is to make fun of it.