GOA Gun Owners of America

The Guardian Discovers Weakening the NRA Wasn’t the Anti-Gun Victory They’d Hoped it Would...

As it has ramped up its influence activity in Washington, the GOA also touts its member chapters and allies including the California Gun Rights Foundation and other ones in Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas. Nationally the...
Rob Bonta Gun Control California

CRPA, SAF, GOA and Others Jointly File Federal Lawsuit Challenging California’s Carry Restriction Law

By Chuck Michel Multiple gun owner’s rights advocacy groups and individuals have joined together and filed a Second Amendment challenge to Senate Bill (SB2) in the United States District Court. The lawsuit is known as...
GOA gun owners of america logo

GOA Lawsuit Forces ATF to Back Down, Restore North Dakota Gun Store’s FFL

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) are excited to announce that the ATF has backed down from attempting to revoke the FFL license of Morehouse Enterprises in Valley City,...
pistol brace

Three Injunctions Now Block ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban, Protecting Members of Three Gun Rights...

Last night, Fifth District Court Judge Drew Tipton issued an injunction blocking the ATF's enforcement of its pistol brace rule that goes into effect today. As with an earlier Fifth Circuit ruling in Mock...
Texas AG Ken Paxton

Gun Owners of America and State of Texas Sue to Block ATF’s ‘Fundamentally Unconstitutional’...

From Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton . . . Attorney General Paxton, along with a coalition of other plaintiffs, is suing the Biden Administration over a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) rule...
Kwame Raoul

Illinois Gun Rights Alliance Files Latest Challenge to New Gun Control Law as an...

This morning, the Illinois Gun Rights Alliance, a coalition of gun rights organizations, licensed gun dealers, gun clubs, and some of the best legal minds in Illinois have filed their answer to Governor JB...
Oregon gun control sanctuary county

BREAKING: Court Blocks Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114

Well, that didn't take long.  Moments ago, a judge in Oregon blocked enforcement of Oregon's Ballot Measure 114.  Judge Richard Raschio placed a temporary restraining order on the law which would have taken effect...
New York Governor Kathy Hochul

GOA Deals New York’s ‘Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ Gun Control Law Another Defeat

New York's clearly unconstitutional post-Bruen gun control temper tantrum took another hit yesterday. US District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby issued an injunction blocking major portions of the law including the subjective "good moral character"...
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney

Gun Owners of America Sues to Block Philadelphia Mayor’s Illegal Recreation Facilities Gun Ban

Maybe Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney thinks Pennsylvania's preemption law somehow works differently on the east side of the state than it does in Western Pennsylvania. He's apparently under the impression that by instituting his...

ATF Agents Attempt ‘Solvent Trap’ Confiscation, Man Tells Them To Get a Warrant [VIDEO]

The boys from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives and really big fires have grown increasingly busy in recent weeks. If they're not running down legitimate gun owners while fishing for straw purchasers,...

Gun Rights Orgs React to House Federal Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passage

  Desperate to give Democrats something they view as positive to campaign on this fall, the House of Representatives voted narrowly to resurrect a federal "assault weapons" ban last night. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi laughably...
80 Percent Arms GST-9 Mod 1 Completed (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutguns.com)

Gun Owners of America Sues ATF to Block New Definition of Frame or Receiver...

John Crump at Ammoland reports that Gun Owners of America (GOA), Bridge City Ordinance, and North Dakota resident Eliezer Jimenez have sued the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) over its new rule...