WHEN ‘SORRY’ DOESN’T CUT IT: Mom Says Her Stabby 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Just...

Bad people with evil in their hearts pick the time and place of their attacks. We all know that the only thing that stops bad people (and lunatics) with evil in their hearts is...
don't consent to a search of your vehicle

Pittsburgh Residents Have One More Reason Why They Really Should Consider Owning a Gun

As if current worries by many citizens about crime aren't already high enough, even as overall crime statistics show a reduction in crime since the criminal spikes as a result of the post-George Floyd...

11-year-old Young Man Shoots Domestic Abuser Attacking his Pregnant Mom

What happens when an 11-year-old young man sees an adult man beating and strangling his 27-year-old pregnant mother? Well, if she's raised a lion and not a sheep, he'll grab a gun and shoot...

Lakewood Church Shooting Bodycam Released [VIDEO]

Bodycam footage from the Lakewood Church shooting shows multiple off-duty officers working on the church security team engaging a 36-year-old would-be mass murderer. The attacker, reportedly a Muslim transgendered woman named Genesse Moreno, brought...

DARWIN WON: Chicago ‘Banger Gets 12 Years For Accidentally Shooting His Buddy –...

America's largest open-air shooting gallery provides countless stories of violence inflicted upon others on a daily basis. The murder and mayhem in Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson's crime-free utopia (thanks to strict gun control...

‘NOT BY ACCIDENT’: California Sheriff Roasts ‘Radicals’ In California For Exploding Crime Problem

The Left in America loves to champion "Criminal Justice Reform."  Running that slogan through the universal translator,  that means not putting criminals in jails or prison, emptying prisons bad bad people already there and...
defensive gun use

We Need To Respect Gun Rights Despite Fears Of Foreign Agents

In the last few days, I've been seeing a story pop up on social media and on gun forums, telling us that Chinese military personnel have invaded the United States and are...

How Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention is Directing the War on Guns

The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention has become a significant threat to our guns and our civil rights. When the office was unveiled in September 2023, President Joe Biden said it would, “centralize,...

A Good Neighbor Arrested in California: 250 Guns, 20 Cans, Million Rounds of Ammo

California arrested a man last month for the high crime of owning about 250 firearms, a million rounds of ammunition and a few cans. In most states that would make the man a great...

Chicago’s Bumbling Mayor Announces an End to ‘ShotSpotter’ Pending Contract Extension

America's Murder City Mayor Brandon Johnson has done it again. He announced in recent days that the city would discontinue using ShotSpotter after the summer murder season - and the Democratic National Convention. No...

Trio Tries Armed Robbery…With Wrong-Way Scope on Rifle

How dumb does a person have to be to mount a scope backwards? That takes an extra special sort of individual. Sort of like a trio of would-be armed robbers in Marysville, Wash. Police officers...

Chicago’s Tone-Deaf Mayor Ignores Killings In His Own City to Demand a Cease Fire...

Chicago has led America in total number of homicides for something like a dozen years in a row. Last year 646 people died of homicides in Murder City, USA. So leave it to a...