WHEN ‘SORRY’ DOESN’T CUT IT: Mom Says Her Stabby 12-Year-Old Son Is ‘Just...

Bad people with evil in their hearts pick the time and place of their attacks. We all know that the only thing that stops bad people (and lunatics) with evil in their hearts is...
ar-15 pistol

Colorado Gun-Banners Push Multiple Bad Measures  

As anti-gun Colorado lawmakers continue to try to make their state the “California East,” gun owners find themselves facing a number of restrictive proposals that would severely infringe upon their right to keep and...
Eric Holcomb

Gary, Indiana’s 25-Year-Long Nuisance Lawsuit Against Gun Industry To End

The National Shooting Sports Foundation proudly did a well-earned victory lap publicizing the signing of a bill in Indiana to end the City of Gary's 25-year-long nuisance lawsuit against the gun industry. Governor Eric...

CIVILIZATION’S THIN VENEER: Haiti Has Fallen, Cannibal ‘Barbeque’ Now in Charge

Haiti hasn't always been a completely disorganized craphole. For now though, the Caribbean island nation shows us a real-time example of just how the veneer of civilization is thinner than most people think. With...

Biden’s Open Border Policy With Corrupt Mexico Fuels Drug, Gun & Human Trafficking

Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against U.S. firearm manufacturers has a sick and twisted wrinkle. The Biden administration’s “open-border” policy is funding the same violent narco-terrorists that plague Mexico with violence, murders, corruption and sending...
Another year at the Oscars came and went over the weekend with predictable lectures about gun control from Hollywood's elites.

‘A RING OF STEEL’: Hired Guns, LAPD Protect Celebs Advocating Gun Control For...

Private armed security along with thousands more gun-toting LA cops will serve to protect the glitterati patting themselves on the back tonight at the 95th Oscars award show. Of course, these celebs who love...
Pope Francis

YOU FIRST: Pope Francis Proclaims That Military Disarmament Is a ‘Moral Obligation’

Pope Francis stands along side the one-world globalists that would have us all eating crickets and owning nothing...and liking it. Of course, you and me owning firearms for personal defense certainly does not fall...

Lakewood Church Shooting Bodycam Released [VIDEO]

Bodycam footage from the Lakewood Church shooting shows multiple off-duty officers working on the church security team engaging a 36-year-old would-be mass murderer. The attacker, reportedly a Muslim transgendered woman named Genesse Moreno, brought...

DARWIN WON: Chicago ‘Banger Gets 12 Years For Accidentally Shooting His Buddy –...

America's largest open-air shooting gallery provides countless stories of violence inflicted upon others on a daily basis. The murder and mayhem in Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson's crime-free utopia (thanks to strict gun control...

‘NOT BY ACCIDENT’: California Sheriff Roasts ‘Radicals’ In California For Exploding Crime Problem

The Left in America loves to champion "Criminal Justice Reform."  Running that slogan through the universal translator,  that means not putting criminals in jails or prison, emptying prisons bad bad people already there and...

N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James Statement on NRA Case Win

The New York Attorney General's Office posted a press release announcing their successful prosecution of the National Rifle Association, Wayne LaPierre and others in a civil corruption trial. Wayne LaPierre was found guilty of breach...

Several Biometric Gun Safes Recalled Over Faulty Locks

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall of tens of thousands of biometric gun safes from four manufacturers over faulty locks.  Fortunately there have been no injuries reported. Yahoo News has the details...