Everytown John Feinblatt

John Feinblatt Tries Desperately to Put Lipstick on the Gun Control Industry’s Sickly Pig

The classic definition of the word 'chutzpah' has always been someone who kills his own parents, then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan. Yesterday, a prominent new example...

Gun Rights Orgs React to House Federal Assault Weapons Ban Bill Passage

  Desperate to give Democrats something they view as positive to campaign on this fall, the House of Representatives voted narrowly to resurrect a federal "assault weapons" ban last night. As Speaker Nancy Pelosi laughably...
Judge Phillip B. Journey

Judge Phillip Journey – One Man’s Fight to Fix the NRA, and Why Gun...

I recently had an opportunity to talk to Judge Phillip Journey, a very busy man who doesn't seem to be capable of turning down an opportunity to fight for good. Not only is he...
man vintage cartoon horror surprise fear

Bloomberg-Paid Writer Horrified That NRA-Supported Groups Can Write Supreme Court Amicus Briefs in Support...

  An examination of the 49 pro-NRA amicus briefs filed in Bruen, along with court and IRS filings, shows that over the last two decades, the NRA has given financial support to at least 12 of...
Police officers red flag confiscation order

California Taxpayer Dollars Are Used to Racially Profile Gun Owners, Guide Government ‘Interventions’

From the NRA-ILA . . . California gun owners have been under siege for the past year - even by the not-so-Golden State’s standards. In September 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed AB-173, which allows for the disclosure...

Beto Can’t Hide His Long Record of Advocating for Gun Confiscation From Texas Voters

From the NRA-ILA . . . Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s position on guns is straightforward. The former New York manny wants to ban and confiscate America’s most popular firearms and further...

NRA Member Raul Mendez Tells His Story of Stopping a Killer and Saving Lives...

  Tucker Carlson hosted Raul Mendez on his show last week to tell his remarkable story of how he used his gun to stop a mass murderer this past Independence Day weekend in Arizona. After taking...
Jonathan Lowy Brady

Brady Campaign Operatives Register as a Foreign Agent to Help Mexico Sue US Gun...

The NRA-ILA has been keeping readers up to date with an ongoing effort by the Mexican government and domestic gun control supporters to attack the American firearms industry. According to a new report from Politico,...

Gun-Hating Media Recycle NRA Instructor’s Support For Gun Control After Colorado Springs Shooting

Meet Steven Lollo. He's supposedly an NRA firearms instructor working at the Long Island Shooters Club. He spoke in support of gun control after the Bruen decision came down this past summer. Mr. Lollo's...

NRA Spends Big Bucks on Hershel Walker in Georgia Senate Run-Off Election

The left's eternal bogeyman on gun rights, the National Rifle Association, had made a $1.5 million push to help get Hershel Walker over the finish line in the Georgia run-off election for US Senate....

Lunatic Caught on Video Shooting Philadelphia Parking Enforcement Officer Point Blank

There's a lot in the war zone that Philadelphia has become that makes people sick, including a whole YouTube channel dedicated to videos of strung-out addicts littering Philly's streets. But the video that's going...
JROTC j.r.o.t.c Junior ROTC Junior R.O.T.C

OMG! The New York Times Uncovers NRA Support for Junior R.O.T.C.! OMG!

“The militarization of the kids, especially vulnerable kids, is what bothered me,” said Ms. Teal, who added that some students at her former school had started an unsuccessful petition to end the marksmanship...