Memo to the Florida Sheriffs Association: Here’s The Truth About Open Carry

Unified Sportsmen of Florida write : Recent Palm Beach Post and Tampa Bay Times articles quote the Chairman of the Florida Sheriffs Association’s Legislative Committee (FSA). The Chairman makes many erroneous claims regarding Florida's proposed open carry bills...

BREAKING: District of Columbia’s ‘May Issue’ Carry Law Struck Down

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of the Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has just issued a permanent injunction against the District's "may issue" firearms licensing scheme, holding that the Second Amendment's "core lawful...

The NRA Has Some Fun With David Hogg’s Useful Idiots at Saturday’s NRA HQ...

Pity poor David Hogg. He held a rally Saturday at the NRA world headquarters near Fairfax, Virginia. While (someone's) money can pay to organize rallies against gun rights and provide armed security, money doesn't...

I Can Open Carry In My State…But Should I?

You live in an open carry state. You can carry a gun -- handgun or long gun -- openly just about anywhere you want. Okay, but should you? Some of you are probably thinking "Not...
Jackson Open Carry Lawsuit

Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging Jackson, Mississippi Mayor’s Ban On Open Carry

Last week, Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba announced that he had signed an order banning the open carry of firearms in the city, despite the fact that such an action violates multiple state...
Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Backs Down, Won’t Renew Order Banning Open Carry

Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba issued an executive order a week ago banning open carry in his city. Lumumba used two shootings involving children as justification for the move, even though neither instance...
Ninth Circuit

Ninth Circuit Sets Date to Hear Young v. Hawaii Arguments

By LKB As you may recall, what seems like an eternity ago -- two years -- a panel of the Ninth Circuit handed down a decision in Young v. Hawaii. In that case, the petitioner...

Why Every State Should Recognize Open Carry

  I recently conducted a brief experiment with open carry in the Ocean State. During the week my hip held a Glock 19 in a retention holster . . . nothing. No comments. No police...

Eli Meir: Why I Broke Shabbat to Go to the Alamo Open Carry Rally

20 I was pleased to run into a fellow member of the tribes in San Antonio at the Open Carry rally. In the video above, Eli Meir mentions the Holocaust when talking about the life-or-death importance...

Open Carry Advocate Arrested in Aurora, CO

365 Same old, same old, save this: "About two months ago I was assaulted behind that McDonalds by four men . . . I am not 21 and therefore I can not buy a handgun...

Open Carry at Kroger…Well, Fry’s

I had read about Moms Demanding Action's shrill demands for a boycott of Kroger over their dislike of the exercise of the Second Amendment. I also noted the new media's urging to show support...

Question of the Day: Is Open Carry Dangerous?

"William Coleman III was talking to his cousin near 172nd and Glisan at about 2:10 a.m. on Saturday while openly carrying the gun he had purchased on Friday. Coleman said a man, about 19-...