Hand in Hand: A Second Amendment Group Fights to Defend First Amendment Rights

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Defense Distributed have filed an appellants’ brief in their long-running First Amendment challenge of the New Jersey statute which prohibits the publication of computer files containing...
marijuana law guns

ATF Inspector, With No Police Authority, Stops Gun Purchase Claiming Buyer Smelled of Marijuana

In a small, but significant example of more government overreach, an ATF Industry Operations Investigator violated the Second Amendment rights of a central Florida man last month when he ordered a gun dealer to...

SAF Investigates: The Truth About Florida State Guard’s Special Operations Unit

Founders want to create similar special operations units across a coalition of states, which would not be subject to federal oversight or presidential authority. This scares the Feds and the legacy media. When Florida Gov....
Fact or Fake news

What’s the Definition of a Mass Shooting? Anti-Gun Groups Play Loose With the Numbers

When it comes to reporting news on shootings and gun deaths, the numbers don't lie...or do they? It's hard to say when the numbers and measurements don't even match and groups with an agenda...
White House logo

White House Enlists Schools to Gaslight Parents about Guns

The White House wants to enlist school officials to help hoodwink parents about its gun control plans, according to a statement issued last week. The reason is simple: They want to take advantage of the...

Johns Hopkins: More Gun Control Needed to Prevent Second Civil War

A recent report by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which is part of Johns Hopkins (Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, conflates private gun ownership with armed insurrection in order to advocate for...
Illegal national gun registry gun controllers' wish list

NRA Finds Constitutional Friends Amid Legal Woes

If you read everything in the news of late and even talk to some gun rights supporters, you know NRA has been having a host of fits on a number of legal and organizational...
Gavin Newsom

Federal Judge Declares California’s Bruen Response ‘Sensitive Places’ Carry Ban Law Unconstitutional

Yesterday a US District Judge in California left no ambiguity our doubt about his thoughts on California's efforts to limit the right to keep and bear arms by enacting SB2 following the Supreme Court's...
big brother surveillance

SAF Sues California Over Requirement That All Firearm Transactions be Recorded on Video

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation...
no guns door sign store gun-free

BREAKING: Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down New York’s Signage, Social Media Disclosure Requirements for...

One of the provisions of New York's Bruen response law enacted after the state's may-issue carry permitting scheme was struck down last year was a signage requirement. Unlike most states, rather than property owners...
Joe Biden angry point gesture

Confused Old Man Uses Handgun Crimes to Justify His Demand for Another ‘Assault Weapons’...

From the CCRKBA . . . Anti-gun-rights President Joe Biden has once again taken advantage of two high-profile shooting incidents this week -- in Texas and Nevada -- to push for a ban on so-called...

More Than a Quarter Million New Gun Owners in Israel Prove the Need for...

By Lee Williams  More than 260,000 Israelis have applied for firearm permits since the horrific Hamas terrorist attacks, according to The Times of Israel.  While the Israeli government has loosened some permitting restrictions, the results are...