Joe Biden

SAF, CCRKBA Mobilize to Fight Biden Administration and Congressional Gun Control Push

Two national gun rights organizations are mobilizing to fight back against threats from the Joe Biden administration and Capitol Hill Democrats to impose extremist gun control measures in the wake of two tragic shootings...
Joe Biden

Latest Polling Shows Voters are Smarter Than Biden Or Anti-Gun Democrats

From the CCRKBA . . . A brand new Rasmussen survey indicates that 64 percent of likely U.S. voters say “it’s not possible to completely prevent mass shootings,” and the Citizens Committee for the Right...
Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein

CCRKBA to Run 60-Second Commercials Nationally Opposing Feinstein’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

From the CCRKBA . . . The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms will air a new 60-second informational spot next week on a dozen national television networks, alerting the nation’s...
Jerrold Nadler

Gottlieb: Democrats’ Court Packing Attempt Threatens the Heller and McDonald Decisions

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . The proposal by four anti-gun Capitol Hill Democrats to pack the U.S. Supreme Court by adding four positions is “an outrage” and an attempt to prevent the...

Silencer Shop Backs the Second Amendment Foundation in the Fight for Gun Rights

From Silencer Shop . . . Silencer Shop is proud to announce its Gold level corporate sponsorship with the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), a non-profit organization rooted in protecting and advocating for constitutional rights to...
Brett M. Kavanaugh Supreme Court

Gun Rights Orgs Cheer Supreme Court Cert of Second Amendment Case

As you'd expect, Second Amendment orgs are pleased that the US Supreme Court is willing to take another Second Amendment case, a year after punting the opportunity last year. As the Second Amendment Foundation...

BREAKING: Illinois Judge Rules FOID Card Requirement for Guns in the Home Unconstitutional

Under current law, it's not legal to touch a firearm in the state of Illinois without a Firearm Owner's Identification card. This is an unnecessary hurdle to lawful gun ownership that the state of...
will not comply handcuffs

Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project Is Up and Running

By Lee Williams Welcome, friends, to what is the most important undertaking of our lives. We’re at war, you see, an information war – or in this case a misinformation war – is being waged...
US Constitution gun pistol revolver

Pro-Gun Brit Martin Hyde: Sir Max Hastings is a Hoplophobic Git

by Martin Hyde The article by "Sir Max" Hastings pontificating on things in my adopted homeland that aren't his business rather proves that some Brits haven't learned much since the days of King George. Specifically, I speak as...
California State Senator Kevin de Leon ghost gun

Refuse to Use Hate Speech: Taking Back the Language From Gun-Grabbers

by Lee Williams I was on a good friend’s radio program Sunday night when one of the other guests raised a tremendous point: We need to take back our language from the anti-rights crowd and...
New York Subway slasher

Subway Slashers Illustrate the Need for Armed Self Defense in New York City

From the CCRKBA . . . Friday’s slashing spree in the New York City subway underscores the need for immediate reform of city and state concealed carry laws so that honest citizens have the ability...
Ghost Guns

Debunking the ‘Ghost Gun’ Anti-Gun Agitprop

By Lee Williams Home-built firearms built this country. Long before we rebelled against England -- while we were still a British colony -- folks were making guns in their homes. These weapons played an important role in...