Phil Murphy new jersey smart gun law

New NJ Law Requires All Gun Stores in the State to Sell Smart Guns

This is what passes for progress in the gun-controlled paradise that is New Jersey. The state has finally repealed a law that required all guns sold in the Garden State to be so-called smart...
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.

Chris Murphy’s ‘Smart Gun’ Bill Misses the Mark

By Larry Keane Anti-gun politicians in the 116th Congress have no shortage of ideas when it comes to different ways of threatening the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners in America. The misnomer phrase “common sense...

Bill in Congress Would Encourage (Subsidize) Development of ‘Smart Guns’

Lots of movement on the "smart gun" front in recent days. First, he New Jersey legislature sent a bill to the Governor's desk that would ostensibly repeal the state's poison pill law that's been...

DNA Matches for Guns? Oh, Joe…There You Go Again

By Larry Keane Former Vice President Joe Biden sure is a fiction fan. So much, in fact, he’s conjuring up spy theater as his presidential campaign gun control answer. I wish I was making this...
armatix smart gun

New Jersey’s Latest ‘Smart Gun’ Bill Gets an ‘F’ Grade

By NRA-ILA After signing six gun control measures into law a year ago, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy warned that “Our work is far from done.” Several new bills are now making the rounds in a state...
smart gun

Latest Survey Confirms Gun Owners OK With Smart Guns, But Don’t Want to Buy...

By Elizabeth McGuigan A newly released survey shows gun owners aren’t opposed to the idea of authorized user technology in firearms. But only 5 percent would be very likely to purchase one themselves due to their concerns...

After Stifling ‘Smart Gun’ Development for More Than a Decade, NJ Considers Requiring Retailers...

New Jersey has done more to stifle the development and potential sales of "smart guns" in this country than any other state. And no one in New Jersey has done more to keep things...
visible assets rubee amory 20/20 2020 rfid tracking

RuBee Wireless Tracking: Is Remote Monitoring in Our Firearms Future?

By John Dingell III Lewis Machine & Tool Company was recently awarded a €22 million contract for 16,000 MARS-L compliant AR type rifles with monolithic uppers by the Estonian Defense Forces. LM&T beat out 13 other...
joe biden assault weapons ban

Old Joe Biden: Buy a Shotgun! New Joe Biden: We Need Smart Guns!

It's hard to keep up with the nicknames floating around for former Vice President Joe Biden. President Trump, who's managed to tag his political opponents with all manner of extremely sticky monikers (think Low...
Dick's Sporting Goods Wants to Start Selling 'Smart Guns'

Dick’s Sporting Goods Wants to Start Selling ‘Smart Guns’

You know Dick's, the anti-gun sports and outdoor chain that's had trouble selling the guns it still carries since they decided to drop the sale of scary black rifles, wrote checks to fund gun control...
Smart Guns

Pew Poll Shows “Smart” Guns Could Cost Thousands of Lives

Among those who dearly desire a disarmed populace, any measure that makes firearms harder to access, possess, and use is considered a positive thing. Thus, equipping firearms with with complex, delicate electronic circuitry, that only...

In Praise of Stupid Guns – Part 2

Earlier this week, we ran In Praise of Stupid Guns by Patriotic HIT Pharmacist. Here's part two of that post. THE POLITICAL PROBLEM The pre-positioned legislation mandating “smart guns” in New Jersey reveals the end game for gun...