In Praise of Stupid Guns

By Patriotic HIT Pharmacist Among the latest hustles and bogus gambits pursued by the gun control advocates is the so-called “smart gun” (which will be enclosed in quotes throughout because it is no such thing). It...
LodeStar Firearms wants to sell the Armatix iP1 pistol

Another Seller Plans to Offer the Armatix iP1 ‘Smart Gun’ for Sale

Oh look, another wanna-be "smart gun" salesman. This one -- for some reason -- wants to sell the deeply flawed Armatix iP1 to the public . . . Guns Getting Smarter: Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Man's Plan...

IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Human Impediment to Smart Gun Adoption Vows to...

I still believe that government has a role to play in protecting residents from preventable gun deaths by helping to bring (smart gun) technology to the market, but I am also more optimistic than...

Quote of the Day: Gun Owners Would Rather People Die Than Buy Smart Guns

"Besides, in a country with an estimated 350 million guns, the chances that toddlers and other children happen upon loaded weapons have become statistically inevitable. Tough laws can’t negate the tragic probabilities. Of course,...

Bogus Police Survey: 3 out of 5 Officers ‘Interested’ in ‘Smart Guns’

"A new online survey of over 400 law enforcement professionals from coast to coast showed a surprisingly high level of interest in firearms that can only be operated by the authorized user (i.e. smart...

Armatix IP1 “Smart Gun” Hacked with $15 Worth of Magnets

Since its introduction, the Armatix IP1 "smart gun" has gotten oceans of free publicity from hopeful media mavens and gun control advocates, proclaiming the era of personalized firearms is finally upon us. Armatix's advent...

Jonathan Mossberg: What RF Doesn’t Know About Smart Guns is a Lot

95 Regarding your post on the recent CIA hack “proving” your case against smart guns, you obviously know more about these sophisticated devices than people like me who’ve been making them. Even I didn't know...

‘I Would Rather Be Shot By A Smart Gun Than Sell One’

Regular readers here know the issues involved in so-called "smart guns." Besides all the obvious technical questions and inadequacies, one thing is indisputable: New Jersey State Senator Loretta Weinberg (above), via her law mandating...