Shooting the 2013 Zombies In The Heartland 3-Gun Match

15 The last few months have been packed full of 3-gun competitions. I knew joining Team FNH USA was going to eat up chunks of my free time this year and, sure enough, it’s absolutely...

FNH USA’s Mark Hanish Wins Tac Optics at MGM Ironman

The MGM Ironman is one of the toughest 3-gun competitions in the United States. Days on end spent in the desert, running your guns through grueling stages, you need to keep your guns clean...

The Psychology of 3-Gun, Part 1: Before the Buzzer

I had just picked Robert up from Bush Intercontinental in Houston in advance of the NRA annual meeting, and was listening to his latest musings about life and firearms as I dodged through rush...

Shooting the Austin Rifle Club Carbine Match

14 It was billed as one of the hottest days of the summer. Temperatures in south Texas were forecast to be somewhere between 108 degrees and 114. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and...

Learning to Love the SCAR: How a Couple Modifications Make All the Difference

In 3-gun competitions, having an accurate rifle doesn’t matter much if the shooter doesn’t know how to work it. The interaction between the shooter’s body mechanics and the rifle is so important that pro-level...

Sneak Peek: My Lack of Free Time is Your Benefit

Looking at the calendar for the next two months, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I'll be burning through all of my time off from the day job (and working extra days...

Packing for the 2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun

Last year, I was invited to participate in Crimson Trace's first midnight 3-gun competition. Shooters from around the country gathered in Bend, Oregon to compete in total darkness for a rather hefty top prize...

Nick Leghorn Wins 1st Place Media at Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational. Daniel Horner...

Daniel Horner is on a roll. The Army Marksmanship Unit shooter is not only dominating the pro series circuit, often leading by a full 12 seconds by the time the competition is over, but...

Shooting the 2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational – Night 1

9 One of the greatest 3-gun events in the US is the Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational. The competition is held in the dead of night inbeautifulBend, Oregon, and there's always tons o' fun stuff...

Video: Team FNH USA at the 2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational

7 Full write-ups coming soon, but until then enjoy this video montage of the team in action in Bend this past weekend.

Shooting the 2013 Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational – Night 2

1 The first night of the Crimson Trace Midnight 3-Gun Invitational didn’t end on a promising note. Any time you collect 30 seconds worth of penalties you’re having a bad day. But while that night...

Shooting the 2013 Pro/Am, Day 1

1 A good 3-gun match is all about making choices. Choices like whether to shoot a target with a handgun or a shotgun. Which side of a "V"-shaped couse to start on. And where to...