Repo Man Proves That Being Right Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Also Be Dead

“Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way— He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.” ― Dale...

Self-Defense Behind Anti-Gun Enemy Lines

Personally, I hate giving my business to places that ban guns. Whether it's an individual store or a whole country, I'd rather my shopping or tourism money go somewhere that respects my rights. But,...

Using Laser Pistols and/or VR To Improve Your Point Shooting

A couple years ago when I first bought a SIRT pistol, I thought the main beneficiary would be my students. After all, I'm an instructor! I know it all, and I'm the best. But,...

The AceXR VR Shooting System: “It’s Like Shooting A Competition With .22”

In some ways, hyper-realistic firearms training has been the holy grail of the defensive, police, and military shooting worlds. While there's a lot you can do on the range, there are still some steep...
shooting range train glock shoot

Does Trigger Finger Position Matter? No. But Also Yes. But Also No.

An interesting post on Twitter/X by Yellow Peril Tactical raises an interesting question: does trigger finger position matter? In this article, I'm going to explore this topic. They're right in some ways, but it's...
Angry woman cartoon pointing feat

Harassing Your Friends and Relatives About Safe Gun Storage Won’t Keep Your Kids Safe

The big gun control grifting operations are out in force in the run-up to the holidays on social media. The big thing they want to frighten people with this time? Visiting family and friends...
DC police Guns gun wall red

4 Factors You Need to Consider When Buying a Concealed Carry Handgun

By Tim Carroll What gun should I carry for self-defense? That's a question that's been asked more times than I can count during my professional training career and more often in recent years. The answer...
concealed carry training

Guns for Beginners: How to Find Quality Self-Defense Firearm Training

Carrying a gun lawfully for self-defense can make the difference between life and death in a critical situation. Yet at the same time it comes along with risks to the carrier thanks to laws...

Council Meeting Grenade Attack Shows the Absence of Situational Awareness and the Danger of...

One thing I've read over and over in the accounts of mass shooting survivors is that they initially didn't believe it was happening. When they hear gunshots, instead of believing their ears, people often...
Alli by Boch

Improve Your Shooting: The 50-Round Skill Sustainment Course of Fire

In case you didn't already know it, if you don't continue to shoot over time, you will slowly lose your shooting skills. Ammunition is more reasonable that it was a couple of years ago,...

Students Demand Action Self-Owns in Attacking Active Shooter Drills in Schools

A recent social media post by the smug hoplophobes at Michael Bloomberg's Students Demand Action gun control group didn't go the way they'd hoped. It went so badly, in fact, that they ended up...
center mass target

Personal Defense Tip: Aim for Center Mass to Stop the Threat

When you're shooting at someone to stop an imminent, credible threat of death or grievous bodily harm, do what the police do: aim for center mass. Never mind what you may have seen in...