Fear and Learning at a DC Training Course

A member of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia sent us this look at his DC CCW training. Name withheld by request. Saw your article on the training...

Empty Gun, Blue Gun, or Plastic Training Barrel?

Among the wide variety of responses to TTAG's recent blog on the Missouri training-fatality "Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day," many of our professional Armed Intelligentsia expressed their horror that a novice shooter died...

“It is nearly impossible to sneak up on a turkey”

However, it IS possible to sneak up on a hunter hunting turkeys. Especially if you're mistaking his turkey call for a turkey's turkey call. What might happen next does nothing good for anyone, including...

Gear Review: Shooter App for Android Phones

For a lot of shooters, the primary barrier to moving past those 200-yard targets isn’t equipment or experience. It's a desperate hatred of mathematics. The calculations required to figure out bullet drop, translate that...

Question of the Day: Are Guns Your Hobby?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y76u3IbtKy4 Gun control advocates view videos like this one with revulsion. It's not just the porno movie music that sets them on edge. Whenever they see civilians running around armed to the teeth, they wonder...

Question of the Day: Is CCW Qualification Training A Joke?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh3ad0dlsO8&feature=player_embedded I train as often as I can. I see no reason to stop training, ever. But I don't believe it's the government's business to decide how, when, where and how much firearms training a...

The Joy of Shooting Bowling Pins

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ydywk4nMo I have belonged to an indoor range for about two years now. I practice every week or two. The range runs “Action Handgun Pin Shooting” on Tuesday nights. I gave it a try this...

Emergency Medicine on the Range: Making Your First Aid Bag

As much as we drill the rules of firearm safety into our heads, anytime we step onto a range the possibility for injury is ever-present. The highest risk isn't even posed by the firearms...

Personal Defense Weapons (PDW): A Solution in Search of a Problem?

Modern armies have faced a small dilemma: what should they use to arm personnel who are not fighting on the front line?  A full-size rifle is too big to let them do...

Self-Defense Training vs. Competitive Shooting

Does competitive shooting teach gun owners inappropriate self-defense gunfighting skills and instill dangerous habits? Entering the fray: Jeff Gurwitch . The Army Special Forces vet is a kick-ass competitor at USPA matches. You can't...

Shooting Instructors (So to Speak): Jeff Cooper vs. Massad Ayoob

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGYttXa0d1k Most of us have seen the YouTube videos of "shooting instructors" doing questionable and dangerous things. What sane person would take a class with the guy who advocates running at his assailant...

Apocalypse When?

I love a good “end of the world” story. The Road Warrior is my all-time favorite action movie. Lucifer’s Hammer,  The Stand and Earth Abides are amongst my favorite books. What’s not to like? ...