You Can Tell a Lot About a Man by His Friends

Our man Tyler Kee is on friend duty today, standing up in a buddy's wedding. Fortunately, it appears the groom's a good dude and knows what his groomsmen like. Above is a phone pic...

Question of the Day: How Would You Use the Shut Up Gun?

Sure to be up for a future Nobel Peace (and Quiet) Prize, two Japanese researchers, Kazutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada, have invented a new kind of gun that jams vocal output - apparently without...

Sometimes the Good is the Enemy of the Perfect

26 I'm sure we've all heard the plaintive cry from the "practical," weak-kneed compromise apologists: I know XYZ isn't the best bill/ law/candidate but if we don't support it/him/her we'll get something/someone even worse. You...

You’ll Swoon at Aaron Spuler’s June Guns and Stuff Giveaways

Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Step right up, step right up. Yes you, sir. All ya hafta do is click on one of the little links after the jump, enter a little bit...

Big Brother Builds Better Bandwidth, But Will There Be A Benefit?

The NSA is building a new "data center" in Bluffdale, UT outside of Salt Lake City. And while plenty of people think their acronym really stands for Never Say Anything, one of their former...

Question of the Day: Do You Shoot Without Hearing Protection? Say WHAT?

Reader Paul S. writes: A comment in a recent post got me thinking. The commenter indicated his concern about possibly deafening a small child in his arms during a DGU. I don't think this is...

eBay Bargain of the Day: Flow Thru Ventilated Laptop

That's a gently used Asus Zenbook that eBay seller zzyzzx1130 is trying to unload. But give him credit - he's totally up-front about the 'puter's condition. While it works perfectly, it does exhibit one...

Armed Drones – What Every Good Boy Is Hoping For This Christmas

16 Ralphie's mom was only worried about the kid putting his eye out. She never dreamed he'd be able to chase the Bumpus's dogs down the street, thwacking them with paintball markers. Let alone peeping...

Solving the Problem of Child Violence

By Don N. Are instances of child violence on the rise? To tell the truth, I don't really know, but I'll go out on a limb and say it sometimes seems like it. There are...

Texas International Firearms Festival: VIP Tix Selling Fast! [Sponsored Content]

Hey sharp shots! I'm back! After shooting some new shooting videos, I've returned to help promote the Texas International Firearms Festival at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Austin, Texas, November 8 and...

Texas International Firearms Festival Sponsor of the Day: SilencerCo

(Sponsored content) Shhhhhhh! The first annual Texas International Firearms Festival – November 8 & 9 at Best of the West Shooting Sports – is just weeks away! You need to buy a day pass today – your chance to sample (and buy) firearms...

Texas International Firearms Festival Sponsor of the Day: Barrett

(Sponsored content) The first annual Texas International Firearms Festival – November 8 & 9 at Best of the West Shooting Sports – is just weeks away! You need to buy your day pass today – it's your chance to sample (and buy) firearms...