Self Defense Tip: Don’t Use a Rifle

I've done a couple posts in the last few months talking about self defense rifles. Like this one. And this one. I wrote both articles because someone was looking for a self defense rifle...

What to Tell the 911 Operator After a Defensive Gun Use: Guns for Beginners

Calling 911 during or after a defensive gun use is a necessary practice fraught with danger. If you call the cops during an attack (e.g., a home invasion), the operator will try to keep you on the...

The #1 Most Important Upgrade for Your New AR-15

There's little doubt that the AR-15 is the most popular rifle design around. Everyone seems to have one, and while the design is solid it can definitely be improved. As a 60+ year old...

Fatal ND: Bra Holster Goes Boom

It's been a bad few weeks for women's carry options. First there was the much-publicized shooting of a mother by her toddler when the tyke pulled her pistol from her purse (which was designed to hold...

Your Next Rifle Should Be a Crossbow

(sponsored content) A good rifle can consistently punch holes in a 3-inch bullseye at 100 yards. Until now, that kind of accuracy was unheard of in a crossbow. With the advent of Ravin's patented HeliCoil...

What to Look for When You Purchase an AR-15

(sponsored content) Many people look at a modern sporting rifle and automatically assume it is an AR, but they may not understand what truly makes a real AR. A lot of manufacturers claim to make...

Beretta Tactical Experience: APX

I don't carry a plastic pistol. I carry a .45 caliber STI Shadow 1911-style handgun. So when Beretta Gallery Dallas invited me to "the full tactical experience" to try out the Beretta APX, I...
Thanksgiving Traditional Roasted Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving From TTAG

Whether you got your bird with a well-placed load of No. 5 shot from 15 yards or from the freezer case at your local store, have a happy and a healthy Thanksgiving. TTAG will...

Jeff Gonzales: The Folly of the ‘Press Check’

Something's bothered me for years: students asking if they can perform a "press check" -- what's properly called a weapons check -- to confirm their firearm's condition. Some pick up the habit from watching...

Why Don’t You Carry a Reload?

Millions of Americans carry a firearms every day. And that number's growing all the time. Yet not all of them pack a reload. IN fact, it seems safe to assume that the percentage that...

Drug Smugglers’ Latest Weapon: The Potato Gun

  Mexican drug cartels may be a bunch of vile, hyper-violent murdering scum, but they're not necessarily stupid. Some have apparently figured out that they can save the cost and risk of mules (hired smugglers)...

Do-It-Yourself Magazine Storage System

Reader Thundervoice writes: I’m an engineer. I’m always looking for a cheaper and better way to do something. Having recently begun competing in local USPSA events, my collection of magazines has grown to the point...