2018 Uniform Crime Report
Courtesy FBI.gov

BELLEVUE, WA – The newly-released FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2018 says violent crime is down overall 3.3 percent from 2017, and the number of reported homicides involving firearms also declined, leading the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to ask Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby: “What ‘gun violence’ epidemic are you talking about?”

According to the new FBI data, last year there were an estimated 14,123 murders in the United States, which is down from the 15,129 reported in 2017. In 2018, an estimated 10,256 slayings involved firearms, down slightly from the 10,982 posted by the FBI during the previous year.

“So, the number of murders has gone down,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb observed. “Yet, in order to create the impression that this country is awash in violent crime, gun grabbers routinely combine the number of homicides and suicides, plus accidental deaths and call them all acts of so-called ‘gun violence.’ It is deliberately misleading and downright dishonest. Why are Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby lying about this?

“It is important to note,” Gottlieb continued, “that last year, according to the new FBI data, only 297 murders are known to have been committed with rifles of any kind, yet Democrats including all of those now running for president want to ban modern semiautomatic sporting rifles, which they repeatedly mischaracterize as ‘weapons of war.’ Millions of honest citizens own such firearms, and they have harmed nobody.”

Gottlieb, in the aftermath of the most successful and largest Gun Rights Policy Conference in the event’s 34-year history, said the time has come for the “honest conversation” anti-gunners continually demand.

“Let’s have this discussion,” he challenged, “and let’s stick to the facts. Let’s leave the emotions and theatrics outside. It’s time for the gun prohibition lobby, and their Democrat allies, to explain why they want to unilaterally disarm this country’s law-abiding gun owners. Why are they determined to penalize every gun owner for crimes they didn’t commit? Why do they treat the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as a government-regulated privilege? The right to keep and bear arms predates the Second Amendment. We have the Second Amendment to prevent the government from taking away our liberty, and it’s time for Democrats and gun grabbers to explain why they want to change that.”

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (www.ccrkba.org) is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.


  1. Always the Cassandra*, it must be noted that 10,000+ deaths from firearm use is an epidemic. Look at all the press, and effort dedicated to a coupla dozen or so deaths from measles. Today, a single death (especially of a child) caused by a “normal” activity demands government intervention, and nationwide news coverage.

    Back, back in the day, in the days when government involvement in every moment of every person in the country was not common, the deaths caused by the measles would not likely have made national headlines, even for print media. Such events were state matters. Currently, we are demanded to stand life on its head for less than 1/10th of 1% of the populace to be encountering discomfort.

    *Wait a minute…just realized that even though I am not female, I can claim to be one at anytime, so while I thought it odd to name a male as Cassandra, it is actually quite acceptable.

    • “…even though I am not female, I can claim to be one at anytime…”

      Samantha I am works for me.

      (And who cares if ‘Samantha’ has an unusually large clitoris? 😉 )

      • “(And who cares if ‘Samantha’ has an unusually large clitoris? 😉 )”

        Whew !

        Not touching that with a 10 Foot Pole.

        Or a 6 Foot Hungarian.

  2. I like that he used “gun prohibition lobby” in his wording. It’s a nice counterance to the “gun lobby” rhetoric we see a lot and overdue in my book.

  3. The totalitarian Leftards never let facts or truth get in the way of the agenda of civilian disarmament,meanwhile they cry the sky is falling,it’s for the children and every other line of B S they can come up with.

  4. “We will not comply!” Has to become our rallying cry. And mean it. What are they going to do? Put us all in jail? Generally speaking, firearms owners are middle to upper middle class citizens. Do you know what it would do to the economy if all those citizens suddenly disappeared from the work force? The question is, how many have the courage to say “No!”?

    • Look at Forgotten Weapons video on this, but I can just hear the Jews in Nazi Germany expressing a sentiment exactly like this just as “The Final Solution” was being put into place. No one is indispensable to the oppressors, ask Stalin what he did with brightest and best as well. Wasn’t just Germany, wasn’t just USSR, I hope not to count the USA as another example.

      • And look what happened to Stalinist Russia when he executed/sent to the gulag his generals and middle class. Took a couple of decades, but… Hitler’s Germany didn’t have to wait so long. Most of the affluent and educated Jews fled before it was too late. Then we ground the Nazis under our boot heel. The Japanese. The same. Xenophobia never works.

        • The problem is, if conservatives don’t stand up and resist there is no one to come rescue us.
          There is no other “America” waiting in the wings.

          The western world has been taken over by socialists who are importing muslims by the millions to help turn things into a dictatorship. America is just a few years behind most.

          Demographics are against us if we just wait for the politics to turn back conservative. 2030 at the latest; hope I am wrong.

          Be Prepared !

  5. “gun grabbers routinely combine the number of homicides and suicides, plus accidental deaths and call them all acts of so-called ‘gun violence.’ It is deliberately misleading and downright dishonest”
    What is misleading about calling a self inflicted gunshot ‘gun violence’? It would be ‘downright dishonest’ to not include these numbers. Unfortunately nearly two thirds of gun deaths are suicides and victims of gun violence. Which
    leaves one third being homicides and victims
    of gun violence. Honestly, Now is the time for
    common sense gun laws including federal background checks for all gun sales and Extreme Risk Laws.

    • Leslie, I’ve seen a lot of homicides, suicides and few accidental deaths. I remember one guy beat to death with a cast iron skillet. We have to something about those assault frying pans. Eye witness to a murder. Victim stabbed in the throat with a broken bottle. Let’s ban glass. Couple of suicides where the subject hung himself with a drop cord. We need to have a mental exam for everyone buying an extension cord. I’ve seen more people killed with knives than rifles. Can’t remember a single homicide committed with an AR-15. And as I said, I’ve seen a lot of homicides. Remind me Leslie; how may homicides have you seen?

    • ” Honestly, Now is the time for common sense gun laws including federal background checks for all gun sales and Extreme Risk Laws ”

      Honestly, where is the common sense in pursuing phantom solutions that don’t produce the desired results?

      I’m assuming the desired result is to enhance public safety and reduce criminal activities, at least, that is the official party line of the Disarmament Cartel. But, even though we all know better, let’s stipulate that is the goal.

      So, explain to me how Universal Background Checks enhance public safety and reduce criminal activity. And on the heels of that, explain to me how confiscating the property of someone who has not committed a crime makes everyone safer with any degree of certainty.

      I’m retired… I’ve got plenty of time… I’ll wait. Common sense is all about doing practical things that actually work, not chasing some whacko idea just because it sounds good, it feels good, and it makes you look like you’re actually accomplishing something. Really… you gun-grabbers have got to stop wasting everyone’s time with this crap.

    • Your “common sense” is my infringement. Infringement on the only right that specifically “shall not be infringed” upon.

      • “Infringement on the only right that specifically “shall not be infringed” upon.” I love this!

    • Are other suicides victims of “rope violence”? Pill violence? Exhaust violence?
      Suicide is typically not violent.

      • “Suicide is typically not violent.”

        “Suicide is painless
        It brings on many changes
        And I can take or leave it as I please.”
        – J.Mandel

          • “Those lyrics never made any sense at all. They just rhyme.”

            That’s just the chorus/refrain. When combined with the total lyric, it all makes perfect sense. But maybe it only makes sense to old time psychedelidodos.

    • Sorry, Leslie, you don’t make any sense. None of your “comonsense” proposals can make a difference in suicide rate nor can it lower the homicide rate. But we all know that it’s not really the goal of you gun grabbers. You just use the pretense to get us good and defenseless. Guess what!

    • Sorry, Leslie, you don’t make any sense. None of your “comonsense” proposals can make any difference in suicide rate nor can it lower the homicide rate. But we all know that it’s not really the goal of you gun grabbers. You just use the pretense to get us good and defenseless. Guess what!

  6. First and foremost, there is NO gun violence. While speaking to a friend the other day they mentioned the uptick in gun violence. I asked him about his “fork obesity” and he gave me a quizzical look.

    • “there is NO gun violence”

      I’ve never seen a violent firearm,never seen one become violent,person perhaps but never a firearm.
      Just Leftard BS used in their agenda to aid in civilian disarmament.

      • “Just Leftard BS used in their agenda to aid in civilian disarmament.”

        We ignore the effectiveness of terms they create, at our own peril.

        • Quote Sam: ““Just Leftard BS used in their agenda to aid in civilian disarmament.”

          We ignore the effectiveness of terms they create, at our own peril.”

          True words !

  7. Dear Ferd buttengerg.
    There, their, they’re.

    Grammar matters. Can’t take you seriously if you can’t spell.

  8. The punctuation Joe Biden uses to indicate strong emotion? Three periods. Three! He even spells it out for you.

    • “Three periods” is called an ellipsis… and it’s not actually three periods… it’s a punctuation mark in it’s own right…

      • Ellipsis: “…”
        Three periods: “…”
        Three shots and a TIE fighter: ” \_/ \_/ \_/ |-o-| “

  9. For the Libitards its just lie lie and more lies.
    Doesn’t matter if things are better. They say its worse and Libitards who have nothing to show for anything the last few years.
    They have to convince themselves. Or anybody whos dumb enough to listen.
    That as irrelevant as they are in the total scheme of things. They are right. We are all wrong.

  10. It’s all of the carry permit holders roaming the streets shooting at each other. It’s not the concentration of 50% of murders in 5% of the counties or 25 % of gun crime in 4 cities, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, and D.C. Or the gang activity in Oakland.

    • Well, at least somebody around here gets it.

      The streets across your land, and my land, have become the wild wild west. I read where 93 million people are killed by gun violence, every year. Think it was a governor of Virginia said that. He would know.

      • Growing up I always thought Philly had some dangerous areas. Then I visited a friend in Wilmington (Delaware) and learned about 4th street. Apparently it’s getting better but per capital worse than Baltimore.

  11. I’m going to cite a Japanese author, of all people, for the best 2nd amendment quote I read all month.

    “Guns don’t shoot people.
    People shoot guns.
    People shoot commies with guns.”

    Maj. Tanya Von Degurechaff, 1923

  12. Well you have hate groups like antifa and bamn that have admitted their arming up and getting training so they can help enforce gun confiscation and gun control.

  13. It is true that, counting deaths, people killed with by other people with guns barely moves the needle compared to other causes of death, such as cancer, car accidents, suicide, and so forth and so on. But to be brutally honest, we should also include the tens of thousands of people injured by gunfire who do not die–a number that is 7 or 8 times as high as the murder rate. But even then, the number is paltry compared to the leading causes of death:
    Heart disease: 647,457.
    Cancer: 599,108.
    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936.
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201.
    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383.
    Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404.
    This does not include preventable medical negligence leading to death (250,000 plus) or auto accidents (2.6 million per year).
    Or maybe gun banners just have a weird definition of “epidemic.”

    • Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

      Last I looked, there are 100 causes of death, in raw numbers, ahead of death by gunshot. All of those can be categorized as “normal activities”. This means that most can be prevented through actions of the individual. Mass shootings cannot be prevented by the individual, alone. Guns are not “normal activities” for the vast, overwhelming majority of the public. Mass shootings (think schools, malls, public venues) happen in “normal places/normal activities”. The only preventative measure is remain isolated from most of “normal” life. This measure is not “normal”. This is what frightens people into irrationality (well, irrational from the statistics POV, but entirely rational from a fear POV). It is fear of abject helplessness in the face of omnipresent danger from some “crazy person with a gun” that reinforces the idea that removing guns from “normal” people is the only means of protecting oneself.

      Fear is contagious; logic, reason and statistics is/are not. POTG simply dismissing this fear does nothing to protect the 2A.

  14. I have asked several people if they cared how they died… None answered me. Nobody going to live forever. I don’t really think it matters much how. Take when that might be more important. The thing that is probably the most important about dying is more about how well you have lived. Are you leaving the world a better place, or is your leaving making it better. I can barely manage my own business. Sticking my nose into someone else’s business is way beyond my pay grade.

  15. so you’re telling me there’s a chance … of being killed by a rifle in America? (Insert Dumb and Dumber gif here)

    < 1:1,000,000?

    Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more, Men were deceivers ever.

  16. If you repeat a lie enough times (“Gun violence epidemic”) it becomes the truth.

    Good job, left, taking policy advice from a literal actual nazi.

  17. I am willing to bet that if you remove the 20 most violent inner city counties from USA total of over 3100, suicides, and gun free “safe’ zones, from gun death statistics it would show the rest of the USA, which still has heavily armed citizenry, one of the very safest places to live in the world yet the progressives want to use their social experiment failures in the inner cities ghettos and stupid gun free zones to tell us we need to be disarmed to be safe.Bullshit and they refuse to try and fix their failures.

  18. I remember my first time. I met a guy. I thought he was a good man. We went back to his place. Things got, well, you know how things get. He pulled it out. Must have been nine inches, long and black. I was too busy screaming to notice the robber broke into his apartment. Sure, they saw no one was hurt, but what about my trauma?

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