Image via Chicago Police Twitter

Most normal Americans traditionally celebrate Independence Day with friends, family, food and fireworks. Not in Chicago. Well, maybe the “fireworks” part. The holiday weekend in Murder City, USA means traditionally an orgy of violence with little likelihood of arrest or conviction for the perpetrators. This past weekend upheld that tradition only too well.

With 92 shot over the extended weekend, and 15 killed, the Independence Day holiday proved quite the dysfunctional crap show in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s domain.

Not that many of the shooters have to worry about being arrested or doing any time when, since 2017, less than 5% of non-fatal shootings result in arrests or convictions. And only half of the homicides Chicago PD cleared last year resulted in prosecution.

The indispensable Hey Jackass has the numbers, and they ain’t pretty . . .

Shot & Killed: 15
Shot & Wounded: 77
Total Shot: 92
Total Homicides: 15

Those numbers exclude the mayhem to the north in Highland Park as a leftist domestic terrorist shot up an Independence Day parade killing six and wounding 30.

Did the Land of Lincoln’s fearless Governor J. B. Pritzker issue a special press release about the mayhem in Chicago? As of yet, no.

Pritzker made sure, however, to get himself in front of cameras and bloviate about the shooting in Highland Park. Pritzker blamed “gun violence” (naturally) for the atrocity, not domestic terrorism (allegedly) committed by a reputed hard-core leftist Antifa wannabe in a gun-free zone that was protected by an assault weapons ban.

Image via Office of Governor via Twitter

As if passing another gun control law — one Illinois doesn’t already have on the books– would have stopped the aspiring rapper turned alleged spree killer.

For some reason, though, the weekend’s much higher body count in Chicago proper didn’t merit a mention from the big guy. Go figure.

Meanwhile, in Mogadishu on Lake Michigan, violent mobs were taking over intersections and shutting down streets to do donuts while launching commercial-grade fireworks. And when police responded, the mobs attacked the cops, trashing their squad cars.

Police made no arrests in the attack shown in the above video.

The night before, the mobs did the same in other parts of the city.

It’s almost as if much of Chicago has become a lawless, Mad Max-ish cesspool of violence.

Is it any wonder productive people and companies are moving out of America’s third-largest, deeply blue city taking jobs and tax dollars with them?


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    • A population of 2.7 million people with 150 thousand gang members. If ONLY gangsters are killed at an average of 20 per week and no new members are recruited that’s enough gangsters to keep on killing each other for another 144 years plus or minus a year or two.

    • “They be runnin outta thugs pretty soon!?”

      Doubtful… 92 shot, only 15 DOA? Need to get dem peeps some .45 ACP, 9mm doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.

      It’s amazing all the guns and ammo these gangstas seem to come up with- lots of trips to IA, MO, KY, IN, WI, I assume. And how did that punk in Highland Park even come up with a legal AR?

      Oh, wait a minute! He must’ve lied on his FOID and 4473 forms. Imagine that- someone giving false answers on a government form! What next?

  1. Wonder how many of the shooters were Christian Caucasian male Trump supporters with valid FOID cards that happened to be Lifetime NRA members? Please everyone don’t bash on Illinois to much. Most of the state is fine. The problems are in Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Decatur, Springfield, Peoria, East St Louis, Rockford and Cook county. Sounds like Bloomington and Charleston are starting to have some problems as well.

    • Don’t forget about Carbondale, the Chicago of Southern Illinois. Heavy Liberal university town, liberal “admissions policy” have taken enrolment at SIU-C from 25,000 in the 80s to maybe 10,000. A true liberal success story.

    • “Most of the state is fine. The problems are in Champaign, Urbana, Danville, Decatur, Springfield, Peoria, East St Louis, Rockford and Cook county. Sounds like Bloomington and Charleston are starting to have some problems as well.”

      Cripes! WTF’s left?

  2. The media has been trying to portray this fruitloop as a Trump supporter. More like Trump Derangement Syndrome to me. Find a nice court, have a nice trial, and then a nice wood chipper….Oh yeah, make sure it’s televised. We need to stop coddling criminals and leftist scum… Why do they stay here if they hate Americans, America and freedom so much…

    • “Find a nice court, have a nice trial, and then a nice wood chipper….Oh yeah, make sure it’s televised.”

      Actually, in your somewhat sarcastic approach to a major problem, you’ve hit the nail on the head.

      As a kid growing up during the 1950s-60s, we learned right from wrong, and saw consequenses for actions in nearly every direction. TV shows, movies, churches, public education, parents, neighbors, even the appearance of most government officials AT THAT TIME conformed to a rather rigid code of ethics, at least publicly. The permissiveness of the later ’60s saw an end to all that, even, and especially in the entertainment media, politicians and churches.

      Dragging Americans back to the “e pluribus unum” concept is proving to be a real challenge, yet it is one we should not surrender as an American responsibility. While, perhaps, we should not judge people, it should be perfectly fine to judge their actions and assign consequences appropriate to them publicly.

    • Luckily, some of his Sociopath Media Posts were saved on other sites, before his was scrub a dubbed by the Powers that encouraged, aided and abetted him. Either this Product of Assholism was a card carrying Beta Male member of ANTIFA or he wanted to be.

  3. Its laughable that Democrats try to convince people that the cause of violence are guns not the people who use them. They don’t associate not enforcing the law with the increase in violence of all types. I heard a beauty today. I live in Colorado and a person I know who an FFL firearms dealer said that one of the County Sheriffs told him that they only confiscate illegal firearms if evidence of a violent crime. That is, if you have an illegal firearm while conducting a drug deal, they do not confiscate your illegal gun and just charge you with the drug deal? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Maybe if laws were enforced, we wouldn’t have these shootings and if we locked these people up for illegal possession it might take a few more killers off the street. But NO, our solution is to make laws that only impact law abiding citizens.

    • illegal firearm – define “illegal firearm”. And standing along the side of a road would Mr Popo determine he is looking at an “illegal firearm”. He might be able to determine a FELON in possession. But he is unlikely to shoot the felon.

      • “illegal firearm – define “illegal firearm”.”

        I’ll take a swing.

        Any gun that was stolen from me… 🙁

        • I didn’t steal it, I was fishing in the lake and snagged it off the bottom.

        • Any firearm that originally came with a factory serial number that is obliterated or has been willfully removed or damaged to hide it.

  4. Straight white males over 40 living in Maine strike again.
    The greatest threat to our “democracy.”
    They must be punished!

    • Just imagine how many more bodies would have piled up if today was on the weekend! It got to 96° with a 78° dewpoint in Chiraq. Homie does play dat! Fat boy will never mention Chiraq except to champion infanticide …

  5. Highland Park, IL. Press conference right now. What a fucking shit show. Little fucking weasel Illinois DA, let’s ban assault weapons nationwide. While highland pk already has an assault weapons ban. Not one black man or woman in the background and not one fucking word about the number of people shot and killed in Chitcago. Fuck these assholes every one of them!

    • “What a fucking shit show. Little fucking weasel Illinois DA, let’s ban assault weapons nationwide.”

      Let ’em, and laugh at them when they do.

      He must have missed the memo from the SCotUS last week instructing the circuit court that Maryland’s assault weapons ban be ruled on the *correct* way, as per ‘Bruin’…

      • That’s the problem Geoff they don’t give a flying fk about stomping on citizens rights. In the meantime the law abiding single mom in Chitcago is left defenseless. This idiot Crime O will be prosecuted “as he should be” but the bastards in Chitcago if caught at all will be given no cash bail. We need true justice and I wonder how much blood will be shed for that to come about. Looking forward for the tree of liberty to be watered.

        • This is kinda the point I was making the other day.

          Given their druthers, these folks will more than willingly do things they know are illegal in going after people’s rights. They don’t care what SCOTUS has to say on the matter.

          But why don’t the care?

          Because you pay tax money to fund them coming after you. They then use your money to defend themselves for having come after you illegally. They’ll mix your money into a kitty with the money of others and attempt to crush you legally.

          If that fails and you do win they’ll give you some percentage of your own, and everyone else’s, money and never make right. They perceive that they’ll never do time, they’ll never suffer at all.

          Until there are consequences for their behavior, consequences borne by the actors themselves, nothing will change. So far there have not been consequences worth mentioning.

          But past performance is not indicative of future results… which is what makes me rather nervous going forward. This kind of hubris tends to stick it out until it is snuffed out. Supposedly French aristocrats went to the guillotine planning the night’s dinner parties while in the back of a cart on the way to the square. That’s how confident they were that they would “get away with it”.

  6. “Is it any wonder productive people and companies are moving out of America’s third-largest, deeply blue city taking jobs and tax dollars with them?”

    I sure wish Boeing would wake up and move back to the Seattle area…

      • “Why Seattle?”

        Boeing used to have their corporate headquarters close the aircraft assembly line in Seattle, and the engineers would frequently be seen overseeing in person how the assembly line was working. They talked to the people on the line, and the employees would bring up issues they were seeing as they cropped up.

        And then, *it* happened.

        When Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas, all that changed.

        This gives an overview of the high points, (actually the low points) of that merger :

        TL;DR, – *bad* things began to happen when Boeing was no longer a company of highly talented aerospace engineering talent, but turned into a corporate bureaucracy hell with bean-counting morons making the engineering calls.

        Read the article, it should frighten anyone who frequently flies on Boeing aircraft…

        • I briefly worked for Boeing after they acquired it from Hughes GM in El Segundo. Believe me I know their story. Hughes GM was no better. We used to joke about would you like power windows or air conditioning with your satellite? The bean counters needed to be shot on sight. They did absolutely destroy the company like the locusts they were.

        • P.S. read the article. Condit was a real piece of work. 1998 to 2003 good freaking times for us in Satellite/Aerospace.

        • I spent 10 years as a contractor at McDonnel Douglas (F-15E, YF-23 and A-12), LearJet (35A and 55 Longhorn) and BeechCraft (1900 and Starship) and I can assure you they are ALL fucked up. I’d walk before you could put me on a B1900.

        • Starship is the plane I wanted if I won the lotto back them.

          An absolutely criminal act when they crushed them… 🙁

  7. The Chicago Way

    He pulls a knife, you pull a gun, he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way.

    The Chicago Way – anti gun version

    He pulls a knife, defenseless victims dies but don’t worry another law will fix it. That’s the Chicago way.

  8. quote———–Pritzker made sure, however, to get himself in front of cameras and bloviate about the shooting in Highland Park. Pritzker blamed “gun violence” (naturally) for the atrocity, not domestic terrorism (allegedly) committed by a reputed hard-core leftist Antifa wannabe in a gun-free zone that was protected by an assault weapons ban.———-quote

    Total Falsehood. The sniper was a deraigned Far Right extremist. His old man even praised assault rifles the day after the Uvalde Massacre.

    What is occurring in America with almost monotonous regularity may serve to harden us to such a degree that we come to accept it. We must open our eyes to the reality of the slaughter of our citizens. Our children are depending on us to find solutions. If we cannot, or will not address the clear and present danger before us we are not deserving of a free and secure nation. We have lost it to a mythical and much misunderstood line in a document that is an anachronism in the twenty-first century. How do we measure the lives of our children against the desire to play with weapons of war? The task at hand is not for the squeamish who wish to avert their eyes when encountering unpleasantness in any form. Our previous president presented America and the world with a new paradigm for violence, cowardice, and dishonor. For Americans to continue pretending we cannot determine right from wrong is beyond ludicrous.

    Many people are saying the massacre operation was payback for an anti-gun democrat defeating his father’s campaign.

    “The father of a man who has been arrested in the wake of a deadly mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois reportedly ran for mayor of the city in 2019 and was defeated by a pro-gun control Democrat.

    Crimo’s father, Bob Crimo Jr., ran for mayor of Highland Park in 2019 and was defeated by incumbent Mayor Nancy Rotering, according to a number of media reports at the time and since Crimo III was arrested.“

    The fact is, the shooter’s father is a conservative Republican whose campaign for mayor was defeated by an anti-gun Democrat who banned AR15s in Highland Park years ago.

    • The FACT is that this clown was known to local cops (they had even been in his home where they noted numerous weapons including knives and machetes), there is a BAN on ARs AND AKs in Highland Park, there was a SIGNIFICANT Police presence around the area and STILL this creep was able to get in, climb to the roof of a supposed secure building, fire 70 rounds, wound some 30 people, kill seven AND still escape from the area and avoid capture for twelve hours. Not sure what YOUR point is (you rarely have one) but his daddy’s political failures did not put this asshole on a rooftop killing innocent people. OBTW: You missed your “Trump” bash opportunity, Seems the ONLY Twitter feed his Daddy followed was Trump. So, naturally THIS whole thing was Trumps fault, RIGHT? Don’t know how you AND Miner both missed that one..

    • “The fact is, the shooter’s father is a conservative Republican whose campaign for mayor was defeated by an anti-gun Democrat who banned AR15s in Highland Park years ago.”

      Which proves nothing. My father and mother were staunch Depression Era democrats who always voted that way, even though they absolutely hated the pro-gay, pro-abortion, anti-gun and anti-American posture to which the ever Left-moving party leadership took them.

      They always believed that, despite what was obvious, right under their noses, the democrats stood for the “little people”. Neither, however, were the least bit Liberal or Progressive in their political beliefs, and in fact, taught all 6 of their kids about the dangers of communism and facsism from birth. I’m sure had they lived another 20 years they would be rock-ribbed Republicans by now, possibly leaning Libertarian.

    • “Many people are saying the massacre operation was payback for an anti-gun democrat defeating his father’s campaign.”

      How many people are saying that? Only you, asshole, and miner.

      Neither article that you sourced states what you are claiming.

      Crimo Jr. reportedly said: “We need to take a hard look at Highland Park’s many ordinances, rules, and regulations, and see if we can improve them or change them in order to stimulate new business growth within our downtown business district.”

      Doesn’t mention gun laws at all.

      BTW — Crimo ran as a Democrat, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

      Bob Crimo
      Address: P.O. Box 911
      Highland Park, IL 60035
      District Type: City
      Office: Mayor
      District: Highland Park
      Party: Democratic

    • “Our previous president presented America and the world with a new paradigm for violence, cowardice, and dishonor. ”

      That line right there proves that you are an ignorant bloviating POS liar. GFY!

    • Dad might be a Conservative, but this kid’s Sociopath Media Posts show him to be a Far Left Anarchist, who is either a card carrying member of the ANTIFA-FAG-BRIGADE or a Wanna Be, and that history goes back several years.

      Am I excusing the parents from raising this Product of Assholism? Hell No. Charge both parents for raising a Sociopath.

      • Far Left— Anarchist,

        Contradiction of terms, Far Left would be your typical absolute Communist/Dictatorship… On the other hand, an “Anarchist” condones a state of disorder due to the absence or nonrecognition of authority and is an extreme right-wing condition. Definitely a sociopath.

  9. “Nothing wrong with shootings, so long as the right people get shot.” – “Dirty” Harry Callahan

  10. I guess if they don’t bring it up, it didn’t happen! I’d bet a couple dollars she gets reelected, any takers?

    • That’s a nobel and correct thing to do, a parent should do such. But, instead of running away as others had done dad and mom stayed in place in the fire zone, maybe paralyzed by fear and/or confusion which is completely understandable and their first thoughts were of their child. Had they grabbed the kid and run away as others had would they have had a better chance? Running away worked out for a lot of people, and is seems now that only the ones who stayed in place in the fire zone were the ones that were shot. But dad did the right thing and their child is alive today because the parents made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that.

      If confronted with the bad guy face to face compliance or running away doesn’t really provide the best chance even though some might get lucky, the bad guy controls the situation then and your chances are left up to the bad guy to decide and not you. Your best chance only happens when you control the chance that you have.

    • Another fucking lie you bitch! That toddler was found searching for his parents. You can’t open your mouth without lying.

  11. It’s almost as if much of Chicago has become a lawless, Mad Max-ish cesspool of violence.

  12. I say bring back hanging. String this guy up in a public square and televise the event.
    Then see how many more shootings occur. Thomas Jefferson proposed, after a criminal was given the death penalty, he be executed the next day.

      • How about an orderly dismemberment, remove part of a leg tied off with tourniquets and cauterize with a torch, you could make four or five cuts on each arm and leg then insert heated pins into the eyes and deep into its ears, complete the job by disemboweling, it could take a day or two after that to die just don’t let him bleed out til you’re done.

  13. “… in a gun-free zone that was protected by an assault weapons ban.”

    AND (as more little unofficial details are leaking out in bits and pieces as people and police who were there are relating the events)

    … had a large police presence, a SWAT team on standby just out of view, a supposedly ‘secure and safe’ armed police perimeter around the event, and police patrols with a view of points of access to the very alley behind the building where the guy used a ladder to climb onto the roof, and a police team on the roof of a building across from the one used that had a view of that roof top …


    1. This was a horrific terrorist type crime committed by a person with mental illness that drove him to do this. It was not committed by a gun.

    2. Despite multiple anti-gun laws and other laws against committing murder, the crime still happened. Laws do not stop or prevent crime. If Terrorist were stopped by laws then 911 and this incident would not have happened, if criminals were stopped by laws crime and this incident would not have happened, if violent impulse mental illness was stopped by laws this incident would not have happened.

    3. If police protection of the public was a real thing crimes would not happen and this incident would not have happened.

    4. If the justice system was really about justice, there would not be repeat offenders released from prison and there would be a drop in crime violent and otherwise by about 70%.

    5. If the criminal justice system and law actually did something to stop the existence of criminal gangs and crime the so called ‘gun violence’ would drop to pretty much zero and less law abiding people would want a gun. You want to reduce the number of guns and ‘gun violence’ the right way? Then do it by enforcing the existing laws the way they were intended to be enforced to stop criminal gangs and crime and the number of guns will decrease in society as more people would feel safer thus not consider a gun for defense. Making more laws is not the answer, there is really no new law, the cry for more anti-gun laws is only crying for creation of laws to say the same thing in different ways that existing laws already say – this cry for more anti-gun laws is political theater to dupe the public into thinking they will feel safer when in reality its only a continuation of the thousands of other times politicians exploited the natural human need to be safe so they can stay in power.

    6. new gun laws only penalize the law abiding or turn the law abiding into criminals simply because they exercise a right. No where in any founders missives or federalists papers or the constitution is there anything supporting the creation of laws to reduce, restrict, or remove rights for the law abiding.

    7. Anti-gun laws and laws to control, reduce, restrict, or remove other rights are not historically or otherwise permitted by the constitution, they are purely invention of governments trying to control, reduce, restrict, or remove rights for the law abiding because criminals do not obey laws. But the law abiding try to go along with these laws and live within them and obey them anyway and for their law abiding obedience they are penalized and made criminals while the criminals are allowed to run free to prey on law abiding citizens.

    In the entire history of mankind there has been exactly zero times a law stopped an in progress crime from beginning.

    Creation of new anti-gun laws or any law to control-reduce-restrict-remove any right for law abiding citizens, is not the answer.

    • LEAKED – – – Art Acevedo and Pete Arredondo form new security company in the Chicago area, specializing in public event overwatch and unobtrusive officer placement. The recently formed collaboration was the result of ………………..

  14. As a life long Region Rat, I see this causing more refugees from the Chicago area to seek refuge, invade, in Indiana.

  15. Let them enact more gun laws.
    Soon enough all gun owners will be considered criminals.
    Then they will leave us alone since they don’t enforce the laws anyway.

  16. I want to know what Psychotropic Meds this Arshole was on or had taken? Any Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors that are handed out like M&Ms for Anxiety and Depression or other Mood Disorders?

    One hushed up Adverse Reaction to these “medications” is a lowering of Inhibitions. Individuals taking them will do things they would never have contemplated when they weren’t taking them. Heightened Agression, and Animosity can also occur. The side effects of SSRI’s outweigh the benefits IMPO as a retired Health Care Provider.

    I wonder how many of these Shooters have been on Psychotropics? If so, why isn’t that in the News, because it should be.

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