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Check Your Weaponry: Monsters Are The New Zombies

Robert Farago - comments 12 comments


Birchwood Casey Darkotic Targets have been a big hit during the zombie shooting craze that has been sweeping the nation. The new Darkotic Monstroid targets expand the line to include the kind of monsters that keep us up at night.” Can you PLEASE shut off the TV so I can GO TO SLEEP? No wait. I think they mean “real” monsters (putting this post smack dab into opposites day). “Eight new scary monsters are available, including the Snack Rabbit™ Jackalope, Dead Sea™ Sea Monster, Freezer Burn™ Yeti, Night Watch™ Werewolf, Final Harvest™ Scarecrow, Farm Hand™ Chupacabra, Grounds Crew™ Garden Gnomes and Scar Tissue™, a chainsaw wielding maniac.” Clearly, head shots are no longer the thing. At the very least I’m thinking a flame-thrower for the Scarecrow and some sort of arbitration for the Grounds Crew. One more thing: Gnome Alone III.


Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.


  1. when I first heard about these being released I was ecstatic. I don’t care if people think they’re goofy, nothing beats blasting holes in a well drawn picture of a “zombified” deer, rat, giant spider, etc.

  2. ‘Human form’ targets are banned in France by the FFdT. My appeal to the president of our club got nowhere – despite my explanation that zombies are already dead.

  3. I think I would probably pick up a few. I mean I got kids, lots of them and just to make it fun. Sport shooting is what gets them interested, and this would do the trick, heck they shoot and zombies and monster in video games all day. There is a time and place for standard targets, but once in a while you just gotta shoot em up and have fun! 😉

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.