Officer Olivia Sardella saved the lives of eight Chicago residents during a house fire on December 19th. Image via Twitter (Chicago Police).
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As the year winds down the Windy City has notched 729 homicides (and counting). 2022 marks the third year in a row for 700+ homicides in the Windy City, and four times so far this century. Sadly, life in some parts of America’s third-largest city has become more akin to life in a third-world cesspool, three times more dangerous than a combat deployment in Afghanistan.

Yes, there are some outstanding people living in Chicago. This includes many of the police officers who work heroically to try to keep a lid on the endemic violence. Just before Christmas, Officer Olivia Sardella at the top, helped save the lives of eight by rescuing them from a house fire.

On the other end of the spectrum, people like Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot have done an exemplary job running Murder City further into the ground and keeping the city’s reputation for violence intact. If you doubt it, just ask her and she’ll tell you that the only rational choice is to return her to office.

From Breitbart . . .

Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago will end 2022 with the tragic figure of at least 723 murders for the year.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported the city was at 723 homicides for the year as of December 30, 2022.

Moreover, the Sun-Times observed motor vehicle theft in Chicago was up 95 percent in 2022, when contrasted with motor vehicle theft in 2021. Theft was up 50 percent, burglary was up ten percent, and robbery was up ten percent.

Breitbart News noted 2021 was the deadliest year Chicago had witnessed in a quarter of a century.

The Hill pointed out Chicago police confirmed the city witnessed 797 homicides during the course of 2021.

Seems like a nice place to live, work, and raise a family, no?

If it sounds dangerous, that’s because it is. Those who don’t legally carry a firearm on a daily basis for personal defense are at the mercy of violent criminals and gang members who certainly do. The operate with impunity in a town that doesn’t believe in prosecuting or incarcerating criminals.

One Chicago Police District (of a total of 25) snatched up seven full auto-equipped GLOCKs in a single day…and not a word about any of their former owners facing prosecution from the Soros-funded State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

Image by Boch. Base Image via Twitter (Chicago Police 5th District Calumet)

A recent study found life in parts of Chicago (and Philadelphia) is three times more risky of gun-related death than a US military Afghan combat zone deployment.  From the Western Journal:

A new study has found that some of America’s largest cities are more dangerous for young males than a war zone like Iraq or Afghanistan.

The study, conducted by the JAMA Network, included the cities of Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and New York City.

According to the Post Millennial, it looked at 129,826 young adults in these cities from 2020 to 2021.

The researchers, who hailed from Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania, came to a rather sobering conclusion.

“Zip codes with the most violence in Chicago and Philadelphia had a notably higher risk of firearm-related death than US military personnel who served during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,” the study revealed.

Don’t worry though. Voters will have an opportunity in the spring to reelect Lori Lightfoot for another four years of punishment. At this point, anyone betting against her winning another term is either naïve or a fool.

Meanwhile, like an alcoholic who hasn’t yet hit bottom, Her Honor never takes responsibility for the results of her governance. Instead, she loves to point fingers at others for her city’s problems including the utter breakdown of law and order.

Not everyone is ignoring her incessant yapping though. A few have pushed back, even though it probably feels like “punching down” at this point.

Image via Facebook NRA-ILA

At least under Mayor Lightfoot, there’s never a dull day in America’s largest open air shooting range.

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  1. “Chicago, Chicago that toddling town
    Chicago, Chicago I will show you around…
    On state street that great street I just want to say
    They do things that they don’t do on Broadway”

    • Whenever I see the word “Chicago” in the title of any article, I pretty much skip reading it because (1) I don’t live in Chicago, (2) will never be in Chicago, and (3) it’s one of the metropolitan cities that has been Democrat-run for generations and will never change its stripes, so it deserves all the headaches it brings upon itself.

      • “…will never be in Chicago, and (3) it’s one of the metropolitan cities that has been Democrat-run for generations and will never change its stripes, so it deserves all the headaches it brings upon itself.”

        Once had the thinnest of connections to Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalf (Owen’s Olympics partner). Those days are long gone. Doubt either man would recognize the city, now.

      • I Haz A Question,

        I occasionally have to drive through/around Chicago to visit relatives. That being the case, I try to maintain a sense of what is going on in that neck of the woods.

        The bad news is that Illinois does not honor my concealed carry license. (I am not an Illinois resident.) The “good” news is that Illinois’ concealed carry law does allow me to be armed in my car while driving through Illinois. That covers about 98% of my risk exposure while driving through/around Chicago.

        For reference I am not a California resident either which means California does not honor my concealed carry license. And that means I refuse to visit the spectacular areas of California that I would absolutely LOVE to visit. (My spouse and I would love to see Big Sur, Yosemite, and one of the redwood forests. Alas that will never happen unless I can be legally armed for righteous self-defense while visiting.)

        States with high crime rates which refuse to honor non-resident concealed carry licenses are losing a LOT of tourism dollars.

        • This country is a sh*thole, can’t even visit parts of certain state because you’re scared without your gun. That’s how bad it is.

        • you miss the point Ricky Bobby.

          Its scary because in reality the country is full of criminal predators. He’s not scared without his gun, he wants to be ready when that criminal scary happens.

        • “The “good” news is that Illinois’ concealed carry law does allow me to be armed in my car while driving through Illinois. That covers about 98% of my risk exposure while driving through/around Chicago.”

          And when the Chicago PD cop asks to see your valid Illinois ‘Firearm Owner’s Identity Card’ (FOID) ?

        • “And when the Chicago PD cop asks to see your valid Illinois ‘Firearm Owner’s Identity Card’ (FOID) ?”

          They won’t as they see he is from out of state per his drivers license.

      • I believe, although I may be incorrect that the dems had controlled Chiraq for centuries. Their rule extended into the 19th century.

        I worked with a guy who lived in Chirag in the late 1950s and early 60s. He said that the protocol was to have a $20 bill under your drivers license when proffering it to the police officer who stopped you. If you didn’t you were sure to be detained for quite a while while he wrote out the ticket. If you did offer the $20 no ticket was issued, just a warning to be more careful. Chicago has been a cesspool since before Prohibition which only accelerated its slide further into the mire.

  2. Most of Chicago is pretty safe. Like many other cities. Pockets of criminality.
    The cops know many of those criminals.
    Some they know VERY well.
    But they have to be caught …and then prosecuted. Pretty difficult when the DA declines prosecution even on federal drug charges.

    • Pretty safe huh? There is NO safe place in Chiraq. I’ve been in every neighborhood in the city including skyscrapers. Gangbangers have realized there’s EZ pickings in affluent areas. Carjacking’s daily. The news media got excited today after an arrest in the Idaho mass slaying. That’s a normal night in She- ca-go. Most of the dead are black & brown so it’s ho hum. And now cash bail is “raciss” so watch out everyone. Da mayor blames everyone but herself. And it will likely be reelected. Ban gunz. That’ll help🤪🙄

      • respect. no safe place anywhere.
        skyscrapers, really? those are scary somehow?
        meter closets in the basements of project hi- rises, and switching at the trulink enclosed sub’s with the lead and glass volley rattlin’ your nerves was de riguer.
        i know you know altgeld gardens. real deal. its kids with browsers now.
        taylor and racine, namsane?

  3. Cultural garbage land. Kids upbringing consists of fill in fathers who are gang members and crack addicts, literally training them how to deal, and murder people. Then democrats publicly point at gun owners and blame guns. It’s retarded.

  4. Chicago just needs more Gun Control, they just haven’t ‘controlled’ enough, one more law is likely all they’ll need to get the criminals to obey the law.

    enforcement of the law is, of course, optional.

  5. “Yes, there are some outstanding people living in Chicago.”

    You sound like Lot, but even he eventually had to quit arguing.

  6. I wouldn’t set foot in Chicago for any money. The same for St. Louis, Detroit, and Atlanta.

    My region is below the 2% mark for that particular demographic. Consequently, we don’t have to deal with those particular problems.

  7. “One Chicago Police District (of a total of 25) snatched up seven full auto-equipped GLOCKs in a single day…and not a word about any of their former owners facing prosecution from the Soros-funded State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.”

    7 in one day.

    I wonder how many are slipping into a cop’s pocket ‘accidentally’, rather than being turned in.

    Either way, good news for us, since “in common use” is ‘the phrase that pays’ concerning the 2A… 🙂

    • At this point, I’m surprised the BATFE hasn’t tried to ban Glocks as too easy to convert to machine guns, like they did for semiaitos with open-bolts or electronic triggers. Hopefully, it will all be moot because Bruen will knock out the Hughes Amendment and maybe the NFA in the next couple years.

  8. Sun Times I feel like a motherless child.
    Vote for Lori Lightfoot
    Xhicago leads the way👍.
    Fat Possums

    • Exactly correct. I work in Chicago. People up there actually blame the KKK for the violence. Yes, I have heard on more than one occasion that the KKK runs Chicago. That is how far they will go to avoid taking responsibility for their own conditions.

        • No. Heard it from multiple people, of different ages, over the last two years at different facilities in Chicago and south Chicago suburbs. Also have been told the proliferation of firearms is due to white supremacists dropping HUNDREDS of firearms and ammunition a week into the black neighborhoods.

      • I was born in Chicago, raised in Bensenville (Chicago suburb near O’Hare) and I moved back 20 years ago. I have NEVER heard anyone blame the KKK for Chicago’s violence. I live 6 miles North of the Austin neighborhood (one of the “bad” areas)

  9. Well my Marsupial friend, you have officially lost me. Maybe I don’t understand the language of your people or I’ve had too many Pacificos. Happy New Year my fuzzy friend!

    • New Years Eve starting downunder. Nearly 7pm. Watching some movies and mellowing out with some drinks.

      And keeping the dog inside because of those f**ktards with fireworks who will be letting them off until about 2am.

        • Allowed in ACT and NT. So they are bought there and used in other states where they are not allowed.

          Some rain in Sydney just after midnight put a damper on things.

  10. ‘…had a notably higher risk of firearm-related death than US military personnel who served during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…’

    Just wait until those crafty Chikybo boogers discover the ‘Improvised Explosive Device’.

  11. Why would white supremacists want to arm blacks? Only if they are paid by the same. When are we going to stop making niggers? We need blacks and everyone else to have a thriving country. Aren’t blacks tired of what’s happening to the vulnerable in the community? Wondering if one of the young people this happened to might have cured cancer.

  12. Chicago needs to ban ALL handguns period.

    Oh wait that tried that already and it was really bad then too but at least now law abiding gun owners with a CCW can shoot back and have been in ever increasing numbers.

  13. Never been there, and don’t plan on going there. When the Mayor, like the Governor, blames all their gun problems on the so called “Iron Pipeline,” and not J’mal and D’Von selling stolen Glocks out of the trunk of their stolen Honda Civic, the Land of Lincoln will remain unvisited by my old arse.
    Besides, ol’ muff munched Lori Light-In-The-Loafers is RAZZZZIST against white folk.

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