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Chicago is Now Chiraq [Video NSFW]

“I got chills when the person the background said ‘that gun going to run out of bullets’,” TTAG reader DC Studios writes [3:40 ]. “Let that be a lesson to me. I am packing one extra mag for now on.” He’s not the only person on edge thanks to “gun violence” in the gun control paradise known as Chicago. No surprise there. I Googled “Chicago shooting” to try to find the story behind this chaotic scene. The search yielded’s headline 2 killed, 18 wounded in weekend shootings. (Check out for a more comprehensive tally for 2015.) Hello? It’s Sunday morning in Chicago (at the time of writing). Sorry, did I say Chicago? I mean to say . . .

Chiraq. Which is the working title of Spike Lee’s latest film, set in The Windy City’s crime-plagued neighborhoods. This is not going down well amongst the city’s politicians. So much so that Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his Boyz are doing what Chicago pols always do to get their way: threaten and bully. Check this from

Local politicians have lined up against the title. Mr. Lee has been confronted by Chicago’s mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who told him in a meeting last month that he was “not happy” about the name.

An alderman from the South Side, William Burns, was so perturbed by the title that he angrily suggested that Mr. Lee, the renowned director of films like “Do the Right Thing” and “Malcolm X,” should not get the $3 million tax credit that he is seeking for filming here.

Perception is everything in politics. The City’s burghers can try to manage the spin surrounding the gang warfare on their city’s streets – as they did last week when they called for MORE gun control. But the simple truth is that things fall apart.

The balance of power between gangs, corrupt politicians, the police and the public that allowed the city to function is falling apart. Whether it’s the failure of the welfare system or the camera-phone’s impact on cops’ ability to “break their heads” (as Mayor Daley ordered at the 1968 Democratic convention) doesn’t really matter. This is ugly and it’s going to get a lot uglier as the summer goes on.

In the wake of Ferguson and Baltimore, listening to complaints from cops that their hands are now tied, in light of the animal anger in this video, considering the DOJ’s move to take over supervise various embattled police forces (e.g. Cleveland), that strange, deeply unsettling proposal for a federal police force doesn’t seem as unlikely as it first did. Watch this space.

128 thoughts on “Chicago is Now Chiraq [Video NSFW]”

  1. Chiraq? More like Mogadishu if you take my meaning. Hate to say it but with the summer starting to heat up and with nerves on edge in the various “hoods” around the country, we can expect a lot of “unrest” in the coming months. Chirac, Baltimore, Newark and countless others are a tinderbox waiting for a spark.

    I don’t know about all of you but I live 30 minutes from a sizeable tinderbox and have changed my H/D plan to include “skinnies” pushing out from the hood to get paid during periods of “unrest”. Needless to say, I’m totally tooled up.

    • What is much more likely happening is that gangsters, hoods and thugs are just waiting, hoping, for any little incident they can blow out of proportion in order to justify looting sprees in these cities. It has nothing to do with racism or social justice, it’s all opportunism for these criminals and they don’t care about the people in the neighborhoods who will get hurt in the melee or in the aftermath so long as they get a new flat screen and maybe another one to fence somewhere.

      And they can get themselves on a Facebook or YouTube video standing 15 feet from a bunch of cops and talking trash. Great way to build street “cred” without any actual danger.

  2. No laws and nor social programs can fix one of the largest problems of neighborhoods like this: “Culture”, “attitude towards police” and ignorance fostered by decades of progressive policies.

    Baltimore these days is just as bad a war zone as Chicago and there is nothing that will make it better.

    Simply knocking heads is not the answer either.

    • If they weren’t colored they’d have nothing to talk about! (They’re brown and I’m pink. Harder to be prejudiced that way).

    • We need more people in the world…lots more. Everyone gets along so well, more so every year. Future is bright.

      • Really with the state of affairs these days I wonder how anyone could think it’s a good idea to pump out another unit.

  3. But, it’s a Democratic run city? How does this happen, our taxes and social services, and our gun control? OH its those other places without gun control, their guns are sneaking in. Never mind that the places the guns are coming from do not have gun violence issues

  4. Mogadishu has goats. Iraq at least had a claim to ancient culture. No, this is a liberal paradise. I call it Utopia. They wanted to create this culture/city, well, own it b!tches! I have 16,000 rds to wait out the festivities

  5. Phoenix: Big city living, no urban decay. Not to mention the 120 degree summers really keep a lid on the mass unrest. I love it here.

      • If there is one I haven’t seen it. Then again I don’t walk around south Phoenix at 2 AM so maybe I wouldn’t know. I can’t name a single place in the entire valley I would be afraid to go though.

        • So the southside there is like southside Chiraq is what Paul was saying.

          When a city has an organization called TRUCE, you might have gang problem.
          It is disgusting when citizens are willing to cede entire sections of their cities to violent savages, just so it keeps the savages contained and out of your own neighborhoods.

        • Not exactly. I have been to south Phoenix multiple times, I even worked there for a brief stint. A little rough, yes, but during the daytime it’s definitely safe enough.

        • Nah, “South Phoenix” used to be a thing maybe 20 years ago. Heck, in the 80’s things could be a little ugly downtown. I agree with Vhyrus–there’s really nowhere in the valley that’s unsafe. Not running around South Phoenix at 2am has more to do with that tried & true advice to avoid stupid people / things / times than it does being South Phoenix.

    • Well there’s a lot of sand here in Phoenix. You sound like an ostrich with statements like there isn’t horrible neighborhoods here. When the FBI was here in February to try to cut down on underage prostitution and criminal activity for the Super Bowl, they publicly said the center of human trafficking in the Southwest was 27th Avenue/Glendale Avenue, squarely in Phoenix.

  6. Chiraq would be an improvement. US Combat deaths in Iraq 2003-2011 3,527. Murders in Chicago 2003-2011 4,327. You were safer serving as a combat troop in Iraq then you were/are living in the hellhole that is Chicago……

  7. wow, commentator has a four word vocabulary.
    must be another one of those
    “they shot him down like a dog,”
    ,” or was it, he had his hands up and he was surrendering, and the white cop shot him in the back?”
    (from eye witnesses who were no where near where the shit happened.)

  8. A snap shot of what a success multiculturalism has been. Divide and conquer. Balkanize a country, make a bunch of isolated ethnic and racial factions, then set them at each other throats.

    Worked all through history. It’s working again.

  9. The death of a single gangbanger probably prevents thousands of crimes in a lifetime of criminal activity. Rapes, murders, armed robberies, muggings — they don’t happen if the wannabe perpetrator is dead.

    it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about the Asian Boyz, Black P Stones or the Latin Brothers. Every time a gangster dies, the world is better off.

    I just wish they stopped taking innocent victims with them.

    • So, time to shoot the most unaccountable gangsters of all, the cops? Let’s prevent decades of extortion, armed robbery, kidnapping, home invasion, pet killings, murder, and then a leisurely retirement funded by the victims in perpetuity.

      • ”So, time to shoot the most unaccountable gangsters of all, the cops?” What is so hard for you to understand that Law-abiding citizens have the police forces back, since the police wouldn’t function without that support.
        Power corrupts some but what gets to most corrupt cops is seeing the failures of the system, and working where the residents are no longer members of society by their own choice and actions, and have seceded into a hostile black community, which is unwelcoming to outside members of society.

        I will take cops over hoodrats any day of the week in this situation. A cop trying to enforce unconstitutional laws is another topic.

        Yes, a few police are corrupt but that is because when you lay down with dogs, sometimes you get fleas.

        • Funny how you capitalize “law”, sure sign of a law-and-order fetishist.

          Today’s law is hugely corrupt, citizens who abide by the law do so now out of fear, terror or propaganda, not because the law itself is just and moral. The police is the fist of the political class and the law is the structure to realize their will.

          It just so happens politicians love baiting minorities to appease the so-called “moral majority”, which is overwhelmingly white. Passing and enforcing laws which target the American untermenschen is a politically profitable tactic. There’s a reason the black community, even the ones who aren’t “gangbangers”, distrust and despise the cops. To them, they are nothing more than dispensers of government violence.

      • Yee sounds like a Chinese internet troll. The guy sounds too out of touch with American attitudes on police and crime to actually be from here.

        • Hardly. It is the police and the law they enforce has changed drastically in the last few decades, public perception of the police is now divided along new social and racial lines, just as the political class intended. Standard propaganda technique, divide and conquer. Today, people who support the police were successfully baited by politicians and their lies.

  10. Was a day and time before smartphones when a punk like that would eat the end of a night stick, as it should be.

    • The problem with that mentality is when the police can’t turn it off when around civilized folks.
      As has been stated above it is tribal warfare between terrorists, who function and operate freely amongst a hostile population, and they are the isis category that is the most pressing threat to America’s national security.
      Our tax dollars are being used to arm terrorists in the middle east, as well as in the ghettos.

    • “Was a day and time before smartphones when a punk like that would eat the end of a night stick, as it should be.”

      The idea of this, is that another person standing quietly and not antagonizing, would still get the “you cant record me, its illegal!” whack whack whack treatment.

      That day and time was probably during Jim Crow.

  11. “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” The profound grasp of the English language by the nice man doing all the talking is indeed impressive. Must be a democrat with two or three “advanced” degrees. Best bet is to pull out all the children and nuke it from orbit. It is the only way to be sure.

    • ““What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.””

      I can see the cop’s biggest problem right here…

      About half of the folks in that footage are named “Mothervcker”.

      Think of the time and effort to figure out which “Mothervcker” they need to arrest…

  12. I don’t envy those cops. They’re brave people, holding their fingers in the dikes.

    As for the “citizens” on that video, is it too late to return them from whence they came? Maybe the federal government, instead of demanding a 30% exit tax, should offer a one-way ticket to the country of their choosing, along with $50,000 cold hard cash…

    • We could send them to a country of our choosing with no cash. Following due process of course.

        • And exactly where these Boyz should be sent. They can find out if they are as tough as they think they are when the earlier-repatriated citizens with the machetes and AK’s come a callin’.

      • So much subtle racism…

        So much ignorance…

        Some of you folks who think this is a one skin color thing should spend some time in certain parts of LA, FL, or WV.

        I really wish that all the dumbass bigots would stop posting so the antis would have less ammo to call us all racists.

        • While I do agree with you, I also think that we have to detach from Political Correctness entirely to even have a remote chance of an objective conversation on the subject of race. It is one of those ultimate taboo subjects like incest that seem to be avoided at all cost. Unfortunately, that detachment from PC (or blatant asshattery) is exactly the ammo that will be used, since all media outlets are champions of PC.

          “Some of you folks who think this is a one skin color thing should spend some time in certain parts of LA, FL, or WV.” Id recommend watching The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia just for entertainment purposes if nothing else 🙂 and it has Hank III too!

          While people out in the boonies are cookin drugs and shooting each other, it never compares to the amount of violence in these urban metros, even if the urban areas have much more news coverage.

          I was just on lookin at the stats, pretty crazy even for Chicago.

        • You make good points and I agree.

          The problem is that “having an honest discussion without worrying about being PC” to some people (like us) means talking facts and statistics that don’t say nice things about groups of people. To others, it means they can say whatever kind of racist stuff they want as long as they bracket it with quotation marks.

        • Facts are facts. Even taking into account economic status, black criminality so far outpaces white criminality that there’s simply no honest way to suggest an equivalence. I’ll leave the consequences of that factual observation as an exercise for the peanut gallery.

  13. To arrive at believable gun crime statistics, you have to break out black gun crime. We don’t have a gun problem, we have a black person problem. I realize that’s non-PC. Singing Kumbaya and waiting for the melting pot to somehow civilize a certain swath of society isn’t doing much — it’s head-in-the-sand thinking.

    • Nail on the head my friend. Indeed, not only don’t we have a gun problem, we don’t have a crime problem if we exclude the skinnies body of work.

    • Gordon, there are at least 100 murderous gangs in Chiraq, and they include black, white, Asian and Latino gangs. Black gangs get the most press, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the Asian Boyz or the Latin Kings.

      • I know a guy that lives in North West Indiana and he states the Latin Kings are very bad news and getting stronger.

      • They’re not black so the Justice Brothers don’t care. Of course, the Justice Brothers only care if the brother is shot by a white cop or a white looking citizen.

      • The FBI UCR stats show that the Gordon is correct.

        People like to keep distracting from the elephant in the room, but there he sits, crapping on the carpet.

      • Ralph don’t use facts. It doesn’t fit the racist narrative.

        Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in the country who don’t actually know any kinds of people who don’t match the demographic of their community. As a result, just like foreigners believe that all Americans are cowboys and talk with an accent, these types of non-traveling, isolated Americans believe all black people are like the folks in the OP.

        It’s also exactly why people black people living in the projects think all white people are traitors and all police are killers. It’s hard to get a diverse world view when you’re poor. Being poor usually means a person has not traveled and is not educated.

        Perspective is everything.

    • And the federal government is to blame for this they devastated the family in the black community through welfare, they priced young black men out of the job market through minimum wage laws, and then brought violent gangs to power in the black community with the war on drugs and destroying any chance at an education through destroying inner city schools and pricing blacks out of higher education through subsidies that cause tuition to skyrocket. All the while claiming to help black people and calling anyone who opposes these policies heartless and racist.

      • Liberal politicians have certainly made a career of pandering to that culture, but I would dispute that the government caused their endemic violence. If you think poverty or welfare causes violent crime, check out white-dominated Appalachia.

        Several of the poorest counties in America are in Appalachia and are well over 90% white, in some case over 98%. There is a lot of drug use there and welfare fraud also, just like black urban areas, but Appalachia’s violent crime rate is about half the national average, and overall crime rate is about 2/3 of the national average. Young mother’s there are more likely to be married than the national average. They live under the same Federal government and welfare system as urban blacks.

        So before anyone goes looking for an American institutional cause for the violent crime plight of ‘African Americans’, I would refer them to the general state of affairs in sub-saharan Africa today, where Africans run the show from the top down. Honestly, the most stability and prosperity that most of the populations in those African countries ever saw was when they had western-run colonial governments. When they were given independence, it all went to hell and has generally remained there ever since. Much like the population centers of their cousins in America, who are far better off economically than most Africans are.

        • Really? Comparing American cities to Africa then making a passing remark on the White Man’s Burden?

          White-dominated Appalachia has had plenty of “crime” (in the form of bootlegging and other homebrew chemistry), it was simply tolerated by local authorities with the appropriate lubrication. The federal drug war and its overruling of local/state LE changed the game with quota-based federal grants, 1033 weaponry, and other ploys. Big cities have the most to gain. simply because there are more “perps” to catch (which translates into more money). Rural areas will never be able to play the numbers game.

          The politicians’ drug war is the #1 reason for the demise of urban communities in the US, followed closely by half-assed “urban planning” pushed by white elitist politicians (google Baltimore’s Highway to Nowhere for an example). The same politicians then concoct scare stories about “crime” and “blight” to get white people to blame the victims. Standard government MO, and only fools buy it.

        • No one thing is the cause of the black community’s woes, however they all play a large part. The federal government has deliberately degraded social and market institutions in the black community, the democratic party is still the slave party they have simply replaced chattel slavery with welfare slavery.

    • Dumbest comment ever. The video is in a Latino neighborhood full of Latinos. We have a poor people problem. Crime has little to do with race and more about one group, on average, being more economically disadvantaged then others. Put a bunch of poor white people together and see how that works out.

      • ^This.

        The only reason we don’t see more videos of white people doing exactly this sort of thing is because there are more poor white people living in the boonies. They are busy killing each other and making meth, but what they do isn’t as easy for the news to sensationalize for ratings.

        Our school systems suck and our country’s transit infrastructure sucks. The two greatest tools for promoting perspective and conquering hate are education and travel. The US isn’t really great at either right now.

        • Disagree…it’s is life morals and standards taught you by your parent(s) at home. Not the job of school teachers, government or the welfare system. How to behave is learned by example.

        • You have a point. Unfortunately, that point is not backed up by any facts. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks murder at 8 times the rate whites do. This over representation repeats in rates for every “lesser” crime as well.

        • @Sprocket

          It’s true the facts don’t lie. However, we know that it’s not a racial thing because of countries like Botswana. Then again, Botswana has good infrastructure, stability, and a strong judicial system.

          I am not a Black people apologist. Black community leaders really need to work harder to advocate against idiots like Al Sharpton. However, city gentrification among other things have pushed poor minorities together in cities for decades, at which point their perception has been (remember, perception is reality) that they are treated like shit.

          I don’t believe in handouts. I don’t believe in a free pass. However, I do believe that education sets us free from most bad programming our stupid parents can give us. And I do believe that the American education system, both in content and deliver is FUBAR.

          Last but not least, the fact that a bachelor’s in college is the new high school diploma for many businesses is ridiculous. In communities where youth are pressured not to finish high school, this makes the problem even worse. I have been saying for a long time now that trade schools need to make a comeback. The current cycle of shitty high school to shitty (social programming) college that cause student loan debt just so a person can get a job making more than minimum wage is ridiculous.

          I talked to an HVAC guy the other day who said even if you go to an HVAC school, nobody will hire you without experience. Well, you have to get the experience somewhere. This is where trade schools or vocational schools really shine. I know Mike Rowe has been doing something charity-wise building schools for high school grads to learn job skills debt free and I think it’s fantastic.

        • Wrong. Poor Appalachia actually has a crime rate lower than the national average, and the most common crimes are property crimes (theft, burglary) not violent crimes. The fact is, even the poorest, most ignorant segment of the white population isn’t murdering itself at the rate the black population is.

        • “we know that it’s not a racial thing because of countries like Botswana.”

          Heh. A handful of anomalous outliers in a sea of violent, dysfunctional black-ruled nations, and all of a sudden we can totally dispense with any idea that there’s a racial basis for crime. Yeah. “I saw a black swan, so there are no white swans!”

        • Cloud we get it. You’re racist. Believe it or not you are not special. This is the internet.

        • @TheBear: “Cloud we get it. You’re racist. Believe it or not you are not special. This is the internet.”

          Throwing the “racist” label at people who say things you don’t like wears pretty thin after a while, especially because people calling me racist can’t refute what I say based on the facts.

        • Coud – I have lived in poor Appalacia. Here’s a hint – it wasn’t the black people there I couldn’t stand and wished I could sterilize.

      • Bull sht…my parents grew up in the 40’s and 50’s. My parents, aunts and uncles were poor, dirt poor….the whole town, not to mention the whole county was poor. They weren’t out raping, robbing, pillaging and plundering… Its about character and what your taught. You learn to do without. You learn that hard work makes your existence better. One thing is the government was not telling them they were victims and its not fair. All my relatives worked out of it. My father died 2 years ago with a beautiful home here and a vacation home in Florida. Pretty good for a guy who as a kid walked the railroad tracks picking pieces of coal that fell off the cars to help heat the one room house. There will always be poor people, most because they don’t aspire to be anything else. Some due to circumstances beyond there control, but its a choice most of the time. You chose to live in the project’s and under the rule of liberal democrats, and sell your vote for some welfare, that’s on them.

    • But they are fluent in Ebonics, which many liberals think is a perfectly valid substitute.

      [edit] Tom beat me to it.

      • @federale

        What part of MISUNDERSTOOD youth, who are just good boys who wouldn’t do nuffin don’t you understand.
        People have noticed and is reflected in the record guns and ammo sales.

        • My cousin moved out east twenty years ago and was a good little liberal. In the last five years he and his wife have begun stockpiling weapons and ammo. They also have a backup generator and enough fuel for a month or two.

          People are starting to be afraid.

    • This is in a Latino neighborhood. Just because they are throwing the n-word around doesn’t make them black. It’s pretty common speak for anyone in “the hood”.

    • Rory Miller’s book is a great read – I’m going through it a second time. It really does help frame and explain a lot in America today, and certainly helps keep you safe in it.

    • I knew exactly what you were referencing, but I generally use the term “Peacocking” so as to not worry about the perpetually butthurt 🙂

  14. Wow, such an extensive vocabulary. I can’t even understand half of the text comments on the video…

  15. Pretty funny how different the comments here are from the comments on the Waco biker shooting.

    • Bikers pay taxes with their day jobs if they are not serious 1%ers, and at least bikers pay their own lawyer fees.
      Bikers also do not like killing innocent people everyday, and they hardly ever kill innocents because then their capital sources would be shut down from the social outcry. When hoodrats murder each other everyday as is their cultural norm, the social outcry is to blame others and allow the further pillaging of their revenue stream called the U.S. taxpayer.

  16. ” And what about you people Mr. Wilson. What do you people have? The United States of America and all of you are just visiting.”

  17. Chiraq. I love it when a liberal progressive Bolshevik plan comes together. This truly is the science of Soviet Socialism.

  18. The socialist experience is working so well in chi town. The welfare system is working as designed to destroy the black family. Congratulations progressives it worked!

    • Why is this a problem? The democrats run chi town. Why are you complaining? You favorite political party has been in charge forever. Progressives have always encouraged black on black crime.

    • You are not fooling anyone. As a progressive liberal socialist you supported the democrat law makers that wrote and passed laws you do not like. And you will still support democrats who write laws you do not like. This democrat abu ghraib prison was built by democrats. It is staffed by democrats. And no democrat will lose their job over it. No democrat will go to prison over it.

      And you will still support them. You will always support a democrat who writes bad laws and then only complain when police enforce them. You are a very good socialist progressive liberal. Do your kids attend the same private lilly white school that the white democrat mayor of chi town sends his kids too?

  19. Treat the city like a warzone. The police should back off. We can create refugee camps for any family that wants to get away from violence but only if they don’t have a criminal record. That goes for juveniles as well. Let the neighborhoods burn, let the animals kill each other and whittle their numbers then when the law abiding people are ready they can go back and rebuild their homes and city with less predatory vermin.

    • Implying the violence in Chicago isn’t partially attributable to the Gestapo tactics of the Chicago PD, who mindlessly enforce awful laws written by both local and federal politicians.

      Observe Detroit, where the police are bankrupt and have given up policing parts of the city and yet crime is going down, with people turning to private security, who are actually accountable to their employers (instead of tax-leeching cops, who shoot the taxpayers with nary a consequence).

      The police are a big part of the problem.

      • Detroit also has a Police chief who supports armed citizens. And celebrates the successful self defense use of firearms. It’s still bad, but getting better.

      • In the three years after the 2010 U.S. Census, Detroit’s white population grew from just under 76,000 residents to more than 88,000. The cheap cost of living, opportunities for young entrepreneurs and push by city-based companies to persuade workers to live nearby have made a big difference, experts say. Eugene Gualtieri, a 41-year-old lab technician at the Detroit Medical Center, took advantage of an incentive program. Live Midtown, offered by his employer and several others in the Midtown neighborhood, allowed him to take out a $20,000 home loan that he won’t have to repay if he stays in his condo for five years. The program is aimed at getting workers to live closer to their jobs, which can benefit employers and employees.

        So, Detroit had a rapid three year influx of white people. Many of whom are concealed handgun permit holders. The following year, violent crime rate saw a significant drop. Coincidence?

        • Not coincidence, merely the result of Detroit PD not having enough money to screw things up even more. But I do find it amusing that you can claim a small increase in the white population is the sole cause of the crime drop. Truly the white man’s burden.

          No doubt an influx of white cops came into Detroit will wreck things once again, but that does not fit your narrative.

      • Is it the fault of the police that they are being called into neighborhoods that have become warzones and death traps for the innocent people who are unfortunately stuck there? I’m pretty damn sure that there were dangerous criminals around before the police roughed up anyone.

        • It is the fault of the police who willfully enforce terrible laws and social engineering schemes which turned regular people into criminals. The police then go in and pretend to fix things. Standard government policy: create a problem out of nowhere then masquerade as the solution.

        • Yee’s willful reversal of causality would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

          I am by no means a police apologist — I have a long-standing rule to never talk to or interact with the police in any way, if possible — but even I think that Yee’s blinkered view is laughable.

        • The politicians that give orders to the police created crime out of nowhere by making socially taboo drugs illegal, therefore creating black markets which attract violence. The police then go in and pretend to fix the newly minted “problem”.

          It’s all quite clear, there is no reversal of causality. The police and the government are the root of many urban issues.

        • @ Yee: “The politicians that give orders to the police created crime out of nowhere by making socially taboo drugs illegal, therefore creating black markets which attract violence. The police then go in and pretend to fix the newly minted “problem”.

          It’s all quite clear, there is no reversal of causality. The police and the government are the root of many urban issues.”

          Language like this, “creating black markets which attract violence,” denies the agency of the criminals. We’re not flies. Just because someone spills some honey on the table doesn’t mean I must uncontrollably stick my face in it.

          I agree 100% that drug laws are unjust — people should have the right to decide what to put in their bodies. People have a right to ownership of their bodies. I can express my opinion and lobby for change in completely legal ways. It does not logically follow that a person who knowingly violates those laws to profit in the illegal black market they created have anyone to blame but themselves. Nobody forced them to commit those crimes. Millions of people decide every day that they will not buy and sell illegal drugs, and thus have no need to worry that they will run afoul of those laws.

          Every person is responsible for his own actions. Things have been criminalized that shouldn’t be. That’s a problem, but the people violating those laws aren’t innocent little angels who would otherwise be dancing down the street smoking their legal weed and hugging puppies. They’re people who are either evil or stupid and have made evil or stupid choices that they knew could get them into trouble. And they were not doing it for some higher moral purpose — they’re not brothers and sisters of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, standing up for fundamental human rights against great oppression — they’re opportunistic criminals. Al Capone wasn’t a crusader for alcohol legalization, he was a violent thug who deserved to get locked away.

          The only thing they have to do to avoid “police oppression” is stop committing crimes.

      • Hating the police and not hating the person who wrote the bad law police are enforcing tells me you are just a liar. This is how the socialist progressive works. It is wonderful the black police chief in detroit is encouarging honest citzens to arm themselves and then he supports the shooters of criminals in their acts of law breaking. That power and individual freedom out of the barrel of a gun is something a statist can not stand. Chairman Mao aside the individual should have the same firepower the state has.

  20. I lived in the city 30 years ago and live 20 miles south now. I’ve also known dozens of Chicago cops in my more than 60years(it’s my birthday today). And almost every last one was a bad cop. Evil,racist and brutal. The worst were the black cops. Except one INternal affairs cop-who was black. They just settled a tortue lawsuit for 5million bucks. Civilians are killed weekly with impunity. Really-murder is NOT up-there was nearly 1000/year in the 70’s & 80’s-but general lawlessness IS. Lots of 14year olds with guns. I buy and sell antiques and art and I no longer go to the south or westsides-or if I have to go I make sure it’s in broad daylight or morning(the brothers don’t get up early). I have never had a problem with the spanglish folks-they are inundating my neighborhood without any problems. Whatever-Chiraq is doomed and our new governor says he ain’t bailing it out-GO HAWKS!

  21. It’s not Chiraq until they start putting T-walls up around the bad neighborhoods. I bet that is coming.

  22. Chicago’s citizens have gotten exactly what they voted for. I say let them have it. Anyone who doesn’t like living with the savages can cast their vote at the local U-Haul location.

    Unfortunately for me, the liberal pols here have decided it would be a great idea to “diversify” our city with welfare parasites and criminals from Chicongo. Now everyone is clutching their pearls, as there are now daily shootings in the areas where they settled the “diversity”. Of course the libs are all over it, with proposals for million$ in taxpayer funded programs to “uplift the disadvantaged neighborhoods.” Of course those neighborhoods were just fine till the hood rats ran out the working people who previously lived there and the businesses that had to leave due to their thievery.

    What the hood in Chicago needs is a healthy dose of white phosphorous.

  23. This won’t be the first time that Rahm shut down a show that didn’t present Chicago in a favorable light. Remember, “Boss” will it was doing quite well except it was telling some very unpleasant truths about the City including the cozy relationship between gangs and city pols. I suspect that the mayor had a chat with his brother Avi about killing the show. I don’t think Mayor Kane was supposed to be Rahm Emanuel but it was still too close for comfort.

  24. “Chiraq”?! These filmmakers have gone too far! It’s like they feel they have a constitutional right to voice opinions that may reflect less than favorably on the government, or something!

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