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Chicago Mayor Richard Daley knows the Supreme Court is set to strike down the handgun ban in his city (and I mean HIS CITY). After threatening the highest court in the land (with an unforeseen mugging), and a lowly reporter (with rifle barrel sodomy), Daley has made it abundantly clear that his administration will do its level best to thwart any attempt by the Supremes to restore Second Amendment rights in The Windy City. In the past, Daley’s hinted that he might force gun owners to buy an extra insurance policy to cover their inherently dangerous firearms (just like cars!). Today, it’s The List. “We have to have some type of registry,” Chicago Mayor Daley told the Chicago Tribune. “If a first responder goes to an apartment, they need to know if that individual has a gun.” ‘Cause they have time to check a computerized list and don’t have time to, I don’t know, ask. You know; should the subject come up. Anyway, it’s nice to see that the Mayor is staying on message. Hey, did you know Chicago already has a long-gun registry? True story. More gun control joy after the jump . . .

Daley said he likes all aspects of the D.C. law and that Chicago could look there for ways to strengthen its licensing procedures. After its gun ban was overturned, the district adopted stringent requirements for prospective gun owners, including a four-hour class on firearm safety, at least an hour of firing training and passing an exam. The newly purchased gun also must undergo ballistics identification firing by police.

Next year, the district will require semi-automatic pistols to be micro-stamped, a controversial technique in which serial numbers are marked on cartridge cases that can be traced back to registered gun owners. California also has adopted a requirement for micro-stamping, a technology that was recently developed and is not yet in use. New York’s legislature is considering a micro-stamping bill.

News flash: the microstamping misegos failed to find favor in Albany. Sorry. Got distracted there. Here’s Hizzoner, displaying his complete ignorance of Illinois’ large and thriving gun manufacturing business (including Rock River Arms and our friends at ArmaLite).

“What has happened in this nation is we really believe that guns are better than the law to settle things,” the mayor said. “We’re not talking about hunters and gun collectors, but this whole idea that America should be governed more by guns than by the law. That really disturbs me.”

The federal government, Daley said, has abdicated its responsibility of regulating interstate commerce in guns and placed that burden on local governments, without giving them leeway to make decisions based on situations in their own communities.

“It’s their responsibility, not ours,” Daley said. “Guns come here from other states, and we have to figure out how to respond to it.”

The result, he said, is that the gun industry now has “carte blanche” across America.

As does the Mayor’s bodyguards.

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  1. Misegos is one of my favorite words. I like the way it can refer to a situation in the physical world and a situation in someone's psyche. But is that really how you spell it?

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