School Children walk a safe passage route along 63rd Street Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014, in Chicago. Chicago children returned to school Tuesday walking past even more guards than last year, when concerns about safety prompted the city to line the streets with 1,200 adults every day. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)
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Miguel Morales was arrested last year for selling drugs and a gun to undercover cops while on his way to work as a Chicago Public Schools “Safe Passage” worker.  Morales, despite a sordid criminal history including a murder conviction, somehow picked up a gig as a “Safe Passage” worker with the Chicago Public Schools.

I called the CPS Public Information line at the time of Morales’ arrest in my capacity as the Executive Director of Guns Save Life. I had a fairly simple question for them:  “Just how many murderers, child sex offenders and drug dealers does CPS allow around kids?”

If you guessed they never got back with my FOIA request, you win a cookie.  I should have pressed them harder.  I think the easy answer is not “zero.”

Clearly it wasn’t zero as Miguel Morales worked as a “Safe Passage” worker with a homicide conviction. And here I thought people who worked around kids in the Land of Lincoln were required to get fingerprinted as part of the background investigation process. They darn sure certainly are downstate in Bloomington.

Maybe they do things a lil’ different up there in the big city.

Miguel Morales courtesy CPD.

Anyway, Morales, the convicted murderer and now former-Chicago Public Schools Safe Passage worker will now spend a short stint in prison after the gentle tap on the back of the hand sentence for selling drugs and a stolen gun while on his way to work as a CPS Safe Passage gig.

And proving that prison sentences in Illinois are like dog-years in reverse, you’ll be relieved to know Mr. Murderer Morales will be paroled in time for Christmas next year.  As such he’ll be ready and able to resume his duties as a “Safe Passage” worker in time for the spring semester!

As usual, the great folks at CWB Chicago have the details:

CHICAGO — Miguel Morales, a convicted murderer, Safe Passage worker, and gang intervention worker, has been sentenced to four years in prison for selling cocaine and a gun to an undercover Chicago cop during a long-term police investigation.

Morales, 50, pleaded guilty to manufacture-delivery of cocaine and selling a firearm without a valid Firearm Owner’s ID card before Judge Carol Howard, according to court records. She handed him four years on the drug charge and a concurrent one-year sentence for the gun count.

Police were conducting a “complex” narcotics investigation on the South Side in late 2022 when Morales sold the undercover officer 30 grams of cocaine for $1,200 before reporting for his shift as a Safe Passage worker, prosecutors alleged. They said the cop bought cocaine from Morales “several” other times during the investigation.

Then, on January 20, 2023, Morales allegedly accompanied an undercover cop to an illegal gun sale. Prosecutors said he remained on the phone with the officer while the cop entered another car to purchase the weapon from Sergio Gomez, 52, for $1,000 cash.

Attorneys who represented the men said they work for the same anti-violence program as community liaisons and gang intervention workers. Gomez was convicted of murder in 1994 and received a 40-year sentence. Morales was convicted of murder in 1993 and received a 45-year sentence.

Gomez continues to fight the allegations in court. He is charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and selling a firearm without a valid FOID card.

Morales is scheduled to be paroled on December 22, 2025, after serving half of his four-year sentence.

And the guy who sold the gun that Morales set up was also an “anti-violence” worker.

Only in Illinois, folks.  And they wonder why they have a violent crime problem in America’s largest open-air shooting range.

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  1. i wouldnt expect anything different to happen
    in the city of chicago
    or the state of illinois
    i used to live there

  2. Since the scouts are bankrupt and the Catholic church is hemorrhaging members the pedos and groomers have to all become teachers and librarians now to get access. The more accomplished can still become doctors and nurses but they’d also have to do other stuff.

    • cupich (and other bishops) have endorsed new “no parental notification” for borts, lops and addas. health care for the “newly local” as well.

    • Civilian disarmament is the ultimate goal. But they don’t care about the criminals being disarmed -just the productive members of society.

      • Because productive workers are needed for the canal building projects planned by the post-rev0-lution central committee.

        Criminals are not so productive but can be used as caps.

  3. Yet if you or I were to be caught with our legal firearm amd our CCW in one of the many “gotcha” gun-free zones literally scattered about like an obstacle course set up as we go about our day we would have the book thrown at us and serve more time than this felon in possession of an illegal stolen gun along with drugs as he attempted to illegally sell both. Maybe he can lay claim to being an “undocumented pharmacist” as well as an “undocumented firearms dealer…”

    • They will throw the book at anyone who is a potential threat to the Regime. They like sending messages. We need to be consistent in criticizing them.

  4. “Clearly it wasn’t zero as Miguel Morales worked as a “Safe Passage” worker with a homicide conviction.”

    On the plus side Chicongo Public Schools are hiring base on experience.

    • Morales & Gomez. Dang Irish!!! The cesspool of Chiraq needs to be flushed. Oh wait the corpulent govner ripped all of his toilet’s out of his gold coast mansion! Just divert that chit to the Chicago River🙄

      • Instead of beating around the bush you two peas in a pod should just go ahead and use the n-word. It only helps democRats validate labeling white Gun Owners as supremacists.

        • The Belgian Congo’s / Democtic Republic of Congo’s reputation for violence is a comparable comparison for the repetitive violence of Chiraq. The demographics just make it too easy.

    • Moderation again. TTAG, please make an accessible list of the banned un-words. This is getting ridiculous.

  5. When dumbfuk lowlife Gun Control democRats run the show it’s no surprise defenseless kids were placed in the loving hands of convicted murderers.

  6. It was a setup. Entrapment. He was cleaning up his beat, and turned what he found over to the police for safe disposal. He also has a line on a bridge coming up for sale…

    DIE hires. Pfui.

  7. What a wonderful idea, arrested, convicted , sentenced, sentence served, released.
    And then do it all over again.
    I just follow the guy around making bust after bust.
    From Rookie to Captain in 6 easy years.
    The guy may have been a dirt bag but I bet the kids he watched were safe. At least he was armed.

  8. He’ll most likely apply for unemployment benefits while doing his time and sue for reinstatement and back pay once released. The system works!

    • You can not receive an unemployment benefits check while you are incarcerated.
      I know/hope your comment was made in jest.

  9. You can’t really blame the drug dealers for having a side hustle as do-nothing government workers. You can blame the government for promoting this behavior. This is the inevitable result when the electorate doesn’t understand the difference between right and wrong.

    • I don’t see how the guy was doing anything wrong myself.
      I thought America was Capitalistic?
      He was Holding down a Job while exploiting the illeagality’s that are used against Constitutional Rights.
      Free Hunter Biden.

  10. No explanation of what the heck a “Safe Passage” worker does. Fancy name for a crossing guard or something with greater contact w/ students???

  11. “Just leg@lized drugs and all the crime will go away.”

    “Selling cocaine should be legal.”

    “And selling guns should be legal too”

    I don’t understand why is this guy going to jail???? It Doesn’t make any sense to me. After all he did do his time in prison for being a convicted murderer. And they don’t execute convicted murderers in the state of illinois. They got rid of the death penalty.

    So it makes perfectly good sense that a convicted murderer is walking around free. So why is there a problem here? I don’t get it.

    And shouldn’t every Convicted Murderer who’s done his time in prison have a second chance????

    • There are many people who have complained that the United States has too many people being locked up.
      So it would make sense that they would be releasing Convicted Murderers into the state of illinois. There does seem to be a need to ensure that convicted murderers are being released back into society. So our prisons are not filled with them.

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