DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Hurricanes and Your Guns: Do You Share?">Previous Post
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President Barack Obama graced Chicagoans with his presence this past weekend. On his approach in Air Force One to O’Hare International, America’s greatest gun salesman flew right past a nearby shooting range.

We don’t mean the city of Chicago…the nation’s largest open-air shooting range. Instead, the President flew past series of billboards like this one for Maxon Shooter’s Supplies and Indoor Range near O’Hare. The moment was captured for eternity by Dan McInerney.

Maxon’s owner Dan Eldridge welcomed the President to town in a Facebook post featuring the photo. “Do you suppose the President saw our billboard?”


If Maxon was a golf course instead of an indoor range, Obama might have noticed the sign. Given that the only shooting that happens at Maxon’s doesn’t involve golf clubs, it seems a safe bet that our feckless former state senator couldn’t have cared less.

DeSantis Gunhide Question of the Day: Hurricanes and Your Guns: Do You Share?">Previous Post
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  1. This is a headline worthy of the hoplophobes, who I’m sure equate the presence of a shooting range with rage-filled gun-clingers. An entertaining typo, to be sure!

  2. I strongly encourage the President to take his beautiful wife on a midnight stroll through south Chicago sans his Secret Service detail. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

    • I dunno if I agree. I mean she’s got a good body , and awesome shoulders. And sure I’d prolly do her after a few beers. The problem is butter face. She looks good BUT HER FACE!

      And before somebody says this is racist my wife is blacker than her.

      • I HOPE you mean your wife’s complexion, because if you mean a blacker heart than “damn-flag” moochelle, I really can’t imagine it. (no offense meant to your wife by any comparison to barry soetoro’s wife).

  3. Hey fun is breaking out all over the Chicago’s suburbs. Brand new pistol and RIFLE range in Oak Forest,Il. Run by Arab types(NO I don’t know if they’re moose-lims!)…Chicago proper nope.

      • Yup, gotta watch them Ay-Rabs and Mooslims. Selling antiques, you are in the perfect business, Illini-Zim, you old relic.

        • Better to be a relic than a weirdo living in mommy’s basement graygay…and changing your troll mom(sic) de plume doesn’t make you slick. An appreciation for antiques indicates a certain maturity you obviously lack.

        • Do the “spics” and “coloreds” get to shoot at the “Ay-Rab” range?

        • You’re obsessed with race graygay…I only mentioned the owners ethnicity because it’s odd and suspicious to open a 5million dollar state of the art range in Oak Forest,Il…as in where the hell did the money come from? I guess you’re too stupid to surmise that graygay…

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