Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot, right, with her wife. Screen Capture by Boch via UK Daily Mail.
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A single city has seen more homicides this year than 47 entire states had in 2019. Chicago now sits at 841 homicides and counting, the most in 25 years. Nearly 4500 more people have suffered gunshot wounds.

Is Mayor Lori Lightfoot working hard to stop the killings, put more cops on the street and keep violent criminals behind bars? Nope. She’s busy spending her time promoting a “joyous Kwanzaa.”

You might think that, instead of meaningless gestures, Her Honor would be working tirelessly to put a stop to the incessant violence in her city that disproportionately affects African Americans. Blacks make up over 80% of Murder City USA’s homicide victims.

But instead of going after criminals, Lightfoot attacks the police, advocating defunding them to the tune of $80 million. While promoting lawful firearm ownership among the good people of Chicago might allow them to defend themselves against a plague of gang violence, Lightfoot advocates more gun control to keep residents on the city’s gun control plantation.

Chicago crime scene
A Chicago police officer picks through debris at the scene of another shooting. (AP Photo/Paul Beaty)

Instead of tackling the violent crime problem that infests her city, the overmatched Mayor busies herself with important city business like producing Kwanzaa videos. Even after a Christmas weekend which saw three more dead and another twenty-two maimed.

In Chicago, nothing says “Merry Christmas” like shooting someone.

The Daily Mail has the sorry story:

Chicago’s grim crime-ridden year continued its familiar path over the Christmas weekend and into Monday, with three people fatally shot and 22 injured in a city run by woke Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

Murders are at a 25-year high, with 793 recorded so far in a city with 2.7 million people. By comparison, New York City, which has a population of more than eight million, has had 479 murders to date.

No, the true number is 841, as detailed by the indispensable HeyJackass. Why the discrepancy? Because Chicago doesn’t coun homicides that occurred at locations within the city that aren’t the jurisdiction of the city’s police. Locations such as the interstates, colleges campuses and similar places.

The Daily Mail continues

Lightfoot has not commented on the Windy City’s carnage, instead posting a video wishing residents a happy Kwanzaa – the African American and Pan-African holiday created in 1966, and celebrated from December 26 until January 2.

‘Joyous Kwanzaa, Chicago,’ said Lightfoot, sitting beside her wife Amy Eshleman.

‘Amy and I wish to extend a very beautiful and prosperous Kwanzaa to all of you celebrating this season.’

Wokely recognizing a made-up holiday is the latest example of the Murder City Mayor choosing meaningless symbolism over the substance of making Chicago safer and saving its citizens’ lives

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  1. Maybe she should walk the streets where the shootings are happening. I’m sure the thugs would give her something to be happy about.

    • Groot loves Krazy Kwanzaa(gotta luv spellcheck). How convenient she doesn’t count those killed on the highway’s n expressways. It makes me stiffen my spine about ever setting foot in Chiraq…again.

      • I dont believe jesus even existed as a man. The great leprechaun in the sky I met in person so I believe in him. He rides a golden chariot pulled by 1100 elf slaves. It’s quite the spectacle to behold.

        • There are historical accounts of Jesus from non-Christians and people that don’t even like Christians. Do you believe Buddha and Confucius existed? Cleopatra? Muhammad? There’s a reason people pick and choose what to believe, evidence be damned. Some people think Elvis is still around.

        • Dud Brain I cannot believe you ever attended even a day in College. You always manage to screw history up one side and down the other.

          During Christ’s supposed life there were no contemporary accounts of Christ written by any Historians of the time or legal documents speaking of his execution either. That is centuries old information. What we do have is people talking about him long after he was dead, often hundreds of years. Even the Coptic information that was declared original speak of him long after he supposedly existed. And the Coptic’s did not deify him either. There was mention of him as a prophet in some early Jewish religious writings but again it was not a contemporary account when he was supposedly alive.

          Despite all of this lack of documented information on his actual existence there seems to be enough religious chatter to indicate he probably did exist as a man but no evidence he was a god of any kind.

        • Did Pontius Pilate exist?

          dacian, do you always begin conversations in the real world with insults? I don’t recall Jesus ever being mentioned in any of my classes. Maybe he was briefly mentioned in world history. I had to write an essay in philosophy on the hypothetical question of God being omniscient. That was the only reference to God that I remember. I only took those classes because they made me. I wasn’t a theology or history major.

          “…to indicate he probably did exist as a man…”

          Then what’s your point? That was the topic of the conversation started by Biatec.

        • To Dud Brain

          Since your reading comprehension is so low let me spell it out for you. The last paragraph was my opinion and the opinions of other scholars but by no means does it indicate they or I am right or that there were not other historical scholars that think that he may not have existed as a human being . They are looking at this subject through History not Religious Bronze Age Mysticism. Speculation is still the primary vehicle when it comes to whether he actually existed or not from a no nonsense historical study.

          And by the way if you really did attend an accredited University and not some bible college Christ is indeed mentioned in the study of History. The text book writers could never have avoided the subject and retained any credibility. Putting it politely you were fast asleep in History class assuming you actually had any.

        • “Christ is indeed mentioned in the study of History.”

          Why would they mention someone that didn’t exist? Hmm…

          Jesus was also mentioned in art history now that I think about it. That was another class they made me take.

        • Biatec, That Jesus was is a HISTORICAL fact. I regret to inform you that your atheism is showing.

        • dacian, the dud. Well, it seems that there is plenty of documentation that Jesus existed. IF you don’t want to accept that fact, then that is your problem. But then again, your atheism goes hand in hand with your socialist political beliefs, don’t they?

        • dacian, Which Leftist-Socialist college did you attend? University of Moscow? Or Beijing? No “scholar” is his right mind would deny the existence of Jesus Christ. Nice try and thanks for playing.

      • Apparently we’re to disregard the writings of Flavius Josephus as mere Fairytales I take it.
        A Jewish Historian born one year after the crucifixion who had contact with contemporaries of Yeshua Ben Joseph.

    • Nathan Freeman, Only in your dreams. There is no basis for Kwanzaa at all. Declaration Day? Made up? ROFLMAOBT
      Christmas? Made up? Not hardly.
      New Years Day? Please!
      Martin Luther King Day? Imagine that.
      Lincoln’s Birthday? Try again?
      Washinton’s Birthday? I’ll bet even you can figure that one out.
      Labor Day? Etc?

  2. I could not care any less what is said in Twitter. Lightfoot has already made it quite clear that she spends entirely too much time thinking about things that don’t matter or are too insignificant to warrant much attention while completely ignoring things that truly do matter and need immediate attention. Focusing on Twitter only allows more of this. She is helping to destroy, not help.

  3. Christmas was going fine here at TTAG until you bought up Lori Lightfoot. Now its more like Halloween again, tales of citizens in terror and horrible danger ’cause the creature that is Lori Lightfoot grows her own personal garden of crime watered by the blood of the citizens.

  4. And this article is nothing but meaningless symbolism. Not making this video would have had no effect on Chicago’s crime rate. The only thing to change that rate is to realize that Debbie W and her radical progressives have led the US of A down a diverse path of destruction.

    • white trash chris mallory…If you have something to say to me or about me you could have clicked reply to anyone of my numerous posts defining Gun Control as a racist and nazi based agenda.
      Unless you or anyone of your history illiterate, politically inept bigoted ilk can debunk history you can go pound sand. The USA witnessed the path of slavery, nazis, the kkk and chose not to accept such filth…live with it you socialist progressive nazi or gfy.

    • chirs mallory…My reply to you was moderated and deleted…In a nutshell I put you in a blender and hit puree.

      • She can’t help the way she looks, criticize her for what she can change.
        Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone.

        • But you can de-emphasize ugly with makeup, hairstyle and clclothing. Not to mention demeanor. Lightfoot fails on all fronts.

    • little bitty timmy…$100.00 says I can sit an apple on your pinhead and hit it blindfolded @100 meters…If I miss lmk ahead of time who you would like to receive payment?

  5. If that picture doesn’t frighten the people of Chiraq, they are even more stupid than I thought. And that’s saying something.

    Chicogoans, you elected a clown show, so you deserve a clown show. Enjoy. And stay indoors. You may still get the WuFlu, but you’re less likely to get shot.

    • That statement is derogatory to clowns everywhere. Clowns are highly trained professional performers as contrasted to la mayor of chiraq who apparently is not skilled at anything except fooling the mentally incapacitated voters of chiraq. Perhaps it is something in the water. But then, we know that politics in chiraq have been crooked since the 1930s, so it could well be that actually voting ballots favored some other candidate but the ballots counted favored someone so dense that the political machine could control her/his/its every move

  6. I’m to busy celebrating FESTIVUS to worry about the record number of homicides. Now for the Feats of Strength!

  7. If the people listened to any of the tenants of the holidays, they wouldn’t be shooting each other like they are. I think we need to have a Kwanza Kountdown of Chicago murders in this week of celebration and learning.

  8. “No, the true number is 841, as detailed by the indispensable HeyJackass. Why the discrepancy? Because Chicago doesn’t counting homicides that occurred at locations within the city that aren’t the jurisdiction of the city’s police. Locations such as the interstates, colleges campuses and similar places.”

    Number tricks are a favorite of gun-control supporters.

      • So, whats a person to do if they overindulged for the entire Christmas Holiday weekend and find themselves completely bound up with constipation ? As you are about to discover, the ever resourceful lil’ d will now demonstrate he’s more adept at using the front door than he is at using the back one. Take it away oh great bloviator !!

  9. Once again John Bosch attacks minorities i.e. both the Black Mayor and a Black holiday. The article was designed to stir up the naturally occurring Far Right hatreds towards minorities in the U.S. Decent Educated people find the article. blatantly ignorant, nauseating, offensive and racist to the maximum.

    The real facts are that it is part of the job of a Mayor to officiate or promote many ethnic holidays. Bosch did not attack white Mayors that promote ethnic holidays such as the yearly German Beer Garden holidays or the Irish Parades celebrating St. Patrick’s day or the Italian Festivals or Greek Festivals etc, etc, etc, that would be considered unpatriotic but not when the Far Right attack a Black Mayor for promoting a Black holiday as blacks are fair game and constantly under the cross hairs of the Far Right.

    Defunding the police does not mean laying off cops rather it was originally meant to divert millions of tax dollars from being spent on the latest flame thrower tanks, remote controlled killer robots, and belt fed machine guns just to name a few of the disgusting weapons of mass destructions purchased to keep “minorities in their place” by white supremacists.

    Remember in the 50’s when a just a few Puerto Ricans stormed the Capital and were given life sentences while the Far Right White Storm Troopers just got a slap on the wrist for doing the same on Jan. 6th of this year. If they had been Black on Jan 6th the machine guns would have mowed them down by the hundreds. Prior U.S. racist History proves this would have happened beyond all doubt.

    The diverted tax dollars of “defund the police” are then spent on community action programs that keep children off the streets after school with organized activities. The tax money is also used to hire mental health experts that can often defuse a situation when a person suffers a mental health crisis rather than the standard barbaric Cop method of “gun them down now and ask questions later”. Most civilized nations have used this method decades ago which results in less needless deaths of mentally ill people which is an anathema to the Far Right Mentality which still admires the Hitlerlite liquidating of all mentally ill people.

    One must realize that Mayors cannot hire more cops without passing more taxes and considering the fact that the Capitalvanians have enslaved the workers of Chicago now for decades with over 4 generations of people laboring away at part time minimum wage jobs which do not pay the bills the tax base is just not there to impoverish the people even more than they already are while the Capitalvanians of Chicago pay zero taxes.

    Bosch of course conveniently ignores the fact that Two Chicago Studies prove that the majority of guns used in crime in Chicago are second hand guns that come from outside the city and often outside of the State as well because States with lax laws ship in thousands of deadly weapons up the “Iron Pipe Line” into Chicago as verified by Law Enforcement investigations and tracings. Why does not Bosch promote Universal Background Checks that would vet all second hand gun purchases so that the thousands of second hand guns being shipped into Chicago would be reduced to a trickle?????

    Or how about promoting safe storage laws which prevent the majority of smash and grab thefts not only from private dwellings but of entire gun stores which do not have adequate lock up of guns when the store is closed. No these common sense gun control laws that take away no ones guns and that the entire rest of the civilized world has had for decades would not appease the ignorance and paranoia of the Far Right.

      • So was his stolen credit card, he’s kind of pissy because his(?) mom’s threatening to kick him and Miner out of the basement if they don’t pay up by NewYears. He was so looking to a new PlayStation under the tree but all he got was a nice big chunk of anthracite.

    • dacian, Nice try. It seems that only a state legislature or the Congress can decide what is a holiday and what is not. Certiainly not this wannabe major who has like Sleepy Joe screwed up everything that she has had contact with. Her skin pigment has nothing to do with it.
      I don’t know if you ae Caucasian, Black or Asian ( again there are only three races). But which ever it is it is clear as a bell that you are a racist playing again with your deck of race cards. Ther is a BIG difference between the Puerto Rican Socialists ( not “nationalists”) attacked the then residence of the President, Harry S Truman with intent to murder him. The Jan 6th incident you alude to was a demonstration that turned into a riot. The only person killed was one of the demonstrators at that hand of a Captial Police Officer who has not been charged in spite of that fact that the demonstrator was UNARMED. If you would, would you get in touch with those radicals who turned out your gun studies and tell them that a gun is an inanimate object which is incapable of violence. We do not have a “gun violence” problem. We have a violent people problem. One that can be remedied with long prison sentences for anyone who commits a crime with a firearm.

      • Walter you never cease to make a complete fool of yourself. Mayors are not beholding to the State to conduct or officiate or promote Ethnic celebrations at the city. I might add the Mayor did not create this Holiday as it is an old one not a new one. You would have realized that if you had read the complete article or if you did comprehended what it said.

        As far as your nut ranting about the Puertorican attack and the White Storm Trooper attack on Jan. 6th both groups tried to kill the leaders of the U.S. The White Storm Troopers tried to kill Pence and the other Congressmen and shouted that is what they were going to do. There was no difference between the two incidents accept for the sentences handed out that gave the Puerto Ricans life sentences and the White Storm Troopers a slap on the wrist.

    • “Bosch of course conveniently ignores the fact that Two Chicago Studies prove that the majority of guns used in crime in Chicago are second hand guns that come from outside the city and often outside of the State as well because States with lax laws ship in thousands of deadly weapons up the “Iron Pipe Line” into Chicago as verified by Law Enforcement investigations and tracings. Why does not Bosch promote Universal Background Checks that would vet all second hand gun purchases so that the thousands of second hand guns being shipped into Chicago would be reduced to a trickle????? “

      Boch ignored it because its a lie at worse and very dubious (numbers and data points because none of it is substantiated by actual data but rather most is ‘guessed’) at best, and Bosch knows that and so does the rest of the world except you.

      the rest of your crap, more copy n paste biased agenda from elsewhere.

      For cripes sake, you can’t even get the mans name right and once again you do not understand what you are reading.

      • To 40 cal.

        You really made a fool of yourself on this diatribe as there have been other studies and Police tracings all of which parallel the two Chicago studies as to the thousands of second hand guns being funneled into many of our major large cities up the “Iron Pipe Line”. This is not new news which you seemed to be so shocked over

        • @ dacian

          “You really made a fool of yourself on this diatribe as there have been other studies and Police tracings all of which parallel the two Chicago studies as to the thousands of second hand guns being funneled into many of our major large cities up the “Iron Pipe Line”. This is not new news which you seemed to be so shocked over”

          No there haven’t been any such “substantiating” studies for Chicago as you claim. You need to go back and really look at the numbers of your “two Chicago studies”, none of them add up. If all of the claims of your bogus Chicago study are taken into account and the stats are compared then over several thousand people have been murdered by “illegal iron pipeline” guns this year so far in Chicago and over 10,000 illegal iron pipeline guns were recovered from crime scenes, that are not accounted for by actual police reports.

          you’re an idiot.

        • Wrong again Booger Brain

          You have the reading comprehension of a 4th grader. I stated that there have been other studies that parallel the Chicago studies that proved other major cities had the same problems of having second hand guns being shipped into their cities up the “iron pipe line”. You can scream all you want that you do not want to hear of these studies or that they do not exist but that is your mental problem not the problem of sane people who study and accept such findings from Law Enforcement. It is you not I that are the idiot. Try again.

        • Here we go again, dacian is making a world class fool of himself, again. He keeps alluding to his discredited “Chicago studies” which provide no data or the guestions posed to come up with the data.
          Again, I ask him, why are you so afraid of guns?
          And again, as he considers himself a “gun expert” what is the firing sequence of a cartridge?

    • All of the gun stores I know about cable lock the guns to the rack and/or store handguns in a safe. They also have state of the art alarm systems And usually posts that are secured in the ground to keep them from backing a truck in.

    • TLDR.

      Actually read M-A-N-Y times before. Find something new. If your paymasters are funding by the word, they may realize copy-and-paste of the same points over and over again is cheating.

  10. “The seven principles of Kwanzaa are as important as ever and should be a guide for all of us.”

    Kwanzaa is a phony, made up black separatist fantasy holiday invented by a criminal. The seven principles Lightfoot touts are the same ones, word for word, espoused by the Symbionese Liberation Army. It’s nothing but black racism and bigotry wrapped up in high minded words.

    Lightfoot is living proof that picking someone to head up a city based on their skin color or sexuality is stupid. But, it also speaks to the idiocy of the cretins in Chicago who elected her. They got what they voted for. F em.

  11. I would definitely like to celebrate K Day by being the cream filling inside of that gender non-conforming Kwanzaa hair pie

  12. And… whats up with Lightfoot’s hair? Looks like one of those old three stooges movies when one of them gets hit by lightening and the hair stands up.

    • I think that they cooked up a batch of Uglyface Cookies for the holidays and used 2 cups of hairy ass extract instead of the 2 teaspoonfuls called for in the recipe , plus left them in the oven about an hour too long. Even frosting ain’t gonna help.

  13. Just my take on this. I don’t give a rats backside what if any holiday Mayor Lightfoot celebrates. Nor do I give a rip about her Wife?
    What I do care about is the fact Her honor has done nothing to put the criminals behind bars, deal with the gangs or drugs, promote a working relationship between residents and police forces, promote the 2 things that will actually reduce crime, those being education and gainful employment, or step aside and allow the residents the means of defending themselves from the criminals.
    The problems any city deals with stem from poverty and dispair. Government cannot spend enough money to bring people out of poverty. But, government can promote free enterprise and economic growth. What we see in cities like Chicago are the results of decades of limousine liberal/socialist Democrat policies. Not absolutely sure of the dates, but I believe the last Republican to hold office as mayor in Chicage since the early 1930’s. So, they own the mess. Since what the Dems have been doing has been a dismal failure for decades, perhaps they should try another direction.
    But, of course, it’s the guns causing the problems. Totally dismissing the person behind the gun. You know, the person who loaded it, pointed it, and pulled the trigger. Somehow these horrible, evil guns just jump into peoples hands, load themselves and force these poor victims of society to shoot and kill their fellow city rats.

    • quote——————–The problems any city deals with stem from poverty and dispair. Government cannot spend enough money to bring people out of poverty. But, government can promote free enterprise and economic growth.————-quote

      Obviously OldmaninAL flunked American History Classes as he is mouthing the same old tired far right anti-government propaganda. In reality when Big Government under Franklin Roosevelt started “make work projects” it put millions of unemployed people back to work who then spent money stimulating the economy and getting it back to its normal Capitalvanian self. As a matter of fact the “make work programs” were later proved to be long overdue as the infrastructure of the country was vastly improved with old roads being repaired or updated and new ones constructed and also to mention bridges that were repaired and hydroelectric projects started and completed for low cost electricity to areas of the rural country side that often did not even have electricity proving once again that yes Big Government Socialism does indeed bring people out of poverty and despair.

      I might also mention Socialist Big Government Programs like retraining of displaced workers and loans and grants to young people wanting to attend technical school or college. All funded with tax dollars rather then giving the tax dollars to the greed monger Capitavanian Prostitute Republican Criminals who would otherwise give that tax money to their lords and masters in the corporate world in the form of “Corporate Welfare” often disguised as “Corporate Subsidies” which are wheel barrels full of free cash to the filthy rich which deny then tax dollars to spend on Social Programs to help and retrain the people. Something of a horror to the Capitalvanian Criminal Republicans’.

      And of course I could also speak of Social programs in Europe but why bother the average back woodsmen on this forum wish to remain ignorant of the progress Europe has made since the end of WWII in regards to strengthening and expanding their Socialist States funded of course by free enterprise. All this is not only rejected by the ignorance of the Far Right but totally unfathomable to them as well. I might add almost as unfathomable as Liberals owning firearms which they reject as an impossible story.

      • dacian is at it again. He eeps trying to tell us that FDR got us out of the Great Depression with the make work projects of the FDR administration when it fact it was WWII that brought us out of the Depression.
        H seems to think that it is perfectly OK for his criminal freinds to go out and burn, loot and murder with no repercussions.
        I have a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for dacian, it is not the government’s job to retain you or anyone else to get a better job at the expense of the taxpayer. If you want a frickin’ better job, get the training or education and pay for it your damn self.
        Communism is a FAILED SYSTEM as is socialism.
        We should set up a Go-Fund-Me page for dacian to buy his plane ticket to Europe if he is so in love with it but with the priviso that he not return to the USA.

  14. When the mayor says ‘as important as ever’…
    she means since 1966 when that convicted felon make all this kwanzaa shit up…

  15. Here come the history police….

    “…recognizing a made-up holiday…”

    Holidays, just as with words, are all “made-up” by someone, somewhere, sometime.

      • 90% of the 1.2% that post their “celebration” of Kwanzaa on social media are really just celebrating themselves.


  17. If the lawful people were armed, and the criminals that break the law were kept in jail and not allowed to plea to lesser charges so the prosecutor gets the win and the perp gets a slap we wouldn’t have this problem! FJB! Let’s go Brandon!

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