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Why is the P320 my top pick from the 2014 SHOT Show? Three words: Striker. Fired. SIG. The fact that the SIG SAUER P320 comes in three interchangeable calibers and three different frame/barrel sizes and uses existing P250 frames and barrels and magazines and two different trigger styles is just icing on this deliciously-layered cake. Check out this video . . .

If the production guns feel as good as the SHOT Show samples and shoot as accurately as my older P250s, this gun should be a tremendous success. Unless, or course,  it turns out to be a dud. We’ll test it and give you the straight dope. We’ve never hated a SIG yet, but we’ve never pulled a punch either.

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  1. I’m certainly not a hater, I have a P228 and an SP2009 and they are decent, dependable pistols. After watching that video all I took away from it was a resounding “meh.” Another polymer framed, striker fired pistol in a sea of polymer framed striker fired pistols. I’m sure some people will love them. The swappable triggers are sort of neat in a gimmicky way, but I’m just not that impressed. A Sig brand Glock. Awesome…and its MSRP is about $200 higher than competing products.

    • $200 more for a fully modular system. It’s giving you the G19, G23, G38, and the G32, all you’d have to do is switch slides on a sig. Just for argument sake let’s call each glock $400 and the sig $600 + $250 for each slide & mag. $1600 is the total for the glock & $1350 for the sig. Oh yeah, sig comes standard with night sights and with 3 grips, not just 1 like a glock.

      The rant is going off course, I’ll veer back on. While you may not be “wow’d”, but a good portion of us really like what sig has done to take a good step into the polymer/striker-fire market. Is it revolutionary? I wouldn’t give it that, but it is a very solid entry handgun from sig. I’m sure we will see more in the future but as for now I’m very content with what they put out for their first poly striker.

  2. I like Sig Sauer pistols, and own a P229 myself. But I have three words as well…High. Bore. Axis.

    Until I hear reviews and maybe have an opportunity to test fire it myself, I’m probably going to hold off on this one.

  3. This is the gun the SP2022 should have been, although I would still seriously consider this gun when buying a polymer framed handgun, it gets dinged for not being striker fired. I think I saw the price point was going to be around $700 MSRP? I hope (wish?) that will end up being around $550 retail to be competitive with pretty much every other polymer wunder nine.

  4. Already own the P250, full, with the compact, and sub kits.. Now, with the purchase of the 320, I will own the world!!! By the way, love my P250.

  5. I owned a P250 when it first came out. The thing I did not like about it was the frame seemed like cheap plastic compared to my Glocks or HK. Then they released an updated frame which if I recall correctly made it so my gen 1 magazines would not work with a gen 2 frame, plus holsters, etc. and the caliber conversion kits were nowhere to be seen.

    Other than that it was okay.

    I like my P239 and I think I want one of those new FDE P2020 jobs. This, I’ll have to wait and see.

  6. Is the P250 100% reliable yet? Or ever?
    I think the idea around them is nifty, but the numerous error and malfunction reports made me blanch.

    • I’m writing up a Long-Term Test Update for it, but my 2nd generation P250 2sum has had over 2000 rounds through it. Total malfs? One. And the slide doesn’t always lock back in the full-size frame, for what that’s worth.

  7. Looks like an interesting gun, both versions. The comparison I’d like to see is not between these Sigs and Glocks but between the Sigs and their comparable Springfield XDMs. The model overlap isn’t complete, but the contrast between the Sig “Carry” version (3.9 barrel) and the XDM-C 3.8 (9mm) is intriguing. The XDM is significantly more compact than the Sig at a cost of only two rounds (15/13).

  8. I’m just not getting it, I guess. What is it about “striker fired”? It is hard to see whether it is cocked. And it’s a DAO trigger with an excessive trigger pull at 5.5 to 7.5 also. I like my hammer-fired guns.

    I’ll keep my P220, thank you.

    • I agree. I have a striker fired pistol because it was cheap and holds 10 rounds of .45 in a compact platform, but I’d much rather have a hammer. Never could figure out what is so necessary about a striker.

      • It’s a simpler design and thus less likely to have something go wrong, is cheaper, and can fit into a more compact/low profile design. It looks like the p320 missed out on the last part.

  9. Swapping entire frames to fit the user isn’t a good idea IMHO when interchangeable backstraps have been out for a long time, I understand why they did it (leftover technology from the P250), but I highly doubt they’re going to issue you all three frames with each gun… Meaning either you gotta buy the size you want from the beginning, or buy the right sized frame later.

    Whereas the owner of a Glock, M&P, HK, etc. with interchangeable backstraps gets all the sizes when they buy the gun and can experiment to their hearts content until they find what works. It’s a simple, cheap idea that works well.

    Other than that? Meh… Might be a nice gun, but nothing I’m going to go crazy over.

      • I’ve refrained from modifications to my M&P frame as it devalues it and there’s the possibility of ruining it.

        If I go too heavy with a soldering iron on a Glock it costs me $200 to replace the frame, plus shipping and a transfer fee. If I do the same thing with an M&P I’d need to buy and part out a new gun.

        A $30-50 non-firearm frame gives me significant wiggle room for experimenting with stippling, cutting, and hand fitting. It also allows the aftermarket community to develop some really cool stuff.

      • I’d rather have a complete set of backstraps included with the gun than have to pay $40-50 for a single sized grip frame.

      • IF and I mean IF, they have stock and guess what ! They DON’T and haven’t for months. No mags, no grips, and no X-Change Kits. I have a 20% off from a P250 purchase I’ll never use. Why? I am not going to wait months to get a back order of something that might go on clearance or worse yet be discontinued as I wait for Sig Sauer to decide to stock a few parts. I love the P250, never had a problem with it, love the DAO trigger too. I just don’t like Sig’s pricing, lack of more then 1 mag at purchase, no backstrap in the design (easy addon later with poly and the modular theme), and POOR parts stock for a MODULAR touted feature. I wouldn’t count on Sig for upgrades or modular part availability EVER. The P320 will end up the same way the P250 did, expensive mags and low modular parts availability.

  10. I want to be excited about this, but it reminds me of the S&W SD9. Not exactly what I was hoping for. Nonetheless, a step in the right direction. Unless it’s garbage.

  11. Ha!

    “high5en1 week ago
    “Introducing a polymer pistol built specifically for the needs of today’s law enforcement to rain tyranny down upon the citizens of the communities that they swore to protect.””

  12. Ooh, it’s specially designed for LEEEOOOOOOOSSSSS and the Troooooops. I guess Sig doesn’t need any more money from civilians.

    • I’m curious on current statistics of firearm sales to LEOs vs. private citizens. At this point I would suspect the citizen market is catching up if not surpased the LEO market.

  13. The P250 was rejected by the ATF, Federal Air Marshals, and Dutch Police for being unreliable. Until SIG can prove it is more reliable than the P250, I won’t even bother looking at it. They should have either built a new gun from the ground up or designed it based on the SP2022. Their decision to have three different sized frames instead of swappable back straps is equally stupid and drives the cost up.

  14. After Sig worked out the kinks, I got into the p250. Now have it in three calibers, in FS, C & SC, as well as two grip sizes and two FCMs (the steel action with serial number). Reliable. Novel. Sold me on DAO, so I bought a p290 for the pocket.

    The allegedly “safer” striker of the p320 intrigues me, although hammer DAO is about as safe as it gets. I like the Glock striker but prefer Sigs, plus the p320 is interchangeable with my Pelican full of p250 components.

    The componetized p320 system will pull some sales from Glock and will keep some Sig owners happy.

  15. I love my P250c and never thought I would want a striker fired pistol until I saw this baby. What a logical and well thought out update to a great pistol. I can’t wait to shoot one. Oh, and how can anyone think this looks like a Glock? This is a Sig all over. Just because it’s a striker fired pistol doesn’t make it “Glocky”.

  16. Lot of comparison between the p320 and the p250. Personally I feel that yes they are extremely similar but the 320 is everything the 250 should have been. I have had my 320 for a couple weeks now already creeping up on 1500 rounds. The gun may not have the name glock on it but right now it’s my go to gun. Sig just did it better forget the fact that they are pushing the modular aspect that aside it just plain gets the job done better than my glock.

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