1851 navy
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Colt’s 1851 Navy revolver was one of the authentic classics that cemented the Hartford, Connecticut gun maker’s reputation. These 7.5-inch barrel cap-and-ball beauties were made for almost a quarter century until 1873 and used extensively during the Civil War and by soldiers and explorers far beyond. Now, Cimarron Firearms is offering their reproduction “Percussion Peacemaker” six-shooter .36 caliber pistols for an MSRP of $422.50.

Here’s their press release:

Cimarron Firearms, recognized as the leader in quality and authenticity in Old West replica firearms,is proud to make available the legendary 1851 Navy cap and ball six-shooter replica, known as the “Percussion Peacemaker.” Originally introduced in 1850, the .36 caliber revolver was highly prized by stalwart individuals during the great Western migration including the gold rush of ’49 and carried by both sides during the American Civil War. Other famous and infamous 1851 Navy owners included John Wesley Hardin, Texan outlaw known to have shot a man for snoring, the James Younger Gang and Wild Bill Hickok. No other six gun sold more than a quarter of a million in less than a quarter of century than the 1851 Navy did, making it one of the Wild West’s most epitomes guns.

Cimarron’s replica 1851 Navy revolver brings back all the lore and mystic with beautiful laser engraving on a case hardened old silver frame with a standard blue finish and one-piece fine diamond checkered walnut grip. The percussion style six-shooter is available in .44 or .36 caliber with a 7 ½” octagon barrel for an MSRP of just $422.50.

For more information on Cimarron Firearms and accessories, visit www.cimarron-firearms.com.

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    • Or as some (D) bags would say: a high-capacity ghost gun(!!!!!). They should ban it, for the children.

      • What a goof ball. Ban it for the children? Guns are the tools that will guarantee our children a future as free people. All children must know the safe and proper use, handling, storage and care for guns. They must become experts in their use under the Second Amendment. They must also be well informed that their guns are not to be used at any time except when the loss of a life appears imminent, and, when called to stand as a member of a citizens militia for the purpose of restoring our run amok government to the Constitution when all else appears to have failed.

        Its guns that are being kept to bear when Americans have decided that they are convinced those having our permissions to represent us as our voices in managing our country, as government, have run amok of their duties specified in our foundation law set, the Constitution, and as a last resort after attempting to bring them back to the Constitution, decide that the Second Amendment must be used to purge those who most surely intend to rein tyranny down on the people they were trusted to serve for their own profit and benefit.

        From tree of liberty blood izquotes.com

        “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,” Jefferson wrote in a letter to William S. Smith, a diplomatic official in London, on November 13, 1787.Oct 17, 2009

        The time is fast approaching when the tree of liberty must be fertilized lest it die from lack of nourishment. It is we the people that have become inattentive and complacent concerning out duties as citizens of the only country like ours on Earth. No other has a Constitution like ours. We, if not soon attentive to our civic duties, will be responsible for its demise. Should it die, we will also be responsible for enslavement of all the peoples of the World for the profit and amusement of the richest and most powerful people in the World.

        Please get to know United Nations Agenda 2030 and Initiative 2050. These are the plans, now being put in place thanks to Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama and the failure of other administrations to give them the due thought and consideration necessary before allowing us to agree to participate in any parts thereof.

        People, the things that are happening behind the constant string of smoke screens that we are presented with on a never ending string, that are going to hurt us. The most recent smoke screen is all the hype about people that acted in a ribald manner decades ago, in some cases, making comments or contacts that were less of an issue at the time they were reportedly committed than in our politically correct world of today wherein no–one seems capable of standing up for themselves in any situation.

        When we voluntarily allow government to take control of more and more of our own responsibilities for managing our lives and handling the things that bother us ourselves, we are giving government more and more control over us. If this keeps up we will soon be a country of gutless wonders who are mere puppets that do as we are told in every instance and never ask “why”. We won’t care why as long as we don’t have to provide ourselves with anything, do anything we don’t like, or listen to anything that offends us.

        No me, you say. then you had better start defending the Constitution and all of your rights. People have the right to freely express their opinions whether someone else likes them, or takes offense at them. If we try to stop others from saying things that you take offense with they are being denied the very same rights you are exercising.

        Sorry, we all have the same rights and protections under the Constitution. You just have to remember that and let things go over your head or bounce off of your shoulder you don’t like so the other guy gets just as much freedom and liberty that you have. That’s the way things are supposed to be. Otherwise, you are playing into the hands of the Clintons and others who want to take your freedom and liberty away and turn the United States into just another hunk of a world controlled by a one-world government seated in the United Nations which will rein tyranny on everyone in the World for their own benefit.

        Ain’t that a real bugger? Its true! Check it out with some real research. You can see for yourself.

  1. The 1851 is a great shooter. Arguably the best handling and easily the best looking of the major cap and ball revolvers, but if i had to bet my life on a cap and ball i would go with the Remington 44, my colts shoot better but eat caps every now and again. My Remi has yet to jam on a cap

    • What does it mean for a cap and ball gun to “eat a cap”?

      (I’m considering NAA’s black powder .22 cap and ball derringer for a range toy…)

      • Geoff. Sometimes a percussion cap will fragment when it ignites. Sometimes after the hammer hits the cap and you thumb the hammer to cock for the next shot the cap will fall off the nipple. The Colt, unlike the Remington, has an open frame. Caps or debris can drop in the works and jam it up.

      • Eating a cap is the tendency of a reproduction revolver to have a spent cap fall off of the nipple and become entangled in the working of the revolver often requiring disassembly of the gun to get it working again.

      • You can allegedly load the NAA .22 with certain unique smokeless powders. Pretty cool little guns, things are built like a nice watch. Even has the safety notches between cylinders.

  2. … and for real (lazy) fun try their ’51 Navy Richards-Mason conversion. I bought one in .38 cal. to experience that 1871 feel (since I would never fire my original).

      • From the article: “The percussion style six-shooter is available in .44 or .36 caliber with a 7 ½” octagon barrel for an MSRP of just $422.50.”
        They are offering the original caliber in .36, and also in .44 for those of us who already have other .44s and don’t want yet another ball caliber.

  3. Exact in detail and function. 44 in a 51 navy? It’s been my experience that the broken caps are usually caused by the hammer spring having to much tension. Play around with the screw located in the grip that tensions the hammer, you can actually make a hotter cap with a stiffer spring, as a kid did you ever notice the cap went bang, louder if you hit it harder,? Or barely have the cap ignite the powder with a light hammer strike, however your fps will very slightly on the low side. T T A My opinion, lol. I used pyrodex, just pyrodex is all I know. I d really get back into BP shooting the 51 Colt was my favorite, it was an old Urbrti and I’ve not found that type yet like it? Such as the steel in the barrel, the cylinder saftey stops and the chamber’s that hold the larger charge of powder.I m probably one of the most critical gun enthusiast on this site, And if this firearms in the plain Jane version is anywhere near the one I owned it is a definite buy…….. Besides the “I GOTS’ it’s also a wonderful weapon to teach a new shooter with, I think better then .22 as it teaches a little more physics. If wah wanna git all fancee. They’re just damned fun to shoot, and when you run out of bullets there ain’t nothing more then a twelve year old kid likes better then messin with molten metal. Lol … LIFE IS GOOD, MERICA.

    • “as a kid did you ever notice the cap went bang, louder if you hit it harder,?”

      I discovered that at age 7, with my first roll-cap gun.

      Then like the utter moron I now know myself to actually be, I wondered how loud it would get if I whacked the whole roll with dad’s framing hammer.

      It was loud, all right. Then it was real quiet, with a funny high-pitched tone. My ears rang for quite awhile.

      Never did *that* again, ’till I discovered M-80s in junior high…

    • I’ll have to try adjusting the tension on the spring. It probably only happens once in every 24 rounds or so, and by then the action is pretty fouled up and hard to run. I use Goex fff.

    • Not just in 44, also in .36. From the article:
      “The percussion style six-shooter is available in .44 or .36 caliber with a 7 ½” octagon barrel for an MSRP of just $422.50.”

    • Colt did patent a .44 ’51 model. Nobody wanted it, and it never went into production. There aren’t even any prototypes known to exist.
      Pietta has been making them for decades, and is the only one to make them. They are considered a non-historical abomination.

  4. Just throwing this out there – but isn’t it likely that the Colt Navy is the deadliest handgun in history? They were a main weapon for many cavalrymen in the very bloody Civil War. No handgun has ever been used as much IMHO….

    • Not a huge fan of Ubertis–Pietta’s case coloring is brighter, and my only Uberti, an 1862 Pocket Navy has been unreliable and after very few rounds broke its handspring. But this is a purty gun, and at only $100 over the cost of the regular version, a really good deal. I’ve been looking to add a full size 1851 Navy (I have a “sheriff’s” model with a 5″ barrel) anyway, so this may be a Christmas present for me.

    • The .44 cal 1860 Army was a significantly more powerful handgun, but you are right that Colt made far fewer 1860s than 1851s. Moreover, the 1860 Army was available to Confederate troops only as captured firearms, leaving .36 caliber revolvers of various manufacture far more prevalent on the battlefield.

      • To clarify, the only (2) Colt Navy models produced were the 1851 and 1861 (stronger frame) both in .36 cal. The more ‘powerful’ .44 cal. was the 1860 Colt Army.

  5. Not a big open top Colt cap and ball revolver fan. They just don’t work as well or as fun to shoot as the Remington revolvers.

    I shot both of them today and the Navy jammed twice in 6 shots while the Remington didn’t jam at all in 18 or 24 shots.

    • yer shootin wrong.
      This is the actual origin of the ‘gansta’ grip, where you have to rotate your wrist 90 degrees when cocking an old colt, so the spent cap can fall out rather than fall down and jam the hand.. or bring it up vertically over your shoulder. you have seen that on old cowboy movies, they actually were doing it right. This is also where ‘drawing down’ on someone came from.. you cock vertically, and bring it down to point of aim to fire..
      Or just get a set of slixshot nipples.

  6. Not a huge fan of Ubertis–Pietta’s case coloring is brighter, and my only Uberti, an 1862 Pocket Navy has been unreliable and after very few rounds broke its handspring. But this is a purty gun, and at only $100 over the cost of the regular version, a really good deal. I’ve been looking to add a full size 1851 Navy (I have a “sheriff’s” model with a 5″ barrel) anyway, so this may be a Christmas present for me.

    • As I noted (later) above, despite what Cimarron says, this is actually a Pietta. And just had to have it. So much so that I went and bought one–at GunBroker–for $345 including shipping.

    • Uberti used to be the best.. but ever since they were bought by Bereta, they have been starved for new equipment. Pietta and Perdersoli have shiny new factories, but Bereta hasn’t invested anything into Uberti in decades. A late 80’s or 90’s Uberti is far superior to any pietta..

  7. Nobody else has mentioned it. Surprising.

    the 1851 model was NOT known as the peacemaker. that was the 1873 SAA (single action army).

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