Clearwater, Florida Woman Shoots and Kills a Neighbor Who Attacked Her in Her Own Bedroom

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You’re allegedly more likely to be shot by someone you know. One good way to reduce that risk, of course, is to avoid breaking into an acquaintance’s home in the middle of the night. That’s a lesson a Clearwater, Florida man failed to learn.

A woman who lived next door to 26-year-old Justin William Wright woke up to find him standing in her bedroom after he broke in through a window. Then he attacked her.

As reports . . .

“She was able to reach out and call 911 during this attack, but the attack persisted,” CPD Chief Daniel Slaughter said. “At which time, she was able to retrieve a gun that she had lawfully.”

The victim managed to get a gun and fatally shot him in self-defense, according to police. Slaughter said the woman had injuries that were consistent with a self-defense situation.

“We’re going to avoid talking about too many of the details, but I can tell you she was asleep in the residence,” he said. “She was attacked. She does have injuries that are consistent with that attack.”

Another hard-earned lesson by a Florida Man. The shooting is still officially under investigation.

“We certainly don’t just chalk it up to self defense and move on,” [Chief Slaughter] said. “There is an awful lot of work that has to occur. The crime scene is going to be investigated just like any other death or murder or homicide or as in this particular case, potentially a justified homicide.”

In he mean time, the woman will have to live with the horror of what happened to her for the rest of her life. But that’s probably far better than what the late Justin William Wright had planned for her.

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  1. “You’re more likely to be shot by someone you know.” That’s probably because most people are attacked by someone they know. No “studies”. Sorry, Duncian. Just my own personal observations.

    • The crack dealer knows his competitor, the junkie knows his supplier, and the MS13 gang enforcer knows his target. All of which is very different from the conclusion they want you to draw from their statement.

    • One of the studies making that claim also cited the most common association was prior criminal activity. That could be prior cooperation in criminal activity like drug sales, or being in rival gangs.

  2. Another armed citizen chose to commit a DGU, rather than perform her civic duty to die as a defenseless martyr, rather than add to the senseless killing of a person with intent to kill, or do great bodily harm.

    When will gun owners learn that DGUs are simply the criminal act of evading the justice system. A system that would give the accused a chance to preserve their life, and either honor the victim’s brave passing, or maybe pay the medical bills for injuries.

    Oh, I almost forgot, no woman’s virtue, or body, is worth the death of another person.

    • Actually, according to Demonrats all screaming about Roe, it’s perfectly fine to kill people who inconvenience you. And if they believe it’s worth killing an innocent child so that they can continue to run around and ignore responsibility, I got no problem with criminals going through the Justice System as “DOA – Killed by law abiding citizen.

      • Wonder how many unwanted pregnancies would occur if men took more responsibility during sexual activity? If a woman has an abortion, isn’t the man(sperm donor) an accomplice in the pregnancy? Perhaps it is time for men to accept some responsibility and take precautions. Regardless, it is not the fault of the unborn. It is the woman’s body; however, the little body inside her is not hers to do with as she pleases, considering the female of our species is the avenue (God or nature) by which new life enters the world.

        • “however, the little body inside her is not hers to do with as she pleases“

          So you’re saying she has no authority over the embryo’s use of her body?

          How is it the embryo can control her body, but she cannot control the embryo’s body?

          Why does the embryo, a creation of the woman’s, have priority over the woman?

          According to the religious, God created man and therefore has authority over man, women create the embryo, why don’t they have authority over it?

        • Perhaps it is time for men to accept some responsibility and take precautions.

          Perhaps it is timefor MEN to take upon themselves the responsibility to keep their pecker inside their britches until it is time to take it out for your WIFE.

          That woud eliminate about 99% of unwanted little children being conceived. And end the “felt need” for murderers to kill the unborn

        • It’s not just about being able to kill the embryo she created. She should be able to kill the kid-excuse me embryo-she created even at the 9 month mark, the day before it’s born. In fact, I think mothers and fathers should be able to kill their kids at any time, for any reason forever.

          Afterall, that’s my logic. According to the religious, God created man and therefore has authority over man. A couple create a child, why shouldn’t they have the authority to kill it?

        • “So you’re saying she has no authority over the embryo’s use of her body?”

          Of course she does! When she consents to sex, she has given consent.

          The only way for the embryo to use her uterus without her consent is rape.

          Certainly, the *embryo* is not a moral actor at that point, and can take no blame.

          (Yes, *of course* this analysis would apply just as much to the man, but biological reality doesn’t care about that.)

      • You really want these people to have kids? You gonna adopt once they start dumping them? You realize it’s a two way street, right? Safe sex is now fucking illegal in some states. You really think you are teaching responsibility here? This will not go the way you see it going.

        • Also, time to ban Viagra because if pregnancy is god’s will, so is your limp dick.

        • Sounds like Margaret Sanger, eugenicist founder of planned parenthood and her concern about “unfit” women having babies.

          And I think you mean somewhat safer sex. As abstinence is the only true safe sex that is 100% safe from disease transmission or creating babies or emotional bonds. All methods of prevention or intervention have a degree of failure.

        • “Uh, what state made safe sex illegal!?“

          Justice Clarence Thomas, in his concurring opinion, said that the Griswold decision recognizing the right of adults to purchase contraceptives, needed to be reconsidered.

          Republican senator Marsha Blackburn of TN, during the recent confirmation hearings, said that the Griswold decision was “unconstitutional”.

        • Don’t forget that Montana elects moron demtards as Senator/Govenor. And Montana Actual apparently comes from the idiot camp.

          Thomas, correctly, noted that 3 SCOTUS “decisions” not based on the Constitution are unlawful. As are all such (Roberts w/Obumercare). If it’s not in the Constitution then Congress and the Fedgov have NO authority.

        • So in other words. No state has made safe sex illegal. Thomas has pointed out that the overstepped its mandate is all that happened.

          That’s what scotus is supposed to do.

        • So miner,?nowhere is it illegal. Thanks for another one of you’re sad but epic meltdowns. Please, continue to embarrass yourself around here, it never gets old.

        • “So miner,?nowhere is it illegal. Thanks for another one of you’re sad but epic meltdowns“

          It’s disappointing to see the ignorance of history present in so many comments.

          The fact is, many states made contraceptives illegal, that’s how the case got to the Supreme Court in the first place. All you youngsters don’t remember when your parents and grandparents did not have access to birth control, your education is sadly lacking.

          How could you forget Loretta Lynn’s epic anthem, “The Pill”.

          “All these years I’ve stayed at home
          While you had all your fun
          And every year that’s gone by
          Another baby’s come
          There’s a gonna be some changes made
          Right here on nursery hill
          You’ve set this chicken your last time
          ‘Cause now I’ve got the pill“

          “The case involved a Connecticut “Comstock law” that prohibited any person from using “any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception”. The court held that the statute was unconstitutional, and that its effect was “to deny disadvantaged citizens … access to medical assistance and up-to-date information in respect to proper methods of birth control”. By a vote of 7–2, the Supreme Court invalidated the law on the grounds that it violated the “right to marital privacy”, establishing the basis for the right to privacy with respect to intimate practices. This and other cases view the right to privacy as “protected from governmental intrusion”

          Don’t worry America, all those liberties and privacy will be going right out the window now that the government is in control of women’s bodies.

          After all, it should be a crime to refuse to bear children for the Fatherland and the glory of the Supreme Leader.

        • I love the hypocrisy, and stupidity of literalism. This is a Facebook argument if I have ever seen one. Miners actually right on this one. Don’t get too offended by it.

          When your wife miscarries and the pharmacy refuses to fill a medication, then come back and spread your bullshit. Cuz it’s already happening and has been for decades, now they just don’t have to justify it.

          Anyone that’s ever been through that would never in their right mind support this fucking tyranny. Fuck all you bible thumpers that disagree, I hope you watch a child die like mine did 4 hours out of the womb. But because my ex was so pro life she couldn’t comprehend sensible abortion, it’s something we will both think about every fucking day.

        • “jwm
          June 26, 2022 At 15:26
          So in other words. No state has made safe sex illegal.”

          Proof positive, either jwn is blissfully ignorant of actual American history.

          Or he is lying intentionally to promote his false narrative.

          “The case involved a Connecticut “Comstock law” that prohibited any person from using “any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception”. The court held that the statute was unconstitutional, and that its effect was “to deny disadvantaged citizens … access to medical assistance and up-to-date information in respect to proper methods of birth control”. By a vote of 7–2, the Supreme Court invalidated the law on the grounds that it violated the “right to marital privacy”, establishing the basis for the right to privacy with respect to intimate practices. This and other cases view the right to privacy as “protected from governmental intrusion”.

          The right to privacy is not an enumerated right, so you can kiss that goodbye.

          The right to purchase and use birth control items such as condoms is not an enumerated right, it will once again be outlawed by the religious bigots masquerading as ‘politicians’.

        • “The right to purchase and use birth control items such as condoms is not an enumerated right, it will once again be outlawed by the religious bigots masquerading as ‘politicians’.”

          Considering that the Republicans have tried to make The Pill over-the-counter (and the *Democrats* blocked it), which party do you expect to make moves in that direction?

          Yes, there will be a very tiny fringe group that says some things like that, and the media will give them ***ENORMOUS*** coverage to try to smear everyone else to the right of Mao, but the reality is that there is **NO** constituency for that.

          (And yes, there definitely is for the some level of restriction on abortion. Something along the lines “first trimester unless proven rape or the life of the mother” is the LARGE majority position in this country… and most of the world.)

        • How about 2022, miner. Any states banning safe sex in modern times? And our right to privacy was already gone. 4473’s? Permits?

          As I’ve said before miner. You guys are just pissed because you love restricting rights for others but can’t handle some one doing exactly what you’ve done for decades.

      • A red flag law would have saved her! No. Expanded background checks would have saved her! No. A Waiting Period would have saved her! No. A Magazine Ban would have saved her! No. A concealed carry permit would have saved her! No. The View’s joy behar would have saved her! No and hell no.

    • Excellent sarcasm

      Hopefully the victim (the woman as sadly I need to be specific as the left will regard the rapist as the victim) can get access to therapy and funds to replace the ruined furnishings etc

      • “Excellent sarcasm”

        Happy to be here, grateful for the opportunity, proud to serve.

      • “Hopefully the victim (the woman as sadly I need to be specific as the left will regard the rapist as the victim) can get access to therapy and funds to replace the ruined furnishings etc“

        If she became pregnant because of the rape, how would she get “access to therapy and funds” to mitigate the health risk and loss of liberty to raise the rapist’s baby?

        If she is forced by big government to bear the rapist’s child and dies in childbirth, how will that be an expression of justice and freedom?

        • Abortion wasn’t banned you hysteric, miner. She could still have one if so desired.

          Big .gov is the side you favor.

        • Good lord you liberals are so goddamn stupid. It’s like every single event that happens on the planet has to be spelt out for you slowly, in small, one syllable words, or you completely lose track of all reality.

          Try reading this very slowly, or know it’s hard to get through a skull as thick as yours and the extra layer of leftism doesn’t help.

          Abortion… wasn’t… made… illegal… by SCOTUS…

        • Abortion is a complex topic.
          One the one hand, many of us regard the use of abortion to casually terminate a healthy pregnancy as wrong. Late term abortion of a viable fetus that could survive out of the womb resembles murder to many people. Then on the flip side strapping a pregnant 13 year old, impregnated by her own father, down to a chair to force her to give birth, suffer fistula and other permanent effects, then few will want the handicapped child, all seems an atrocity.
          I do worry that sloppy woman who use crack, opiates, alcohol who otherwise would have aborted will now dump the FAS / crack baby at the orphanage and the child will of course suffer the choices of his mother for life.
          So where’s the balance? Allowing 15 weeks does seem like a reasonable buffer so long as exceptional circumstances are allowed.
          Recently in the news was the story of a woman vacationing in a country who partly miscarriaged ( placental detachment) so fetus could not survive. The woman would certainly die of infection but the local laws prohibited D&C with a heartbeat present. By luck her insurance company paid for life flight out. This would be an example of where common sense is needed.

        • Strong wordof advice for you:

          do NOT ever get into your car and DRIVE it on the roadways. EVERYONE who gets killes was INSIDE a car. Thus if yu never get IN one you can never die in a car crash.

          Your groundless fear of “something happening” that is, at least on its face, BAD, is cinical. You should persue the apropriate medical attention before YOU becone a tangible threat to society.

        • Hopefully rape victims are given the opportunity to use abortion pills such as by providing test kits and the pills at the hospital.
          Similarly if there is a concern the rapist has AIDS and there was anal or vaginal tearing (common with rape), victims can be provided 3CT and other drugs.
          Long ago I met a lovely girl who died of cervical cancer 10 years after her rape. She got very aggressive warts at the rape and missed only 6 months of checkup and ablation and the cancer spread. I wish hard I could dig out the eyeballs of her rapist.
          Back to pregnant rape victims; those who somehow can’t get an abortion prior the 15 weeks can always risk death by the usual nightmarish “back room” methods such as saline pushed past cervix.
          I did meet a man who’s mom was raped and she raised him with full love.

        • “jwm
          June 26, 2022 At 15:29
          Abortion wasn’t banned you hysteric, miner. She could still have one if so desired.
          Big .gov is the side you favor.“

          Not for long:

          “Gov. Ron DeSantis promises expansion of Florida’s laws restricting abortion access
          Florida’s new law, banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, set to take effect July 1
          Thomas Mates, Digital storyteller
          Published: June 24, 2022, 1:31 PM“

          And there are several states that have indeed banned abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest.

          Here’s just a few states where your “big government” is stepping in to take control of women’s bodies:

          “Alabama does not have a trigger law, but its officials are now enforcing a 2019 law that makes performing an abortion a felony. Governor Kay Ivey said Friday the state would “immediately ask the court to strike down any legal barriers to enforcing this law.” A judge lifted an injunction that prevented that law from going into effect.

          Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge certified a trigger law Friday afternoon, banning all abortions except to save the life of the mother and making no exception for rape or incest. Now, anyone who performs an abortion risks a felony charge with a $100,000 fine or at least 10 years in prison, but the law will not charge someone for seeking the procedure.

          Kentucky passed a trigger law in 2019 to ensure that abortion would be deemed illegal in the state “effective immediately” upon a Supreme Court overturn. According to the ACLU’s Kentucky office, the state’s only abortion clinic has stopped offering services “as a precaution,” and abortion is effectively banned.

          Louisiana’s trigger law has been on the books since 2006. On Tuesday, Gov. John Edwards updated the law to provide exceptions for infant fatality and ectopic pregnancies. The update simultaneously instituted greater penalties on abortion providers.

          Even before a decision was made on Roe v. Wade, Oklahoma has banned nearly all abortions since the state lawmakers approved a bill in late May. On top of that, the state has a trigger law that the attorney general certified late Friday.

          Texas passed its trigger law last year. Like Idaho’s, the state’s abortion ban will go into effect 30 days after the Supreme Court ruling, but clinics have stopped providing abortions, making it effectively banned. Ken Paxton, the state’s attorney general, issued an advisory Friday that previously unenforceable laws were now in full effect. “Under these pre-Roe statutes, abortion providers could be criminally liable for providing abortions starting today,” he wrote.”

          I imagine after a few 13-year-olds die in childbirth from being forced to carry their rapist’s baby to term, we may see some reasonable legislation.

        • You lead the way, miner. You made it okay to restrict rights. You want permission from big .gov to exercise a right. You’ve plainly stated this many times. We both know you’re not upset about some rights being restricted. You just are upset because your side is losing the right to do the restricting.

          You’re reaping what you sowed.

    • @Sam

      “Oh, I almost forgot, no woman’s virtue, or body, is worth the death of another person.”

      Such a delicately nuanced way of saying F.O. to the Pro-Choice killers.

      Ten Internet Bonus Points awarded for best sarcasm!

    • What a load of self serving ballocks. There is a world of difference in a woman protecting her self and casual mayhem .

      The COMMENT does not say whether or not the perp was himself armed.
      Apart from the fact that the POLICE are obliged by law to investigate each and every ILLEGAL KILLING there are several points here that I am not quite clear on.

      I have to ask for a start just how serious the ‘attack’ was seeing that this woman had time and opportunity to dial 911 and then had the time to go find her handgun.

      Think about it. This guy WAS known to her, she had time to ring 911 and then to go find her legally held hand gun THEN the time to shoot the guy. I am not privvy to the EXACT circumstances and neither are YOU. Unlike you, however, I am able to give a little critical thinking to the matter and not take things for granted. To me something does NOT seem right here

      • straight out of the gate, this killing is NOT an “illegal” killing, If it was self-defence as the police have accepted, at least for now, it was fully legal.

        Next, he was known to her, no details ss to depth or length of relationsihip. Just maybe she gave him benefit of believeing his intentions were noble at first, or at least harmless. She could have had her phone under her pillow, reaching for it as his intentions became more clear. As to “taking the time to go find her legally owned handgun”, well, YOU don’t know where she keeps it, how far away, how much she tried to escape his grasps, tumbling about the floor disengaging from his grip, etc. She could have had that gun VERY nearby, and, as SHE had the advantage of knowing where it WAS, could work her way toward it whith him in persuit, grabbed it and made quick use of it. Most folks keep a gun in their home know exactly where it is, and in what “condition” (miine is always loaded, round in chamber, no safety, not in its holster. Al I need to do is grab hold of it, get my hand round the gfat part, point the skinny part toward the perp, then slip my finger on the trigger and squeeze. Can happen in about two seconds when I’m half asleep.

        There is a small teaspoon of critical thinking for you as you seem to be wholly lacking in such.

        And in case it “slipped” your mind, remember the sheriff hs stated she DOES have injuries consistent with the attac as she described it.

  3. As an aside. Where have the Dunce, Minor and Prince Albert been the last few days? Dare I hazard a guess? Could they have retreated to their Mother’s basements to lick their wounds? I think they have a few more kicks in the teeth coming before this is over. I am well stocked with popcorn.

    • miner has been on a tear the last few days. He’s frantic over the scotus saying that abortion is a state issue. I think he’s just trying to distract from joe burdens ruining the economy by ginning up fake outrage.

      herr dacian/albert have been here also. I don’t think dacian is smart enough to know that he’s been beaten.

      • “He’s frantic over the scotus saying that abortion is a state issue“

        In point of fact, i’m relaxing this afternoon, just listening to some Malcolm Holcombe and Steve Earle, great guys.

        I’m looking forward to seeing how Justice Alito will weave Sir Matthew Hale’s thoughts on witchcraft trials into his next Supreme Court opinion. Probably something to do with religious freedom I’m sure.

        • “Hysteric“

          Quite so the topic of the day…
          Hysteric, from the Greek husterikos ‘of the womb’.

          Men spend 9 months getting out, and their entire life trying to get back in, one way or another.

        • “Men spend 9 months getting out, and their entire life trying to get back in, one way or another.”

          Robin Williams, R.I.P.

          Oh, here’s a classic clip from the Johnny Carson show, Robin playing off of the late, great Johnathan Winters :

        • Madam Lash had him summoned. She’s giving him a damned good thrashing with the riding crop.

          Prince among kings Albert will be eating standing up and lying face down for the next week.

    • He/they/it is waiting to have a new character for the play or is ut with his antifa ss acquaintances shooting dogs or some nonsense.

  4. She managed to call 911 AND retrieve her gun while being attacked?
    Sounds like she had her wits about her in the midst of a terrible situation.
    Good for her.

    • Makes me wonder how drug addled the rapist was as well. He might have been totally out to lunch.

    • Yuppers, it would appear she had been serious enough about owning her weapon to also invest a bit into some serious training on what it is for and how to use it for that purpose. Good on her. So much for the whingers who warble on about “no training, massive nubmers of guns in the hands of NORMAL people, etc. She had the skills, mindset, and will to prevail. And she did. On the other hand, Dirtbag did not. SO he did not. One down, a few hundred thousand more to go. Glad he did not survive, as the poor taxpayers of her county would have to bear the financial burden of the trial, wearehousing, other fees, now all they will have to do is pay the county cornoier to make his tent disappear.
      Tombstone epitah for him: born such and such, died such and such. Tried raping a woman, she said NO. He did not listen, her gun said GO. And he did. His hulk lies below.

      • A much better result than my sister got. A guy tried to rape her in her own bed at knife point. He was caught and subdued by her roommate. Had nothing on but socks and a condom. He served a whole seven years. Since he was in his 20’s, and that was over 30 years ago, he has, in theory, had ample time to commit many atrocities.

        Note that a sleepy guy in pajamas did more for “justiice” than a courtroom full of people.

  5. Anyone who still doesn’t prepare for something like that, in these times, is living a delusion! Yeah, you may hate to have to kill your neighbor, but the other option is a lot less desirable!!

  6. 2a has done more for women’s rights than all the leftist ever did.

    May be why scum like miner and herr dacian hate the 2a.

      • That’s why the Caravan of Death will have a “comfort battalion” made up of young girls for the incels and young boys for the NAMBLA contingent. Recruitment into the battalion will not be voluntary.

    • I knew a collector long ago who showed me his assorted “garter guns” (that’s what he called them). Some we actually “Velo Dog” but he had tiny flint guns with covered pans and cap guns with things to avoid accident discharge and little twin barreled things and finally 25 autos.
      So that tells me woman have been packing a while. Then as now being raped meant risk of disease, pregnancy, destruction of status, etc.
      when I scoffed at the tiny guns Noel pointed out that long ago a gut shot meant a slow agonizing death and peopke feared any gun that could perforate the gut.
      But I assume our Florida girl had a compact 9.

  7. Reminds me of the advice my mother gave us children when we were small , keep your hands to yourself. Simple to understand and keeps you out of a lot of trouble and may even save a life.

  8. Unpossible !!! FakeNews !!! Everyone KNOWS that having a gun will make YOU the dead victim. Obviously, she attacked her poor neighbor in HIS home, killed him with HIS defense weapon, then dragged him to her residence and called 911 afterwards to investigate the staged crime scene. Don’t you people know that this is obviously the old classic switcheroo that dacian is always warning us that will happen ??

  9. Good for her! Last night there were 2 very loud booming gunshots near my home. I didn’t bother calling the local po-leece. Last time I called them they didn’t believe me. Chicken-chits didn’t bother on May 31,2020 either!

    • I’ve heard the same in my neighborhood this weekend….. then realized it’s morons using fireworks BEFORE the actual 4th of July….
      That might’ve been what you heard …… unless you live in Chitcago or some other Chit-hole…. then you probably just heard the murder of another thug…. in which case there would be nothing to see here….

      • I hear gunfire on a regular basis around here. It is actualll a comforting sound as I know all my neighbours, and trust them. One used his .38 Sp revolver to drive off the two clowns he scared up in his garage late one night. That was at least ten years ago, and there has not been even a car prowl around here since then.
        I also know and trust the folks here to be sure they will have effecive backstops to their rounds, not be firing into the air, etc.

      • I knew a veteran who took a rifle bullet in the sill of his car and didn’t bother complying.
        He explained that the sound of impact told him it was low energy so just a stray bullet! He just kept driving. It pierced the heavy steel of the sill plate and dented out the other side.

  10. I like that the police assumes her innocence and just wants to make sure with their investigation. While it should be the norm, it’s sadly getting rare these days.
    Good on this woman and the police. Hope she recovers quickly.

  11. I’m kind of sensitive to the idea of a woman being attacked and being defenseless. This is because my own wife was attacked, they attempted to abduct and rape her. She was not carrying that day, I was. I’ve related this before, but basically I had to engage in a fire fight as I advanced on them to save her. I got both of them, one died and the other paralyzed and now in prison – they had abducted and raped a few others before their attempt on my wife. I’ve had to employ defense gun use several times in my life, no other choice and no other way out.

    But, that being said, in the context of knowing how quickly such things can happen and that there is a good possibility that one may have only seconds to live or stop serious harm if they do not react definitively to stop the attack… i’m wondering why she did not shoot the guy first then call 911 after.

    • Booger, I wondered the same thing. Too, the invader had to hear her talking to the 911 operator and still hung around and continued the attack. Clearly the invader made some decisions he can’t live with to regret. The woman did show restraint by not shooting first and illustrated her desire to not shoot unless completely necessary. Also, the woman was lucky.

      • The narrative says

        “She was able to reach out and call 911 during this attack, but the attack persisted,”

        so the attack had already started and was still going on while she was on the phone with 911.

        she was sleeping and woke up to find him standing in her bedroom after he broke in through a window, then he attacked her.

        so was it like …… attack, attack, attack…”hey wait attacker, let me call 911″…’ok go ahead and call’… “ok done, continue now” attack attack attack …bang bang.

        I find it difficult to think that her attacker during his attack would have allowed her the ability to make a phone call to 911 to report his attack.

        If the threat was that close, my first thought would have been ‘gun’ and not phone because I know that a phone is not going to stop an imminent attack even if 911 is on the other end and the police will not arrive in time to stop the attack before I can be harmed but I can stop an imminent attack with a gun.

        I guess maybe i’m looking at through the lens of my own experiences a little…. but if the attack was so imminent and then in progress how was she able to make the phone call to 911 during the attack and why was her first thought not about stopping or escaping the attack?

        There isn’t anything in the narrative to indicate she tried to flee and had a few seconds to make the call. Maybe its just the way the police are saying it.

        • You push 911 on your phone. You don’t have to talk. It sets the wheels in motion.

          I have a cell but my wife keeps a landline in our bedroom.

    • Holy crap.
      That is traumatic stuff.
      Thank you so much for rendering the two less likely to attack again.
      That’s not a joke. It was explained to me by a former prison psychologist that even a physically disabled pervert will attack. If they have no working penis they will use objects. The urge is strong and deep in this type. The dead one is cured though.

    • Yeah…. you need to lay off the TTAG for a while….. it’s going to your head…. lol

  12. Fake news. No such thing as a good woman with a gun. Guns bad. All guns bad. Ban crime, duh.

  13. Another point for the good guys. Of course, Democrats won’t honor the point. They pretend that defensive gun uses just don’t happen in our utopia.

    • Alito had a little to say along those lines, he said in his rejoinder to a dissent in Buren …

      “And while the dissent seemingly thinks that the ubiquity of guns and our country’s high level of gun violence provide reasons for sustaining the New York law, the dissent appears not to understand that it is these very facts that cause law-abiding citizens to feel the need to carry a gun for self-defense.

      Today, unfortunately, many Americans have good reason to fear that they will be victimized if they are unable to protect themselves. And today, no less than in 1791, the Second Amendment guarantees their right to do so.”

  14. “Violent crime is a solved problem – all they have to do is repeal the laws that keep those intelligent, capable, and responsible men and women from arming themselves, and violent crime evaporates like dry ice on a hot summer day.”

    L. Neil Smith

    • they tried that in roward COuty Florida. The result? Seventeen dead at the Parkland School. He did not have any felony record so he passed NICS and bought his rifle. He HAD committed at least FOUR felony crimes, so defined under FL law, but they decided “he’s such good kid, and weREALLY want that Mn$54 prize for lowering our arrest rate….. never mind the CRIME rate has not changed)

      Well, this woman did not hesitate to take out the trash when the trash showed up. He will never bother any woman again.

  15. Look, Ma, No Hands! Just *Hey Siri! CALL 911* That may be how she was able to call 911 while fighting with her attacker. My phone is on the nightstand next to my head and the immediate action option is equally close. And nobody wants to sexually assault an OFWG!

  16. They will say the nice man accidentally went in the wrong house and was just trying to get some from the woman he thought was his own wife.

  17. CNN reported this as:
    “Transphobic woman kills Future Trans-Woman Olympic Champion”

  18. Cops being cops. Take her through the mud, check her social websites, and then investigate her. Charge her and then watch walk. The thin blue line had good intentions

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