Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C.
Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. (Graeme Jennings/Pool via AP)
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Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn’s (D., S.C.) H.R. 1446 would require the attorney general to work with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms to report how the bill affects victims of domestic violence and empower the group to suggest other reforms. The center is a partner of the gun-control advocacy group Giffords Law Center, according to its website. The Giffords PAC spent more than $11 million backing Democratic candidates in the 2020 election.

The connection between the report and a prominent gun-control organization could hinder the appeal of the legislation. If Republicans or moderate Democrats are turned off by the provision, it will make the job of passing it through a closely divided House even more difficult. A similar bill passed in 2019 but saw seven Democrats join Republicans in opposition; H.R. 1446 would likely not survive such defections in 2021 following GOP gains in the House. …

“This bill is so partisan, that even the scientific studies it commissions are tainted by politics,” Banks said. “If Republicans commissioned a pro-gun group to conduct a ‘study’ on the effect of, say, concealed carry permits, Democrats would be up in arms. And they’d have every reason to be.” 

— Stephen Gutowski in Democrats’ Gun Bill Would Force AG’s Office To Team Up With Gun-Control Ally

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  1. If LieBurn Clyburn says it, it’s either a total and complete lie, or it’s to create something even more evil than he is.

    • Sounds like the makings for a Jim Crow Gun Control Rally. That’s right sht4brains democRat cylburn et al… And Where will you and your team of Gun Control useful idiots be the next time a woman is assaulted or murdered? Where pathetic Gun Control scumbags always are…NOWHERE.

      • Where will you and your team of Gun Control useful idiots be the next time a woman is assaulted or murdered?

        But, they GAVE her a restraining order… That should be enough to stop ANY law abiding, crazed lunatic, coward from attacking her… Oh wait, you mean a piece of paper won’t stop a bullet or a knife, baseball bat, claw hammer and etc..?

        • In the news yesterday a DA was on a zoom call when her realized that the assailant whose case was up for a hearing was actually in the apartment of the victim. So much for restraining orders.

      • Little Debbie are the words “racist” and “Jim Crow” the only damn words you can think of when it comes to gun control bullshit? Geezus pleezus, this bill is about some stupid study of “gun violence” and victims of domestic abuse. You are a one trick pony like Moron69er.

        • Yes the majority Jim Crow Gun Control whip cracker clyburn has no problem allowing anyone to march up to a voting booth without one shred of ID and vote. A bogus vote that cylburn and his ilk knows will usher in another democRat Scumbag. But try to exercise a Guaranteed Right That Is Not To Be Infringed and it’s bend over for an anal exam and pay to bend over. And bend over double and pay extra if you want to put a coat on that covers your firearm.

          Rest assured some deranged pos out there is padding the pockets of their lowlife Jim Crow Gun Control democRat mouth pieces. The filthy Rats know the Gun Control they spew is rooted in racism and genocide. And they also know there are more than enough useful idiots who do not the difference between Gun Control and Cruise Control. Perfect little brown shirts.

        • Tom…You ignorant slut. You do not have the sense or the balls little man to say what I say. That’s something we can agree on. Ain’t dat right?

  2. Of course it is “tainted by politics”. What isn’t these days? But the “politics” surrounding this and other gun control bills this year are unlike “normal” politics (if there is such a thing as normal politics). No, this is about Conquering-“Fundamentally Changing” – the USA into some kind of unrecognizable dystopian tyranny. I can hear the slave chains rattling now.

  3. Biggest problem with Clyburn and his gang is, the actually believe everyone out here are as dumb as they are!!

  4. “If Republicans commissioned a pro-gun group to conduct a ‘study’ on the effect of, say, concealed carry permits, Democrats would be up in arms. And they’d have every reason to be.”

    Really? Maybe we should exclude “pro-free speech groups” from the public square as well – LOL. Belief in the Constitution should be grounds for concern? To me, it’s an essential precondition for citizenship and participation in government.

  5. HR 8 and HR 1446 get to the House floor today. R voters, call/email your reps and senators asap.


  7. “any which way you can” would seem to be their motto…it’s an attack on your rights from multiple fronts…

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