The cantankerous Catholic television commentator Bill “I’ll Tell You I’m Going to Give You The Last Word But I Sure As Hell Won’t” O’Reilly opines that popular culture has gone downhill since those idyllic days when priests could bugger altar boys with impunity. That the entertainment industry is degrading America’s youth. And that rap lyrics by gangsta gurus are proof positive that society is sliding down a 10 percent grade towards barbarity. Yeah, well, get off of MY lawn. This 52-year-old white guy reckons pop culture is much healthier than it was when bells had bottoms. Case in point: Ms. Carr’s Aguilera-like ode to getting people to play Simon Sez at the point of a gun (take my clothes off? really?). It’s a charming song that helps promote an effective safe home defense strategy amongst our younger generation. As my daughters used to say, you go girl!



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  2. If this was a tribute to Johann Sebastian Bach, it completely failed.

    Or was it Sebelius? Hmm.

    • Charlie,

      Thanks for the link about the Orthodox Jewish Community. They certainly don’t want to air their dirty laundry in public. I’m Jewish and the Orthodox are usually even in denial or socialized into being dishonest about those issues in discussion with me. To some of them I’m an outsider. People are people. I suspect that the Hasidic (ultras) are more into being insular and private than the Modern Orthodox. The rabbi fraternity often has way too much muscle control over the people keeping them in a spiritual headlock.

  3. I couldn’t understand a thing she said up to the point I couldn’t stand to listen to anymore.

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