Why in the world would Oregon State University College Republicans want to alienate anyone who isn’t a Republican by raffling an AR-15 rifle to “celebrate” Second Amendment week? Because they’re college kids! Yes it’s true: even Republican students want to tweak the noses of, well, anyone. And you gotta admit, as far as “put THAT in your pipe and smoke it” is concerned, other than raffling-off a bowlful of Oregon’s finest weed, an AR-15 is the way to go. “On Friday, [an unspecified] number of people lined up at the College Republican’s tent to purchase tickets for the raffle,” Kezi.com reports. “However, the raffle kicked up controversy among students when they discovered what the winner would receive.” As intended. Much quizzicality ensued. “I just don’t see how this is relevant to a college campus, why they would be doing this here,” said student Zachary Dunn. See: above.


  1. What prize is relevant? A keg full of beer? A couple bottles of Jack?

    The point of a raffle is to raise money. I would not care about entering a raffle to win some flowers or a crappy digital camera. But an AR-15? Hell yeah, I’d enter that.

  2. I DID buy some raffle tickets, a bunch of them. But I did not win. I guess I’ll just go shoot my AK.

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