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NSFW: Colorado Cops Shoot [Allegedly] Dangerous Dog Five Times

“It’s difficult to tell from the video [recently removed from YouTube and provided here by] whether the dog was charging at three or simply trying to get out of the garage,” opines, “but it is at this point the officer fires the first of five shots at the dog. Immediately after the first shot, it appears that the animal control crew member manages to get her snare around the dog’s neck and is able to pull it back. Still, the officer continues to fire, steadily aiming at the animal before taking another four shots, at which point the dog whimpers and crumples over.” [h/t Ropingdown]


96 thoughts on “NSFW: Colorado Cops Shoot [Allegedly] Dangerous Dog Five Times”

    • Many Cops used to be ex military guys; pros who could keep a cool head and apply the law, as well as common sense.

      Now we get lard ass douche bags with a gun, spraying and praying at a dog on a snare with no sense of their target and what’s behind it.

      Fuck them.

  1. I hope the owners of that dog sue that cop for everything he has or will have!! The animal officer had that dog under control with the leash pole!
    Instead of helping the animal control officer subdue it he shot it instead?? What a frigging idiot!! No wonder so many LEO’s have a bad rep!!
    That was totally uncalled for!! Look earlier in the video and the neighbor was standing by the corner of this house. And the cop is shooting at a dog, in front of a rock wall on the house. Would hate to see if a ricochet happened, where it would have went!!

  2. Dear God, what on earth was this cop thinking?

    He deserves a healthy massive suspension, if not removal from the force. The dog was no longer a threat after being ensnared. The biggest threat was from the cop firing at an angle into concrete like that. It’s amazing neither the animal control officer nor anybody else was hurt.

  3. Pro-tip: Skip to 4:05 to skip past “the-really-really-really-want-to-reach-through-the-screen-and-grab-the-shaking-camera” during which nothing happens. All the action is in the last 40 seconds of the video. All you miss is that the animal control officer on the left and the cop in the middle both have loop snare sticks, and the cop on the right has his gun drawn and pointed at the dog.

    • Really?

      If the actions and decisions made by this LEO does not raise serious concerns about him, you did not consider any of the actual and potential consequences of his actions?

      The last four rounds were in the direction other bystanders and in a housing area. Not to mention the needless shooting of an animal that obviously was scared.

      Plus, add them up. We have examples of poor LEO’a actions on a daily basis.

  4. So, having watched/listened with the volume way up a couple times… I’m not inclined to jump to conclusions of “out of control cops” here. The dog was apparently a stray that had been wandering the neighborhood, and that they’d gotten several calls on. The man heard talking in the video is on the phone with someone, and can be heard to say that when the animal control officer approached the dog (before the video starts), the dog “went crazy” and “charged her” before retreating into the garage. That’s when he told his kid to start taping. He can also be heard warning another kid away from the window “in case they have to shoot it.” The dog can be heard barking, non-stop, throughout the entire video.

    In this case, I’m inclined to think that this was just an unfortunate incident for all concerned. I would like to think that the presence of the animal control officer, who is used to dealing with stuff like this, was/would be a mitigating influence on what many think is a “shoot first and ask later” policy among law enforcement. To clarify, I would assume that the cop who had his gun pointed at the dog the whole time did it with the knowledge and acquiescence of the animal control officer, who would have said “I got this, put the gun away” if she didn’t think it was warranted.

    Just my .02.

    • Matt, possibly you are correct. However, I must disagree with your assumption concerning the police officer and the animal control officer. No LEO I know would listen to an opinion, or follow a suggestion/order from animal control.

      By watching carefully, you can see that ALL the shots were unnecessary. During this whole encounter, the dog showed NO classic signs of aggression. Also obvious, the dog was attempting to escape, not taking a direct line at anyone. Yes, when collared, the animal was still moving, but not out of the control of animal control. First shot when animal was being collared. Last four, no threat to anyone. Plain and simple, this officer’s actions were wrong, in several respects. In this particular case, he simply wanted to kill something, the dog was handy.

      • You could be right about the “cop not listening to AC” part. For every cop that might treat the ACO like an equal and listen to their experience, there’s probably one who would look down on them as being lesser in the “law enforcement hierarchy.” There’s a reason people say someone “couldn’t get elected to local dogcatcher.”

        As far as “classic signs of aggression,” you must have been watching a better version of the video than me, because the version I saw was fuzzy, out of focus, and thus full of ambiguity. It’s impossible to tell if the dog’s tail is up or down, if the ears are forward or back, or really any other “classic signs.” Not to mention the 28 full seconds, between the cops crossing the threshold at 4:13 and the first shot at 4:41, during which the dog was completely invisible to the camera. I think you’re seeing (or not seeing) what you want to see.

        Lastly… “…he simply wanted to kill something, the dog was handy.”

        Sigh. Give me a f*cking break. Now you’re just talking stupid. I’m sure he got in the car this morning just dying to take a life today. Good thing someone didn’t mouth off to him at a traffic stop. You and your “wanted to kill something” and Sammy and her “blood lust” ought to get together.

        • Okay, first point. Aggressive behavior. During the first 4 minutes, the dog is visible. Barking. Ears up. Neutral stance. When 3 human approach, dog retreats. That is not typical of aggression. Approaching an aggressive dog, like they did, will almost always trigger an attack.

          Lastly, you may not agree, and no I will not give you a f**king break.

          Here is a little of what I posted on another comment where someone posted the portion of the article from the Coloradoan on the actions and thought processes of the officer.

          This officer fired IN THE SAME INSTANT the restraint was placed on the animal. Slo mo at 4:41 and 4:42. I know of few people who can INSTANTANEOUSLY determine that:

          A. Animal control will not control the animal
          B. Think about consequence of escaping animal.
          C. Make decision to shoot.
          D. Aim, re-position finger on trigger, pull trigger.

          All of this in less than 1 second???? Get real………. A,B,C, and 2/3 of D were done before the dog headed for the door.

          The evidence is pretty clear. This officer made the decision to kill this animal, long before he fired the first shot. If the above does not show this, the unnecessary last 4 shots do.

          So, in response to your little snide comment, yes, the officer took the opportunity to kill an animal for no good reason. Why?? Having a bad day? I do not know.

          But one thing I DO know. LEO’s must be held to a high standard. This officer, in this instance, did not meet the standard of a good police officer.

        • Yeah, I’m gonna repeat, give me a f*cking break. Your comment didn’t say “he made the decision to kill this animal, long before he pulled the trigger.” It said, “he simply wanted to kill something, the dog was handy.” Now, even if your “decision” statement is right — I don’t believe it is, but everyone’s entitled to be wrong — it’s a long f*cking way from “decision to kill this animal” and “wanted to kill something, the dog was handy.” The first implies a decision, based on… whatever it was based on. The second, “wanted to kill something,” implies “anything,” like he’s a sociopath just looking to gun something down. I repeat, it’s a long way between those two.

          You say he “took the opportunity to kill an animal for no good reason,” implying, again, that he was looking for an excuse to get in a little gunplay.

          So twice, at least, you’ve implied, or hell, actually said, that the cop is a sociopath out for blood. Either you’re inside his head, or you’re talking out your ass. Which is it?

        • Look at the evidence Matt. If you honestly think that the officers actions from 4:41 to 4:46 are not totally over the top, then we did in fact see a different video.

          As for being a sociopath? In this instance, look at the evidence. I personally know several LEO’s, in my area that are daily walking around filled with rage. That is NOT an exaggeration. Two days a week I work with them.

          Don’t take my word for it. Browse the newsfeeds, see some of the recent youtubes (Detroit cop comes to mind. Treatment of CHL).

          So, yeah, this guy did take liberties, was looking for an opportunity, made the decision long before the dog headed for the door.

          So, if my opinion is “talking out of my *ss, then, with you in the discussion, that makes two of us.

  5. and how would he feel if someone shot his dog? he would go ape shit for sure some cops are such bad examples

  6. Robert,
    Thank you for bringing this atrocity to public attention, but I could not watch the video. It is one thing to see the cruelty inflicted on people, but when helpless animals are destroyed for no reason it is more than I can stomach. And I grieve for the families that the pets were members. The coldness, insensitivity and and callousness with which the execution of these animals (that I have seen) are carried out gives an insight into the value held for human life by the authorities. These are truly despicable acts. The accountability of agents of the government must be raised to the authority of said agents. I also find it disturbing that the photographer had to hid to film this crime. I’m really sick of belligerent cops going scott free after displaying such blood lust.

    • Sammy: “Atrocity, “Destroyed for no reason,” “despicable acts,” “belligerent cops,” “blood lust…” That’s an awful lot of emotionally-charged language for someone who doesn’t even know what happened in this case. If you didn’t watch the video, how could you possibly comment on it? Oh, I forgot, this is the internet. We don’t do informed discourse here.

      Also, I’ve warned you about this before, but apparently the straps on your tinfoil hat have gotten a little too tight again. “I also find it disturbing that the photographer had to hid[e] to film this crime.” Again, how do you know it’s a crime if you didn’t watch it? And further, the photographer wasn’t “hiding.” He was inside his house. He didn’t appear be furtive about it. He was a kid, filming it at the direction of his father. Would you have had him (or his dad) run across the street and get up in their faces?

      • Sorry “couldn’t finish watching the video” and I’ll take your stern warning under advisement. There was no reason for the dog to be shot 5 f’n times. The crime was destruction of private property. That dog wasn’t even looking at those people for the most part, it’s only violation I saw was a scared dog trying to get away. Maybe the cops should have let the animal control woman do her job first.

    • Given that the kid holding the camera apparently has to go pee real bad or something and thus can’t hold the camera even the least bit steady, it’s impossible to tell exactly what happened from the cops’ viewpoints.

      And btw, these aren’t “helpless animals.” These animals have things like sharp teeth, powerful jaws, etc. That’s why they’re used for defense and for attack. It’s also how dogs catch and kill prey, etc. That’s how dogs wound people and kill people. An aggressive dog is hardly a helpless animal.

      • True about aggressive animals. In this case however, no classic signs of aggression. Quite the opposite in fact.

        • On that point, I agree. And the wild blasting away at it by the LEO seems quite over-the-top given what we see on the video of the dog in a noose and in hindsight what we know about the dog–which was a dog who got loose while being house-sat by a neighbor.

        • “…in hindsight what we know about the dog…”

          Yeah, too bad the cop couldn’t consult that hindsight while he was in the middle of the situation.

        • “Joe says:
          Too bad the cop couldn’t consult with common sense in the middle of the situation either.”

          remember, the killers usually start with animals…

  7. Regardless of the justification of the shoot… if the homeowner or some other non-member of the sanctified class had shot a stray dog, on a loop snare, in a neighborhood, they’d be sitting in a cage likely charged with Discharging a Firearm, Reckless Endangerment, Disorderly Conduct, Assualt on Animal Control Officer, and he’d never see his pistol again.

    Of course, this Praetorian will probably receive an accommodation for bravery.

  8. Potentially aggressive dog ‘charging’ or not, that looked bungled to hell.

    Hard to say if the shooter panicked, or if the animal control just lost it. If you can’t control a dog you just snared, maybe you’re in the wrong job.

    Any reason why a tazer wouldn’t have been a better tool to pick here rather than unloading in a residential area?

    • Sometimes I wonder if cops get paid vacation for shooting dogs.

      Could explain why they do it so often.

      • Also, does the cost of compensating a family for a dog outweigh the cost of potential medical bills incurred by an officer if he gets bit?

        Because pets, under law, are counted as property. Unless it’s a police dog.

  9. Wouldn’t it be easier to throw the dog a couple of wieners and see how it goes first. If the animal calms just a bit the control officer may be able to slip the line on the animal. Only destroy the animal as a last resort.

  10. How was it that I was able to work for a utility company, which required me to go into peoples’ back yards over a dozen times a day every day, and never feel seriously threatened by the multitude of dogs whose territory I inevitably trode upon?

    The company issued us pepper spray for such instances, which I never used. (And as far as I know, neither did my co-workers).

    • That’s because the dogs “knew” you were one of the good guys. Now, if you could just convince that cute blonde waitress at IHOP of the same thing, you could get a date!!

  11. This video does not give contextual perspective.

    It’s not the cops fault, it’s not the owner of the house’s fault…It’s the dog’s owners fault. If the dog was aggressive, it should have been under control. I don’t give a hoot if “mistakes will be made” An aggressive animal can be a weapon. If this site had a companion, made for attack dogs, it would have gone under “Most Irresponsible Owner of the Day”!

  12. Jump in there with a flying drop-kick (boots are bite-proof), but definitely have the Rem 870 12ga aimed mid-jump. If the rabid beast gets all crazy you get the benefit of drop-kicking said beast AND giving your poor old Rem 870 some action. Situation handled, everyone’s safe, and the kids get to do their first chalk outline when they get home from school.
    – Borrowed from the Chuck Norris guide on how to handle rabid beasts.

  13. Not sure that it had to go down this way. I have seen veterinarians calm down many a fearful/aggressive dog with a calm approach and a couple of of treats. Maybe a stun gun would have been a more proper use of force. Or an animal control officer who has the competency to use the pole with the loop on it. Seems like the officer jumped right to the top of the escalation of force curve pretty darn hastily, and probably unnecessarily.

    And do no forgot the April 2012 police shooting of the man’s pet dog Cisco. Clearly a case of a police officer being scared of a little dog and shooting it because he was panicked:

  14. I watched the video several times, and I’m wanting better context and closer camera angles. As someone who has snared German Shepherds and pitbulls, and shot exactly zero of them, here are some of my observations:

    1. It is definitely a large dog
    2. It is either aggressive, or semi aggressive – very likely because it is cornered
    3. Dogs can only be snared from a close distance
    4. No attempts to coax the dog with food on the video
    5. The dog started aggressively spinning and pulling when it was snared
    6. The animal controller was having a hard time controlling the dog after it was snared
    7. It is difficult to see if the dog was sprayed or tased prior to being snared

    Therefore this is a pretty ugly section of video. I don’t believe that I would have shot this dog, but I am not privy to the entire circumstances of this event. A hamburger might have been all it took to snare this dog, or it could have kept violently reacting to being snared and bit someone.

    I dislike taking such a neutral stance, but I am not inclined to make a judgement without more facts. You can bash me for being an LEO, or LEOs for shooting dogs too often, but that’s my take.

    • I agree with 3,4,7. Disagree with 1,2,5,7.

      “1. It is definitely a large dog”. By dog standards, this is a medium size dog. Markings indicate possibly some collie, or border collie. Weight range, 40#-50#. For comparison, AKC German Shepherds, females 50#-70#, males 65#-88#. This was no german shepherd.

      “2 & 5” The word aggressive. This dog, at no time displayed classic aggressive behavior. Pulling back on the restraint pole, trying to escape is not aggression. Fear response in dogs is retreat, escape, then if cornered, attack. When attacking, they do not display aggression, THEN attack, they just attack. This animal displayed retreat, then escape.

      “6. The animal controller was having a hard time controlling the dog after it was snared” I fail to see your thought process on this one. The first shot was fired JUST as animal control noosed the dog. In the next 3 seconds, the officer fires 4 more rounds. I do feel animal control should be given 5 seconds to exert controls over a struggling animal.

      Have someone with a stopwatch the next time you snare a shepherd or pit bull, let me know how long it takes you. I believe it very well may be in excess of 5 seconds.

      • To me, the dog didn’t look like #40-50 pounds – it looked like 80-120. The video is not stellar in its quality. For reference, my lab / beagle is 42 pounds, and my Weimaraner is about 75 pounds. (There are both flippin awesome dogs, although nobody’s asked…).

        As to aggression, I don’t necessarily consider “classic aggressive behavior.” I consider behavior that might potentail injure someone. The pitbulls who have chomped at my snares did not always exhibit classic aggressive behavior. I believe I could have snared this dog a whole lot better, but I wasn’t there, and I’ve never been to snare school. Maybe aggression is in the eye of the snareholder?

        One last thought: I watched the video several times, and the event occurred pretty quickly. Real life doesn’t have pause, rewind, and playback.


    • OK, as someone who has actually handled large (and that wasn’t a “large” dog, when I say “large” I mean 130+ lbs, 30″ at the shoulder and up for-real guard dogs) dogs, here’s my take:

      Those cops are pussies.

      One of them is a female, and she was worthless. That’s par for the course of having a double standard for physical fitness. I’ve yet to meet a female cop who actually should have be put into a position of physical confrontation, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.

      One of them clearly knows his way to the donut shop. I’m sure that he’s looking forward to collecting his pension and little else.

      And the last one clearly couldn’t be bothered to do something constructive and just wanted to waste something. He could have tossed the female animal control officer aside and simply taken charge of the situation, but no, it was simpler to shoot the dog… and let me remind people that off-camera on the right side of the screen just a few moments earlier, there was a bystander or homeowner standing there in the down-range area of the weapons discharge. So he gets points for endangering the public as well, because any issue handgun was going to go through that dog and out the far side.

      If a grown man can’t handle a full sized dog on the end of a restraint pole, he’s a pussy. Simple as that. I’ve broken up dog fights between three dogs of 140+ lbs with nothing but my bare hands and walked away without a scratch and got on with my day. It’s not rocket science, but apparently it’s too difficult for “public servants” to trouble themselves to handle one dog, let alone more than one.

      • Amen brother!!! As I stated above the dog was scared, not aggressive. Raising large breed dogs you learn pretty quick how to handle them safely and with common sense. In 30 plus year of owning large breed dogs I have only had to put down one dog for being overly aggressive, he was charging me and with every intent to hurt me, and later found out from the vet he had been bitten numerous times by either a rattlesnake or copperhead.
        After that happened we found at least 8 different bite marks on him, but I couldn’t chance him getting one of my kids or grand kids.
        As far as the dog in the video, not large, good medium size dog, non aggressive, and more scared than anything else.
        No offense to the good officers here and in other places but the cops in the video really do bring the general view of police officers way down.

  15. From the Coloradoan:

    “Yes, the dog was on the catch pole. But it was the officer’s concern that the animal control agent wasn’t able to maintain control of the animal, and the fear was that the animal was going to come off the catch pole and attack the officers or get loose and run back into the neighborhood putting citizens in danger,” Saunders said. “They attempted to tase the dog twice, however, that had no effect on the dog.”

    The dog, a pit bull, was tasered…with minimal effect, apparently. And I wonder what the comments of the citizens and the community would have been had the dog broken free and mauled a kid across the street. Tough call, given the totality of the circumstances. And all because the dog-sitter didn’t maintain control of the dog to begin with!

    • Pit bull? That looks like a mutt to me. That animal has medium length coat. Pit bulls have short, smooth coat.

      The statement from the Coloradoan does not match the visual evidence.

      “But it was the officer’s concern that the animal control agent wasn’t able to maintain control of the animal,”

      This officer fired IN THE SAME INSTANT the restraint was placed on the animal. Slo mo at 4:41 and 4:42. I know of few people who can INSTANTANEOUSLY determine that:

      A. Animal control will not control the animal
      B. Think about consequence of escaping animal.
      C. Make decision to shoot.
      D. Aim, re-position finger on trigger, pull trigger.

      All of this in less than 1 second???? Get real………. A,B,C, and 2/3 of D were done before the dog headed for the door.

      The evidence is pretty clear. This officer made the decision to kill this animal, long before he fired the first shot. If the above does not show this, the unnecessary last 4 shots do.

  16. It was not necessary to cause the animal that much suffering and carelessly zip bullets around a suburban neighborhood. Seems like they could have just closed the garage door with the dog in it and slid in a bowl of tranquilizer laced kibble…or waited until they could come up with a plan that didn’t involve threatening the safety of everyone around them.

  17. It’s easy for us “Armchair Enforcers” to throw darts at the people at the scene. If the owner had cared about his/her dog enough, they would have ensured it had capable supervision.

  18. Forty years ago, when I was in college, some fool took his Great Dane / German Shepherd cross to campus and left it outside a building while he went inside. The dog decided that it was supposed to guard the building and chased off everyone who came close. Two campus cops approached the dog after observing it for a minute. When the dog tried to chase them off, too, one of them squirted it with Mace. (Pepper spray wasn’t available then.) The dog let out a yelp and ran behind a bush to hide. One cop kept an eye on the dog while the other went inside the building to find the owner. Problem solved without permanent injury.

    • Exactly how to be a “Peace Officer”. I’m kind of sick of the arrogance of some LEs. The dog may have been shot for “contempt of cop”. I mean the dog did resist arrest. Failed to follow the instructions of the police. The list goes on.

  19. I’m really getting tired of hearing this sh!t. You don’t fvck with another man’s dog. I’m pretty sure it’s the eleventh commandment.

  20. I’m not a big fan of some of the things cops do in any country, but I’d take a dead dog over a mauled human any day. I’ve seen the damage that dogs can do to people, and I think ‘dog control’ is a bigger public safety issue than gun control ever could be. The police were right to err on the side of caution, here–I certainly would have.

    Since their hearts are at the same level as their brains, tetrapods can lose a lot of blood, before pressure (and oxygen, glucose) levels in their brains collapse. Hence, it takes a lot more damage and time to drop a dog, than a human.

  21. What a chickenshit cop. Another example of the irrational fear police have of any dog.

    And yes, I do get to have my opinion. It’s backed up by 15 years of wearing a badge.
    Glad I left. Wish I lived there, so I could use my law license and practice to sue the officer.

    Be glad you don’t have to depend on him to save you or yours.

  22. That was not a large dog. Border Collie’s are all fur and are usually lanky. Aside from this being unnecessary there are huge safety concerns with the discharge of their weapons. Are cops taught to shoot with one hand out like that? What about firing while pivoting? He had no idea if anyone would be around that corner. Completely irresponsible behavior on multiple fronts here.

    • Collies are among the more frequent nippers. And a dog can do a LOT of damage, not to mention the serious risks of infection. Ask any doctor who has treated dog bites, and you’ll get an earful. Here is a backgrounder on the problem:

      Remember that dogs are property, not ‘fur people’ (i.e., like some of the PETA nutters believe), and can and should be destroyed if they are a threat to public safety. The animal-huggers, which surprisingly include a lot of hunters, need to smarten up. Keep your pet muzzled and under control, or be prepared to see it put down.

    • Why is this any different than seeing, say, a deer shot to death? SPCA propaganda and Disney cartoons have clearly warped the psyches of generations of Westerners.

      This pet fetish, which crosses all ideological boundaries, mystifies me. For example, pigs are actually more intelligent than dogs, but regularly end up in BLTs. Countless coyotes (little, feral canines) are popped on farms and ranches across the continent every year. I’m a vegetarian (a health thing, rather than a PETA thing), but have dispatched mammalian vermin of allsorts with various weapons, and even my bare hands. And I’m sure you’ve seen PEOPLE shot, run over, and such, to death (or heard of children being mauled to death by dogs, etc.), without being so squeamish. If I was in a position to kill a dog, rather than allow it to harm a human, I wouldn’t hesitate.

      • All great and good but the guy still can’t watch a dog being shot. I can watch all kinds of gore and even took a look through the leavings of afterbirth (no joke) with my wife’s doctor out of pure fascination (and to get the cord blood stored). I cannot however think of running the blade of a knife (or watch it on TV or in a movie) across my belly button. Weird! But there it is.

        I am not sure who has a pet fetish but I know a lot of people who have been grown and raised around cats and dogs. And like anything else they gain a close affinity to them in general. I’ve not known anyone who had sexual urges towards their dog or cat.

        It all comes down to what you decide to see and feel really. I love cats and dogs and pigs as well ( I will eat them no matter how smart they are – they are food to me) but they are all to be eaten, if needed. A lot of my folk back home used to keep a greater number of beagles and bird dogs then was needed simply for need if there was some kind of food shortage. Think about it! A animal that runs off and feeds itself and is easily dispatched if needed for food.

        Coyotes are popped on the regular because they need to be. Unlike pretty much every other canine, coyotes actually thrive near us. Fences of any height are of no matter. They can jump eight feet straight up. They will steal any type of food from us. Babies, children, chickens, pets, whatever… and they are brazen. They don’t always attack because of rabbis like a lot of folk would say. They attack because they are very opportunistic (a reason they thrive). There are cases of coyotes so devious that they have been known to patrol playgrounds and school yards. There have been documented cases of a single coyote trying to make off with a two year old while her mother simply turned around to check her phone not four feet away. Coyotes need to be popped on sight because like moose in Eastern Canada and rats in New York they have grown to have no fear of man and are feeding and breeding at an alarming rate. Historically they were animals that hailed from the South West but have thrived so much in the past few decades that they reach to nearly every landmass in North America.

        Dogs have a special place in a lot of peoples hearts. This should be obvious.

      • Adam: No, we find the ‘children being mauled to death by dogs’ arouses great squeamishness. The dog in the video had not been reported as having bit anyone. Its behavior was not indicative of rabies. Dogs bond with their owners, often children or elderly people. They become, in common parlance, companions. Gratuitously ending the life of a non-rabid dog which is likely someone’s pet and isn’t biting anyone present is wanton violence. Why train ACO’s and LEO’s if they’ll handle stray pets with all the skill of untrained goat herders?

  23. Anyone who reads my posts knows I’m a big fan of the cops in general, but this made me sick to my stomach.

    I’m no expert, but I have grown up with dogs, and I am sure anyone else with any experience with dogs for more than a few years would agree-

    you dont need to see every detail to read this dog’s body language – it was scared to death, and just trying to get away. I’m guessing there was more to it, barking and snarling, but thats a typical fear reaction too, especially for a stray.

    Why didnt they TASE it? Why not pepper spray? Why not a second officer with a lasso? This wasnt a forced entry to a high risk gang banger crib with pitbulls rushing up out of nowhere- there was plenty of time to try other things, and absolutely no need to endanger the crowd of people standing around with multiple gun shots. f he wanted to put it down he could have used a shotgun.

    Bottomline- what a dip$hit.

    • Agreed. Novel idea! A big blanket! No way!? I don’t get it. Why are people so afraid of a dog? Its a dog!

  24. I want my MTV h/t. Laugh. As for why dogs should be given the benefit of the doubt when there isnt a serious threat of harm to the public (given all the tools the LEO’s had at their disposal in the incident) research out of Harvard, here paraphrased by a NatGeo article, spells it out: Dogs bond with humans, and understand humans’ intentions better, much better, than even chimpanzees. A dog is not a fox or a badger. A dog that clearly is someone’s pet deserves perhaps less protection than a human, but more than a snake. We should not take NYPD’s inversion, of course, wherein people perhaps merit only as much deference for their life as a misbehaving dog.

  25. There are a few folks talking about the dog not showing any classic signs of aggression. While I disagree that the dog had to be shot he was for sure aggressive. A side stance dog is a dog deciding whether or not to move. When a dog has its head lowered and off to the side like this one had he is planning a move. The dog was aggressive in my opinion. On the same note it was trapped for an awfully long time in the garage. I mean no one could get a steak or a hotdog and distract his ass? No one had the balls to approach him sooner then this? How about backing off and setting a trap for the thing?

    Rash is the only way to describe this video…

    My two cents…

  26. Appears to be so unnecessary. Maybe it all could have been resolved with a calm attitude and a snack – not a fearful policeman’s bullet. They didn’t try very hard to resolve this without shooting the dog. It was just fearful.

    If he doesn’t have the nerve and good decision making, he should be relieved of his job.

    • I don’t know if we can really fault cops for not being dog whisperers, they only have so many days in the police academy to teach them everything they need to know, and pet psychology probably doesn’t make it onto the curriculum in light of everything else they’re required to learn. I was in the Army in Panama a long time ago, and one of my buddies was a military police Soldier. Some Soldier’s wife walked out her door one morning and saw that there was a big snake laying across her driveway, so she called the MP’s. My buddy showed up, saw the snake and formulated and executed a plan that consisted of A) running over the snake and then B) not getting bit by the snake. The lady who called was horrified and called the Provost Marshal to complain, but what did she expect? Did she think he was going to pull out a little flute and a basket and then he was going to charm the snake into the basket? If you call the cops to a thing involving an angry dog, understand that the cop probably doesn’t have dog psychology training, isn’t interested in identifying the “classic signs of dog aggression”, and certainly isn’t interested in risking being bitten or mauled to impress you with his dog wrangling abilities. Obviously this benefit of the doubt doesn’t extend to cops who over zealously and unnecessarily execute caged dogs during no knock paramilitary style raids, but if you don’t want to see a dog get shot, don’t call a guy with a gun when you’ve got a vicious dog problem.

      • A snake in Panama could be harmless, or could be very poisonous. And is obviously not someone’s pet. I have shot a rattlesnake myself when in my camping area.

        This dog had not attacked anyone, killed any other dogs or cats, but was just wanting to be left alone.

        This could have been handled better. Hell, get two animal control officers with two nooses, not just one wimpy one who can’t handle a dog.

        I guess if all the cops have is a hammer, then everything is a nail to them.

        • Exactly right on about the hammer/nail part. I don’t know if it could’ve been handled better or if the dog really needed to be shot, I wasn’t there, I’m just saying no one should be surprised by any of this.

  27. Again, a dog is human property and nothing more, that is ‘armed’ with powerful jaws and saliva teeming with very dangerous bacteria. No matter how much the owner ‘bonds’ with the animal, it is not human, and its survival is secondary to human safety. If a peace officer (or civilian) fears for his personal safety, or that of someone else, the animal is a legitimate target for destruction–no ifs, ands, or buts. Allowing a dog to dash out at what it likely perceives as hostiles certainly warrants its destruction. And, to reiterate, a four legged animal requires much more damage to ensure collapse of blood pressure and brain function. If I was a cop in this situation, I would take no chances, and fire as many rounds into the animal as would ensure CNS and cardiovascular failure. The only thing I would have done differently is used a shotgun, had one been available.

    I’m a vegetarian, because I decided long ago (after hospitalization from meat-borne food poisoning, and a meat-loving grandfather’s battle with atherosclerosis) that flesh was not worth it. But I never bought into the ‘man’s best friend’ nonsense. Pet owners need to take responsibility for their property, or face the consequences. And ‘bonding’ with what is considered food in many cultures is no excuse.

    • I think you are missing the point and need to re-read what a lot of folk are saying on here. There was no dashing. There was no overtly aggressive action on the dogs part. Yes, it MAY have done all that. It MAY have bitten somebody. BUT it was tethered by the AC officer. It was harmless at that point. You can control an alligator with those very same poles. A dog on the end of one poses no threat at all to anyone who is trained enough to know which end to hold.

      It is not that the dog was shot but how it was shot – needlessly and dangerously in someone’s home while TETHERED! Tether! Even on a tether the cop decided one bullet wasn’t enough. It wasn’t going anywhere on the pole. It would just bleed out and die – or not bleed out and die on the pole which it was tethered to. Which is almost ten feet away from the person holding it. The fact was that it was on the pole and it was of no danger to anyone – period.

      Whether its heart will keep it up because of where its brain is located is all irrelevant once it is one the pole. Man’s best friend has nothing to do with any of it. An idiot was afraid of a little puppy dog that was clearly restrained and needed to get some shots off to feel like a big boy and was willing to fire a weapon in close quarters endangering everyone near in order to feel that way. That’s the issue.

      • Agreed.

        Wouldn’t want him whipping out his shotgun and blazing away when the little black lab down the street is hanging out on her lawn and comes over to greet people.

        • I share my daughter 105 lb Rottweiler. The only problem is he thinks he’s still a puppy and likes to crawl into your lap. Ever share a e-z chair with a deer? That’s kind of what it’s like. I also have a scary black cat, same color as the scary guns. They (the dog and cat and the guns) get along better than most of the people on this board.

        • Before we get all comical I miss typed. My daughter IS NOT A 105 lb. ROTTY!!!!! My kid HAS A 105 lb. ROTTWEILER.
          And I still have the cat (about 16 lbs).

        • Rotties are very cool, one day I plan to get one. Currently we have two German Shepherds, 10 and 3. Great family dogs, and great watch dogs, albeit a bit high maintenance with shedding and barking.

        • These dogs will steal your heart. Almost as mis represented as pit bulls. Big babies to their owners, (non-aggressive) strangers, and kids. Just 1 thing. If you do make the commitment, make sure to buy from the best breeder you can find. And if you get a male don’t neuter him, They need the testosterone for muscle tone. No joke.

          I lived with a friend that had a G/S. Sheba was like a roach motel. She’d let anyone into the apartment, but she wouldn’t let anyone leave.

          • I know what you mean Sammy. My Rott weighed 125lbs and was pure muscle!! Got him when he was 11 weeks old and kept him till he died of old age a few years ago!! I worked graveyard shift for years and had custody of my then 4 month old granddaughter. When I got home every morning I picked up my granddaughter, took a shower and usually crashe out on the couch with my grankids in her crib or playpen and my Rott in the living room with us.
            If she so much as whimpered he would crawl up on the couch with me and start bumping his nose on the side of me head so I could check on her.
            In the summer I would put him and her in the yard and sleep in my lawn chair. Many many times I have woke up and Chance would be laying beside my chair asleep and my granddaughter laid out on top of him asleep!!
            Most large breed dogs get a bad rep from either people who have never had one or are just biased and stupid and believe everything they hear and read as the almighty gospel.
            It is ultimately all in how you breed and raise them. Any dog regardless of size can be vicious if mistreated, inbred,etc.

        • Sammy,
          Thanks for the tip regarding getting a Rottie. I know for German Sherpherds, I focused on getting a dog from working German Lines. What makes for a good Rottweiler breeder or line of dogs? What should I look for?

          Sammy and Speedracer, did you have any issues in dominance challenges from your male Rotties? Does neutorinig make a difference, or is it all in the training and setting pack leader boundaries? My male German Sherperd from working lines is not neutored. He has never challenged me, but man what an intense dog he can me. Very quick and intense when he gets excited – even at the age of 10.

          And neaturing does make a difference in their muscular development? Very interesting.

        • Look for German parents. And I’ve heard about the over aggression, too. We, I mean My daughter and her husband did not do anything special except love the hell out of this dog. But everything else aside dogs are much like people. Different ruts for different mutts. What I mean is every being has it’s own essence, personality if you will. And it is well expressed in dogs.
          Patience, Patience, Patience. Just like kids. But dogs are better, they don’t sass back as much, don’t somke p0t, wreck your car, or need collage money

        • Thanks Sammy. When I do make the move, I will look for German lines.

          My dog doesn’t smoke pot, but he does drink beer. Good dog!

        • Adam, why don’t you mind your own shop and let others run theirs’. Your starting to sound like a nanny stater. And cats and dogs pose no threat to children or the libs would require every pregnant woman to own a few. What you need to be careful with is the flee and tick meds. Take care comrade. You make a great argument for anarchy.

    • Having raised bulldogs,pit bulls, boxers and Rottweilers over the years, and having watched this video more than once all I seen was a scared dog and an ignorant chickenshit cop.
      If you watch the first time the cop shoots the dog it actually falls to the ground on the left side of the garage and the ACO has a noose on it. When the dog is on the right side of the screen the ACO still has the noose on it and the dog is trying to back away from her.
      Both of the cops are just standing there not helping her in anyway. Then the cop goes to shooting towards the house/front porch right towards(if you noticed earlier) a neighbor was standing in the yard.
      At the least he should be fired and convicted of animal cruelty and negligent discharge of a firearm.
      And people wonder why the general pop has such a large amount of disrespect and disgust for police officers nowadays!!!

  28. “Adam says:

    November 27, 2012 at 17:57

    That’s why Adam only has fish. Other than piranhas, they don’t nip, and none of them crap on the floor.

    Seriously, though, one should NOT have large dogs with children. You are chancing a tragedy:

    Dogs are also germy:

    And having cats in a home with children–or children on the way–is also a no-no:

    Homes are for people and NOT animals. Unless one has a need for a working, or hunting dog, it’s better not to bother with the costs and risks. And these animals don’t belong in a home with children. People need to get their priorities straight.”

    LOL! haha! Thanks for that Adam. You’re the funniest troll I have read in a while.

    • If Adam keeps it up he may very well make It to MikeBnumbers class trollocity!!
      The anti dog/cat pet grabber!!

  29. @troutfisherman…definitely go for the best German lineage you can. I waited two years to have enough money for the pup i wanted. I had pick of the litter when I had the money. Just train them and the kids with a firm hand, love them unconditionally and they will be your best companion and would give their life for you and the family without question!!!

    @Adam….grow up dude. Fish,lizards an other pets of that genre can and do cause some serious illnesses, especially of gotten from a less than scrupulous dealer. Any of my dogs would protect you with their life without question.

    • Yeah, a guy who owns a fish tank talking about how unclean and unhealthy we all must be for owning cats and dogs.

      As someone who used to work in the fish department at a major chain store… get a dog! (but don’t ‘let me tell you how you should live your life – I’m not a vegetarian – for health reasons). The dog may bite you but it defiantly won’t give you lung fluke ( a fatal illness that drowns you in your own blood so worms can breed in your lungs) or infect your children and yourself with TB. Yah! Folk have died from TB literally from cleaning their fish tanks. Let’s not get into the worms that live in these tanks that can get into your skin by merely touching the water. Good luck with those nodules that do not respond to antibiotics and have to be surgically removed before the things hatch into a major blood vessel and swim to your heart.

      You want to talk about the chemical cocktail that is thrown into these tanks when a new shipment of exotic fish comes in (which is all of them) just to treat anything that may be in there? AND a lot of it is ineffective as the treatments can go on for months and the fish still die. How about that of the people that work in the pet store the most ill and often to visit a doctor are the fish department folk?

      Remember folks, exotic fish carry some exotic illnesses for you!

      Get a dog! We have thousands of years of mutual co-existence that has helped us build a massive immunity to most dog related illnesses. Most people (‘cept the mermen) have not had much exposure to the Japanese Lung fluke carrying fresh water crabs that adorn many a household fish tank nor the snails that they breed in (also in household fish tank for algae and decorative purposes). Let’s not even go into what is sitting among your live plants that make it all look nice.

      And remember folks! There is no vaccine for lung and liver fluke. Steps taken to prevent infection should be not to eat raw fish of an exotic nature, especially fresh water plant salads. Also take note that cooking and smoking of these critters and the hosts they feed on does NOT kill the eggs! You have to boil them or cook them for long periods of time (stews and soups are fine – maybe). The best step to mention is the eradication of snails from your tank and anything that may carry them (which is everything).

      The best way to avoid brain death and massive lung and liver damage is to get a dog or cat.

      Stay safe folks! Spay or neuter your fish!

      /sarc off

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