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Last year, Colorado’s knee-jerk reaction to the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings limited the state’s new magazines to a maximum capacity of fifteen rounds. This foolishness has saved exactly zero lives, but it has succeeded in costing the state several hundred highly skilled, high-wage jobs. A new bill aims to repeal that stupidity, and it has the support of a (bipartisan, thank you very much) majority of the Colorado Senate. But it has no chance of becoming law and restoring the constitutional rights of Colorado shooters . . .


Colorado HB1151 would strike down last year’s Bloomberg-funded publicity stunt, and it is currently sponsored by 18 of Colorado’s 35 state senators. It’s supported by the entire GOP caucus (duh) and a single Democrat, Lois Tochtrop of Thornton.

This bipartisan majority would be sufficient to pass the bill into law, but for the state House of Representatives. The House bill has 27 of 28 GOP representatives sponsoring it, but no Democrats. And then there’s Governor Lickenpooper, who would surely veto any bill that dares to erase his ‘signature’ legislation. At least, as long as he’s still in office: polling indicates he’s in serious trouble right now.

I shouldn’t say that HB1151 has ‘no’ chance of passage, because the sole GOP holdout, Rep. Cheri Gerou of Evergreen, will face intense pressure to switch her vote. Gerou and two House Democrats actually voted against the magazine-limit bill last summer, and there is some hope that they’ll regain their sanity and vote to repeal it.

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  1. I am watching this space with interest.

    If the bill is repealed, it will set a precedent against all stupid, knee jerk reaction laws. I am definitely in favor of enhanced recognition of how foolish any reactionary legislation is.

    • I suggest the sights be set a bit higher than just repealing this dumbass law, they might strive to modify the state constitution to further solidify gun rights protections….

  2. Wow, as a Coloradoan I had no idea this was in the works. Good to hear. It takes a lot of gas to drive all the way to Wyoming to get magazines.

    Moreover, it may pass. Colorado has achieved a lot when it comes to opposing new restrictions; we’ve successfully booted 3 people out of office since this magazine crap passed.

      • THANK YOU! I get so mad listening to people talk about 3D printers being the end of the world because now people can make guns… How do they think guns have been made for the last hundred years? By aliens!? Guns are made by hand people!

      • But that would mean getting my hands dirty! Furthermore, it wouldn’t involve any cool new technology.

    • Sauce for the goose and all that. The Democrats call it bipartisan support when John McCain, Susan Collins, or Olympia Snowe backed one of their cockamamie proposals.

  3. I wish we in California had the ability to use our franchise as voters therefore the employers of our representatives to force a few of the many anti gun folks from office. That would send a message to others that they REPRESENT us, not control us

  4. Re Gerou and two House Democrats: Threats and bribes…err war chest contributions, go a long way toward coercing party line compliance regardless of what the constituents want.

  5. Naive question: what are the chances of overriding the veto? Legislatures don’t do it nearly enough, and it would send an unmistakeable message….

  6. Even if Chickenhumper doesn’t get re-elected, there’s no telling who will take his place and whether or not he’ll sign a repeal of these asinine and ass-backwards laws. The People of The Gun in Colorado can only hope to apply enough pressure to the hold-outs and vote in enough pro-rights lawmakers the next cycle to regain some sanity.

  7. I sent the CEO of Magpul a letter a few weeks ago to welcome him to the Dallas area where we still respect the Constitution…at least for the time being. Obama wants to turn the state blue.

    • Let’s not get crazy, Dallas has a lot of anti-constitution elements living there, Dallas more like far east Los Angeles than it is Texas.

      • That is Dallas county. There are a whole bunch of normal people living in large and well populated suburbs.

    • I don’t know if you saw the map breakdown of how people voted in the last election in dallas, but there was a sliver in north dallas who didn’t vote democrat. And that’s under the assumption that voting for mitt Romney was voting for the constitution.

  8. I don’t understand the trepidation. Bring HB1151 to a vote! Anyone who votes against it is virtually guaranteeing that they will lose their seat in office.

    Maybe some smart politicians are waiting until a few weeks before the actual elections. In that case seriously pissed-off constituents would not have enough time to cool down and would definitely vote for a different candidate.

  9. No chance of passage is sadly correct. This bill has been assigned to the House committee for State, Veterans and Military Affairs, where it will die on a party-line vote.

    • Just make sure we get the names of the ones who voted against it, make sure they have no chance to be re-elected.

      • That’s why the jackass Speaker of the House sends them there. THAT asshat needs to be un-horsed this November. C’mon Colorado gun owners, let’s get the word out, and don’t stay home this year.

  10. I’m confused, if they voted against the the bill last summer, did you mean they voted for it?
    Gerou and two House Democrats actually voted against the magazine-limit bill last summer, and there is some hope that they’ll regain their sanity and vote to repeal it.

    For the magazine limit is bad
    Against is good, correct?

  11. It’s too late for hinkendumper to change stripes now. Thats a terrible thing to have to keep the pedal to the metal when the “bridge ends here street” is a commin up. Crash & burn hinky,Randy

  12. I wouldn’t hold my breath on Gerou. There is significant bad blood between her and RMGO’s lobbyist from last year.

    Any bill that gets out of the Senate won’t make it through the House. Even if it does, there’s no way the governor will sign it.

    Elections have consequences. This is a prime example of what happens when gun owners either stay home or don’t use their vote wisely.

  13. I just spoke with Cheri Gerou. She said she just didn’t cosponsor the bill because she doesn’t know what it will look like in the end should it make it though the senate. She’s not opposed to repealing the ban. She said she knows its not going to make it out of the senate so no point in cosponsering it.

    A legitimate reason or dodge? I don’t now.

    • That sounds like a dodge to me. Why would an expected failure of passage make you not put your name on it, if it’s something you believe is “the right thing to do?”

      • That’s what I’m saying. She just repeated that she never co sponsors any legislation. But at least she answers her own phone. XD

  14. It would be better if the bill did not pass until an election cleared out some of the nimrods who voted for it. Otherwise there’s not much of a lesson taught.

  15. “Republican” or not, Cheri Gerou is a POS blather mouth and needs to be retired from office. Hopefully she gets some viable competition in the primary and we can get rid of her finally.

  16. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch the next gubernatorial election if Chickenlooper signed the bill to repeal a law he signed into law in hopes it would save his behind?

  17. There is a reason why people are told not to make rash decisions immediately following a personal crisis or tragedy…… bad decisions tend to be made. Laws shouldn’t be allowed to be passed when they have anything to do with recent tragedies.

  18. Did you guys follow the open carry ban that passed in Castle Rock (CO), which resulted in a council member resigning under public pressure? They just repealed that ban this week.

    It’s a good read, and another shining example of polits pissing off the the people, and the people fighting back.

  19. Waste of time. What we need is to try these people for Treason. The Constitution says “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”. Any politician that goes against this needs to be tried for treason and once found guilty executed. Problem solved.

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