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Colorado Recall Gets Nasty: Hudak Supporters Threaten to Kill Recall Supporters

The third recall effort in Colorado is getting heated as the deadline for collecting signatures nears. Centennial State Dems are still reeling from the recall of two state senators over their votes in favor of increased gun control earlier this year. Now they’re scared you-know-whatless that a third recall could tip the balance of power in the senate and allow their shiny new felony-generation measures to be thrown under the bus. So it’s no surprise that Dems have upped the rhetorical heat against their uppity subjects who are trying to unseat their betters. Now some rights supporters are having their lives threatened by Democrats on the streets of their own hometown (as in the video above) . . .

Not only is the rhetoric heating up, but the Democrats are pulling out every trick in the book to try and stop the petitions from being signed. Reports are surfacing that Evie Hudak and her supporters are robo-calling homes in their districts with a message purporting to be a neighborhood safety announcement that implies that the signature gatherers are criminals, and warning people to not answer the door for them. And they’re supplementing the phone calls with door hangers driving home the same message.

It’s clear that Hudak and her supporters are willing to go to any lengths to keep the petitions from being signed, because they see the writing on the wall. And the only way for them to keep from being booted out of office the way Morse and Giron were by busting out the dirty tricks. They know they can’t win in a fair fight, so they’re using every dollar that Bloomberg and other out-of-state donor throw their way to keep the people from having the opportunity to cast their vote and make their voice heard.

63 thoughts on “Colorado Recall Gets Nasty: Hudak Supporters Threaten to Kill Recall Supporters”

    • Dunno, but I hope they beat the target by at least 20%. One of the ways to sabotage a petition is for opponents to sign with bogus information- the petition supporters think they’ve met the requirement, submit the paperwork, and the verification determines they didn’t meet the required # of signatures after all.

  1. Liberals and progressives don’t want the rest of us to have guns for this exact reason… they don’t trust themselves with them.

    • Someone explained the difference to me like this:

      A conservative says: I don’t like that, I’m not going to do it.

      A liberal says: I don’t like that, YOU’RE not going to do it.

      • When you want a conservative’s opinion, you ask, “What do you think about that?”

        IF you want a liberal’s opinion, you ask, “How does that make you feel?”

      • You’ve got the conservative part wrong. It’s the Conservatives who say: “I don’t like that, YOU’RE not going to do it.” (see recreational drugs, prostitution, gays in general, reproductive choice, etc. etc.etc.)

        The liberals are merely clueless simpletons who want you to unquestioningly pay their bills.

      • This is true in many ways, but often conservatives, at least those representing in our different levels of government, flip this around when it comes to different things. An example of this is gay marriage, in this case the conservatives are saying that others can’t do it because they don’t like it.

        As Rich said above.

        • It’s a lot more than gay marriage. On that, the proper answer is to get the government completely out of any voluntary transaction between two individuals, as long as that transaction harms no one else. (if you want your dominatrix to hurt you and beat you and make you write bad checks, it’s not anybody else’s business.) Especially enforcing what’s really nothing but a religious ritual. And there’s the Bloodthirsty Warmonger faction, and the Women Are Chattel Property faction, and the Reefer Madness faction, all of whom are anathema to Liberty.

          And also please, please, please remember – allowed does NOT mean required.

    • Once,when I was spending the weekend in the drunk tank (in Minnesnowta), one of my roommates said that he was in for “making terroristic threats.” Does threatening to murder people fit in the “fire in a crowded theater” category?

      For those who care, I had been busted for having eight one-ounce bags of pot, with “intent to distribute.” Interestingly, at my arraignment, the pot had vanished without a trace and they fined me for having strong beer in the park.

      • You got arrested with a half pound of pot, and you got off with a slap on the wrist? Holy crap. You must be the luckiest bastard on the face of the planet. In Florida you’d be doing 15-20.

        Also, I think the term is “Simple Assault.” But I’m neither a lawyer, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express anytime recently.

        • Yeah, I got that, it is an amazingly fortuitous happening. Mr. Grise should have played the lotto the minute they let him out.

          • This was in the 1970’s, before the Lotto was invented. And I have a different view of luck – I think it used up my allocation of good luck for quite some time. )-;

        • The operative word here being “vanished,” like vanished into the pockets of the stoner cops. 😉 I was wearing a T-shirt that said, “Beer drinkers get more head.” I turned it inside-out to appear in front of the judge. This was in the late 1970’s, when there was kind of a “look the other way” attitude going around anyway.

  2. On the premise what has been said is true… We got people committing terroristic threatening AND slandering/defamation of character of the signature gatherers. All the more reason these two-bit cronies should be ousted… plus criminal/civil charges.

  3. Yup it’s the liberals that carry out the violence,whether it be tree huggers,bunny huggers,anti abortion groups,environmentallits,union rabble rousers,race baiters,or government agencies,or for that matter mass murderers they have one thing in common.They are liberal when it comes to politics. You know, Demoncrats

    • Aren’t most anti-abortion terrorists religious conservatives? Or are they religiously conservative liberals? idk

        • Well, I doubt if there are very many at all that are actual terrorists (one is too many), but to name any of a number of anti-choice religious conservatives, just take a look at any right-wing rag.

          The chilling thing is the Hippocratic Oath. I googled that once, looking for that famous “first, do no harm” clause, and didn’t find it, but I did see an explicit prohibition of abortion. This makes sense in its own way because since time immemorial, throughout cultures, women have been chattel property. The father “gives away” the bride, and so on. That’s why they’re such rabid homophobes, too. It’s only been recently, an eyeblink in history, signified by the Suffragist movement, that women’s very humanity and self-ownership has started to be recognized. The slaves got the vote before women did, for Heaven’s sakes! That’s why seeing so many women tool up brings tears of joy to my eyes.

          You should hear some of my pro-liberty tirades! But, bottom line, the inside of another person’s body is outside anyone else’s jurisdiction. And I can’t understand the correlation between the Bible-thumpers and the “fetuses are people, but their hosts aren’t” crowd, given Genesis 2:7 – “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”. Breath of Life => Human Being. QED

  4. Ok, NOW we can nail them for voter suppression? And while we’re at it, let’s add slander and assault to the charges.

    • Hold the phone! Voter suppression is a Federal beef. Do you think Holder’s DOJ would devote one second to investigating this?

      • There are no corresponding State laws that deal with elections for State offices? That would surprise me a bit.

  5. How could I have forgotten anti second amendment haters who by the way have to go home to get THEIR GUN to kill republicans

  6. That guy was about as threatening as a stray cat. But the robocall thing is really sneaky and dangerous.

    And if they have Robocop on their side….good God.

  7. I wouldn’t be frightened by a threat from Evie Hudak. Now, if Nancy Pelosi threatened me, I’d crap in my Underoos. That beyotch is just plain scary.

  8. I’m curios to how the people without guns plan on killing people with guns? Am I going to be hugged to death or will their unshowered stench just kill me?

    • oh you misunderstand. a lot of them have guns, but because you’re not politically aligned with them, it’s not OK for you to have guns. additionally, these people DO draw a distinction between, say, a mere revolver and an AK. it’s OK for them to own their little six-shooter. it’s OK for them to make violent threats against you, because in this guy’s mind, YOU’RE already the one who’s the extremist. however it’s not OK for you to own that AK with a 30-round magazine. you might just shoot down an airplane..

  9. Ralph, if Evil Hudac had me pinned down with intent to sexually abuse me I might turn my gun on myself if I couldn’t get a shot on her. A grim scenario indeed

    • Evie Hudak in full estrus? Geez, that’s a Stephen King thought right there. Have you ever considered writing horror novels for a living?

  10. Just donated!!!!! Come on guys and gals recalling this Witch helps us all. If my broke college student a$& can donate so can you!!!

  11. It’s already been stated above by the gentleman (or lady) from South Carolina, but anyone in any state can donate to the campaign to recall Hudak.

    I sold something to pay for a donation of $50 myself. I’ve never set foot in CO and have no family there, but the antis in CO have enormous financial backing. If you’re not willing to actually get in the fight now and oppose them with a few bucks of your own, then you’re nothing but hot air.

    Don’t just bitch on TTAG about how much you’d like to see something done. Do something yourself and make a donation.

  12. I find it kind of odd that the minimum donation amount is $50. I was considering donating between $15 and $25.

    • Use the “Other” field at the bottom of the amounts and just type in your amount. It will take any amount including cents.

        • So much for that idea; I’m not giving them my name, address, and phone number, nor my employer’s name (yes, I know that one is optional).

  13. Threats of violence from Hudak supporters? Good luck shooting voters with the guns they don’t have, or ripping them apart with the muscles they also don’t have!

  14. I believe the person threatening the gentleman on the bike sounded a lot like a member of the Black Panthers,which is actually a homegrown terrorist group but not recognized as such by the federal government.Sure we have freedom of speech in this country,but we also have laws protecting the citizens from violence,the subject that threatened the by cycle rider broke the law,Assault by Threat.Yes the leftist s think it is fine for them to say or use whatever means to have things go their way,but that is not how they feel about anyone who does not go with their agenda,it is all about controlling everyone and everything.Be prepared and ready.Keep your powder dry.

  15. “the signature gatherers are criminals, and warning people to not answer the door for them”

    Is this the next dirty step in political campaigning? I can imagine several amusing and twisted rumors that can be spread about campaign workers who are on the political side of candidates opposed to my values.

  16. When things finally go south in this country, it will be people like THIS who better be in fear for their lives because they will be the first who are eliminated.


  18. Heed this card-carrying union Democrat and future mass-murderer’s words well: this is,/b> exactly what gun control advocates want for us, and to do to us.

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