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Colorado Recall – Now What?

  "Weld County Sheriff John Cooke holds up two identical rifle ammunition magazines, one obtained legally and one obtained illegally, while making a speech last week to supporters of the recall election to oust Senate President John Morse, who voted for a 15-round limit on magazines." (Caption and photo courtesy

Voters in Colorado gave the old heave-ho to two pro-gun control pols in yesterday’s recall elections. It’s a stunning victory for The People of the Gun. The recall sends a clear message to the civilian disarmament industrial complex that echoes the scene in Mommie Dearest where Joan Crawford addresses Coca-Cola’s Board of Directors: “Don’t f*** with me fellas.” Yes, but—as Moms Demand Action pointed out in their petulant post-recall press release, the recall vote doesn’t actually change the laws that triggered the recall campaign. Colorado still has a 15-round ammunition capacity limit. The Centennial State still requires background checks at gun shows. And the Democrats still have a majority in the legislature. Yes, there is that . . .

To sober up after their heady victory, gun rights advocates need only look left to California. Their cause has cratered in America’s most populous state, where the Democrats hold sway. An estimated nine million Golden State gun owners are living under the yoke of high-tax tyranny, weeks away from watching their state enact the country’s most draconian gun control legislation. And there’s not a damn thing they can do about it.

Sure, the Colorado vote may stiffen the backbone of California’s pro-gun Democrats. But how many of them are there these days? Does it matter? As Democrat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin’s post-Newtown “compromise” gun control bill proved, pro-gun Dems are anti-gun Dems when they can be. And in California, as in (yes) Colorado, they sure as hell can be.

Not to go all Yoda on you, dismiss the Colorado recall results they can. Like Senate President John Morse, they can label the defeat “purely symbolic.” And follow the lead of Mark Glaze, spokesman for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (who reneged on his promise to speak to TTAG on election night) and go “meh.” Knowing that Glaze’s Guy, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, has got their back, cash-wise. Glaze:

“I think the NRA walked away with an important lesson and that is that these kinds of recalls to kick legislators out of office are not going to be cheap and easy anymore. They have to spend every dime they have and pull out the stops and we’re going to be matching them every step of the way.”

No one said the fight for gun rights at the ballot box would be cheap or easy, of course. Gun rights advocates fighting in the trenches aren’t stupid. They know that decades of struggle lie ahead. At the ballot box. In the courts. In the media. And on the front lines of gun culture and, yes, law enforcement. But the recall vote did shore-up Colorado gun owners’ defenses against future encroachments, which is no bad thing.

And there are reasons to be cheerful, part 2.

Perhaps the Colorado vote is symbolic. Maybe it’s about more than a bunch of pissed off gun-owning voters drawing a “red line” in the sand on gun rights. It could be a sign that more and more Americans are declaring their independence from Big Government. Maybe the recall was a vote for accountability and a return to the limits established by the United States Constitution. If so, it could mark the beginning of the end of New Deal Democratic socialism and Republican paternalism. Which could well send gun grabbers packing.

Then again, nah. It was a protest against civilian disarmament. I’ll take it! What’s next? Vote out enough Democrats in Colorado to repeal the mag cap limit and background check laws. And continue on the long road to freedom in California, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, etc. The longest journey starts with a single step. Like this.

61 thoughts on “Colorado Recall – Now What?”

  1. Be easier to see the whole country collapse and gun controllers earn an epiphany when guys in mohawks are trying to kill them for their gasoline and shoes.

  2. “The Centennial State still requires background checks at gun shows.”

    We had that long before this past legislative session.

      • Colorado has required background checks for transfers at gun shows, private-party transfers or not, since 2001. CRS 12-26.1-101

        I understand that CO only recently started requiring background checks for private party transfers that take place away from gun shows. My post was meant to illustrate that the “gun show background check” was nothing new.

        • Of course there is some difference between “requiring” and “enforcing” isn’t there.
          When so many conflicting laws are heaped upon us that no one can escape a violation of some sort all laws become irrelevant.
          Look at the history of Prohibition if you don’t see my point.

  3. “it could mark the beginning of the end of New Deal Democratic socialism and Republican paternalism.”

    That is a future I can believe in. So say we all.

  4. I’d love to see one of the new Senators, on their first day, propose to repeal the gun laws that were just passed. Couple that with chatter of who might be next on the recall chopping block and maybe there is a chance…

    • +1000 I was just going to post the same thing. Does anyone in CO know how to get in touch with the two new senators and ask them to co-sponsor a bill? The other thing that I just thought of: were the new senators elected to full terms or the unexpired portions of the recalled ones? Could be a huge fight again next year.

      • They will fill out the unexpired terms of the ones that were kicked out. In Morse’s old seat, the new guy will have to stand in the general in 2014. Not sure when Giron’s term was up.

  5. Yes, it is an aside, but California as far as I know does not have “high tax tyranny.” Real property taxes are limited by the law (Prop 13) to 1.1 percent of value, and are allowed to rise 0.1 percent per year (that’s 1 percent every decade). Last I knew about Illinois, it was approaching 5% and I think NY and NJ are higher than that. The sales tax rate is 8.5%–compare that to the east coast (or Illinois). The state income tax is somewhere around 5%, subject to all the usual deductions. There are things in California that make life expensive, but taxes aren’t one of them for individuals.

    • Citing property taxes alone has no logical context when the dozen other state, county and city taxes, that are paid daily, are not included in the discussion

      • +1

        In 2010, I paid about 1.4% property tax ($7000 on a house for which I paid $500k in 1999).

        However, I also paid a marginal tax rate of 9.3%. I paid sales tax of about 9%.

        (EDIT: above is for Santa Clara, California)

        In Colorado, my property tax is 0.8% of what I paid for the house in 2011. My sales tax is 4.1%. My flat income tax rate is 4.63%.

    • “There are things in California that make life expensive, but taxes aren’t one of them for individuals.”

      Really? 9.3% marginal income tax rate? 9% sales tax?

      The income and sales taxes were big reasons why I left CA.

        • When I left Santa Clara, CA in 2011, 9% was combined local and state. CA’s current state-wide sales/use tax rate is 7.5%.

          By way of comparison: my current combined state/local sales tax is 4.1% (unincorporated Douglas County, CO).

      • While it may not be represented (directly) as money out of your pocket, the taking of your civil rights by an at this point unbeatable tyranny of the Democrat political machine in California is a definite tax and on top of all the other state, local and city taxes that oppression was one of the major reasons I left that liberty-sucking sinkhole.

        • Agreed.

          Taxes (property, income, sales) were only part of why I left CA – the state where I was born and where I lived the first ~46 years of my life – though I do save a few thousand $ per year here in CO.

          Among the other reasons…
          * my vote essentially “didn’t count” because, where I lived, I was so outnumbered without any hope of change
          * legislature seems to think they exist only to pass new laws; leaving things alone is “failure” (not necessarily limited to CA)
          * laws passed by the CA legislature almost always resulted in a restriction of my liberties
          * I was “strange” for being a proponent of limited government (local, state, and federal)

          I know there are some posting here that disagree with the “bail out of CA” idea. I understand that, and agree with it to a point. I put up with CA for a long time, and only left once my and my wife’s families were no longer “local”. If we’d had family within an hour’s drive of Santa Clara, leaving would’ve been a more difficult decision. As it was in 2011, I could work anywhere I had an Internet connection, families were several hours away (car or plane), and I really didn’t have any emotional ties to the area.

    • The problem is not just with straight taxes, but government fees as well.

      Last year I paid ~$450 to register both my cars at the CA DMV. After moving to Idaho I paid $80 for two years for both of them total.

      Shortly after moving here my family car was totaled so I had to go out and purchase new (used) car. I paid 4% sales tax on $7000. In LA County that tax would have been double. Plus I only had to pay $7 to transfer the 2 yr registration I had already paid for on the other vehicle. CA would have charged me a whole new registration fee for the new car.

      There are so many other examples. The state tax on gasoline is one of the top three. I had to pay for grocery bags in LA county and couldn’t use plastics ones. Those are just two of the stupid things I could think of the top of my head. I know there are tons more.

      California is on over regulated cash suck.

  6. These things go in waves. We had a wave against us in the late 80’s into the early 90’s. Then we rallied back, “big time,” and we hit a high point by about eight years ago. Then we had a few high profile shootings, and the wave is going against us. Now we’re moving forward again, faster than our recovery in the 90’s. I believe we will prevail. The important thing is to outlast the solipsism of the Baby Boomer media/political class, who are obsessed with guns and sex.

    The Democrats’ modern anti-gun agenda has been the same for decades – ever since shootings “robbed” them of their damp dreams of a “Camalot” with those dim-bulb, screw-everything-that-moves Kennedy boys. That’s when the modern push for gun control began.

    Every time they get an opportunity, they’ll try grabbing guns again until they’re made to pay for their attempts. They were made to pay last night. Come 2014, they’ll be paying some more. When one looks across the country, they’re able to make gains on this issue in a few places, and pretty soon, they’ll have crime problems they cannot explain away by bashing gun nuts – very much like Chicago can’t seem to figure out why they have such a crime problem.

    But in Chicago, and DC, they’ve had everything that the gun grabbers ever wanted, with the crime “unexplainably high” – and now they’re going to start losing their position because they’re now so obviously wrong.

    Patience and persistence, friends. We have the facts, the case law and the philosophical high ground in our favor.

  7. So who is the next one in our sights? Maybe we can get McCain, or we could send Bloomberg to Somalia?

    Beware politicians: you swore to uphold and defend the constitution, not your personal interests.

  8. The next step in Colorado is to introduce repeal legislation and make its supporters go on record before the next election in 2014. If repeal passes then it will put Hickenlooper on the spot. You never know he may sign it to keep his job.

    As far as MAIG’s contention that this puts the NRA on notice that it will cost them in the future is pretty brave talk from a loser who outspent the winner anywhere from 5-7:1.

  9. SO…. The newly elected officials in CO must have new legislation retroactively canceling the infringing laws recently passed, sitting on the governors desk awaiting his signature, before next election.

  10. Onto the next recall. If the anti-gun groups are outspending us 8 to 1, even if you don’t win you are winning.

    • A few more such victories would have shortly put an end to [s]British[/s] gun control’s dominion in America.

    • Not so fast! al the cash spent, whether from a pro, or anti went into the hands of a communist supporting press conglomerate. So they out spent us 7 to 1? Thats like loaning yourself money and collecting 12.5% interest. This win sure feels good, but its like being the smartest retard in school, I’m still stuck in school.

  11. While its the pro-2a that “got out the vote,” I think a good portion of he voters were more displease that they blatantly went against the will of the people than the gun laws themselves. Nationally we should use all the things these politians have shoved down our throats to promote small gov candidates.

    Next lets remove suppressors from the NFA. That campaign will go a long way in forcing people to approach RKBA and self-defense from a logical, not emotional, perspective.

  12. Nice article Robert and well put. While it’s true that there’s a long road to travel this Colorado effort will do a lot of good. Nothing scares a politico more than losing his office and believe me this will strike home – no matter what they say.
    Shows what an organized, determined effort can achieve. Let’s learn from this and redouble our activities in politics and lobbying. It works.

  13. It’s still the long game. With Mayor Against Legal Guns, Nagging Moms Demand Obedience, and Gabby Gifford’s line her pockets organization out there, this is far from over. They still have a powerful weapon, the bullying effect. They are good at siege techniques, just keep on coming until they’ve worn down their targets. We are not their direct target though. They are trying to bully non gun owners that do not really have an opinion on the issue. For example, they play on the target’s emotions by saying things like “we must do something”, “if it saves one child”, and “you want children to be gunned down”. This is obviously meant to guilt the target into agreeing. The other tactic is demonization. Portraying gun owners as undesirables, crazies, and kooks. This is so the targets do not listen to facts, reason, or thoughtful questions gun supporters will ask.

    It is all about ensuring people do not think think the issue through and make decisions on blind manipulated emotion. We need to live more open about our carrying of guns to counter the demonization and get people thinking. A person understands it takes a few minutes for cops to respond. It is not a long bridge to realize a lot of bad can happen in those few minutes. If we get those people beyond theemotions, then the antis appear like the crazy ones. This is our challenge.

  14. It’s not over in CA until and unless the governor signs the bills into law. We are pushing for as many people as possible to contact him and show support for veto if these bills.

    RF, would it kill you to post a link to the FPC action page when you mention our fight here in CA?

  15. “And there’s not a damn thing they [nine million Golden State gun owners] can do about it [pending draconian gun control legislation].” — from the text of this post

    Wrong. Assuming the courts fail Golden State gun owners (and I think the courts will), Golden State gun owners have three options:
    1. Fight
    2. Flight
    3. Surrender

    I urge Golden State gun owners to NOT surrender. The populace, government, and law enforcement in California have demonstrated amply that they do not respect common law, Natural Rights, the Social Contract, nor the United States Constitution including the Bill of Rights. In other words the entire state has rejected common decency and the rule of law. Such a situation is exceedingly dangerous and toxic to anyone within the borders of the Golden State. Choose your course of action carefully … and start your planning now while you still can.

  16. Colorado, not California, is Ground Zero in the movement to take back our country and our rights. It’s a purple state that needs to turn deep red. Coloradans need to keep the pressure on and defeat every damn Democrat POS that has the b@lls to run. Then a new government can repeal these hideous laws.

    Unlike Bloomberg, the NRA is not made of money. So what happens to California is up to Californians.

  17. Ralph,

    I’d like to agree what happens to CA is up to Californians, but I have supported Magpul in CO as well as the recall effort. I’m very pleased that the recall occurred. I support pro freedom efforts whenever I can, even when they are out of state. Colorado had a lot of outside help from the freedom lovers, CA could use more. So also could all NY, MD, NJ, etc.

    If gun owners across the US could donate the cost of a box of ammo to various causes, make a few phone calls, send a few faxes, and mail letters, than the pro gun cause would be much healthier throughout the nation.

  18. Just Sue em and hold up the implementation of these illegal laws ,if it isn’t yet law,and if it is, sue em anyway for constitutional infringements

  19. We have the sheriffs in Colorado filing suit to declare these kinds of laws unconstitutional. I am cautiously optimistic. Not being able to buy plastic and metal parts or being able to sell, buy, trade, give away personal property without government looking over my shoulder is ridiculously inane.

  20. “As Democrat West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin’s post-Newtown “compromise” gun control bill proved, pro-gun Dems are anti-gun Dems when they can be.”

    This conveniently ignores the Republican Senator who was the other half of that bill. Let’s not pretend that Republicans are less likely to sway to the political winds, unless we keep them from doing so.

    We have to continue to remind politicians from all parties that their jobs may be on the line, as I have the Colorado recall results have helped show.

  21. Go ahead, Robert, savor the victory. It was about the guns. Remember Bill Clinton famously remarking that the NRA tore ’em a new one after the Dems lost both houses following their “assault” weapons ban?

  22. Voters in Colorado gave the old heave-ho to two pro-gun control pols in yesterday’s recall elections. It’s a stunning victory for The People of the Gun. Take that, Rachel Maddow!

    The recall sends a clear message to the civilian disarmament industrial complex . . .
    Yep, but bet the farm it falls on deaf ears.

  23. That’s funny, oh we lost but it doesn’t REALLY matter, even though Bloom@ss outspent pro-gunners 7:1, whatever helps you sleep at night libt@rds.

  24. “I think the NRA walked away with an important lesson and that is that these kinds of recalls to kick legislators out of office are not going to be cheap and easy anymore. They have to spend every dime they have and pull out the stops and we’re going to be matching them every step of the way.”

    Do these douches just not realize that the recall effort was driven by THE PEOPLE of Colorado, and not the NRA? I guess for the antis, “the people” don’t exist outside of the dead children on whose bodies they stand waving bloody shirts.

  25. You can’t fix stupid, BUT you can vote it out,clean it out, wipe it up and repeal it. Then you can rebuild it to SMART.Which means,new,new,new,laws,senators,thinking.Government ‘for the people,by the people.Seems like I heard that somewhere before.

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