Michigan Concealed Carrier Shoots, Kills Man in Black Hooded Sweatshirt Threatening Motorists With a Gun

On Monday morning a man dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt walked down the middle of a busy highway in Delta Township, Michigan, near Lansing, shooting a handgun in the air and pointing the firearm at passing cars. According to wlns.com, of those vehicles was driven by a concealed carry permit holder.

Investigators say a 22-year-old Delta Township man was driving east and stopped near Brookside Drive when the gunman stepped in front of his vehicle. The gunman pointed his handgun at the driver, who stepped out of his vehicle, pulled his own handgun, which he is licensed to carry and shot the gunman.

That man, a 26-year-old who is believed to be from suburban Grand Rapids, died at the scene.

The shooter has been identified as Ronnie Holmes, of Walker, Michigan. Exactly what Walker’s motivation was isn’t yet known, though the Eaton County Sheriff is still investigating.

The Sheriff posted recordings of two of the 911 calls that came in regarding the incident:

Any charges brought against the defender will be up to the county prosecutor, but from the various media reports of the incident, this appears to be a clear case of a justified self-defense shooting. You might even say, it was yet another instance of a good guy with a gun saving lives.


116 thoughts on “Michigan Concealed Carrier Shoots, Kills Man in Black Hooded Sweatshirt Threatening Motorists With a Gun”

    • UPDATE (10:50 a.m. EDT 6/17/2020) — The Eaton County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the man who died in the Delta Township shooting is 26-year-old Ronnie Holmes from Walker, Mich.

    • “The shooter has been identified as Ronnie Holmes, of Walker, Michigan. Exactly what Walker’s motivation was isn’t yet known,”

      I’m assuming Holmes was the a*hole walking down the road. I’d bet dollars to donuts as to his ethnicity.

        • The MSM will ignore this. It doesn’t fit the correct narrative. But anyone who actually lives outside a gated compound knows what the real narrative is.

        • White man kills choirboy black? More looting and rioting. It will continue till whites go Korean or Cuban on black asses.

        • Wait! I know that guy! He was just turning his life around, dindonuffin. Now we’ll never know the greatness of his brilliance.

      • kind a preview of what might happen if they try to loot and burn outside of the city…..

        • Never mind. The names and roles in this thing are totally borked. No way to tell who’s who from just the TTAG article.

      • He wasn’t the “shooter” (did he even discharge the weapon he was carrying?), he was the criminal perpetrator.

        We really need to stop using the hoplophobic weasel language that’s designed to nothing more than confuse things.

        We need to start describing incidences like the above as “Law-abiding gunman saved lives”

        • Quote: “On Monday morning a man dressed in a black hooded sweatshirt walked down the middle of a busy highway in Delta Township, Michigan, near Lansing, shooting a handgun in the air and pointing the firearm at passing cars.” So yes the criminal was the one originally shooting. But the article is very badly written up.

        • Robert, “written up”????? Maybe “written down”? Your grammar is a poor as the article was written!

        • In Utah we ALL conceal carry. No one with half a brain would pull a stupid stunt like that. Must have been in a suicide mission.

    • Really? Do you skin tone or ethnicity in your shoot/don’t shoot calculations?

      Can we please save the paranoid racism for the Klan meeting?

      • Why I am only following the lead blazed by Obama, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest of the fake news media. After Grey, Brown, Smollett, the Covington boys and the Duke LaCross team, Atlanta and Minnesota, why shouldn’t we identify the race of the criminal?

        I note these same fake news folks didn’t bother to cover the assault on a 92 woman by another of Obama’s sons.

        End black privilegde.

      • If anything, the reporters did it right in the video. They made no mention of the ethnicity of either of the people involved. Race matters as much as clothing when police are looking for a suspect. If you describe the person as a man wearing blue pants and a red shirt, the cops only know “male, blue pants, red shirt”. They might see an Asian man in blue jeans and a red Hawaiian shirt and think he was the suspect.

    • Who cares. It shouldn’t matter, that’s the problem with the news and people. An asshole is an asshole.

    • Who gives a shit what his ethnicity was.. The bastard had a gun and was shooting at cars with people in them.! Are you fucking retarded.?

    • Hey Mr crap stirrer ….it’s irrelevant as to his race or ethnicity!! His actions got him killed not his skin color!!

    • It doesn’t matter if he was pink or green the thug had his pistol out pointing it at the driver
      Its called the 2nd Amendment.play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
      Say it was a Black man it still doesn’t matter if he is pointing a pistol at someone it wouldn’t make it alright to do even if he was Black ,White, Mexican, Chinese or any other nationalities

    • I really Don’t care if he was White no one would care if he was black there would be a riot. He was doing wrong and he paid the price . End of Story.

    • Shouldn’t matter what nationality he was. He was pointing a gun at people and that is against the law!

    • What in the hell does that have to do with anything. He was a three eyed green purple eater. Now you know.

  1. BRRAKING: Idiot’s in Gerogia indict the cop who shot the drunk idiot who assulted him & his buddy. Oh and no more Aunt Jemima…glad THIS POS got plugged.

    • Yeah, Aunt Jemima survived since the late 1800s, thru the Great Depression, two World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement of the ’60s, and even the logo changeup (Quaker Oats removed the head scarf from Ms. Jemima) a few years ago.

      But let’s all take the knee to the Marxist outfit known as Black Lives Matter, and not only remove Ms. Jemima’s face from the label, even the mention of her name is racist as well, so that’s gotta go. Quaker Oats (owned by parent PepsiCo) announced that a new name for the syrup will be announced later in 2020.

      So then…any suggestions for the new name?

      Discuss. And have fun.

    • Went out and bought a bottle of AJ this morning.
      Might be worth something post apocalypse.

      • A fond memory of an America sliding straight down the toilet…

        • Pretty sure “Log Cabin” is next to go…don’cha know, it could represent Simon Legree’s home in the Harriet Stowe novel.


          *disclaimer this post is entirely a work of fiction. Anyone stupid, suggestible or naive enough to believe it should go somewhere private and quietly strive to stop breathing for ten minutes in order to regain their
          “Spiritual Awareness”.

    • Aunt Jamima is a black success story, she was the first millioaire black female in this country and the blacks want her memory wiped out. Go figure, I guess they don’t like it when a black person makes something besides drugs and is successful. Personally I would be very proud of her for being so successful, but I guess it doesn’t fit their narative, we’re worthless and can’t do anything but low demeaning jobs and will never amount to a thing except maybe being a great gang banger. They need to quit listening to Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson and clean up their neighborhoods, their “hoods” and pull theirselves up out of the gutter instead of trying to drag everybody else down into the gutter with them.

      • “the blacks want her memory wiped out.“

        Removing the image of the black servant AJ from the commercial product container will not erase history.

        It may be difficult for those whose family never experienced slavery or forced menial labor to understand the perspective of those who have descended from slaves.

        Some folks are just a little weary of a corporation using the image of a black servant woman to sell their product.

        Maybe some parents would want a more appropriate role model for their little girls, perhaps Rosa parks or Katherine Johnson.

        • I love how the first phase of the anti-racist media campaign is purging all media of minority characters. Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Mia from Land ‘O’ Lakes, Apu from the Simpsons. The only people who can’t be stereotyped and who can’t have their culture appropriated are straight, white males, so they’re the only ones who are safe from the purge.

    • I pray they reverse the charges on both officers.
      There is no what they should have been charged.
      When the thug decided to resist arrest then fight with the officers
      Then assaulted both officers, then the thug was tased 2 times and no effect at all.
      Then the thug attacked the one officer and took his taser then as he was running away the 2nd officer goes to tase the thug again and as the thug ran past a red car he turned and aimed the taser and then fired the tase just missing the officer’s head.
      That’s when the 2nd officer shot and killed the thug.
      I have no idea what was in the Kool Aid but they clearly did not see the same video of what the thug did.
      The same goes with the Lawyer and the District Attorney.
      This same district Attorney had charges filed on 2 officers for shooting there tasers at 2
      College students.
      The officer’s were charged with firing a Deadly taser at the College students.
      So how is it that this thug assaulted 2 officer’s witch is against the Law then attacked the one officer stealing his DEADLY taser And shoot the Deadly taser at the officer witch again is against the Law. And not 1 of these individuals thinks the thug did nothing wrong.

  2. I am beginning to think this is martyrian for BLM. Their survivors
    are paid an annual stipend Allah PLO.

    • A bullet is less expensive that car damage, that’s why. Also, if the shooter was black and the defender is white there will be charges and jail.

        • Yeah???….. and so were the last 5 “shoots” by the police….. but yet they have LIED so they can bring charges against the police…. they WILL do the same here if you give them half a chance … WAKE UP MORON…. THIS ISN’T THE UTOPIA YOU THINK IT IS!!!!!….. THIS IS WAR….

    • Take two or more lead pills and don’t bother calling me in the morning.

    • Common sense would tell you it’s either serious depression or a mental illness. Doesn’t matter though.

    • So if someone pushes you in front of a subway train or tries to burn down a school, poorly managed mental illness is an excuse. As someone said take two lead pills and the problem is solved forever.

  3. Good shoot. I probably would not have stepped out from the vehicle, but situation depends. Obviously was a very fast reaction by the driver either way. Hope he handles this well.

  4. He didn’t have to shoot him!

    He could have waited for the police……..so, we could have more cop hate and more riots.

    • how long before he actually fired that gun at somebody?…the guy was a menace and a clear threat to the public..probably thought he was back in the ‘hood….where such behavior is common….

    • Why, oh why didn’t he just shoot the gun out of the maniacal mass murderer’s hand? /sarc

  5. I only saw the video of the shooter running, then being on the ground.(have not seen video of what happened prior) He jumped up and did well once he threw his mental switch..good transition between first and second target, no hesitation, had good firing grip and stance (from grainy video I watched).

    I could hear someone in the background yelling that they were going to kill him. I’m not quite sure why the authorities are charging him other than they don’t want their city to burn? Dunno..seem pretty clear cut to me but I’m not on the jury and won’t hear all the evidence presented….

  6. Maybe he wanted to commit suicide-by-cop. Got a CCW holder instead. Same result in the end, though.

  7. Civilians shouldn’t shoot unless it’s absolutley necessary, as the family can sue them directly. Get Firearms insurance!

  8. Sounds like a successful suicide attempt. He did not harm anyone, fired into the air and pointed the gun at people but did not fire at them. It reads like he was looking for a police response to commit suicide, and it worked out just a little differently.

    Sad stuff, but at least no one else was harmed.

    Hope the defender will be alright when all is done.

  9. I’m beginning to wonder if this is a nice way for losers to kill themselves, become heroes and make their families rich.

    • I do believe we have a winner here. No sarcasm intended.

      Or he was just a wack job on sherm/crack/meth/x, or and of a hundred other control substances. Either way, all is good with the world now.

    • Most the families these movements abuse get cast aside once they go cold. Another private jet for the Rev Al Sharpton. “justice and equality!” – tweeted aboard the new 65 million dollar private jet he “needed”.

  10. He should be paid a bounty. How many lives did he save!!! By the way, I think we should outlaw white rice, black licorice, red wine, yellow mustard, white meat, brown rice, white chocolate, dark meat, lite syrup, white wine, dark beer, white lightning (hmmm, lets rethink that one), blackened recipes, ect, ect!!
    Where is all this sh** going to end,!!!!

    • tavern near me serves a mac n cheese with buffalo or blackened chicken mixed in. i’ve gotten some murmurs from the “versatile” crowd when i’ve asked for blackaroni.

  11. After showing up for work on time, every day for over 130 years black people got one of their own, Aunt Jemima, fired. She showed up with a smile on her face, dressed nice, and gave you warm, pleasant feeling while you were eating. White corporate America went along with the black people who got her fired for being BLACK! Imagine that, blacks discriminating a famous black person, putting this woman drawing unemployment, out of work for being black, by her own! Happy now?

    • OK, you do know that AJ was actually a paid actor right? She did not own a stake in the company, she was not a millionaire, and the “blacks” have not taken down one of their own. AJ was a marketing idea created by Chris Rutt who thought that a southern “Mammy” icon could help him sell pre-mixed pancake flour, based on a popular blackface minstrel song in the late 1870’s. The person who played that role, Ms. Nancy Green, died in 1923 at the age of 89 and yes, she was born into slavery. Ms. Green was only paid for her appearances and that amount was nominal based on the wages that people of color were paid in those days. Despite what you want to believe or the lies that you have shared here, the PC police did not take down a real person, a successful black one, or get her fired……..I don’t know if you and others who share this false narrative are simply insensitive, gullible, ill-informed, racist, or deliberately pass along fake history to aid in some sort of racist agenda, but don’t let that stop you from sharing it……

  12. Someone who points a gun at me better be ready to pull the trigger because I will…..doesn’t matter race creed….

    • Spot on Garry.
      Pointing a gun is DEADLY serious. Do it as a game, wind up dead.

  13. Strange how this item went from “a person threatening others with a gun dies when another person defends himself”, to a race issue. Regardless the color of his skin, he was firing and pointing a loaded weapon at others. The fact that it turned up being a person of another skin color defending himself suddenly makes this a race thing? Y’all are stupid.

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