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Concealed Carry Community: What’s Wrong With This Picture? [VIDEO]

No, not that picture — although I’ve seen enough of scowling women to last a lifetime. The questionable images arrive in DeSantis Holsters‘ “Concealed Carry Community” video. It features a young lady driving a Porsche, a vaguely Indian/Pakistani man emerging from a Jag and some sort of non-caucasian guy in front of a Toyota Tacoma. So . . . diversity in carriers and cars! On with the show . . .

Did you spot the problem?

DeSantis didn’t. In the Florida manufacturer’s defense, their quality control is phenomenal. You know, for their holsters. I packed a GLOCK 30SF in a Speed Scabbard  for years. And I drove a Porsche.


60 thoughts on “Concealed Carry Community: What’s Wrong With This Picture? [VIDEO]”

  1. Looks like two white people and a asian guy to me. I’m just wondering who’s “the good”, “the bad” and “the ugly”.
    I’m certainly hoping gun culture crosses cultural lines especially since the immigrants these days come from countries that don’t have a history of freedom especially with firearms. I am quit worried that they will bring their anti freedom agenda with them as some Democrats count on.

    • The last sentence of your comment is absolutely ridiculous. Makes me wish there was an IQ test for owning a gun.

      • LOL – exactly. Many of those immigrants are here BECAUSE their home countries don’t have that kind of freedom.

        Then they come here to yearning to breath free. . . and so our bullshit political system can make them chose between xenophobic so called “conservatives” and anti-liberty statist lefties / liberal democrats. How nice. Are the Libertarians REALLY that bad compared that????

        • Not at all… but the “Libertarian” party hasn’t actually put up a true libertarian for quite a while

          (don’t even talk to me about Gary Johnson. His VP pick was a rabid anti gunner, which is not the behavior of any friend of ours)

        • Gary wasn’t even libertarian. he was a democrat trying to split the republican vote. wouldn’t surprise me if he was payed by hildebeast to run.

      • Voting patterns show that immigrants, at least the post 1965 variety, do, indeed, vote consistently for bigger, more intrusive government and more wealth transfer. They bring their cultures with them. The U.S. doesn’t have magic dirt that conveys automatic understanding of libertarian, small government principles. People come here, because life is better here, and we have a massive welfare state. That doesn’t mean they understand *why* life is better here.

        • I keep hearing this bullshit about how immigrants always vote liberal and Democrat. And then I see Texas with a higher than ever immigrant population, with 100% of our statewide elected officials as Republican, and fewer and fewer firearms restrictions. We are more conservative now than we ever were with a predominantly European heritage population.
          And then I see a Republican House, a Republican Senate, and a Republican President, all in an age of high immigration.
          If your philosophy doesn’t match reality, reality isn’t wrong.

        • @jwtaylor: What do you think happened to California? They used to elect republicans not that long ago…

        • No jwtaylor is right. The Rep party is its own worst enemy which is why they drive immigrants to the Dems. If they really took their noses out of large corp arses and truly cared about and supported small businesses and such they would gather tons more voters. If they found their heads and stopped playing the phobic card as far as immigrants, etc. and really worked to properly solve our immigration issues again, the Rep party would benefit by leaps. If they put their homophobia away and supported folks as long as they were law abiding and worked hard, they would benefit. I do not care where you came from or what God you want to pray to. I could care less who you want to marry or live with. As long as you are working hard, following basic proper laws, and minding your own business as most folks do….. who cares. No the Reps would rather play those same games and the other side is better at it. And do not talk about morals please, not with Trump being POTUS. A multiple adulterer and cheat, a con man who has cheated thousands of folks, etc. The Rep party wants to blame all sorts of goblins and leprechauns for these things, no it is their own stupidity nothing else.


          “Hispanic registered voters have historically identified more with the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, and 2016 is no different. About two-thirds (64%) of Hispanic voters say they identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, compared with 24% who identify as Republican or lean toward the GOP.

          Hispanic affiliation with Democrats reached a high in 2012, with 70% identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic that year, a share that has since dropped by several percentage points. During this time, Hispanic party affiliation with Republicans has remained mostly unchanged.”

          Surprisingly (at least to me), some hispanic immigrants I know in the service industry who are now US citizens have expressed support for stricter immigration controls to prevent more illegal immigrants from coming in. They don’t want the jobs competition and feel their wages would be higher without it. How’s that for irony? They don’t seem to be in the majority, however, if the Pew data is accurate.

        • I see Sparky has been hitting up the good stuff.

          The Republicans will never be able to out pander Democrats. The Democrats are all about keeping/creating/ensuring there is an underclass of people who need continual “help” from the gov’t who therefore will also keep voting for their “Santa Claus” (Democrats). Unskilled and impoverished immigrants whether legal or not are their ticket to doing this. Illegal immigration is nothing but a voter drive for future Democrat voters.

          These unskilled and impoverished immigrants are not turned off by the Republicans social policy or their belief in pro-growth policies. They’re just going to vote for their “Santa Claus”.

        • PS: Just because it hasn’t happened yet at a national level just yet doesn’t mean it’s not happening or real. It’s very clearly already happen at a state level. We’re on the precipice at a national level. We’re one amnesty away from going over the cliff.

          It starts with the illegals know as “dreamers”. They’re the camel’s nose in the tent. Leftist Federal judges will decide the legal protections afforded to the “dreamers” by Congress actually apply to vast numbers of other people not actually covered by the legislation (and likely explicitly excluded by it). The families of all these folks will chain migrate. The next thing you know, 20 years later those 800k “dreamers” who we were just being compassionate to will have morphed into 20+ million new voters who permanently change the demographics of the US and ensure the Democrats no longer loose any elections at a Federal level.

  2. You had your hair done? New shoes? New dress? New nails? Damn it just freakin tell me!!!!!

    Oh sorry RF had flashbacks to my ex wife saying “Notice anything new?”

  3. She’s shooting cup and saucer without a cover garment, when it’s about concealed. She also gets her shirt caught when holstering. The IWB strap is missing, but she’s not carrying IWB so it makes sense to remove it.

    The crossdraw guy, he’s got a terrible grip too as already noted. And his pistol isn’t fully holstered when he goes to draw.

    The Asian…didn’t see anything noteworthy other than he looked afraid.

    And someone didn’t police their .223/5.56 brass at the range.

  4. But really, a few seconds in and I saw the unpolished, untied combat boots, and this old NCO just couldn’t get past that. The sergeant voice in my head just screamed “UNFUCKYOURSELFPRIVATE!” and I’m not actually sure that was in my head.

  5. WTF Farago?

    “vaguely Indian/Pakistani man emerging from a Jag”??

    Thought that was a vaguely Jewish man: y’all look the same, after all. Is that your point, Farago?? xD

  6. His gun magic ly turned in to a hammer fired gun @ the 0:50 mark; In the holster close up shots they’re all striker fired pistols

  7. The first thing I saw was a tea cup grip at :45, thumb over thumb grip at :50 and a different gun for the Jaguar driver.

  8. I’d say they problem is that I have now wasted time watching it, expecting something interesting.

  9. Easy. The Dam commercial that popped up just as they started drawing their weapons.
    Blocked the screen. That Crap is Annoying as hell.

    Oh then the Thumb Crossed Left handed Right Draw.

  10. Three millenials who have obviously never carried a concealed firearm before and likely have never shot one before the commercial was filmed.

  11. Nope, Sorry guys…
    You all got it wrong.
    Its the 308 shell casing on the dirt at 0:10 in a handgun Holster add…
    Who would ever let that slip by?
    I win…

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