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I recently (um…about 5 minutes ago) stumbled across this Zazzle site for concealed carry-wear. I’m of two minds about most of these. I think they’re funny, but they also defeat the entire concept of conceal carry. So for my question of the day, check out the site, then let us know: Would you wear one? Which one? Why? Why not? The really ironic part of this, is that this particular Zazzle site is based in the United Kingdom. (That’s “England” for those of you in blue states.) You’re more likely to get an excellent inexpensive meal than a concealed carry permit in The Land of Hope and Glory. Ask RF: that’s saying something. Your turn.

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  1. Why not just wear a tshirt with the "A" zone outlined on it. I would never wear one. May as well open carry. My favorite was from Happy Gilmore: "Guns don't kill people. I kill people." worn by an unarmed giant.

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