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#ConcertAcrossAmerica Gun Control Concert. Yes, Again

Make the jump to watch the California Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence’s karaoke entry in the antis’ #ConcertAcrossAmerica. An event that came and went last year without anyone on the TTAG staff (or the ever-vigilant being even vaguely aware of its existence. This year, the actual concert is on the 24th. Aiming for a world record of some sort. Can’t wait. Meanwhile . . .

If you can bear listening to the lyrics of the above rendition of “Nothing More,” you’ll notice that song says nothing about guns. It’s feelgood mushiness. Only . . . what’s that line about “we are war” doing in there? Are all these peaceful gun control advocates secret proto-antifas?

The Bradys have already provided proof that it’s true: not being able to sing a note really isn’t an impediment to spreading the anti-gun rights movement’s message. In the interest of fairness, here’s a bunch of folks who can sing spreading the gun control gospel . . .

I wonder which well-known artists/actors are going to sing this disarmament dirge on the 24th. (I want to make sure I take them off my Christmas card list.) At the risk of disillusioning Big Lebowski fans, here’s some of last year’s celebrity participants:

Should the pro-gun side do this kind of thing? I like the idea, but there’s only so much country music a Jewish [former] New Englander can take. Know what I mean?

22 thoughts on “#ConcertAcrossAmerica Gun Control Concert. Yes, Again”

  1. “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (at the range)”
    “Glock Around The Clock”
    With Prince we can “Party Like It’s 1911”
    “She’s My Little Ma Deuce”
    The seasonal favorite “Walkin In A Kimber Wonderland”

    I can see a future for the TTAG Singers…not a bright future mind you but a future nonetheless.

    • Well-stated! You may have a bright future in rewriting songs that 2A supporters would surely buy. Try your hand at these:

      Love Me Taurus, Love Me True!
      You Ain’t Nothing but a Mossberg!
      Girls Just Wanna Have an H&K!
      Eye of the Ruger!

  2. The music I hear is when a bunch of folks aren’t afraid to stand up and say the Pledge of Allegiance at the local Friends of the NRA fund-raising dinner. It is music to me when I take a newbie to the range, run them through proper gun handling and safety, have them shoot their first few rounds and try different guns then say “That was awesome!” Although I’ve never been, videos of Range Day at Shot Show or the Knob Creek annual Machine Gun Shoot sound like joyous celebration to me.

    The rest can go express themselves somewhere else. That’s part of freedom too, but they’re not getting any attention, money, time, or clicks from me.

  3. You know, what is stopping us from taking these back? Gun owners can be just as much against gun violence as anyone else, hell even more so. Lets party with the Bradys. I promise if you show up they’ll leave.

  4. I like it when anti-civil rights bigots grow so desperate they marginalize themselves. These morons plan to make noises with their mouths, in imitation of cats being strangled, to advance their agenda. Now that is how you exercise political power, if you are an idiot and enjoy being the object of widespread public derision.

  5. There’s always The Beatles’ Happiness is a Warm Gun, although I’m pretty sure Mr. Lennon was being facetious.

  6. I was in a picture once off all the nudist in the world at the same time, but I don’t see the rest of the world running around nude.

  7. What color ribbon and what candle scent. Get the details guys..

    Oh: and is it wear the ribbon or tie it on a tree?

  8. Henry tried a gun-people version of something like this, setting a world record for the largest number of people on the same firing line simultaneously firing (all using Henry .22’s, of course).

    The Guinness Book of Word Records refused to even consider certifying it. If they give these twits the time of day, I guess it’ll be official notice of which side they’re on (as if we couldn’t guess).

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