Cook County Prosecutors Drop Charges After 14-Year-Old Uses Mom’s Gun To Shoot Her Attacker

Chicago’s mainstream media seemed appalled that a mother would tell her teenage son to get her carry gun out of her car as she was being accosted in a working class neighborhood carry-out restaurant. In fact, the story went national with USA Today headlining the story, “A woman told her teen son to shoot man at a hot dog stand, police say. Both are charged with murder.”

A woman and her 14-year-old son have been criminally charged after authorities say she instructed the teenager to shoot a man at a Chicago hot dog stand.

Carlisha Hood, 35, and her son were arrested in the city Wednesday in connection to the June 18 late-night killing of 32-year-old Jeremy A. Brown, Chicago police said.

Both Hood and her son are facing first-degree murder charges, police told USA TODAY Monday. The teen’s mother is also charged with one felony count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor…

Other outlets had the similar headlines. Like Fox8News: Mother instructed 14-year-old son to shoot, kill man at hot dog stand, court docs allege.

Police arrested the mom and her son before the video of the incident became public.

The woman’s son fired after his mother’s attacker landed three full-power punches to her head. He was rearing back for a fourth punch when the son’s first shot connected, marking the beginning of the end of 32-year-old Jeremy Brown’s attack (and his life).

If that had been my mother under attack, he wouldn’t have landed the second blow before I ended it with a promiscuous application of ballistic dissuasion. If that helped him cross the rainbow bridge, so be it.

I saw the video late yesterday and thought the incident was ripe for an acquittal by a jury. There was clearly a disparity of force between the tough guy who didn’t mind beating a woman. Granted the video doesn’t show the context of the dispute, but she’s not doing anything except talking in the clip.

On Monday Cook County prosecutors showed uncharacteristic good sense and dropped the charges. From CWB Chicago . . .

Cook County prosecutors have dropped all charges against a Chicago woman and her 14-year-old son, who were accused of first-degree murder last week following an altercation inside a fast-food restaurant.

“Based upon our continued review and in light of emerging evidence, today the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office (CCSAO) has moved to dismiss the charges against Carlisha Hood and her 14-year-old son,” the state’s attorney’s office said in a written statement. “Based upon the facts, evidence, and the law we are unable to meet our burden of proof in the prosecution of these cases.”

The decision came after cellphone video emerged over the weekend, providing a fuller picture of what happened late last Sunday night at Maxwell Street Express, 11656 South Halsted. CWBChicago reported on the new video yesterday.

In the newly-surfaced video, 32-year-old Jeremy Brown is seen yelling, waving his arms, and repeatedly threatening to knock Hood unconscious as she stood at the restaurant’s order window.

No doubt USA Today will be scrambling to revise their story and their narrative. And so it goes.


80 thoughts on “Cook County Prosecutors Drop Charges After 14-Year-Old Uses Mom’s Gun To Shoot Her Attacker”

  1. I bet BLM showed right up to support this woman and her heroic son…right? Right?

    • in the video, notice the man in close frame, notice also someone is making a video of it….notice also how neither of those people made a move to render aid to the lady and in fact the one guy left.

      • That’s SOP nowadays with most people and their idiot pads-get some video so we can post it. To hell with the people.

        • Tell me you don’t live near a Democrat dominated city in a state that enables their nonsense without telling me. In areas that are still America I agree with you but for me Albany Schenectady Troy NYC and a few other areas are treated as third world rules where you avoid getting involved in the affairs of the various gangs (sometimes including the police but especially district attorneys) they chose their rules and I am not risking my family’s well being to interfere. With that said yeah not taking videos either.

        • Like my now ex-wife when our son was being beaten by other kids at his cousin’s birthday party. I get in trouble for calling the brats out and embarrassing their parents.

          Little punks should have taken to the vets to get neutered.

        • You gota be careful about intervening though. See Penney in New york with the subway chokeout

      • You mean, get involved so they can be beaten too, or murdered maybe? Or arrested when the cops get there? Who can blame them? They did stay long enuff to gather evidence via their cell phones and turn it over to the authorities…

        • You mean, get involved so they can be beaten too, or murdered maybe? Or arrested when the cops get there? Who can blame them? They did stay long enuff to gather evidence via their cell phones and turn it over to the authorities… I have no love for Chitcongo, but seems like the police were doing their job, considering they arrived on the scene with a body on the ground and witness testimony to the effect that Mom told son to get gun and shoot the dead guy.. Thankfully it did get sorted out thanks to the cell-phone recordings. What a sad business, the young man and his mother will be a long time living this down in their own minds as it is… it’s not like they got up that day and said “Think we’ll waste some guy today..” The gun was stashed in the car, not on their persons… the cell cameras can be life-savers…

      • that was an old man just wanting some chicken wings. i wouldnt get it the middle of that either.

        if DV calls are among the most dangerous calls for LEO, then why in the world would I intervene?

      • Not my circus, not my monkeys. I’m not going to risk putting myself in physical or legal jeopardy for a stranger, especially in an anti-gun Democrat controlled cesspool where they’re more than happy to charge cases of defense of others. When somebody is acting irrationally, they may turn of the person trying peacefully to defuse the situation. My family needs my income, and that’s going to be sharply curtailed if I’m in a hospital or jail. I might intervene if it looks to be escalating to attempted murder instead of battery, and the local authorities would be same about it. Short of intervening, the next best thing to do is be a good witness, and video is an excellent tool that is impervious to the memory errors of a stressful situation.

        • Anymouse, Tsk, tsk, tsk. Seems you are what we commonly refer to as a C O W A R D!

    • If they were to show up, it would be to protest the killing of one of their violent lemmings that blindly does their bidding. Who knows what evil the man perpetrated before he died, but at least he won’t be perpetrating it anymore.

  2. In my generation we were raised to throw ourselves between our mothers, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers and danger. Failure to do so got your man card pulled.

    This young man did nothing wrong that I saw.

    • {Defend your mother}
      “Failure to do so got your man card pulled.”

      He did just fine. She told him to get the gun and shoot him, and he did.

      His case for acquittal is even stronger than if he would have shot him after the first punch landed, as he refused to stop attacking.

      He’s fine, mom will eventually be fine, and a worthless P.O.S. will never hit a woman again.

      I hope Mr. Boch’s organization will replace her gun if hers is held for evidence and destroyed…

      • I know children younger than that who would not need to be told to go get the gun and USE it if Ma was taking hits from a big beast of a sorry xcuse for a man.

        Glad this happened in Chiraq, as it just might help light up the eyeballs of a few more thugs who presently believe they can have their way with anyone and skate off into the sunset as if nuffum happinned.
        One more nudge in the direction of “evil actions bring harsh consequences”.

    • Exactly, jwm. I raised mine to do just that. My sons are well acquainted with the name Edmund Burke, and I’m a proud father to be able to say I’ve heard them use his famous quote several times when they became adults.

  3. “Based upon the facts, evidence, and the law we are unable to meet our burden of proof in the prosecution of these cases.”

    Berry interistink; but stupid.

    Quite the subtle statement; avoids admitting the DGU was legal.

      • He also failed to mention the convenient fact that had they NOT dropped charges they’d have gotten righteously pilloried in the media for pnishing an innocent for bringing deadly force to bear against a perp raining deadly force down onto the head of a defenseless woman.

        let me guess… Chiraq have laws against normal folks carrying weapons in food establishments? Else why was the gun IN THE CAR? Thankfully Son was able to retrieve it quickly enough, AND appparently knew how to USE it.Smart move, Mom. Teach your son well. Teach the bad guy well, too. Looks like he’s learned HIS lesson. He will NEVER NEVER NEVER do that again. Ever.
        I hope his homies ar paying attention.

        • “let me guess… Chiraq have laws against normal folks carrying weapons in food establishments? Else why was the gun IN THE CAR?”

          The hard left of the Leftist Scum(tm) runs that place, so its little surprise to me they didn’t immediately declare the shoot good.

          To me, it’s a bit of a surprise they did it so quickly…

        • His buds are probably plotting revenge, knowing their type.. or, maybe they’re a little smarter, and leaving it alone.. wouldn’t bet on it tho.

  4. I don’t quite buy into that idea of “never hit a woman”. But, you don’t hit a woman -or anyone – just for running her mouth. That was one silly sumbitch who needed to be put out of everyone’s misery.

    • “But, you don’t hit a woman -or anyone – just for running her mouth“

      I imagine that is what the judge is going to tell Daniel Penny.

      • Threatening violence to women and children is the same as running one’s mouth after all.

        • Having bad guys afraid to act out doesn’t serve the fascist lefts purposes.

          miner is a paid mouth piece for fascism.

      • MINOR Miner49er, Here in NYS we have trials by a jury, unless you request a judge to try the case.
        No jury with a smidgen of brain matter is going to convict Mr Perry.

  5. When the boy stopped shooting Brown, Hood [the mother] pointed toward the female customer who laughed about the situation and instructed her son to shoot her, too, McCord said. Hood tried to wrestle her gun from her son when he didn’t go after the woman, but he maintained control of the weapon.

    Then they fled the scene.

    Who taught the dead guy how to resolve conflicts, especially with women? What made him think he could knock her out? He couldn’t even knock her down with multiple punches. Maybe he expected to have more time to work on it?

    • “When the boy stopped shooting Brown, Hood [the mother] pointed toward the female customer who laughed about the situation and instructed her son to shoot her, too, McCord said. Hood tried to wrestle her gun from her son when he didn’t go after the woman, but he maintained control of the weapon.”

      which was lie of the prosecution trying to justify the charge. it never happened, her defense attorney has already told that tale and how it was a lie.

      • “her defense attorney has already told that tale and how it was a lie“

        So the defense attorney was there and saw the action?

        I didn’t see that in the article.

        • @Miner49er

          “So the defense attorney was there and saw the action?”

          I didn’t see that in the article.”

          I never said “the defense attorney was there and saw the action” nor did I imply that.

          once again Miner49er, learn what ‘context’ and ‘research’ means.

        • “I never said “the defense attorney was there and saw the action” nor did I imply that“

          40 ounce, you said “her defense attorney has already told that tale and how it was a lie“.

          How would the defense attorney know it was a lie if he wasn’t there to actually observe the action?

        • I said

          “her defense attorney has already told that tale and how it was a lie“

          you say

          “How would the defense attorney know it was a lie if he wasn’t there to actually observe the action?”

          your ignorance betrays you.

          the attorney did and applied something you don’t know anything about…its call ‘context’ and ‘research’

          instead of that, you jump to conformation bias and baiting questions and statements. That is not discussion, its trolling and being disengenous to launch into yet another of your deliberately out of context use of comments to rant with. But I’ll give you a clue, an MSM article told about it.

  6. Once again I beat Boch to the punch!🙄😀😏 Unmentioned is the gat was loaded in the vehicle & mom merely had a FOID. No CCL especially that would allow her 14 year old son(a hero)permission to shoot the pos beating mom. Ah the mysteries of ILLANNOY(& Chiraq)…I guess the optics were bad after a video was released. And Kim Foxx needs a PR win😆

    • yeah, but before they video came out the left wing prosecution was lying their butts off to the court to substantiate the charges.

      that’s what the left wing does to people wo justifiably defend their selves or another with a gun, they lie about it. Shannon Watts did the same thing about Eli Dicken, and there are many more. But when the facts start coming out they start shutting up and deflecting and in this case did that by dropping the charges to look like they were doing the right thing. Had that video not come out now they would have put this woman and her son through hell with their lies, they are evil plain and simple.

  7. I would like to see the videos–alas they take me to Twitter and require me to have an account to view them. HARD pass.

  8. I really wish we could get passed the prevailing mindset that a physically fit person who attempts to land solid punches to a victim’s head does not represent an imminent threat of great bodily harm or death.

    Note that a single solid punch could be fatal in one of three ways:
    1) The punch itself could impart fatal brain trauma.
    2) The punch could knock the person unconscious and their fall to a hard surface could impart fatal brain trauma.
    3) The punch could knock the person unconscious and then the attacker could casually stomp on the unconscious victim’s throat, strangle the victim, and/or smash the victim’s head repeatedly and thereafter kill the victim.

    • I dont knowanyplace where beatings such as what was being dished up to this woman are NOT considered “imminent threat of death or great bodily harm” and thus justifying the ontroduction of lethal force by the victim. Of course since I do not go into Illanois nor into chiCongo I can understand how it could be otherwise there. Part of why I stay away. They gots nuthin there I want.

      • Tionico,

        I have not been able to see the videos yet so my comments may not be entirely accurate in the context of this particular attack.

        There are two legal liability problems with the current mindset on physically-fit people attempting to land solid punches to the head.

        1) By the time the aggressor has arrived at the point where he is “dishing up a beating” it could easily be too late for the victim to respond. (The victim could easily be effectively incapacitated at that point and no longer able to draw a firearm for self-defense.)

        2) Men, if anywhere close to equally matched (physically), are supposed to duke it out and the victim is only justified to introduce deadly force AFTER the aggressor has landed multiple horrific blows.

        The huge problem with both of those “standards” is apparent if you construct a parallel with firearms. Imagine that it would not be be legal to employ a firearm in self-defense against an attacker with a firearm until after that attacker starts landing bullets on vital areas of the victim’s body and those wounds are starting to shut-down the victim’s body. That is the parallel to an attacker attempting to punch a victim in the head.

        And we can even go so far as to applying this analysis to an attacker who has threatened to punch the victim in the head although has not yet thrown a punch. Again, the parallel with firearms illustrates the stupidity of that “standard”. Imagine that an attacker has a firearm in hand and has threatened to “mess you up”–and you cannot legally use deadly force in self-defense until that attacker starts landing bullets on vital areas of your body and your body is beginning to shut down.

      • “I dont knowanyplace where beatings such as what was being dished up to this woman are NOT considered “imminent threat of death or great bodily harm” and thus justifying the ontroduction of lethal force by the victim.”

        Evidently, one of those places is the Cook County prosecutors office.

    • A number of people locally died from one hit sucker punch attacks when their heads hit the footpath or gutter. Several people were arrested, and because of community outrage received long sentences.

    • Collecting “community policing” payments? Wrong demographic to be collecting reparations from.

    • Never should have charged either of them, the mom or the kid.

      The prosecutor went to the usual left-wing agenda, that if a person used a gun or any weapon in defense they are automatically guilty of a crime.

      Remember the old guy in the Bodega that was attacked behind the counter ( The old guy used a knife for defense when he had no other choice but to defend himself and had a reasonable fear of great bodily harm or death, he was no match physically for the younger guy attacking him and he even tried to get away (he attempted to walk away, flee, but the attacker wasn’t having that). Yet despite, in that case, it clearly being valid self-defense in the video evidence the left-wing prosecutors had available to them from the very beginning, despite that, they immediately charged it as murder.

      That’s how the left-wing views any case of valid self-defense, as murder or attempted murder. They do not value life, they value the power to decide life or death and the power to decide if you can or can not exercise your inherent natural rights and they value the power to decide if you are ‘acceptable’ or not in society. Literally, they would rather you die than have any means, including firearms, to defend yourself and family or others.

      And as has been shown in this event with the woman and her son, the bodega event, the Eli Dicken event at the mall mass shooting, and hundreds of other events, they will lie to persecute and pursue their agenda.

      We even have people here at TTAG commenting to protect and push this left-wing fascists tyranny agenda, they are called dacian and Miner49er and the various other names they use to troll with and the random left-wingers that stop by to do it also.

  9. This reminds me of a case in Oregon where an African American woman shot her estranged husband. The “victim” was a professional, heavyweight boxer. Multiple witnesses had testified that he had announced an unambiguous intention to punch her out and was backing her down a dead end hallway. The woman produced a .22 caliber pistol with which she shot him dead. She was convicted. Multnomah County District Attorney Shrunk stated that while the woman did have a right to defend herself, the fact that she used a gun made her guilty of murder. The DA offered no advise on how a woman should defend herself nor did he accept my challenge to go a few rounds with a professional, heavyweight boxer bare knuckle.

    While I often cite the statistics that document that African Americans commit a grossly disproportionate number of homicides, I believe that a very significant portion of those homicides are eminently justifiable homicides. Many other homicides by Black offenders are motivated by justifiable distrust of the criminal justice system.

    • Multnomah County Oregon.. whaddya speck? Same county that encourges hordes of “homeless” to camp anywhere and do anything they like. That was so INACTIVE against criminal activity that FOUR WalMart SUperstores recently closed.. because the theft that county allows/encourages sucks up more money than sales of what doesnt get stolen cannot cover the stolen stuff. Same county that charged and convicted Andy Ngo of assault with a deadly weapon when HE chose to defend himself against a MOB tht were attacking him. I saw the video. I’d have gotten out MY gun, too, and probably fired it a time or three.

      • Economic geniuses like dacian think the sticker price is the company’s profit margin and the inventory just magically appears “out-back”. Actual profit margins can be as low as cents on the dollar after the cost of the goods, wages, utilities, taxes, etc are taken into consideration.

        No wonder businesses choose to close and relocate instead take continued losses.

        To dacian, cost-accounting is also r@cist.

    • Elmer, It is one thing to think it; it’s another to prove it. Assuming you were the attorney, what is the law on the Use of Force in Oregon?

  10. I saw the video earlier on TV, the hot head punching perp punches no more thanks to an armed young man who justifiably punched holes in the punching perp.

  11. ALL laws against simple possession should be considered unconstitutional. And in a more perfect world any politician that pushed for them would be jailed for treason themselves.

    • “ALL laws against simple possession should be considered unconstitutional.”

      The current SCotUS make-up would agree with you.

      Now the work will be to drop that case in their in-basket…

      • oldsht…I expect a screwball like you who holds hands with democRats to denigrate POTUS DJT and his voters would count his chickens before the eggs hatch and forecast what the current USSC would do.

        • before they are hatched?
          in the same basket?
          don’t f*ck with my uncle terry when he’s drunk.

        • You don’t learn, do you, debs?

          I have *zero* problem treating you like any other troll.

          Now go go fix my plate, and make it snappy. And when you’re done, make sure you have new batteries in your ‘toy’, I’m getting tired of your whining… 🙂

    • Dog, In Fact, simple possession is not “unconstitutional”. The government has a duty to try to protect the weaker of our society from themselves. Not to mention the costs to the taxpayers that addicts inflict on us.

  12. so while the overall dropping of the charges is good

    we know and have seen that should it have been a white male shooting the perp…charges and /or hell to pay, would have been the order of the day

    that is the newest “justice of equity” the country is in now

    • THAT disposition is for The Almighty to decide, Who is thankfully more merciful and just than humans tend to be…

  13. The media is gonna be in a spot soon. They dont want vigilantism/self defense with a firearm being promoted very much im sure.

    And I doubt any media will retract their initial stories that clearly left out more than half the story

    • darcydodo…500,000 rounds for Cabelas is like a box of 20 to me. 500,000 rds is 500 customers @ 1000 rds each…Have you ever seen the lines for ammo at Cabalas? Chill out drama queen….All you have to go on is speculation.

      • “Chill out drama queen….”

        Take your own advice, you miserable old biddy… 😉

    • Oh you found a new spam copy pasta well still victims of a crime committed by criminals so what is your point?

    • Gasp!

      News flash! Shop lifting is a crime, crime happens – dacian surprised and shocked!

      “Cabela’s loses 500,000 rounds of ammo through theft which might have been an inside theft sold to drug dealers.”

      hmmm…. dacian, no where in your provided link can I find anything that indicates or says “might have been an INSIDE theft sold to drug dealers.”

      It says this:

      “Investigators believe a substantial portion of it was sold to drug dealers and other criminals in Delaware and Pennsylvania.”

      It doesn’t say anything about it being an inside job (“an INSIDE theft “) like you imply.

      Can’t resist can ya, even when you have a link to something you simply can not resist adding a bias slant that’s just a lie of confirmation bias.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, You are good at one thing. You are great at speculation. As are these so called “investigators.” Good investigators don’t speculate. they look for facts.

  14. USA will not put out a retraction. I would be surpriesed if they even reported on it. Useless News doesn’t care about the truth unless it helps their agenda

  15. He did what any good son would do! Good for him and EFF the stupid cops! At least the D A had good sense!

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