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Cop Fires on Cops After Cops Respond to Shots Fired Domestic Abuse Report

Back in 1991, researcher L.B. Johnson studied domestic violence amongst police officers. Johnson found that 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, as compared to 10 percent of the general population. Regardless of the rate, domestic violence by LEOs is often swept under the rug. Even after a conviction, some 50 percent of abusive cops keep their job. The media’s silent complicity is abhorrent. “Drunk officer gets shot in gun battle with fellow officers” the YouTube headline proclaims, downplaying the domestic abuse component. Was the officer in question jailed for domestic violence and assaulting his brother officers? Nope. But he was suspended without pay. For now. And so it goes . . .

35 thoughts on “Cop Fires on Cops After Cops Respond to Shots Fired Domestic Abuse Report”

    • Apparently, according to Federal law, 40% of cops shouldn’t have any access to firearms.

    • Beat me to it.
      Johnson found that 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, as compared to 10 percent of the general population.
      Yes, LEOs are the only ones who should have guns because they are so vetted and responsible.
      You really have to wonder about just how credible the police reports are of cops performing justifiable civilian shootings….

  1. “The officer in question was simply firing an ‘everything is OK’ shot to let his fellow officers know everything in fact was, OK.”


      (yell in your best Homer Simpson impression, punctuated by gunfire)

  2. He was drunk so it wasn’t his fault. That’s how it works right? In all seriousness, I’m surprised we haven’t seen more of a push from the left in regards to letting people off the hook for being drunk or high. Seems like their MO.

  3. There is an obvious solution to the problem of unfit police officers costing no more money or man-hours and immediately deployable without disruption: anyone who makes all the correct life choices to eventually become a police officer, shows up to Police Academy the first day is then told they are now unfit to be a police officer.

  4. I guess when your normal conflict resolution strategies involve beating people who talk back to you, and shooting anyone who would stop you….

    Basically he just forgot he wasn’t on duty at that moment.

  5. “Even after a conviction 50 percent of abusive cops keep their job.”

    BS when convinced of domestic abuse/assault

    True if plead down to a lessor misdamenor but not classified as domestic assault.

    It all in the wording and classification of the charge along with state laws. Notice it says convicted, but not specifics, did the get convicted of disorderly conduct, simple assault, traffic ticket, ect. Instead of the wording “DOMESTIC” being in the actual charge convicted of.

    Texas prohibits Class A (and I think B) misdamenor convicted offenders from being licensed as peace officers.

    According to the laughtenberg act domestic violence is the one thing which even the military can’t waive. Felonies can be waived and felon troops can be armed in combat overseas. (Not sure how they train)

    • Because they are government employees, we can’t allow them to be convicted of any crime that would prevent them from doing their very important jobs.

      If they were mere taxpayers, well, screw those guys, who cares if they become unemployable.

      • There are standards, for hiring, ie they can’t have been convicted of crime above a certain level.

        Generally they loose their peace officers license when convicted of those crimes after the are hired.

        Understand as I said above, arrested a and convicted/plead down to crime b are common. Not just with police. It is the norm for most citizens, otherwise the courts would be backed up, indefinitely.

        Also (using Texas standards for simplicity but verbiage varries by state) Class C misdamenor is the same as a traffic ticket.

        Are you advocating they loose their job if convicted of the equivalent of a traffic ticket?

        I’m not excusing domestic violence, are any real crime (felonies/ some misdamenors) by police. I despise dishonest police more than any one, after 20 years in law enforcement. I know several other officers who, rightfully, went to prison and or lost their jobs for drugs, child molestation, grand larceny, dui, ect. But the law works(or not) for all fairly equally. The single differing factor is private attorney(majority of charges reduced), vs public defender(your screwed). The system is flawed, but then you also need to complain about every case which is charged differently than the original arrested and every plea bargain.

        Remember this is a biased story, just the same as the ones which quote firearms are evil stats, and look at it with a grain of salt. And mabey consider how many vindictive significant others fabricate domestic violence charges too.

        • I am not trying to make excuses for the officer I. The video.

          Just saying the numbers quoted are not right.

        • You know cops who went to jail for drugs or DWI? Sure you do. Killed a busload of nuns, while running 100 kilos of Peruvian flake? Because that’s what it normally takes to put a cop in jail.

          Drunk cops routinely drive drunk, are let go, until they hit someone. Hopefully they don’t kill anyone, but you know, ‘professional courtesy’ makes it a requirement. Even if they kill someone, worst that happens is they get canned and do some probation.

          126 MPH, no siren, while talking and texting on the laptop, on a heavily traveled stretch, on Black Friday, to an accident he was notified he wasn’t needed at. With two previous on duty vehicular incidents – one of which was a $1.7MM settlement.

          That’s what routinely happens to cops who break the law so often they get caught, and it can no longer be covered up.

        • “I despise dishonest police more than any one, after 20 years in law enforcement . . .”

          I worked with good cops in our college’s CJ program and, to a man, they all shared your disgust at having to work with bad cops. They did this year, after year, after year. The same stories of bad cops doing the the same kind of incompetent, incredibly stupid things. Across the nation, good cops are seldom in a position to get rid of bad cops who are protected by their unions, local political elites, other bad cops, and police culture itself. Good cops do the best they can but they work in a police culture that is often so dysfunctional that just complaining about bad cops is a career killer. Even when you have some administrative stroke trying to effect meaningful change in a bad department is dangerous and almost impossible. I’ve come to believe that the problem of bad cops can’t be solved.

        • You know a good way for cops to police their own and clean up their image, fix the 1% of bad cops make 99% of good cops look bad? Fuck the union. Fuck the Chief, fuck cronyism.

          Have a Blanket party.

          A few good cops grab Mr. Jackbooted ‘Roid Rage cop and beat his blanket covered ass with a masterlock wrapped in a towel.

          That shit gets sorted out real quick.

          Clean your house. Clean it now.

      • That is pure B.S. FEDUp. I have seen officers dragged down by their wife because they know how to “play the game” and say the right things. At my agency, a domestic call to your home is like the kiss of death. It goes into your file, hurts chances of promotion and becomes public record……..just in time for the media to demand it if you are named in a frivolous law suit or otherwise. My agency requests an outside agency to investigate domestics for our sworn personnel and if you’re convicted of anything that prohibits your possession of a firearm…you’re done period. Most non-LEO types never understand this and feed on myths of the “Blue Line”……Domestic abuse is NOT tolerated.

        • That’s not just cops, though.

          Until Americans grow the heck up and stop listening to pointless “domestic violence” complaints from women who by the very act of being able to make a phone call about the matter, demonstrate their ability to just leave; that whole “crime” is complete nonsense. Just another way for slimy lawyers and apparatchiks to stick their grubby fingers into matters they have no business being involved in whatsoever. Not that I doubt there are some actual serious cases that do warrant intervention. But those are being so thoroughly drowned out by attention seeking nonsense, that simply not caring whatsoever would be a net win over what we have today.

        • At least one person seem to know what I’m talking about.

          Funny how this conversation echos of all the anti-gun comments and stories.

  6. If this drunken thug can shoot at cops without going to jail (or to the morgue with a sheet over his face), then there is no such thing as equal treatment under the law in this formerly great nation.

    • He was shot and taken to hospital in serious condition. That’s pretty normal for people who have been shot. The nice thing is that when at the hospital, the limitation of length you can hold a person in custody while preparing for indictment/charges/investigation are suspended. Take the few extra minutes and get all the evidence and reports right; this guy is going to jail, no doubt. Two cops shot another cop trying to kill them. There is no love for this a-hole. His chief is already making appearances saying he’s done.

  7. I have known this since the 80’s. BTW: did you catch the news reader saying; “they responded to a domestic vio, domestic incident”, he did not want to state domestic violence incident

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