Cops Can’t Shoot for You Know What

“Three Philadelphia police officers opened fire Saturday evening in Frankford and critically wounded a man after he appeared to pull a handgun.” reports. While bloggers like Mikeb302000 worry about cops shooting unarmed civilians, I reckon police aren’t trigger-happy thugs. But I am concerned about their marksmanship. “When Williams pulled out his weapon . . . all three officers ordered him to drop it, and fired 10 rounds when he failed to do so. Williams, 29, of the 2000 block of Lardner Street, was struck in the left shoulder by a single bullet and fell to the ground.” Nine misses from three trained officers who knew the perp was tooled-up. Cops who had at least a second or two to aim. Makes you think.

2 thoughts on “Cops Can’t Shoot for You Know What”

  1. I remember when I took my CCW course. The man’s name was Russ and he had 25+ years of law enforcement experience (everything from a guard shack sniper at a max security prison, to assisting the DEA on drug raids!). Russ is a regular RO at the indoor range that I go to and is a WORLD of knowledge. Russ told me that on average, officers (not SWAT or similar task forces) only train 3 or 4 times per years, with 2 of those times being their actual "qualification shoot". There are a few SWAT guys from the local chapters that come to Tuesday Night Steel and shoot occasionally. They also admit that they don't shoot as much as they would like, but admitted that they get to shot at least 3 times a month.

    I guess that shirt that I bought that reads "I carry a gun because cops are too heavy" should read "I carry a gun because cops can't shoot for sh*t!".

  2. I’ve trained for years..about 500 rounds a week..When ammo got out of sight I bought a BB or Pellet Gun..The pump up crossman was accurate enough to hit an aspirn at 10 paces..Due to an injury I became almost blind in my close site eye.. I shoot with BOTH eyes open..I lost a lot of my accuracy and speed..To keep up my training (I’m 74 now) I bought a kids toy the one that shoots the plastic Beads..Air Soft gun.. I also bought a Co2 BB pistol that holds 16 or 17 bbs..It allows me to shoot rapidly and consecutively..I still shoot a Mark 2 Ruger and my 9..But not as often..After several years of wrangline and Trump in office the VA finally paid a real eye doctor and 3 surgeries later I see very well and my training has kept me sharp for my age. Not long ago I had a young man block the road for reasons I’ll never know and there was almost a fight..He saw my style and realized I was not ‘That” ole man and he got back in his Van and drove peacefully away..I prefere open carry because sometimes just the sight of a proper weapon and the calm gaze of a well trained ( was a Police officer, plus military and corrections officee) confident person is enough to peacefully end the situation.. I guess maybe 4 times i’ve used just the sight of my weapon to stop an attacker. NEVER once DID I say anything to insite or upset them as they turned away to leave.. I kept silent because to insult one might cause him to return back to fight mode..Often people need only see the Rattles of a Snake and walk away..I try to never upset or anger anyone.. I carry but I pray that I’ll not need to use it..Aggorant smart arses that carry can cause a gun fight that should not have ever happened..Responsible, level headed people should carry..We have a lot of hot heads that play into the hands of the Gun grabbers.. If all of us practice wisdom just maybe we can all be safe..Gracias at te.

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