Mass killer Anders Bevik (courtesy

“Anders Breivik took Norwegian authorities to court in March,” reports, “accusing them of exposing him to inhuman, degrading treatment or punishment in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights. He protested his isolation from other inmates and from outsiders who are not professionals.” You may remember that Breivik as the madman who dressed as a police officer as he shot and murdered 69 people at a Workers’ Youth League (AUF) summer camp on the island of Utøya. After killing eight with a bomb in Oslo. Apparently, prison life isn’t good enough for Breivik. The court ruled that . . .

“The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment represents a fundamental value in a democratic society. This applies no matter what – also in the treatment of terrorists and killers,” judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic said in her ruling.

The verdict said the Norwegian state had broken Article 3 of the convention, pointing to the fact that Breivik is spending 22 to 23 hours a day alone in his cell.

“It’s a completely locked world with very little human contact,” it said, adding that there had been no attempt to ease the security “even though Breivik has behaved in an exemplary manner during his time in prison”.

His isolation is “an inhuman treatment” of him in the meaning of the European convention, it said, noting that all his visits, except for his mother who died in 2013, are from professionals, and only and through a glass wall.

The wall must be seen as a “completely exaggerated security measure,” said the verdict.

While I’m against the death penalty — I don’t want the state getting into the business of killing people — it’s hard to sympathize with Breivik’s treatment in jail. Which must be doubly true for friends and families of his victims — and anyone else connected to the innocent lives taken and ruined by someone who’s shown no remorse for his crimes.


      • Doubtless those young socialists would have voted in favor of imprisoning all of us for our proclivity to exercise our god-given rights.

        The world is full of monsters–men who do things you or I might not have the stomach to do. We might not be able to condone methods like Brievik’s (yet), but don’t spend any extra effort abusing the enemy of the enemy.

        • This, I do not feel bad at the fact he killed leftist as they have done far worse. To me leftist are not human and really do not deserve to live among us as they are an eternal threat against us, our rights, wealth,, liberty, future and that of our posterity.

        • One of the nicest guys I knew in the army actually “talked” with God every evening. And God talked to him as well. He was one of the most frightening people I have every met. You Henry Bowman, would join his ranks.

        • I mean, I wouldn’t leave my kids with guy. BUT…

          there are not enough of him to pose a danger to us. There are Millions upon Millions of socialists/pseudosocialist communists, and the mass graves found on every continent now herald the things these statists DO when left to their own devices.

          Breivik is no threat to me or mine. The ideology worshiped by those he killed–this threat cannot be overstated.

          Look, it’s a complicated issue for us to think about–kinda like how abortion thinning the ranks of criminals and Democrats, yet many of us still oppose it, to our ultimate self-destruction.

          At end of the day, we don’t have to life Breivik, we don’t have to talk about Breivik, but I am not going to rant and rail that death is too good for him when he butchered people who want to imprison us for exercising god-given rights.

          The socialists are the statists and the enemy. Breivik is the nutjob. His aggression was directed at the equivalent of a Hitler youth camp for upcoming socialists. We got lucky it wasn’t a church group. Move on.

        • …I am not going to rant and rail that death is too good for him when he butchered people who want to imprison us for exercising god-given rights.

          The socialists are the statists and the enemy. Breivik is the nutjob.

          “Nutjobs” like him do incalculable damage to the cause of freedom. They provide excuses for people you term “the enemy” to take peoples’ rights away.

          Furthermore, the vast majority of those people who were killed on that island were not “the enemy,” they were civilized young men and women who simply held beliefs you disagree with. I cannot stomach anything that even hints of eliminationist rhetoric or which in any way minimizes what Brevik did.

          He’s fully deserving of the death penalty. He’s guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.

        • @cloudbuster

          Hitler Youth were definitely “civilized young people who held views I disagree with” as well. So was every 17 year old Soviet sent to the front. Tyrants never bleed for their own cause, and killing their footsoldiers is an unfortunate curse that this world forces upon those who would take the initiative to survive and prosper.

          This WWII vet nails it on the head and shows why wars suck. It isn’t Hitler or Stalin you have to kill. You have to wade through the blood of everyone they will ply against you.

          You’re mistaken in thinking I hate those children, but I’m also not stupid enough to think that they act and think in a vacuum. They will vote people into office. Those people will advance their statist agenda at your cost. Germans with the same point of view as those little dead idiots elect bureaucrats who demanded that the Cologne Rapes report was suppressed.

          Nothing happens in a vacuum, and your weakness and tender spot for your enemy’s tools will lead to untold suffering passed what was necessary had you acted in a prompt manner, and acted with a spine.

          This is why Churchill is a name we admire, and Chamberlain is a joke.

        • Also, our cause is not any more damaged by Breivik than the Jews were damaged by the Reichstag Fire. You are damaged by what you ALLOW your antagonists to say without immediate lethal consequences.

          The Allahu Akbar crowd has suppressed conversation about the abuse and mutilation of women and female children. This isn’t because theirs is a noble cause, but because leftists, the media, and socialists are cowards.

          The Islamists have given us a valuable lesson about how those idiots at MSNBC can be controlled, and their lies curtailed. Of course, I would have preferred that you just have read Jefferson. When he spoke of “the blood of patriots and tyrants” he wasn’t suggesting talking them to death.

      • I agree with my mother, who calls people like this extraterrestrials — terrestrials who are extra, i.e. unneeded. But the only just and rational place for the death penalty is at the hands of an intended victim engaging in self-defense, so we need another solution.

        If Mars were made like earth, people could live there. I propose we send a robot mission to build minimal shelter on Mars, and then start sending guys like this there to work on making it like Earth. If they succeed, great — and if they happen to die there, they still succeed, because they’ll be a tiny bit of earth on Mars. Eventually, we get a new place for people to live, by the noble efforts — dead or alive — of killers and other sociopaths striving to redeem themselves.

        • And maybe we should shoot all dangerous waste into the Sun. Do you have idea how much it costs to get people up to the orbit and then all the way to Mars?

          Only 12 astronauts walked on the Moon. If we wanted to get there today, sorry can’t do. Sad that it was possible in the sixties but not today – since retirement of Saturn V we don’t have anything capable of getting us there. And Moon is in our back yard compared to Mars.

    • Mistreating Brevik isn’t going to bring the victims back or do anything for them. He’s there to be kept away from society, not to be somehow reformed. I agree that he should be given the bare minimum existence considered humane, but he should not be kept in a cell for more than 22 hours a day.

        • He got like 20 years for killing 77 people and injuring over 300. What a stupid country. While I do have a small problem with the idea of a Government killing its citizens, I’m fairly certain I would have zero problem with someone, anyone, Government sanctioned or otherwise, ending this lunatic.

        • No, he WON’T, Brainwash.

          His sentence was for 20 years indeterminate, meaning, in 20 years they look at his his case again.

          He will NEVER walk free again.

    • Breivik, the monster, is an intellegent monster. He researched this and knew the steps he would take in advance. Norway has been committing suicide for decades. He is just holding them to their own insane rules, and pointing out the absurdity of it.

      A monster, but not a stupid monster. If the U.S. had been lead by the equivalent of Norway’s leaders today, we would all be speaking German, or Japanese.

    • What about the “rights” of patriotic Norwegians who are forced under penalty of prosecution and imprisonment to aid in the destruction of their own nation through “multiculturalism” and “Islamization”? Don’t native Norwegians have rights too?

  1. Too bad one of his victims didn’t have dual citizenship in ooo say….Iran.

    They could extradite and I’m sure the accommodations would have been more to his liking.

    • He would have had plenty of visitations in an un-professional manner. And there wouldn’t have been a glass wall to protect him, I mean them from him.

      There would be stones, though.

  2. I don’t want the state to get in the business of torturing people, either. Is what he’s being subject to torture? Hard call, it’s a difficult question to answer.


    • Having seen actual victims of Saddam’s torture in Iraq… No, this is not even close. Neither is the glorified health club down at GITMO.

    • I suspect that a lot mental health professionals would say that solitary confinement for 22 or 23 hours a day with your only human contact through a slot in the door or a small glass window is inhumane. Even just the obvious mental health issues that could crop up are pretty bad: anxiety, depression. I’m sure we’ve all dealt with those issues at some point in our lives, but we could come and go as we pleased and had human and social interaction to help us through it, even if we didn’t seek therapy and/or medication to treat it. I’m sure the psychological damage of solitary can be pretty tremendous over even a short period of time. That to me sounds like torture, not punishment, for a crime.

    • You use that word “Torture”… I do not think it means what you think it means.

      Search (VERY, VERY NSFW) for “Torture”. THAT is TORTURE.

      What we are talking about here is DISCOMFORT. Its only “torture” in special-snowflake-ese where anything that even hurts someone’s feelings is called “Murder” or “torture” or “Rape” or some other horribly mis-used term.

  3. “While I’m against the death penalty — I don’t want the state getting into the business of killing people”. That’s why we have a jury. If convicted of the crime by the jury, if the punishment of said conviction is death then let the jury decide. This scum completed one of the most violent acts in history, he deserves worse.

    • The problem is that juries are generally stupid and easily misled. There have been enough exonerations in the years since DNA analysis became possible to make me question how well the court system works in capital cases. I used to be a proponent of the death penalty, and still would be, except the observation that government has proven itself incompetent in almost every other area of endeavor makes me skeptical that the “justice” system would be the one place where they would excel.

      • For all of the reasons that you stated, I would only support the death penalty in cases where the evidence was incontrovertible. An example would be 7 or more witnesses testify (under oath) to having seen (at very close range, in bright light, with full portrait view) the defendant murder someone … in addition to having physical evidence that proves the defendant was there and inflicted trauma on the victim. Otherwise, no.

  4. Well, over here we would put him in general population where he would soon learn what torture and terrorism are really like, before his timely death with a shiv.

    • With so many victims it would only be a matter of time before someone paid a lifer to do him. Plenty of cons have families who need a few bucks. I bet it would be cheap.

      • I don’t think they have ‘lifers’ in Europe. Breivik only got 21 years for killing 77 people. Could be out in 10.

        On 24 August 2012, Oslo District Court delivered its verdict, finding Breivik sane – and guilty of murdering 77 people. He was sentenced to 21 years in prison, in a form of preventive detention that required a minimum of 10 years incarceration and the possibility of one or more extensions thereof for as long as he is deemed a danger to society. This is the maximum penalty in Norway.[25] –

        • And to think, many of the people in here would be in favor of restoring his firearm rights after those ten years. After all, he will have been released from prison. Debt paid, rights restored, they argue.

          They get a little quiet when, though, asked whether they’re open to a halfway house or parole office being set up in their neighborhood. Curious, that.

        • I suspect his actions were inconceivable to the sentencing planners. That being said, the way is clear for extensions of he is deemed to still be a threat (which I suspect he will be labeled).

          That being said, it speaks volumes about the Norwegians that they will not allow the actions of one man to fundamentally alter what they consider right. That is something we in the US could stand to learn.

        • “And to think, many of the people in here would be in favor of restoring his firearm rights after those ten years.”

          Um, no. I do believe that when you have served your sentence and been released back into society you should have all rights restored. But this would also include far harsher sentences for violent criminals, and an end to this parole and early release idiocy.

          This seems to be the perfect example of someone who should never be allowed back into society. Restoration of his gun rights is not a question.

        • ‘And to think, many of the people in here would be in favor of restoring his firearm rights after those ten years.’

          Yep, after 10 years dead in the grave I’d have no problem with giving him back his firearms. They can dig down and toss them right on top of his casket. Of course if they let him out of jail after 10 years he’s free to acquire arms whether the state says it’s OK or not.

        • They can indefinitely imprison you in Norway – their sentencing is just different. He will have something similar to our parole hearing and they will give him another ten, and another ten, and so on.

        • Words… they are all gone. I have no words… Wow.

          Its like Chicago all over again.. catch a release. Catch and release. Catch and release.

          I’m guessing someone who commits genocide would get 10 years and a stern talking to.

        • So, in 10 years he stands in front of a newly appointed judge of the new European Islamo state. Wonder how his rights will be respected then?

        • I think you’re right NDS, as long as the gubmint deems him a threat to society they can keep him locked up. In practice it will be like Charles Manson’s parole hearings. Still, if your looking for a lifer to take him out, anyone who only killed one or two people have a reasonable expectation of getting out after a decade or two, so it might be hard to find someone willing to do it.

        • Katy and NDS are right.

          This was hashed out, years ago. When his ‘hearing’ comes up, he will be deemed not safe for society. That will happen again and again, until he is dead. The families of the dead will not allow him to be released.

    • As the saying goes, “anybody can get got”, even convicts in “segregation”. Ask Jeffrey Dahmer and Father Geoghan.

      Maybe this piece of crap WANTS to get whacked in prison.

    • That may be the solution here: he complains of isolation, everybody agrees it’s inhumane, so they put him in with the general population. The general population inmates obligingly kill him, everybody takes a moment to wag a finger at the system for failing to protect him, then it’s back to business as usual.

  5. There are places for people to live who are against the Death Penalty.
    They are called Kalifornia & Europe.

    • There are also places for people to live who love the death penalty: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chad, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Somalia, Jubaland, South Sudan, Sudan, Taiwan, UAE, Viet Nam and Yemen. Real garden spots of the world.

        • I have sympathy for many killers depending on who and why they killed. I have no sympathy for murderers, however, and don’t know why you would think that I did.

        • You don’t need to have sympathy for killers to oppose death penalty. You only need to understand that humans aren’t perfect (or even particularly good) at conclusively determining guilt in many cases, and then have sympathy for those who are accused of murder, but are actually innocent.

      • Silly strawman argument Kevin.

        People who support the death penalty for murderers such as Brevik do not “love the death penalty”. They love people, and therefore, they care about justice.

        You saying we “love the death penalty” would be like me saying “you love the murderous actions of Brevik”. Of course that is an absurd falsehood. We simply disagree about the proper method of dealing with crime.

        Places with the death penalty that were pretty good societies include the US, Canada, basically all of Europe 100 years ago (before they embraced Marxism and Progressivism).

        Besides that, the USA and Japan are pretty great places to live overall.

        • Yes, we just disagree, and that’s fine. This is an issue where intelligent and reasonable people can hold opposite views.

          I’m good with throwing murders in prison forever. From a practical standpoint, it’s cheaper than going through the legal hurdles of trying to execute them. I personally think that sending them to live in a little concrete box 23 hours per day with only their thoughts for company is a more fitting punishment than a quick and painless end.

          Most importantly, I believe that “life” better reflects the sanctity of human life, even for those who don’t deserve it. I believe that by not invoking the death penalty, even for people who clearly, obviously have earned it, we demonstrate an essential moral high ground that is valuable to society as a whole.

          Again, reasonable minds can disagree.

        • It’s only expensive to run through the legal hurdles because amoral leftists with no sense of justice make it expensive.

          3 months of prison for each victim. .

          That is the warped view of justice when the Left is in control.

        • The “warped view of Justice” doesn’t piecemeal justice per victim. It recognizes a crime against society, and punishes accordingly.

          In this case, the action exceeded anything that could be imagined by the framers of Norwegian sentencing policy, and caused it to max out, which is a misnomer since the sentence is reevaluated. Do you think the framers wish they had envisioned this crime? Do you think the framers wish they lived in a society that could envision this crime?

          They had created a set of laws and they held firm to those laws – not giving in to emotion. That’s something in which both the armchair criminologists and the not-good-BLM folks could use an education.

          As for the death penalty, my view had this happened in the US would have been the death penalty, but only because there was clear and obvious proof. For the vast majority of capital convictions, I do not believe we reach that nearly insurmountable standard.

        • In this case, the action exceeded anything that could be imagined by the framers of Norwegian sentencing policy,

          The stupidity of the Left knows no bounds. Like I said only people with warped brains think that mass murder is a thing of the past. The Left live in a world of unicorns and imaginary safe spaces.

  6. Breivik should be dropped off in Cologne with a paperclip, piece of string, and a flexible straw. Within 24 hours there wouldn’t be a rapefugee left. For every country he de-kebabs Norway could afford him one more prison luxury.

  7. I’ve seen photos of his “cell”. It’s nicer than most of my friends’ apartments. Breivik deserves far less than he’s been afforded. People like him are exactly what capital punishment is for.

  8. Death penalty solves the problem of holding someone in “inhuman conditions”. And if we vote Hillary, we can expect this sort of thing here.

  9. Ah yes- another Quisling. This time it’s a court. Let’s not forget this unrepentant monster mostly murdered teens. He needs some Islamic justice he railed against…

    • He beat the islamists’ takeover of the courts by a few decades.

      Norway is s rich country. They can afford to house the occasional crazy that pops up over there for life. Whatever life may mean to Norwegians. No point messing around with death penalties, the way there is in poorer, less stable countries.

      The US could learn a bit from them as well. All “death penalty” is over here, is a more morbid version of the cheesy ritual of dressing up in fringe like if going to a costume ball, in order to take one’s motorbike out for a ride: Childish symbolism with little to no practical effect.

      Death penalties work well when employed cheaply and liberally, which is only really politically possible in poorer countries, where the prison system can’t afford to safeguard prisoners. Think Afghanistan, perhaps Colombia., and the US in the frontier days.

  10. This is why I’m in favor of the death penalty.

    First you claim that the death penalty violates the “rights” of someone, even when there’s NO doubt that they’re guilty.

    Then you claim that life in prison without the possibility of parole violates their “rights”.

    Then you claim that solitary confinement violates their “rights”.

    At what point do you decide that imprisoning them AT ALL violates their “rights”?

    This, like mass immigration without controls is national suicide.

    Do Europeans (and leftist Americans) really believe that the self-loathing of a decadent elite imposes upon them a duty to die?

    • ^^^THIS.
      People in this discussion sound just like the rabid anti-hunting crowd. They think that because the idea of something (or someone) being killed is personally repulsive, that it must be morally wrong.

      Nothing could be further from the truth. All lawful societies hinges on the concept of Authority – and that authority has the power (after due process) to strip someone of their natural rights as a consequence for doing harm to others – UP TO AND INCLUDING ENDING THEIR LIFE.

      People who argue otherwise are typically not doing so because they love life (this man’s victims – past and future – have lives). They are doing so because they can’t stomach the ACT of causing pain and ending life, regardless of how necessary it may be.

  11. Granted I’ve never been to prison but I’ve always felt the “inhuman treatment” would come from being in with the general population.

    People are assholes and I use the majority of my time outside of prison avoiding them at all costs. Forcefully being dumped into what amounts to a low-income housing complex with a bunch of violent nuts and retards seems like a nightmare.

    Give me a cot a toilet and some books.

  12. Tell this assclown tough tiddy. Murdering those kids was his own death sentence. Someone should’ve shot him in the face at point blank at the time he did it.

    I read the article in GQ about this slaughter. It made me sick to my stomach. He consciously premeditated killing all of them in cold blood. He raised his pistol & shot a girl at point blank in the face because of the shirt she was wearing.

    May you rot in hell you scumbag POS!!!

    • Sadly your “feelies” of an argument is impaired by your source. But yes, this turd deserves to be flushed.

  13. I don’t want the state getting into the business of killing people

    It already is in the business of killing people. If it wasn’t in the business of killing people, there would be no state. The whole government — every government — is based on force, including the power to destroy, damage or kill.

    The Founders understood this and created the Bill of Rights. It took 200 years for the politicians to figure out that the BoR is just a piece of paper.

    • Less than 200 years, but it only took a handful of years before politicians were trying to write laws to skirt that same paper.

    • “The whole government — every government — is based on force, including the power to destroy, damage or kill.”

      That’s the EXACT mindset all Chinese people have. I stayed there for 10 years in a row, every single one of those little slaves thinks this is the right way a govt should be – big, forceful, oppressing and unrelenting to the people who pay for it.

      Yes it’s a correct, factual statement for the most part and it applies to the US as well.

      But that doesnt make it right. A govt is meant to be a minimalistic organ serving the citizenry’s needs that cannot be achieved privately. That’s it.

      • “But that doesnt make it right. A govt is meant to be a minimalistic organ serving the citizenry’s needs that cannot be achieved privately. That’s it.”

        And one of those “needs” is the need to deal with “people” like the aforementioned animal, something the Norwegian legal system is incapable of or unwilling to do.

        Whenever somebody tells me we don’t need the death penalty, I point to Europe and cases like this one. There’s always a clique eager to serve as OHSA for robbers, rapists and murderers, even mass murderers. If one of his intended victims had killed him in self-defense, ESPECIALLY with a gun, the rage which they DON’T direct at him, would be directed toward the one who ended the killing.

        • Michael Dukakis is an excellent example.

          He vetoed a bill that would deny furloughs for prisoners sentenced to life without parole, contending that “the bill would ‘cut the heart out of efforts at inmate rehabilitation.'”

          He managed to blow a double-digit lead over a weak presidential nominee because of it.

    • Yet it only takes a generation or two of weak kneed bleeding heart citizens to cheapen
      the punishment portion of “Crime & Punishment.”

    • Jefferson figured out the BoR was just paper, and it haunted him as he shat on it himself.

  14. I read this site all the time and really appreciate it.

    But why is this on here? Yes, Breivik used a rifle. So? He also used a computer to gather info on the target and spew his hateful garbage.

    • I don’t like the non firearm political articles here. Please stop, Farago. Let’s focus on why we are all here. Firearms is an important enough issue, why do this? Thanks.

  15. You know, the truth of this it he actually never murdered anyone.

    President Sparklefarts has assured all of us that mass shootings only happen here in America.

  16. Anyone who commits a crime such as this is no longer human in my eyes, and therefore does not have the same right to life and the pursuit of happiness everyone else deserves. Those family members will never get to see their loved ones again, what about their mental well being? In my opinion he’s no different then a rabid dog, and there is only one cure for that. There is no such thing as right or wrong, only what we are willing to put up with in society.

  17. I’m not for the death penalty but only because they rot in jail for 15 years and their is a good chance the person innocent. If he admitted his guilt, take him out back and stab him in the belly with a dull stick. 22 years for murdering all those people, a family member should be out there waiting for him when he gets out.

    • I’m pretty sure if they have established that murder is only worth 3 months in a posh prison, that a family member will gladly off him in exchange for a short vacation.

  18. I understand why you don’t like the death penalty, but that same logic could be applied to any form of punitive punishment handed down by the state. They should be taking your property. They shouldn’t be locking you up. Especially considering that locking you away from everything that we call life forever is not really any different from killing him.

    Anywho I respect your opinion, and agree that it’s hard to sympathize with unrepentant murderers.

    • The difference between imprisonment and death is that imprisonment is reversible. If it should be discovered that a person was, through error or malice, wrongly convicted, you can release him from prison. It’s much harder to do that when they’re dead.

      The fact that exonerations for decades-old crimes are occurring now should reinforce the need for an absolutely ironclad level of proof before a death sentence is carried out. I don’t think we currently have that in a lot of capital cases.

  19. “I don’t want the state getting into the business of killing people”

    Sometimes, I think we can all agree, that there is a turd in the bowl, and that it’s an awful, foul turd; and it needs flushing.

  20. “I understand why you don’t like the death penalty, but that same logic could be applied to any form of punitive punishment handed down by the state.”

    And indeed it has… and in this case. The HAPPINESS of a mass murderer has trumped all in this instance.

  21. Ya’ll all realize this guy will be free in a few years right? The maximum he can serve is 21 years so long as he behaves himself. He’ll be out before he’s 55. Don’t support the death penalty if you want, but realize what liberals do after they win. The attack the next target. Eliminate the death penalty? Life in prison is now cruel and unusual. If that’s what you want, then by all means. But this guy deserves to be in gen pop in a standard American prison. Where he’ll be beaten and raped to death.

    • He will never be released, the families of the dead will not allow it, when his hearing time arrives.

      He is in for life.

    • >> The maximum he can serve is 21 years

      That is not how it works. The maximum that he can serve before the judge will have to re-evaluate his sentencing is 21 years. If the judge still considers him dangerous and/or unrepentant then, he’ll be sentenced for another term. Given what he did, the reality is that he’s in for life – no judge will let that man walk free. But the occasional mandatory review policy is good, because it gives more chances to people who were wrongly convicted to pitch their case.

  22. You realize the great communist league he attacked is pouring jihad into the country to destroy it. Marxist are a death cult. They will kill us the instant they have the opportunity. I do not laud his killing of the communist but in the near future the very organization he attacked will be instrumental in destroying the very country they reside in.

  23. People like Breivik are who the death penalty are meant for. The way the European Court is going, I wouldn’t be surprised if he and others like him have their sentences slashed because of some idiotic concept that prison should not be punishment.

  24. There is such a thing as not just guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” but guilty “beyond a shadow of a doubt.” In this case, for example, there is absolutely zero chance that Brevik is not the killer. I can support the death penalty in such cases.

  25. Awesome! Just unbelievably awesome! How fitting a patriot uses “the Left’s” own rules against THEM and wins? Whether you agree with his actions or not Anders Brevik was correct, Islam and government mandated “multiculturalism” is destroying his storied nation, the home of Vikings. I shed no tears for his so called “victims” they were in fact agitating, confrontational Leftists training for encounters with Israeli Naval and Border Police in an eff

  26. Awesome! Just unbelievably awesome! How fitting a patriot, Norway’s Paul Revere, uses “the Left’s” own rules against THEM and wins?

    Whether you agree with his actions or not Anders Brevik was correct, Islam and his government’s mandated “multiculturalism” is destroying his storied nation, the home of Vikings.

    I shed no tears for Brevik’s so called “victims” they were in fact indoctrinated Marxist/Leninist/Maoist/Trotskyist youth, the successors of the violent RODT (Red) Party. The fact is at that “summer camp” (Leftist bootcamp) they were being schooled in agitation, propaganda, and confrontation in preparation for their upcoming trip to Israel where they had planned to engage in encounters with the IDF, and Israeli Naval and Border Police all in an effort to break the naval blockade, crash the border checkpoints and aid HAMAS in the destruction of the Jewish State.

    • Want to know more about what was really being taught at that “exclusive” (only for the “elites”) “summer camp” (indoctrination center) for the children of powerful and influential Leftists in Norway’s government? Read on:

      See what they had planned for Israel’s security forces, how these “youth” trained to engage in physical confrontations, how they were instructed to grab IDF soldiers rifles in an attempt to become a “victim” of a shooting, one which they could later exploit for political gain in behalf of their HAMAS allies.



    Didn’t he also file a complaint about the Xbox being too old and not the modern Xbox one?

  28. Back on point. The murderer is not in isolation/Segregation/Intensive Management because he is a threat to Staff or oter inmates, the is there because the act he committee is so heinous hewould be assualted or more likely killed by other inmates. Since there is no death penality lhey have no punishment beyond “Life”, if you kill again all they can do is isolate you for awhile. Maybe thats exactily what he wants, a, a shorter ticket. A lot of infamous murders have met the same fate in out prisons.

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