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Cutaway Guns: Obscure Object of Desire? [VIDEO]

I kinda liked the plastic take-apart organs in my biology class. But I wouldn’t want to display one in my kitchen. Or anywhere else in the house, really. As for cutaway guns, meh. Especially gigantic examples that make me feel like I’m four years old (size-wise). As for the smaller cutaway guns . . .

They’re non-firing! Yes, I know: that’s the point. But I don’t keep any guns that I don’t shoot. So there is that.

On the positive side, you can leave these guns around the house without safety concerns and bore newbies to death with technical explanations. You like?

[Click here to view Rock Island Auctions’ catalogue for their next auction. Warning! It’s a black hole-like time suck.]

13 thoughts on “Cutaway Guns: Obscure Object of Desire? [VIDEO]”

  1. hmmm I’ve always wanted one of those to hang on the wall or use for the center piece at Thanksgiving. Then again I’m one of those weird nuts that likes showing that kinda thing off and I’ve always wanted one of those big cutaway engine tables for our dining room.

    • I recently sold an M1919 cutaway for a bit under $2K. Clean, original base, data plate and everything.

      Navy issue, (not) Natty Guard, FWIW.

  2. Neat! I remember a surplus shop back in NC had one of these up on it’s wall. Although it was one based off of the M-16.

  3. Cutaway guns that are one-to-one in dimensions and are created from “real” firearms are still considered firearms under federal law, and require the same procedures for acquisition as “operational” firearms, even though they are non-operational.

  4. They’re too much a reminder of what the ‘gun-grabbers’ would like to do with ours!

    Happy Motoring, Mark

  5. More years ago than I want to admit, I was part of a work detail that was clearing out an old aircraft hanger at the now shut down Philadelphia navy yard. The special services guys were going to convert the hanger into a gym. In one of the small rooms off the main work area we found a cut away Sidewinder air to air missile. The space might have been a classroom at one time. The Sidewinder was very impressive with a professional machining job on the cuts and all of the systems color coded. We had a dumpster outside for the scrap but that neat toy ended up in the trunk of somebody’s Chevy Impala and it went out the gate that afternoon. For the record the somebody wasn’t me. I’d guess that such a thing was a pretty major felony at the time, but sailors will steal just about anything that isn’t welded down particularly when nobody’s watching. I hope the missile found a good home in that somebody’s den or garage.

    • It’s inert ass will get turned in at a gun buyback one day and a dem will show off the ‘weapon of war’ they got off our streets in a news conference.

  6. No thanks. I imagine putting together a plastic model cutaway could be a very educational experience–a way to get to know your gun and how it works inside and out.

    But a cutaway made from a real gun–particularly a classic no longer being manufactured–just makes me nauseous. What a waste of a perfectly good gun!

  7. Not interested. Besides, California would probably put a limit on how many half-rounds you could have in your half-magazine.

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