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CZ Announces the New P-10 M Micro-Compact Concealed Carry 9mm Pistol

From CZ-USA . . .

CZ-USA has announced a new era in concealed carry pistols with the much-anticipated micro-compact P-10 M pistol release. This gun has everything people love about CZ pistols while being engineered explicitly for flawless concealed carry.

The ultra-slick and affordable 9mm P-10 M is sized just right for easy concealability while retaining the famed ergonomics of the full-size P-10 pistol in the ever-expanding line of polymer-framed handguns.

The 3.19-inch barrel is cold hammer-forged and is almost two inches shorter than the largest pistol in the line, the new P-10 F Comp Ready. And while the barrel is only slightly shorter than the barrel on the P-10 C, the new P-10 M is both slimmer and more than 4oz’s lighter than our subcompact P-10S!

CZ P-10 M Micro-Compact 9mm concealed carry Pistol

Weighing in at a featherweight 20.1 ounces, the P-10 M has a capacity of 7+1 rounds in a slim, metal staggered magazine, which contributes to the handgun’s narrow overall width of just one inch.

The first thing most people notice about the P-10 M is its completely smooth appearance. There are no controls or levers on either side of the gun other than the magazine release.

Since self-defense situations can arise at any time or place, the P-10 M comes standard with a set of robust 3-dot sights.

CZ released the first P-10 in 2016 and it has been their flagship defensive pistol since. The P-10 was introduced as a compact pistol first, with the P-10 C, followed by the full-size P-10 F, and then the subcompact P-10 S. Now the P-10 F Comp Ready and the new micro-compact P-10 M join the family of reliable pistols with an option that is perfect for every situation.

The P-10 M is available now with an attractive MSRP of just $499.


CZ-USA P-10 M Specs:
Caliber: 9mm
Capacity: 7+1
Frame: Polymer
Action: Striker-Fired
Sights: Fixed Three-Dot
Barrel: Cold hammer forged
Barrel Length: 3.19”
Height: 4.3”
Width: 1”
Weight: 20.1 oz.
Overall Length: 6.31”
Safety: Trigger safety
MSRP: $499

57 thoughts on “CZ Announces the New P-10 M Micro-Compact Concealed Carry 9mm Pistol”

  1. Well CZ can be added to the list along with Mossberg, FN and Beretta with being late to the single stack micro 9 party.

    • It is a decade late for the single stack micro nine craze. Heck, it is even several years late for the double stack micro nine craze.

    • I know.

      Because Springfield Armory doesn’t sell any 1911s since Colt was first on the scene decades before.

      And Beretta hasn’t sold a single 92 since Glock brought out the 19.

      I keep wondering why anybody bought the Sig 365 as Kel-Tec did it in the 90s with P11.

      Nope … once somebody has built “it”, nobody else should have their own version of “it”.

      Sounds a little silly doesn’t it?

      • No argument on it being silly I just thought it was another Glock iteration from the picture until I started reading. Some design features and dimensions just work and are often reused in varying degrees.

        • And people seem to buy that…… a lot.

          It makes me laugh when someone opines that it has already been done so why did company X do it too.

          There is market for small, polymer pistols that hold 10 rounds or so.

          This CZ may scratch the itch that a p365 or Hellcat did not.

          I would personally be interested in a DA/SA auto in those small dimensions but I’m not sure they can do it. So the few of us will have to wait?

          1st world problems. There are a bevy of good guns out there. Some are more fun than others.

  2. Small is good for concealed carry. My problem with these 1 inch wide guns is my hands don’t fit them well. Makes shooting them well a PITA. Apples and oranges, but I seem to do better with a j frame at self defense ranges.

    Nothing smaller than a compact in a semi auto for me. But that’s why we don’t own just one sidearm. Different situations call for different tools.

  3. This is a non starter given the other micro pistols that hold almost double the rounds and are lighter to boot.

    • Whoops, they released a new Shield/PPS/G43 in a P365/hellcat world! Who is the exec who signed off on this final release? Plus the single stack, low capacity micro 9s all had a $250-350 price vs their larger double stack siblings. This seems like a difficult sell as written. I’m hoping HK doesn’t do the same with their upcoming micro 9; hopefully they have been paying attention.

      • TBH, I’ve never given CZ a look, and likely never will. I have nothing against them, and I know a lot of gun owners sing their praises, but ever since I first heard of CZ long ago, the word “Czechoslovakia” has always come to mind. And that screams low quality to me.

        I know that’s not what it means, but I cannot disassociate them in my mind, so CZ is never on my radar of interest.

        • Nevermind…I just looked it up, and it does mean “Czech” as I originally thought. Shows how little I know about CZ.

          That being said, I still will never own one.

        • One major reason that Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia was that it was one of the largest arms manufacturers in Europe prior to WWII. CZ was established in 1936 specifically because of the threat posed by Hitler Germany. It has been making a clone of the Hi-Power for decades, and many iterations and improvements of that iconic firearm. The first factory was in Moravia, and it was considered one of the most modern and efficient arms factories in Europe–which was one of the reasons Hitler invaded.

  4. So this is where everyone is going. Short-barreled pea shooters with miniscule sight distances. Call me a FUDD, I don’t care, but I wouldn’t trust one of these to guard my life. In a few years the used market will be flooded with these toys.

    • Meh. I understand your intent, but I shoot my 365 as well as my full size guns out to 15 yards or so. At 25 I can see a difference, but I’m still putting all my shots in the A zone.

      This new breed of defensive pistol does the job its intended to do.

      • Give me a .357 magnum 4″ any day of the week. I’m tall enough to conceal it handily. I wear one almost everywhere and haven’t got a second look. Over a dozen years of practice has yielded quick draw times, accurate shots and fast reloading. I guess I’m the biggest Fudd on TTAG.

        IMHO the biggest plus to the micro nines is it attracts more people to shooting and Second Amendment advocacy.

        • You’re only a FUDD if you want to tell others what they can and can’t have. Telling us what works for you does not qualify as FUDD behavior.

          If I could reliably put a second shot anywhere in the vicinity of the target with a 4 inch .357 I would probably carry one. Even after carrying and practicing with a .40 for 11 years my second shot was never where I wanted it. I downsized to 9mm and I can shoot follow up shots with it just fine in any size gun I have tried.

          9mm is where it is at for me. I have a friend a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than me that thinks 10mm is where it’s at. He’s not wrong, he’s just working with different starting material than I am.

          It’s supposed to be a free country, where you can do you and I can do me.

        • While I am a huge fan of the range of options in 357 magnum ballistics it is currently a reloads only caliber in my area with limited options of online ammo orders willing to deliver to NY. Getting good with 9mm in whatever configuration is the current default with 40sw being the next effective/available/’affordable’ option closely followed by 380. Until supply catches up with demand I think 9mm will be my households best option for years to come.

        • Crimson have you ever tried 357 sig in comparison to 40? I found it a lot easier for follow up shots. With that said my above post regarding effective/available/affordable still applies and nothing at all wrong with 9mm (hell even 32acp) if it works right for you.

        • Considering the notion of follow-up shots after the initial:

          Most practice their “follow ups” at the same distance as the first shot. It might be good to consider that if number 1 is somewhere within the 21 feet rule, a follow-up will likely be at least 5 feet closer, and perhaps easier to score with.

          I don’t want to be a part of some sort of street gun battle. If in a barricade/cover situation, any follow-up shot I’d be interested to take would be only if the assailant decided to come to me, especially if I am in some sort of defensible position. The last thing I will consider is one that puts me on the offensive, particularly if the assailant is in some sort of defensible cover.

          Oh, I know if called upon to defend one’s self it’s highly unlikely we will be able to choose the time and place, and instanteous improvisation will likely be necessary. My primary purpose in carrying a (concealed) handgun everywhere, every day, however, is my own personal defense and that of my wife or colleague(s) who may happen to be with me at the time. I don’t give a damn about vengeance at that point, just defense. Practicing follow-ups is a good, perhaps necessary skill, but presnting the gun from the holster, general marksmanship and 1st-shot placement is even more so.

        • If you can and do regularly carry a 4″ .357, more power to you bro👍
          I love my 4″ Ruger Security Six, but have never carried it.
          The S&W 642 and Ruger LCP in the other hand get carried all the time.

    • Well, okay, if you don’t like that style of gun that’s fine.

      But why would you not trust it to, as you say, guard your life? Is it the caliber? Barrel length? Reliability or other fundamental design issues that make it unsafe?

      Because it’s unlikely to do well in long range bullseye competitions?

      Or that you don’t think you would shoot it well enough?

    • Almost sounds like you’ve never even shot any of the new breed of micro double stack guns that can outshoot your 1911 without breaking a sweat?

  5. As I am a fan of CZ’s in general, I was very interested in this pistol a couple of years ago when it was only available in Europe. But now that the standard capacity of micro 9’s is around 10 rounds, not so much. I was hoping the delay was to re-engineer the capacity

    • Exactly what I was assuming. Figured the delay was to reconfigure the grip and magazine to a 10-11 capacity.

  6. The little guns have become homogenized. On the other hand comfy range gripes are one thing but on the street you will hold the weapon, you will point the weapon, you will fire the weapon or you will die.

  7. Just what the world needs, another micro-compact only with less capacity than most of the other ones. The CZ will be a good or great running pistol that will delight the CZ fanboys. But in a micro world of 10, 13, even 15 rounds, this is a non-starter. Good luck CZ, you brought a knife to a gunfight.

    • Wow 14 years late😉 I had a keltec PF9 years ago. 7+1 & much lighter. I still have a truly excellent Taurus 709 Slim-7+1. Smaller & lighter. Both worked(still work well). Blunder seems apt…

      • 26 years late (and lacking capacity, and heavy) compared to the Kel-Ted P11. Not that the P11 is very good

  8. Me:”oh hey look, CZ is making a P365.”
    Me after reading the article for 12 seconds:”oh it’s a Glock 43.”

  9. So, no external slide lock? I assume it has an internal one (it’s unthinkable that a modern day semi automatic pistol wouldn’t have a last round hold open), which would seem to indicate that the only way to manually lock it open would be to insert and empty mag and rack the slide. CZ typically seems to be a pretty well run company but this appears to be a rather obvious swing and miss

    • Absolutely! That’s the first thing I noticed as well. I made the mistake of purchasing a Beretta Nano that would fail to extract. To get the gun going again I’d have to pull the loaded mag out, put an empty mag in, pull the slide back to lock on the empty mag, dig the casing out, pull the empty mag out, put the loaded mag back in, then pull the slide back and let it go to load another round. Having no slide lock is a TERRIBLE idea!

  10. “The first thing most people notice about the P-10 M is its completely smooth appearance. There are no controls or levers on either side of the gun other than the magazine release.”

    This description does not match the picture at all. I see a mag release and with those grip serrations, it doesn’t seem so smooth to me.

    With that…
    This might make a great backup in ankle holsters or maybe a thigh holster for the ladies. I can see it in a belly band maybe.

  11. Very late to the single stack party. Going to have difficult time selling against the micro compacts with 3-4 rounds more and same dimensions.

  12. What we all really need is yet another striker fired micro 9mm. CZ’s real strength is their old, and unfortunately non-patentable, Communist Block design. I’ll stick with their RAMI or 75 Compact series. Instead of playing the game of follow the leader I would like to see truly innovative designs, but it appears to me that there is only one or two, at most, really creative firearms (think John Browning, Mikhail Kalashnikov, or Bill Ruger) designer per generation. The current ultra creative designer is George Kellgren and nobody working at CZ-USA or any other manufacturer. I know KelTec sometimes falls down in the execution, but Kellgren’s designs are the without a doubt the most creative followed by whoever designed the original Kimber K2s.

    • Communist Bloc design?
      The CZ75 straight up ripped off the Browning Hi-Power – and now it dominates USPSA and IPSC competition.

      • I love my mini-CZ-75, the 2075 RAMI.

        And it’s a proper hammer-fired with a decocker for a safety…

  13. Weighing in at a featherweight 20.1 ounces, the P10 M is lighter than other CZ Subcompacts, but it’s still two ounces heavier than a P365 and four ounces heavier than a P938.

  14. The real shame here is that CZ75 magazines work in a Glock 43X – the Shield Arms magazines for those guns (that hold 15 rounds) are literally CZ75 compact magazines with a different magazine release cutout.

    CZ had the opportunity for greatness and squandered it.

    • What?! Perfect … now I just need a solution (grip-wrap?) to fix that grip angle to match my hand/point.

  15. “This gun has everything people love about CZ pistols while being engineered explicitly for flawless concealed carry.”


    I love my CZ 2075 RAMI because a it’s hammer-fired mini CZ-75, so why the fvck would I want a striker-fired plastic-fantastic?

    And it takes standard CZ-75 mags, to boot! 🙂

  16. “This gun has everything people love about CZ pistols”

    Cool! So the slide rides inside the frame rails, and it’s got a traditional SA/DA trigger, plus that old school all-metal balance to it?

    Wait, it’s got none of that?

    So…it’s got everything that people like about Glocks, and all the Glock copies. But it’s none of those. Somehow, that doesn’t sound as exciting.

  17. Pretty good looking pistol to me.

    I’ve never owned a CZ polymer pistol.

    I might get one in trade one day.

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