CZ S2 SS Reflex

New from CZ-USA for 2019 is a line of suppressors covering everything from .22 LR to .300 WinMag. And they’re starting to hit dealer shelves now. I got my hands on the S2 Reflex, designed specifically for 9mm carbines (or “large format pistols”) like CZ’s own Scorpion EVO . . .

The S2 Reflex is available in two flavors: titanium (S2 Ti Reflex) and stainless steel (S2 SS Reflex). Both are identical other than the material from which they’re made and their MSRP. The SS comes in at a competitive $599 and the Ti at a tougher-to-hide-from-the-wife $929.

This S2 SS Reflex has arrived at Silencer Shop for my testing enjoyment — errr, scientific process — and I’ll be able to borrow it shortly.

A “reflex” suppressor / silencer / can means a portion of it goes back over the firearm’s barrel. This section of suppressor is hollow on the inside, of course, and offers increased expansion chamber volume, which often reduces sound volume and backpressure (blowback) without adding length to the barrel.

For this to work on a given firearm, yes, it will require a sufficient amount of clear barrel over which the suppressor can slide. And obviously the diameter of the barrel needs to fit inside of the reflex portion of the can.

Up front is a big hole in the middle where the bullet is supposed to exit. Around it . . . I wasn’t quite sure. Fun aesthetics, maybe?

But then I found the tool in the box. Ahha! So these functional holes allow the suppressor to be tightened or loosened even if it’s run down inside of a handguard and not accessible from the sides. Perfect!

The back side of the tool is ready to accept a socket wrench.

Were I purchasing one of these bad boys I’d have a difficult decision to make. The Ti suppressor costs 55% more than the SS suppressor. But it weighs 37.5% less. That’s 9.6 ounces vs 15.36 ounces. Nothing to sneeze at!

And nearly a pound is not a lightweight 9mm suppressor. Though, on a “pistol caliber carbine” like the Scorpion EVO, the weight isn’t anywhere near as noticeable as on a pistol. And by “pistol” I mean a glock like the CZ P-10 or whatever.

Those ribs on the outside aren’t just for your pleasure; this is a tubeless design with baffles directly welded together and forming the tube itself. Those curves prevent excess material and provide curves instead of corners (stronger, fewer hot spots, etc).

Speaking of strength, CZ-USA’s recommended cleaning procedure, should your 9mm suppressor eventually get gunked up inside, is to put the S2 Reflex on an AR-15 rifle and do a mag dump of .223 through it. Yes, this 9mm suppressor is full-auto rated for 9mm and arguably overbuilt. Sub-gun ready for sure.

Just be aware that if you’re installing a suppressor (or Black Collar Arms’ SCORPITROL trigger) on your Scorpion EVO, CZ acts like they have an ownership stake in Loctite.

Next weekend I’m going on a little Texas hunting trip with CZ and we’ll be shooting 100% suppressed. I’ll have a chance to test their integral and thread-on rimfire cans as well as their centerfire offerings. I’ll take some video, take some pictures, take some notes, take some animals, and report back! Stay tuned . . .


  1. At this point I can’t see myself buying any more mufflers. 41F is a pain in the dick to the point that, combined with the wait time, I no longer see the attraction.

    A couple new pistons for my Osprey and I’ve got the “big 3” handgun calibers covered anyway.

    • Ehhh 41f ain’t no deal with Silencer Shop’s Single Shot trusts. Makes it super freaking easy. The wait though, yeah, there’s the wait.

      • Those trusts negate the entire purpose of my old trust. Either that trust has to be substantially rewritten or I have to kick people off of it which means I should never have gotten it.

        The only question is if I can have everyone else removed, add things to the trust and then have those people re-added to it later.

        Micro trusts serve no real purpose for me because my wife still can’t be left with the gear and inheritance and storage, the reasons I got the first trust in the first place, are right back to being a PITA.

        • None of that is correct.

          The point is to make a trust for a single NFA item. You are the only trustee. When the item is approved and the trust gains possession, you then add whatever trustees you please. Trustees added later are not required to do the fingerprint, photograph, etc process. Beneficiaries, who are people who are not allowed to be in possession of the trust items unless you pass away and they inherit them, do not require the fingerprint and photograph steps under any circumstances (including if you add an item to your existing trust, whereas if you did that now your trustees would have to do new fingerprints, photographs, etc) but they can inherit the items without transfer tax.

          Then, when you buy another NFA item, you do another Single Shot trust and repeat the process. Whereas if you added the new item to an existing trust everybody has to go through all the B.S. all over again.

          AND Silencer Shop keeps your info on file. They print out a fingerprint card for you and your photograph and submit all the paperwork to the ATF. You just DocuSign. Could not be easier and you can buy your suppressor, pay your tax stamp, and complete all of your docs requirements from your couch in five minutes.

        • I know what the point is Jeremy. Do you know exactly how my original trust was constructed, who it has on it, where they live, their ages, situations and why I built it that way?

          I’m not saying this because I like to complain (though at times I am fond of complaining for complaining’s sake). or because I don’t understand the situation. I’m saying it because it’s true. My very specific situation resulted in a very specific trust meant to do very specific things in four different states. That all goes out the fucking window with 41F if I start trying to add new things to that trust.

          At the very least I would have to remove my brother in law from the trust because he currently lives in a state where NFA items are verboden. The fact that the trust is meant to allow him to sell the items without ever possessing them doesn’t matter because the ATF won’t approve a transfer to a trust once they know someone on it is in a prohibited area, the same way they won’t approve a change of address to a location where they know the local laws prohibit the item. His living situation, which they will because they’ll now run a BGC on him, now means nothing can be added to the current trust as long as he’s on it unless he moves out of his current state of residence.

          Yeah, a micro trust, “single shot” or whatever you want to call it gets around that issue and lets me get the item but I still have to deal with all the issues that the original trust was meant to deal with and that can’t be done any more in a legal way.

          The whole rat’s nest that my trust was meant to deal with now comes back anew. I can’t add anything to my current trust without significant modification and if I buy any more NFA items while 41F is in place I have to microtrust them which means the original trust is worthless in regards to the newly acquired item.

          Is it impossible to deal with? No. Is it more money and hassle than I’m willing to put up with for a new toy? Yes, and that’s the whole fucking point of 41F. To be a royal PITA. That’s why it grinds my gears.

          • Right. I mean, the point is that you would leave your existing trust untouched. If you aren’t willing to own a new NFA item though without later adding your brother-in-law to the new trust and you feel like you cannot add him to the new one (despite not requiring anything going to the ATF to do that) even as a beneficiary (who even under 41f do not require any of the checks or docs stuff), then I guess you are SOL. As far as I understand it the new trust should have zero bearing whatsoever on the old trust though (unless you incorporated some really odd language into the first one?) so it’s a fresh decision as to who you do or don’t want on it and in what capacity, etc., and people added later are not subject to bgc nor does it cause any sort of review of other trusts you are connected with.

            There’s gotta be a way!

        • You’re correct that the old trust and the new trust would be separate entities and they do not affect each other. As a legal nicety that works. In reality it causes problems.

          Having multiple cans on the current trust and a can (OK, let’s be honest, more than one) off that trust and legally separate makes things really sticky in terms of identifying what he can legally direct and not direct. As we all know if someone, even a lawyer, makes a mistake and gives my BiL even “theoretical” control over something he’s not legally allowed to possess the ATF is going to start throwing heavy charges at multiple people if they find out about it.

          The point of my trust is basically twofold: Storage options and, in the event of my death, a line of succession for who can keep these things or divest them. The current cans/trust make this simple. A new set of trusts is a PITA to deal with and, in combination with the current trust, makes it much more likely that a federal felony level mistake is made. Especially since there’s no guarantee that the lawyers who get involved know sweet fuck-all about what they’re doing.

          Consider: My BiL moves to another state where suppressors are legal. Nice. But 41F is still in effect. So, I die in a car crash with my wife dying in the same incident. A lawyer doing our estate sees that my brother in law can have a bunch of these cans just shipped to him because he’s on the trust and does so. However, not being a gun guy, the lawyer accidentally sends a can that’s not on my original trust but rather is on a “single shot” trust. Now my brother in law has a serious problem if the ATF finds out about this. He was supposed to get an Osprey but the lawyer sent him a Nomad-30 that was on a “single shot”. An honest mistake but still an NFA violation and a tax evasion charge.

          There is a way to fix this. Quick and simple: repeal 41F.

        • Strych9 – you can get more than one trust. You can copy the current one and remove the names you don’t want for the new trust without affecting the current one. Or you can pay $20 for a new one at Silencer Shop. Colorado doesn’t even require that you file the trust with the government — just get a notary to stamp it. 1 trust per NFA item is simple and easy. The really cool thing that nobody talks about is the resale possibility. For example, if “AAC TiRant46 234242 Trust” is currently in my name, for the right price, I can amend it so you’re on it and I’m not. The trust still owns the silencer, so there’s no need to pay for another stamp or wait a year to do the transfer. Don’t even need to go through a dealer or notify any government agency.

      • Maybe an article on trusts with the semi recent changes the batfers have made? I have a couple form 1 cans and I’d love to have more but I’ll be honest the trust changes have kinda kept me away. I have some budget friendly designs in my head but the new trust process is as clear as mud to me.

        • Life beneficiaries may possess items in the trust.

          A responsible person is one who directs control of the trust (grantors and trustees).

          A beneficiary is not a responsible person.

  2. This looks nice. Although, I have an Omega 9k, which is fairly short and works well. This looks a bit longer than what I would want on the pistol to keep it compact with the PDW style brace.

  3. I’m convinced a suppressed EVO PDW loaded with multiple magazines of 9mm subsonic is every bit as good as a semi-auto shotgun, only smaller. It’s also good to know CZ is offering competitive pricing on suppressors compatible with their firearms and someone is lucky enough to get a chance to field test some soon!
    Looking forward to that next article on suppressed CZ products and the opinions to go with it.

    • Yeah I’m a big fan as well. I carry / bring mine, on occasions when it comes with, in a Blackhawk racquet bag with a mag in it and 3 more in the bag’s front pocket. That’s 120 rounds of 147 grain Federal HST. Accurate, reliable, and very quiet suppressed.

  4. This is super relevant to my interests, and I would have probably jumped all over this a few years ago. But I think I may be canned out at this point.

  5. Haven’t gotten any BFA goodies yet but a SBR Henry Mares leg and 2 cans are on the short list.
    I’ll look into CZ rimfire suppressor when the time comes

  6. Where did you get the tail hook adapter? GHW makes one but it doesn’t look like that!

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